How come I suddenly remembered that time.....

Just when the Green Spider was about to take action against Gagra's past, Gagra's real body suddenly woke up in another world. He pinched his eyebrows tiredly, then hugged his arms and leaned back in the chair, his eyes full of confusion. That past had passed a long time ago, so long that when he recalled it now, some details were already blurred.

But just now, he seemed to have gone through that experience again, which was really strange.

"Captain Shekura, what's wrong? Do you need any help?"

At this moment, a girl who looked full of energy jumped over from the side, tilted her head mischievously, looked at Gagula, and said in an excited tone:

"If you feel tired, I have a relaxation instrument that I just developed. Although it uses the scraps of previous research, the effect is very good... I think."

"No, no."

Although he was called Captain Shekura, Gagula responded calmly. It can be seen that Gagula has managed the identity of Shekura with great care. However, for the enthusiastic invitation of this female team member, or the urgent desire to find an experimental subject, Gagula decisively refused. He stood up and said quite naturally:

"I'm going to the toilet, you guys are busy."

As Gagula stood up, his office and the surrounding environment were also revealed, and the military-like uniform Gagula was wearing at this time, all indicating that he had joined some kind of military organization.

On this Earth, the military organization that Gagula belongs to is also fighting against monsters.

On this Earth, even if we turn back the clock to 2005, the monster disaster at that time had already spread all over the world. In the battle against monsters, humans gradually discovered that the air force had more advantages in the process of attacking compared to the army and navy.

But no matter what kind of military service it is, as long as it fights monsters in the city, the damage caused by the army is often greater than that caused by the monsters. This is quite clear to all organizations or countries.

Therefore, in order to end the battle with monsters as quickly as possible and for the purpose of self-protection, the leaders of various countries soon held in-depth talks and reached a series of treaties, and the Earth Defense Force was established.

And now Gagula's team is called the Monster Response Mecha Force, the full name of which is "Monster Response Special Airborne Mecha Force", abbreviated as "Armory" and "STORAGE", an emergency force established by the Earth Defense Force Japan Branch (GLOBAL ALLIED FORCES JAPAN) to deal with various disasters caused by monsters.

As for why Gagra is here, and why he is now called Captain Snake,

This matter has to start from 2010. At that time, the chief of the Japanese branch of the Earth Defense Force submitted a plan for a [Special Airborne Mecha for Monsters] and established a [Special Airborne Mecha Development Experimental Group]. Deputy Chief Kuriyama was the commander of the group and Ye Hu was the leader of the development experimental group. The general affairs staff was selected by Deputy Chief Kuriyama, and the experimental development staff was selected by Ye Hu.

The next step was to recruit drivers. Since the drivers recruited were not traditional drivers of cars, ships, and airplanes, but drivers of giant bipedal robots, which was an unheard-of profession, Deputy Chief Kuriyama and Ye Hu were very worried about whether anyone would submit resumes for such recruitment.

However, unexpectedly, many people submitted resumes, which made Ye Hu and Kuriyama very happy. However, despite this, since the extremely important special airborne pilots were to be selected, they had to be strictly interviewed next.


Looking at the pile of resumes on the table, Deputy Commander Kuriyama was under great pressure and began to have stomachache. At this time, the sun shone on the table, and a name in the resume caught his eye - Shota Jakura!

Then, Shota Jakura passed the interview of Deputy Commander Kuriyama and Ye Hu and became a member of the special aircraft pilot team.

As various training and affairs proceeded, the time came to August 2013. With a roar, the prototype special aircraft No. 2 [x-2] completed the launch using a rocket booster, and the test pilot was Shota Jakura.

Before that, a major accident had occurred in the test drive of the prototype special aircraft, which resulted in the death of the pilot. Therefore, the rocket booster this time took that major accident as a lesson, and prioritized the re-ignition capability and safety, so it changed from solid fuel to controllable liquid fuel.

Afterwards, the prototype special aircraft No. 2 [x-2], which flew to an altitude of 30,000 feet at a rapid speed, adjusted the thrust to make the fuselage level and cruise. The No. 1 aircraft exploded at this stage, and this time the No. 2 aircraft completed the unfinished task of the No. 1 aircraft at a speed of Mach 5.

Despite this, Shota Jakura still stared at the monitor calmly without any emotion. Now is not the time to be moved. The test has just begun and it is still far from success.

In this way, the experiment has reached the last moment. The thruster is about to be shut down, and the special aircraft will perform the landing and airborne part of the operation. However, due to the excessive power of the thruster in the early stage, the height reached by the special aircraft exceeded the expected height! This kind of landing would be dangerous, and Kuriyama immediately stopped the experiment. The special aircraft should have opened the parachute and landed safely, but the voice of Jakura came from the special aircraft:

"I refuse to stop."

