Minato Hokai felt that his brother's rebuttal was right, but for some reason, he saw Miken Saki's expression getting even uglier. The 'girl' in a black dress gritted her teeth and said:

"I'm trying to prevent your battle with monsters from spreading to my residence. I stood on the rooftop and shouted with a loudspeaker, hoping that you could move the battlefield away from me, but your ears are so deafened, There is no response at all, what can I do? All my belongings are there, do I have to watch you destroy all my things!"

"Um..." X2

Hearing what Miken Saki said, the Minato brothers suddenly lost their confidence. Speaking of which... they fought against a flying dragon-like monster. In the early stages of the battle, the two of them were not coordinated due to lack of coordination. There were some accidents, and I got a dragon's roar shock wave at close range, so...

It seems that I really may not have heard the call of the beautiful sword Saki...

"Then why..."

"I'm angry too!"

Minato Yonghai was still a tough talker. Even though he didn't have much confidence, he still retorted. He wanted to say why he attacked so fiercely after Miken Saji transformed. He could have avoided the fight by talking it over at that time. And listening to Meijian Saki's tone that seemed to want to give him another punch right now, Minato Yonghai shrank his neck, turned his head and hid behind his brother.

"No need to apologize. I was quite happy playing at the time. I will just let this matter go."

Meijian Saki waved her hand, interrupting Minato Haina's move to bow and apologize. She really didn't want to continue on this topic. Otherwise, as she talked, she would have lost her temper because of Master Gen Subaru's energy. thing, and the dissatisfied myself might actually start fighting with them again.

"Follow me, come to my base and see if there is any problem with the time and space tracking instrument. If there is no problem, then prepare to continue chasing the green spider. You have no objection, right? "

There is absolutely no room for interruption...

Although the words were used for discussion, the tone was completely unacceptable. Minato Hokai and Minato Yukai looked at each other, and then sent text messages to their families, saying that their friends here had something to help, and followed them. The footsteps of the beautiful sword Saki...

Miken Saki's residence was not far away. Soon, the Minato brothers arrived at their destination. It was an ordinary Japanese courtyard. The door and windows had been specially treated. If a thief came in... .

Looking at the blue lightning that flashed from time to time on the door and window frames, Minato Yonghai couldn't help but grab his brother's shoulders and said softly:

"This will definitely kill someone!"

"If electricity can't kill anyone, why should I install these instruments?"

The one who answered him was Meijianshaji who was walking in front. As a former mercenary, whispering at this distance was basically no different from loud conspiracy. Similarly, because of her past experience, Meijiansha Ji is extremely hostile to the creatures that invade her personal territory...no, anything that invades her territory without authorization, whether organic or inorganic, and therefore takes their lives. In Meijian In Sha Ji's eyes, it was nothing but normal.

No, this requires a patch.

Except Master Gen Subaru!

On the other side, Minato Hokai was silent for a while about Meijian Saki's methods, and finally said nothing. From the moment Meijian Saki said she got the equipment from the cosmic civilization, Minato Hokai knew that, The existence in front of me that looks like a human girl is probably a cosmic being. Since it is a cosmic being, there are natural differences between different civilizations.

In this regard, under the current situation, we should still focus on the overall situation, and let's first figure out what is going on with the green spider monster.

The Minato brothers followed Miken Saki and quickly came to the basement of her residence. Here, the Minato brothers saw all kinds of novel things, but they didn't dare to touch them at all. God knows if something was touched that shouldn't be touched, this Will Sha Ji, the beautiful sword, go on a rampage and kill people?

So, the two brothers sat obediently on the chairs nearby, watching Meijian Shaji busy and running around, conducting detailed inspections around the largest instrument in the center of the basement.


After waiting for a long time, Meijian Shaji's tense expression finally relaxed. She dropped the wrench in her hand, took a long breath, whispered, and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

After hearing this, the Minato brothers couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After all, there was nothing wrong with the instrument, and they didn't have to worry about being forced to sell themselves by the beautiful sword Sha Ji.

"Let's go."

Then, just a few minutes later, Meijian Shaji turned around, waved her little hand, and said in a condensed voice:

"We have found the space-time coordinates of the green spider. I can't let him escape again this time!"

"Is this enough?" X2

The Minato brothers were shocked. They didn't react at all, and they didn't expect it to happen so quickly. But now that they had found it, there was no possibility of letting it go. The Minato brothers immediately followed Meijian Shaji to a new time node.

This time point is naturally what Hong Kai just recalled. Regarding the story between him and Natasha, when the Minato brothers and the beautiful sword Sha Ji came to this time point, the green spider had already begun. He took action and modified everything at that time point. Under his eight long tentacles, everything the Minato brothers saw was so distorted, as if these things had all fallen into the monster's spider web. Among them, let them be slaughtered.


