"The range we looked at this time is really too big."

At this time, Minato Hokai added, explaining to his younger brother:

"The scope of our previous observations was based on Senior Uub's perspective, but this time it involves the follow-up of the cosmic man named Jakula. This is abnormal, so we have reason to suspect , before we arrived here, the green spider had already completed the control of this time node, and what we just saw was one of his ways to interfere here. "

"Well, so, at this moment, maybe the green spider is secretly observing us."

As soon as Meijian Shaji finished speaking, the three of them heard a strange tearing sound in the sky. They immediately looked up nervously and saw the four pairs of eyes arranged vertically, flashing green. The cold light stared at them.

Seeing this scene, the three people immediately prepared to transform and fight, but the other side made no further moves. The spider just stared at the three of them, and finally left here quietly.

"He's... warning us."

Minato Yonghai was keenly aware of the ferocious look in the green spider's parting eyes, and said to the other two in a condensed voice:

"He seemed to be saying that if we followed him again, he would kill us."

"It seems that this guy is indeed conducting some kind of experiment, an experiment to tamper with the Ultra Warriors' past."

Minato thought for a while and then expressed his thoughts, while the beautiful sword Saki on the side suddenly turned dark, and she whispered in an unkind tone:

"Green energy and pure white light have a hostile relationship. So, can we understand that this green monster is now trying his hand at Ultraman Orb. After summing up enough experience, he will go against Gen Subaru. Lord, take action!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn. No matter what, such a dangerous thing must not be allowed to have plans and actions against Yuan Subaru.

"Go back first."

Meijian Shaji took a long breath to calm down, then clicked a few times on the mechanical bracelet on her wrist, opened the time and space tunnel that led them back to the present, and said in a cold voice:

"This guy has escaped now, we have to relocate him."

"Well, let's go back."

Minato's brows furrowed tightly. He was thinking about whether he should explain the funeral arrangements in advance if he really fought to the death, so as not to make his family angry because of the disappearance of his two brothers.

As for persuading Yonghai to go home and only let himself and Meijian Shaji fight, Minami would have thought about it, but he just thought about it. After so many years and having experienced so many simulated battles together, they The tacit understanding between the two brothers is already at full capacity. If I look at Yong Hai like that now, he will know what I am thinking, and then he will glare at me.

But before that, there is still a problem that needs to be solved.

After returning to reality, Minato Hokai looked at Miken Saki, shook the Aizen Technology document and said:

"Miss Mei Jian, this... We can't understand just these documents. Why is Senior Orb related to this company?"

"Aizen Cheng is a cosmic being."

Meijian Shaji said casually, and then she realized that there was something wrong with what she said, and quickly added:

"To be precise, he was possessed by a man from space. It seems that man from space was saved by Ultraman Orb before. Therefore, he admires Ultraman Orb quite a lot. The transformer you transformed into, he I don’t know what’s going on there, but there seems to be relevant data. He is trying to create an Orb transformation crystal to turn himself into Ultraman Orb. This can be regarded as a special star-chasing behavior.”

As Meijian Shaji spoke, she continued to activate the time and space tracking instrument, waiting for the news of the whereabouts of the green spider:

"Before this, I had some dealings with that guy... He intercepted my goods, and I snatched his information. We were evenly matched, and because of this relationship, we had some exchanges. But it was just a brief exchange. After all, I was too lazy to spend time killing him. He just wanted to become Uub. However, not long ago, something happened to him. You should have noticed that. There was an inexplicable big explosion, and half of the building was not blown up into the sky. At that time, the instrument here detected abnormal data..."

"I went to see what was going on over there."

Meijian Shaji said calmly:

"There, I saw the embarrassed Aizen. To be honest, he had lost the ability to communicate at that time. He just kept mumbling 'My dream, my Uub-sama, ah!!!', Apparently, his plan was completely aborted in that accident, and it was only after the big explosion that I discovered the existence of the green spider."

"So, it was the green spider who got the Uub information in Aizen Cheng's hands, and then used Uub-senpai as an experimental subject?!"

Minato Hokai whispered in a surprised tone. To this, Meiken Saki just nodded, but her attention was more on the time and space tracking instrument. This time...

Why can't I track the spider? Could it be that... that guy has changed his own space-time characteristics and hidden himself in space-time? Damn it, I can't let you escape like this!

Realizing this, Meijian Saki quickly began to adjust the relevant data, trying to find new clues about the green spider as soon as possible, but this time...

It doesn't seem so simple....

At the same time, in the history of Orb, time returned to the beginning. After parting at the top of the warrior, Kai and Gagra began to take different paths.