Facing the danger of the experiment, Shota Jakura, who was driving Unit 2, said calmly:

"This is a test that conforms to actual combat. It would be meaningless to start over."

Mixed with the noisy ambient sound, Shota Jakura's calm voice reached the ears of his companions and the superior.

After a brief quarrel, Deputy Commander Kuriyama finally gave the order to continue according to Shota Jakura's idea.

The experiment continued, but the landing speed was still too fast, and the altitude where Shota Jakura and Unit 2 were now was the Decision Height, the lowest altitude for the pilot to make a decision on the landing of the aircraft.

After meeting this condition, Unit 2 opened a huge parachute to control the aircraft, but it was too late. The aircraft fell violently to the ground, but under Shota Jakura's control, the landing location of Unit 2 was unexpectedly the scheduled landing location.

At this moment, the atmosphere was particularly cold and silent, which reminded people of the victims of the year...

At the same time, due to the impact of the fall, the fuselage of the No. 2 test flight was severely damaged, and the impact in the cockpit was also very serious...

There is no doubt that the No. 2 flight has crashed, after all, the parachute has not been fully opened, but it is also thanks to the parachute that Shota Jakura was saved from death on the spot... But... maybe dying on the spot would be more comfortable...

Due to the violent impact, Shota Jakura was covered with wounds, and his internal organs might also be damaged. The remaining fuel was ignited in the fuselage, and black smoke was dense.

At this time, due to the fire, the hatch of the special aircraft exploded, and the smoke gradually dissipated. Shota Jakura breathed fresh air again and felt the sunshine, and this was his last moment of death....

At this hazy moment, a creepy shadow with a crescent-shaped scar on the chest appeared in front of Shota Jakura, but Shota Jakura, who was a little fuzzy, saw the man and smiled with relief, thinking that it was a rescuer or something else.

But at this time, the shadow began to change and gradually turned into a human form.

"Have a good rest, leave the rest to me."

The man who completely turned into a human form said quietly.

As the man approached, Shota Jakura also saw the man's face clearly, as if he was looking in the mirror, full of wonders, and that carefree smile was too much like his own...

And this person, of course, was Gagula. When fighting against the original creature, he was involved in the turbulence of time and space, and then came here. Moreover, Gagula did not expect that he would encounter such a thing as soon as he arrived here, but since that is the case... I will borrow your identity, don't worry, I will not disgrace your name...

Time passed...

The seriously injured Shota Jakura was quietly recuperating in the hospital, and because the injury was too serious, the hospital did not allow anyone to visit him in the past two months.

During this period, Shota Jakura was in a coma due to severe burns all over his body, hovering on the edge of life and death. Despite this, he still saved his life. I don't know if there was also the credit of the military doctor and the nurse. In short, it was a miracle. Obviously, this was an accident that could have killed him on the spot.

Moreover, Shota Jakura has regained consciousness, so he can meet with Ye Hu, Kuriyama and others. The military doctor in charge of the treatment said that this was thanks to his amazing vitality.

Because he had undergone several skin transplant operations before, Shota Jakura, who had just woken up from anesthesia, was very weak, but he still chatted with the two officers in a humorous voice.

To be honest, Kuriyama and Ye Hu were in a very good mood. Although the No. 2 unit caught fire, the data was still rescued. Based on this, the thruster is being further developed. The pilot Shota Jakura was also rescued. It was really a good ending.

However, because Shota Jakura was still a seriously ill patient, the two officers did not disturb him for long and left the ward.

It was only a few months later that Shota Jakura's injuries healed, and the bandage on his face was removed. Kuriyama felt a little uncomfortable.

"This guy looks like this?"

Kuriyama tried to recall the inconspicuous face of Jagura Shota before he was injured, but he couldn't remember it at all. Although he had some doubts and even tried to look through the ID photo on his resume, Kuriyama finally chose to believe that he was Jagura Shota after seeing Jagura Shota's nonchalant behavior and familiar smile.

Then, time came to June 2015, and the monster Namagon appeared in the stone brought back from Mars. The seventh-generation prototype special air machine was urgently put into battle, and the pilot was Jagura Shota. Afterwards, this victory battle video was broadcast live to the whole world, and the prototype special air machine No. 7 that defeated Namagon was directly deployed in actual combat as "Anti-Monster Special Air Mecha No. 1".

So far, Gagura has completely established his foothold on this earth under the name of Jagura Shota. Now Gagura is the captain of the armory and the leader of this troubled young unit. In addition, in the eyes of other team members, he is usually a gentle, optimistic, friendly and trustworthy big brother.

