Faced with Taro's gushing excitement, Torrekia was overwhelmed. Why is the light of human beings, a tiny creature, so important on this small planet Earth? Torrekia used the knowledge about humans in his mind to ask:

"But don't Earthlings also pollute the environment, repeat wars and discrimination?"

Faced with such a question, Taro's smile did not disappear, he continued in a cheerful tone:

"Indeed, some people have ugly desires. But more people have a beautiful heart. I can't abandon many innocent people for a small number of evil people."

Taro, you can only see the positive side of things. This is also the characteristic of you, Taro.

Torrekia couldn't help but sigh like this, and Gensuba, who was standing aside, also stopped accelerating at this time, hugged his arms, and nodded in agreement with Taro's statement.

At this time, Taro discovered the nebula particle conversion system that Tregear was developing, and asked curiously:

"Is this the device you are developing now?"

"Well, all that's left is to input the data and make adjustments."

Taro thought about it and felt that it was necessary to ask Tregear to explain to him what this device was used for. After all, he had only heard a little about it and didn't know the details. Tregear was also happy to explain it to Taro, just like he did in school. After listening to Tregear's explanation, Taro smiled even more happily.

"Great! It can probably become a great tool to maintain the bond between Ultraman and humans."

But Torrekia said with a little doubt:

"Tools that use bonds...then they can't be used when there is a crack in the bond. If the relationship with the earthlings is exposed to the enemy, there is a great risk of being tracked..."

"Believe in the power of the bond, Torrekia. It will be fine."

Taro turned around, patted Torrekia on the shoulder, and interrupted the old friend's worries with a smile, then gave Torrekia a thumbs up and said:

"How about, let me help you with your research!"

If If it's Taro... If there is data of Taro fighting in every corner of the universe as the guardian of light... The last missing piece of the puzzle for this invention will be there...

Tregear's attention was immediately diverted by Taro's words. He seriously thought about the possibility, then nodded unceremoniously and said softly:

"Then I will obey your order."

With Taro's support and the approval of the new commander, the development of the nebula particle conversion system was put on the process. Not long after, the machine was miniaturized and turned into a new device that can be installed on the back of the hand.

Tregear said while holding the device:

"We Ultramen will be transformed into nebula particles, and the information of the nebula particles will be inserted into the key-shaped device. By reading the key with the nebula particle conversion system, we can fight for a certain period of time with the help of the bodies of life forms with different quantum structures."

Taro nodded and said in approval:

"Not bad! But the name 'nebula particle conversion system' is too long."


"Come up with a good name, Tregear."

484 (1w1) Tregear's philosophy

When Tregear heard Taro's question, a very familiar image immediately emerged in his mind, which was the image of Taro flying into the sky with the Plasma Spark Tower as the background.

So Torrekia suggested: "How about calling it Taro Sparks?"

"No, no, no, no..."

Even though he was already an independent Ultra Brother, facing the suggestion of his good brother, Taro still shyly said:

"Adding my name to the new invention is too weird. I think it should be a name that symbolizes the bond between the next generation."

When he saw Torrekia's gesture to let him choose a name, Taro thought about it for a while, and seemed to have thought of something, and said softly:

"How about calling it 'Taiga'? It means 'the courageous man who embraces the sun'."

Tregia considered the name "Taiga":

"Taiga... is quite catchy."

Hearing Torrekia say this, Taro knew that the name was basically decided. He happily held the device and said:

"Taiga Sparks, this is... well... it can be regarded as a device that you and I have completed together! I'm so happy!"

At this time, Taro suddenly thought, if he also had a child, what kind of name should he give it. After thinking of various options, calling it "Taiga" is not bad. Ultraman Taiga, um, not bad.

Although Gensuba on the side couldn't hear Taro's inner voice, he also felt that the name Taiga might have come from here, and then used on his younger brother (nephew). How should I put it, you Ultra seniors are really casual. If I were born in the Land of Light, I dare not think about what I would be called now.

However, this happy life for Torrekia did not last long...

"Torrekia, take care."

Facing Taro who was going to perform the next mission of the Space Guard, Torrekia smiled a little lonely and sent him away. This time, the alien Apol planned to make trouble on the planet Goli in the Altair system.