Meijian Saki's speech was still so concise, and she rushed forward immediately, relying on Gen Subaru's pure white light to start a fight with the green spider monster.

In the end, Miken Saki and the Minato brothers successfully drove away the green spider monster and restored Hong Kai's memory to normal.

But these three people were not happy at all, because... in the battle just now, they did not gain the advantage in the battle. If the three of them fought together, they could only be said to be evenly matched.

There is still some doubt about 'this evenly matched match', because Meijian Shaji alone was evenly matched with this monster before. Therefore, they have sufficient reasons to believe that this green monster did not show its full strength. .

With such a gloomy expression, Miken Saki brought the Minato brothers back to reality. She took a picture of the instrument, then looked at the two people behind her and said:

"Go, have something to eat."

At this time, Meijian Shaji turned around, pointed towards the cabinet on the left, and said coldly:

"If you're sleepy, you can go over there and sleep for a while. Once the instrument tracks the spider's latest location, we'll set off to continue to stop that damn monster."

Ah...this instrument has been started...

Looking at the huge instrument that was constantly flashing blue and white light, this idea flashed through Minato Yonghai's head unconsciously, and Minato Yonghai said softly:

"It's not necessary to rest. Under the special training of Senior Yuan Subaru, our brothers' ability to withstand stress is quite good. We won't be able to withstand this level of fighting. Therefore, you can tell us why this green spider monster appears. Is it there? My intuition tells me that you seem to be hiding something."

Minato Hokai looked at Meijian Saki with bright eyes and said:

"Why is this monster always staring at Ultraman Orb? If we were chasing him, that monster could have killed Ultraman Orb before we arrived, but he..."

"Are you showing off to me?"


Minato Hohai, who was trying to deduce something, never thought that he would get such an answer. He looked blankly at the beautiful sword Sha Ji in front of him with eyes full of jealousy, and he couldn't understand. He shook his head and asked, "Huh?" ! ’

"Aren't you just showing off that you have received training from Master Yuan Subaru? Although I have not received it, that is because I don't need it. Master Yuan Subaru doesn't think that I need to receive special training like you do in order to fight, hum! "

After saying that, Miken Saki pulled out a stack of documents from the table, threw them to Minato, and then left here like a hair.

There is something wrong with this woman...

Minato Yonghai couldn't help but mutter in his heart, and then he moved closer to his brother and looked at the thing on the document - Aizen Technology Company.

Um? !

Of course, the Minato brothers are familiar with this company. Aizen Technology is located in Ayaka City, the city where the Minato family lives. Its president, Aizen Makoto, is also a celebrity and a genius researcher. He likes to wear a crisp white uniform and is full of confidence. He has a full aura and always speaks very positive quotes. He likes to write his quotes in calligraphy and is trusted both inside and outside the company.

But what does this company... have to do with Senior Orb?

Moreover, the Minato brothers had all interned at Aizen Technology Company and had contact with the genius president, so they couldn't imagine how this Aizen Technology was related to Ultraman Orb. .


"It's time to go!"

Just when I was about to ask a question, the instrument suddenly lit up with a flashing light. Meijian Shaji, who had a nutritional supplement in her mouth, ran over with a 'chuck' and swallowed the food in her mouth with a 'gumble'. Something, looked at the Minato brothers and said:

"How about it? Can the two people who have been specially trained by Master Yuan Subaru really be able to keep up?"

"Can we get over the special training thing? Oh, let's go!"

Minato Yonghai couldn't imagine how the senior who looked like a child could have such a fanatical believer, but for now, it could be considered a good thing, at least it would avoid the sensitive person of 'Gen Subaru' After that point, Miken Saki was still a very reliable teammate, so Minato Yukai and Minato Houmi stood up and followed Miken Saki to a new time node.

The protagonist at this time point is still Ultraman Orb. The three of them sat quietly aside, recharging their energy and waiting for the next battle, while watching this past...

The time point this time is the 1950s, and the location is the coral beach of the Presque Islands in Central and South America. Captain Mike Skedda, who was dispatched from the secret agency Department 51, received the mission and began to investigate the ship. and the Bairesk sea area where plane disappearance incidents occur frequently.

This Beresque Sea is also quite famous. UFO sightings are quite frequent there. For example, in 1947, someone saw a UFO and a similar flying object falling here. Therefore, Captain Skedda attached great importance to this investigation. In the past, many people have investigated the incidents here, and Captain Skedda wanted to be the first person to step into this mystery.

It was during this investigation that Captain Skedda got to know the mysterious young man Hong Kai. To be honest, Skedda was quite vigilant about the young man whose true face he did not know -

Is he a spy from a hostile country? Could he be an alien?

Captain Skedda took Hong Kai as a suspect in the disappearance incident and began to track him.

Suddenly, a disc flew over, and then an alien nearly three meters tall appeared from it and attacked Hong Kai and Skedda, but the alien was soon defeated by Hong Kai and Captain Skedda. But to be more precise, it was Hong Kai who defeated the alien as the main force.