I can only say that if Hong Kai was here and saw this scene, he would definitely be very surprised by the change in Gagula at this time, because Gagula was really enjoying the atmosphere brought by this identity at this time, and was also sincerely caring for his immature teammates.


After draining the water in the toilet, Jiagu La moved his body. How should I put it? From the beginning, he felt that his body was not very comfortable. It was not that he was too tired, but that there was indeed some problem.

Realizing this, Jakura immediately used his means to teleport outside the base, intending to use his own means to check what happened. But at this moment, Jakura felt his It seemed like something was about to pop out of his chest, but he had absolutely no way to stop it. He could only watch the energy pouring out of his body...

Um? !

Jakura, who was already ready for battle, couldn't help but be stunned when he looked at the energy, because the appearance of that energy was obviously Yuan Subaru's self-form, pure white original. And just when Jakura was so stunned, The pure white figure disappeared in front of his eyes, as if chasing some enemy that Jiagra couldn't see at the moment. Immediately afterwards, Jiagra felt the rather subtle discomfort from before. It didn't take long before it disappeared without a trace...

Is it Subaru's light that's keeping me?

Realizing this, the corners of Jakura's mouth could not help but raise slightly. At the same time, Jakura slowly lowered his head, and dark purple light also condensed in his palms. This was born under the influence of the light of Yuan Pleiades. What came out was the light that belonged to Jakula.

I have been really well taken care of by this child. I have decided to find a way to find Subaru after I finish dealing with things here. Really, I have become such a mother-in-law, and I really don’t want to leave the team. The little guys inside.

Knowing that he was unable to track the whereabouts of the pure white energy, Jagula laughed and shook his head, then turned around and returned to the base. Then his team members said, "Captain, it took you a long time to go to the toilet. Do you need to see a doctor?" In terms of class...

But this time, on Yuan Subaru's side, the child who was watching the battle between Dekai and Agamus suddenly raised his head. He realized that even if he put aside the universe, he also realized that the light he gave to others Fired up and in the middle of a fight….

What's going on? Which friend is in danger? Well... No, I can't sense this.

Yuan Subaru frowned slightly, carefully sensing the vague fluctuations, but it was still too difficult to find its whereabouts because there were too many cosmic barriers.


I can try another way...

Yuan Subaru thought for a moment and glanced at the battle that had already been fought over there. In fact, there was not much suspense about this battle from the beginning. Although the computer demon was indeed good, Dekai was quite capable of fighting if he was serious. ...

Well, in Yuan Subaru's eyes, this battle is just like novices pecking each other.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru does not intend to wait here for them to finish the fight, and judging from Dekai's intention, it seems that he also wants to try to talk to Agamus before the deadline is reached.

This guy is so screwed up that he is really hopeless.

Yuan Subaru sighed helplessly, then threw the projection here for the time being, then compared it, and sent his consciousness back to the TLT earth. This way, Senior Diga and Senior Noah threw stone statues everywhere. What he learned there can only be said to be that after the pure white light opened up new abilities, Yuan Subaru could also use a trick to lose his own projection like a stone statue.

After returning to his cabin, Yuan Subaru picked up the copy engine. Through this, he might be able to contact his energy that he didn't know how to activate.

Yuan Subaru's idea was correct. With the copy engine as a medium, he quickly found the energy. How should I put it? Is this the end of the fight?

Looking at the surrounding situation, several question marks popped up on Yuan Subaru's head. It was obvious that he had experienced some kind of battle, but the battle was quite short. It seemed that the enemy retreated immediately after realizing that he was not his opponent. .

emmm....I'm still too late, so it's hard to trace.

Yuan Subaru thought about it in his mind, and then decided to go back and take a look to see which friend's energy was activated, and to see if any friend needed rescue.

Therefore, following the energy traces when he came, Yuan Subaru quickly found Jakula who was chatting with the team members in the armory.


What is Jakura-senpai doing?

Yuan Subaru did not show up immediately. In his impression, Senior Jakula was a scheming figure, so he must have some kind of plan here.

Snake warehouse?

Let me take a look at what this identity and this organization are all about.

Yuan Subaru quietly sneaked into the armory, found the supreme leader here, and searched for the two origins from his memory and related electronic data.

The time still goes back to 2005, when Kuriyama was already the defense minister of the Japanese branch of the Earth Defense Force.

And Kuriyama has a dream, which is to fight monsters with giant robots. But he understood that to do innovative things, you need a high enough position. If you just try to do it with a young and energetic attitude, your dream will soon be defeated. So after several attempts, Kuriyama decided to wait until he was promoted before making his thoughts public.

Then, four years later, Kuriyama became the deputy chief of the Japan branch of the Earth Defense Force. He was the biggest figure besides the chief, and had a say in all aspects, including the budget of the Earth Defense Force.