The ring of light at the top of the warrior gave Kai the first task, which was to collect the four elements hidden in the universe - earth, water, fire, and wind - on the sword of Orb.

And on the way to complete the task, Kai also quelled various wars in the universe and experienced many encounters and partings. During the long journey, Kai formed a character that does not have more than necessary relationships with others, but will not let go of the weak.

On the other hand, Gagra has also changed. He participated in various planetary wars as a mercenary and experienced the power and tragic guerrilla warfare of the interstellar government agency [Interstellar Alliance] of the galactic power. The weak have always been the ones who sacrificed. Under the unbearable thought, Gagula's heart gradually burdened with darkness.

At that time, Gagula spoke to the Snake Heart Sword in loneliness, as if he was schizophrenic. The 'other Gagula' reflected in the sword said to him:

"Are you calling me?"


Gagula whispered in a crazy tone:

"You can't get the answer even if you worry seriously, eh? Then let's enjoy this crazy world together!"

Then, with the universe as the stage, Kai and Gagula's various wandering and adventure stories began.

First, Kai's first stop came to [Gem Planet Kobor], which is a planet that prospers due to rich mineral resources and gem processing technology. It can be said that this planet gathers many wealthy people in the galaxy. Here, huge neon-lit cosmic casinos are lined up, extremely luxurious, but on the other hand, because of the huge gap between the rich and the poor on the planet Kobor, behind the prosperity, in the dark corners, all kinds of evil are quietly brewing.

Just like when Kai arrived at the space airport, he encountered a theft incident. Of course, with Kai's ability, he caught the pickpocket boy Shorty on the spot. At that time, Kai wanted to preach to this naughty boy, hoping that he could turn over a new leaf.

At this time, the mysterious space bandit group attacked, and the pickpocket boy Shorty seemed to be identified as Kai's companion. In desperation, Kai could only protect the confused Shorty, evacuating while fighting this mysterious force.

However, as the fight went on, Kai realized that this space bandit group was not coming for him, and they were not the enemies he had provoked before. Originally, Kai thought that he had dragged down the pickpocket boy Shorty, but now it seems that the facts are exactly the opposite. The target of this space force seems to be [something] stolen by Shorty at the space airport, and he has suffered an unprovoked disaster.

But since they have already fought, there is no other way. Kai can only take this little pickpocket and get rid of the pursuit of the cosmic force, and then...

"I am reflecting on it. I will not steal things anymore."

Before Kai can say anything, Shorty bowed his head first and promised Kai, but Shorty said that if he stopped being a pickpocket, he would have no job to do, so next, he would be Kai's assistant.

Kai naturally did not agree to this kind of thing. After knocking on Shorty's head and rejecting his request, Kai left Shorty's side. After all, he just helped out of kindness. He came to this planet and still had something to do.

However, perhaps because he was not familiar with the terrain of this planet, Kai always met Shorty next. Every time he saw him, Shorty would talk about being an assistant. The troubled Kai left him behind several times, but Shorty could keep up with him no matter where he went, which was very helpless.

However, at the same time, Kai was also investigating things related to his mission. Kai discovered a special existence, that is, the female prophet Murnau who warned that "this planet will be destroyed!" Murnau's so-called prophecy did shake the hearts of people on this planet.

But Kai knew Murnau's true face. This guy was a wanted criminal in the universe who stole gems from wealthy people everywhere.

So, Kai, who was still young and energetic at the time, sneaked into Murnau's hiding place and confronted Murnau, asking this hateful wanted criminal to surrender.

After listening to Kai's words, Murnau showed his gem-making ability and said to Kai:

"Do you know why gems are beautiful, Kai-san? That's because they are dead. The living cannot trust them, so they are all troubles. But gems are just their own brilliance, a small world of satisfaction and transparency. No one can enter. That's why this gem is so in line with my interests."

"You bluffing magician, it seems you want to make some big news."

Kai ignored the guy's nonsense and wanted to catch him on the spot, but he was still one step away and let this wanted female cosmic criminal escape.

At this time, a news came that the huge comet Balsas was approaching. According to astronomer Dr. Kigo, it would hit here in a week, causing a devastating disaster.

Therefore, the wealthy residents hurriedly abandoned the space mines and treasures and ran away, while a mysterious investor bought their plummeting assets as if they had found them for nothing.

At this time, Kai and Shorty, who met again, began to talk about the reason why Shorty was hunted down. In the final analysis, it was because Shorty stole a gem, and then Kai noticed that there was a memory chip in the gem that Shorty got, and the chip contained the design of the holographic generating device.