This happened many times, so on the way to track down the mystery of Beresque, something like friendship developed between Hong Kai and Captain Skaida.

However... the dark side of the Beresque mystery was actually a farce, caused by a female astronaut Biranki who chased Gagra across the universe.

The culprit who attacked the plane and ship in Beresque and made it disappear was the disc creature Hangula called from the universe by Biranki.

And all Biranki did was to lead to the appearance of Hong Kai!

"I will take care of Hong Kai who is hindering the Gagra I love! As long as you are gone, Gagra will change his mind to me."

The above is Biranki's action goal. It must be said that when Hong Kai heard this, his first reaction was to ask Biranki to shout it again so that he could record it. When he met Gagra again in the future, he could use this word that seemed to be accusing a heartless man to make a good laugh at Gagra.

But before finding Juggler, there is still a problem to deal with. That is, the space monster Hangula, which has started to move according to Biranki's orders, is raising the waves, landing on the coral beach, and attacking the tourist hotels.

Hong Kai and Captain Skedda were also forced to death by Hangula. At this critical moment, Captain Skedda was hit by a flying driftwood and lost consciousness.

What a beautiful wood...ah, no, he must be taken to the hospital.

Hong Kai looked at the unconscious captain and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Then, he didn't need to hide his identity anymore. He immediately used the Ultra Fusion Card of Tiga and the first generation Ultraman to transform into the [Heavy Light] form and fought with Hangula. It took a lot of effort to finally defeat it.

Looking at the defeated space monster, Biranki sat on the ground in a daze, and tears began to roll in his eyes. At this moment, Juggler appeared.

"Don't do unnecessary things, idiot!"

Jagula whispered in a bad tone, but in the end, he still disappeared from the area with Biranki in his arms.

Hong Kai, who had finished the battle, did not chase the two men, but sent the captain to the hospital, but...

Captain Skedda said to Hong Kai on the way to the hospital:

"Goodbye, brother from the stars."

"Did you... see anything?"

"I didn't see anything. I won't report anything to Department 51. I haven't seen you either."

Captain Skedda smiled and said:

"If possible, can I give you my jacket? Although it's dirty and cheap, it's leather... Well... Take it, and then... Goodbye!"

Afterwards, Hong Kai wore Captain Skedda's leather jacket, looked at the sunset sinking on the coral beach, and was moved by the bright red beauty. It was also after this that the self-proclaimed "Hong Kai" was officially on Kai's lips, and this space wanderer embarked on a new adventure.

On the other side...

"Well, I think it was... that thing, I..."

Biranki was nervous and wanted to explain to Gagra, but Gagra could only calmly say:

"Would you like to have a cup of dawn coffee together?"

"I want it!!!"

Hearing this, Biranki jumped up with joy, and then solemnly took the coffee brewed by Gagra with both hands, and then drank it down...

Biranki's consciousness suddenly disappeared...

When Biranki woke up again, she was already in the wilderness of another planet. She had a note in her hand that said "Don't follow me". Obviously, Gagra thought she was troublesome and threw it away.

In response to this...

"Jakula-sama is stupid! I will never give up! My love is forever!"

Biranki's unwilling shout echoed in the wilderness...Jakula, who was in the dark, seemed to hear this voice, but he ignored it and continued to walk towards the deeper darkness...

"Okay, the events at this time point have been reviewed. Where did that damn green spider start to attack!"

Looking at the peaceful environment around him, Minato Yukai couldn't wait to fight. Just now, he had simulated several sets of fighting methods against the green spider in his mind. It must be said that in that dream training ground, Minato Yukai learned a lot more than his brother. Now, even without entering the dream, he can pick one of the opponents he has fought with and conduct a simple simulation.

"......" X2

However, facing Minato Yukai's statement, Minato Huohai and Miken Saki fell into silence. Looking at the two thinking, Minato Yukai also realized something, his nerves suddenly tensed, and whispered:

"Has the enemy already started?"

"... count on you... well, I'm afraid that's the case."

It can be heard that Miken Saki originally wanted to taunt, but thinking that they are now teammates, it is quite unwise to cause conflicts within the team when the war is about to begin.

Moreover, Miken Saki was also very clear that this so-called internal conflict was just her jealousy. Even if she and the brothers had received special training from Master Minamoto, she would still be jealous because of other things. There was nothing she could do about it. Over the years, she had relied on Master Minamoto as a belief to get through the most difficult times. Even if she locked Master Minamoto in her basement, she would still be jealous because she could not participate in Master Minamoto's first half of his life.

This is a very morbid mentality.

Miken Saki was very clear about her problem, and she was trying to correct it, but she was too sick, and it was really difficult to correct it for a while.

But it can be controlled, at least this morbid mentality should not be allowed to delay the main business.

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