But he was not in a hurry to realize his idea because the resources were not enough and the time was not ripe. So Commander Kuriyama used his connections to get in touch with the old members of the defense team. Although they retired, they still had influence.

Speaking of which, there was a small episode when Commander Kuriyama visited old leaders everywhere. When he visited the former head of the Earth Defense Force and the current head of the Defense Force Uniform Group, although the former old leader did not support him to continue working on robots, he threw him an olive branch:

"Come to my security company as a director after you retire."

However, Kuriyama thought that it was too early for him to retire and he still had an unfinished mission, so he rejected the kindness of the old leader.

Unexpectedly, this incident also became something that Commander Kuriyama regretted very much more than ten years later, regretting that he missed such a good job.

Back to the book, Kuriyama did not get good news from the old predecessors, and when he was desperate, a noble man appeared.-The good commander. Although this commander was a superior, he loved Kuriyama very much and was also a respected predecessor of Deputy Commander Kuriyama. With the help of Commander Shanghao, Vice Commander Kuriyama began to get closer and closer to his dream.

This great Commander Shanghao had been through many battles and was thought to be the commander-in-chief of the Earth Defense Force in the future. However, he died of cancer before the special aircraft was launched...

On the other hand, Vice Commander Kuriyama came to the Integrated Advanced Equipment Research Institute of the Earth Defense Force Japan Branch on the recommendation of his superior. It was originally thought that the Japanese branch would develop new combat power and bombs like other countries, but Vice Commander Kuriyama was stunned by the scene in front of him.

At the institute, what came into view was a running bipedal walking robot! At this time, a man jumped out of the robot's cockpit. His name was... Inaba Torajiro!

Inaba Torajiro joined the Defense Force in his twenties and later became a non-commissioned officer. As for what he did before joining the army, it is a mystery. It is only known that he has a flight qualification.

Facing the arrival of his superior, Vice Commander Kuriyama, Inaba Torajiro did not care or be polite at all. He was too lazy to deal with the superior and continued to do his own thing. Until Deputy Chief Kuriyama said, "I'm going to set up a robot development department, you can be the director," Ye Hujiro immediately turned his head to look at Kuriyama, his eyes lit up and he smiled.

The next day, the head of the Japanese branch approved the robot development department, and Kuriyama's plan finally began. However, although the plan started, there were still many obstacles ahead....

The first was the funding issue. Without a budget, it was impossible to develop a high-quality robot weapon system, and parts could not be purchased. Although Deputy Chief Kuriyama was very angry about this, he restrained his emotions and just cried to Shang Hao.

Shang Hao encouraged him and explained, "It's a miracle to set up a robot development department. If you want to have the same funding as for aircraft and missiles, it's willful. Investing too much in robots that have no actual results, what if they fail? At the same time, if the funding for robots is increased, the funding for aircraft and missile development will have to be reduced."

Deputy Chief Kuriyama also conveyed this meaning to Ye Hujiro. Although they were not convinced, they could only accept the status quo and continue to work hard with the existing funding.

However, a year later, there was no progress in the research. Until one day, a meteorite fell from the sky at the foot of Mount Fuji in Yamanashi Prefecture. The defense team discovered that it was a mechanized monster! It was named Gelgio Raiden and will become a link in promoting the development of robots...

Then, in January 2010, although it was unknown whether the monster had stopped functioning or was dead, the motionless artificial monster was secretly sent to Tongsenken, where it was investigated by Ye Hujiro and others.

In this way, they found the huge energy and technology required to operate the huge bipedal walking robot, and the then Deputy Chief of the Earth Guard Japan Branch, Deputy Chief Kuriyama, was very excited about this.

However, Ye Hujiro was not happy about the discovery of unknown energy and technology, and expressed his refusal. Deputy Chief Kuriyama advised:

"Although it would be bad if it was abused, we developed robots to fight against monster disasters. Now the technology to turn dreams into reality is in front of us..."

After a lot of advice, Ye Hujiro finally agreed to try it.

"I will take all the responsibility. Let's get started, Mr. Ye Hu!"

Then, the base of the Special Airborne Mecha Development Experimental Group (abbreviated as Special Group) established by Ye Hujiro and Deputy Commander Kuriyama was located in the mountains of Gifu Prefecture.

If it were in other countries, a base could be built in the desert, which would be spacious and inconspicuous. But in Japan, this is not possible. Only in the mountains can you avoid other people's eyes.

Fortunately, the design of the special airborne machine does not require a runway for takeoff and landing, because when it comes to robots, they have to take off and land vertically. Therefore, the limitation of the site did not affect the development of the special airborne machine too much.

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