Therefore, just as the residents were in panic because of the approaching giant comet Balsas, Kai told the residents that the so-called comet was actually just a huge holographic projection.

Then, regardless of whether the residents believed it or not, Kai and Shorty began to track down the whereabouts of the mysterious investor who was the black box of the incident.

During this period, the giant mechanical monster, the Dino Tank, suddenly blocked their way, but Orb defeated the Dino Tank after the battle.

Therefore, Dr. Kigo and Murnau, the astronomers who operated the dinosaur chariot, were caught by Kai. The truth is self-evident. The true identity of the mysterious investor is Dr. Kigo. He and Murnau stirred up social unrest and planned to abduct the assets of the gem planet Kobol.

The next thing was quite logical. The Interstellar Alliance arrested Dr. Kigo and sent him to the prison planet 484. What Kai didn't expect was that Murnau actually managed to escape in the chaos later. This is really touching.

"But I have taken the most precious gem of that guy (Murnau)!"

At this time, Shorty suddenly said to Kai, wanting to take credit, and the gem that Shorty stole, the gem shining with yellow light, was exactly the task prop [Earth Element] that Kai wanted to collect this time.

But Kai was quite dissatisfied with this. He scolded Shorty and said:

"Didn't you say you would never steal again!"

But he didn't dwell on this matter too much. He installed the [Earth Element] on the Great Sword of Orb.

From then on, Shorty was like Kai's partner, always following behind him.

Can't find it, can't find it, can't find it, can't find it...

Meijian Saki's forehead was covered with a layer of sweat. She had switched many channels. According to the organization that sold her the device, if all the channel modulation methods could not track the target she wanted, it basically meant that the device could no longer work.

Of course, the organization also explained in advance that if this happened, they would not accept refunds after the trial period.

Meijian Saki was naturally not distressed about the money... Well, she was still distressed. For this machine, she had basically used up all the money she had accumulated before, but now, even if she spent more money, it would be fine if she could find the whereabouts of the green spider!

On the other side, after Hong Kai returned to the past and realized that the enemy might be from other parallel universes, he began to try to find the specific location of the enemy. However, at this moment, Hong Kai felt unprecedented pain. This time, not only his body was in pain, but it was as if his soul was also torn apart.

Hong Kai realized that there was a problem with the Light of Orb this time, and that the unknown enemy was making some kind of destructive intervention in his past.

This is indeed the case. The green spider is erasing Shorty's existence. As long as Shorty is gone, there will be cracks at the time when Hong Kai completed the task in the past. As long as there are cracks, the green spider can perform more operations, and it is not impossible to even transform Orb's existence into a green creation from the beginning.

But Hong Kai is powerless at this time for the arrival of the crisis. He cannot travel back to the past to destroy the enemy under this circumstance.

At the critical moment, an Ultra Fusion Card emerged from Hong Kai's arms. It was the Nexus Ultra Fusion Card from Subaru. This card was shining with pure white light.

At the same time, the green spider that was tampering with Hong Kai's past screamed with a tingling scream. The reason was that at this time point, a bright pure white light burst out. This light was everywhere, forcing the green spider to retreat and flee from here.

"I... was I saved by Subaru?"

To be honest, Hong Kai was a little confused at this time. The Ultra Fusion Card of Subaru, which he used the most, was combined with the Taro Ultra Fusion Card as a Super Ultra Bomb. He never thought that this Nexus Ultra Fusion Card had such power hidden in it.

Am I too lax that I didn't even notice this...

Hong Kai wiped the sweat off his forehead, and then his face tightened. He began to recall which memory was wrong just now, and soon he found the memory fragment that was wrong, which was about his search for the earth element.

I remember that after finding the earth element, I went to find the water element...

Hong Kai remembered correctly that after leaving the gem planet Keboer, he and Shorty came to the [water planet Nuok].

On this planet covered by 95% of the ocean, the civilizations on it are constantly fighting over the only scattered island territories.

Just when Kai and Shorty came here, the two water cities - the tribal states [Kibli] and [Sirocco] were in a situation where they had to go to war.

Coincidentally, Kai and Shorty quickly established a good relationship with the daughter of the chief of the Scirocco tribe - Saramni. Saramni hated war and loved peace. She suggested to her father, the chief, that they should find a way to avoid war, but the father who led the tribe would not listen at all.

But Kai also became troubled by the girl's troubles. Ultraman can fight monsters, but he cannot intervene in the world of two justice conflicts.

Kai, Shorty, and Saramni looked at each other, unable to find a way to avoid war, and could only watch the battle between the two tribes on the verge of breaking out.


Just when the two armies were about to clash, the Water Demon God was resurrected. The three sea monsters Besta, Tegon and Gamakukira were awakened after the seal was lifted. Besta, Tegon and Gamakukira approached the water cities of Kibli and Scirocco.

What Kai and Shorty did not expect was that it was the backup plan left by Salamuni that broke the seal of the seabed and resurrected the three sea monsters. In order to avoid the battle between the two forces, she could only create a common enemy [third-party crisis]. Facing the upcoming monsters, Kibli and Scirocco, the two armies that were about to go to war, could only work together to fight the sea monster army.

However, the combat power of Tegon, Gamakukira and Besta exceeded Salamuni's expectations and exceeded the scope of what the two armies could handle. As the monsters ran away, Salamuni herself was seriously injured. The girl regretted it very much. After all, if it continued like this, the civilization of Nuok itself would be in danger.

At this time, Kai transformed into Ultraman Orb, fought with three sea monsters, and defeated them. But even though the monsters had been destroyed, the water city group was already in ruins, and even a small hill of debris appeared. In this way, the two tribes would be destroyed, not to mention the war. In desperation, the two tribes could only make a truce agreement and join hands to embark on the road of revival.

Next, Kai went to visit Saramni who was recuperating. They had a very complicated conversation. After all, when the girl communicated with Kai and Shorty before, she did not reveal her backhand at all. If she had mentioned it a little bit, Kai would not have been so hasty, and so many people would not have died. Although the goal of peace has been achieved now, but... Is peace gained at the cost of such tragic sacrifices really what everyone wants?

Just when Kai finished talking to the girl and was about to leave the sanatorium, Shorty, who was not sure what to do, ran towards him. Shorty said that he found a blue gem among the large number of pearls exploded by the monster Gamakujira, and that was the [Water Element]. In this way, Kai's mission here was over. He said goodbye to Shorty and Saramni and embarked on the next adventure...

Misami Town, a relatively remote town in the island country. The so-called Misami Town is because this town is backed by mountains in the east, next to the lake in the south, and there is a large forest in the west. The ancestors of Misami Town who fled here to escape the war prayed to the mountain gods, lake gods, and tree gods to protect them and not let the war spread here, so that they could survive.

However, according to modern deductions, the reason why the ancestors of Misami Town successfully avoided the war after coming here was mainly because the road from the north was also quite rugged. The descendants of Misami Town couldn't figure out how the ancestors found this place.

However, the stories of the ancestors are just jokes in our spare time. Now that the outside world has entered a technological society, Sanjin Town obviously cannot continue the life of men farming and women weaving as usual. They have to keep up with the times, otherwise, the children of Sanjin Town will not have much future.

So, the village chief of Sanjin Town at that time, Guci Sanxin, began to lead the villagers to try to build a road with manpower to open up the channel for Sanjin Town to contact the outside world.

However, this road construction operation only lasted for half a year, because the village chief Guci Sanxin fell ill in the process of road construction because of the autumn rain, and fell on the bed and never got up again. At the same time, because of the road construction, the labor force in the village did not have much energy to focus on farm work, resulting in a poor harvest that year. Otherwise, they could still fish in Sanjin Lake and hunt in Sanjin Forest. That year, people in Sanjin Town would really starve to death.

As a result, everyone in Mikami-cho also realized that this was not going to work. They had to think of a way to open up the road to the outside world instead of relying solely on manpower. Therefore, everyone in the village pooled money and asked Furui Taro, who often went out to sell goods, to go out and see if there was any way.

To be honest, regarding this commission, Furui Taro couldn't help but complain in his heart. It was indeed good that he often went out, but he had only been to the nearest small town to sell goods. Moreover, after selling things before, he stayed here and boasted to others, which led to him spending all his money in a daze. Since then, Furui Taro has never stayed there for long. After selling things, he ran home.

However, since everyone is so confident in themselves, they have to try their best.

In this way, Taro Furui, who was regarded as a ‘worldly man’ by the villagers of Mikami-cho at that time, began to look carefully at the outside world and walked out of the territory that his three generations of ancestors had never stepped out of.

About four months later, Taro Furui returned to Mikami-cho. At this time, the eyes of this strong man were a little deep. He did not expect that the outside world had changed so much that an iron box could run forward with things without being pulled by cattle and horses. It was incredible.

But it was precisely because of these incomprehensible things that the road to the outside world of Mikami-cho became not so difficult to open up. The key is that everything can be said if the money is in place.

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