"Goodbye, Taro."

To be honest, Torrekia thought that he should actually send Taro to the Ultra Space Port. But Torrekia didn't do that. After all, if he sent Taro there, he would have to work overtime, and he was a person who didn't work overtime. So, looking at the location of the Ultra Space Port, Torrekia chanted a poem he had written before:

The stars are all frozen

The evil and dark power swallowed the universe

If you are the morning sun, you will dispel the ugliness

I will also follow the sun and shiver my body

I want to walk with you for the rest of my life

Taro, the Kingdom of Light without you is just a dull world without excitement for me. Some people also wanted me to be the deputy director of the Space Science and Technology Bureau, but I resigned. If we have any new inventions that enhance our defense, the enemy will attack with greater force. The battle will only intensify. Now I finally understand Ultraman Hikari's sorrow. Despite this, we are also the guardians of light. Light is justice. We must continue to move towards the light.

But what is the light of the "Kingdom of Light"?

Light itself is something that cannot be seen or touched. We can only recognize light after it is reflected by something. "Light" is so dazzling because there is "darkness" around it. Without darkness, there would be no light.

So, Tregear spent more time in the Ultra Library every day studying the history of the Land of Light.

The supernova explosion 270,000 years ago, the construction of the Plasma Spark Tower, the attack of the Empera Star, and the M78 Nebula who wanted to contact the core of the Plasma Spark but failed and was exiled from the Land of Light. His name is Ultraman Belia...

Tregear was intoxicated and reading the information repeatedly. When he noticed that Tregear was observing this history, the expression of Subaru, who was standing beside him, became quite complicated.

This... It can't be related to his father Belia...

Tregear didn't know Subaru's complicated emotions. He only knew that Belia was an excellent warrior of light and a comrade-in-arms of Ultrafather. He also got the corresponding title and evaluation in the Space Guard built after the Empera Star invaded the Land of Light. Belial wanted to steal the core of the plasma spark, but was exiled. He was injected with the genetic genes of the Reblade star while drifting in the universe, and thus became the evil Ultraman. Belial led the monster army to attack the Kingdom of Light, which was known as the "Beria Rebellion".

Afterwards, the defeated Belial was imprisoned in the space prison by the King of Ultra. What an incredible thing it is. In this Kingdom of Light where there are no criminals and even no police, an evil Ultraman was born. Would the residents of the Kingdom of Light, which should be "perfect light", be fascinated by darkness?

After Ultraman fell into darkness, all his superhuman powers would be used for purposes opposite to light, becoming a vicious threat. Given this threat, can the Kingdom of Light still be regarded as a flawless and just existence for the universe?

Every resident of the Kingdom of Light knows about the Belial Rebellion. But if you don't get close to Belial's motives for causing the incident and his deep psychological activities, you can't really understand it.

"When you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares into you."

This is what a certain earthling said that Tregear heard from Taro, but this sentence can't stop Tregear.

When approaching a dangerous place, everyone will say "There is danger behind, everyone don't go over", but what is really behind? Is it madness? Chaos? We must have the courage to understand the unknown, don't you have it?

Tregear is immersed in my research, and Subaru also restrained his casual attitude and began to prepare to take action. He realized that Tregear could no longer control his own curiosity and might cause trouble.

After a while, Tregear heard the rumor about Ultraman Hikari, whom he respected. Hikari stayed on the Star of Life, Aber, and was attacked by the high-dimensional predator Bogaru. Hikari fought desperately, but in the end Aber was destroyed by Bogaru. So Hikari became a vengeful demon. Hikari put on the legendary armor of Arbo, the Armor of Arbo, and became a hunter knight sword. He became a cold warrior who was willing to sacrifice some things around him as long as he could destroy Bogaru. Hikari, who questioned the battle so much and was so calm and rational, turned out to be like this! His respected boss in the past, who could be said to be the proud scientist of the Blue Clan, turned out to be an avenger.

After realizing this, Torrekia seemed to have broken some obstacles, and suddenly realized his next thinking-

Ultraman is not a god. Although he is not a god, he is doing the work of measuring good and evil, light and darkness, and maintaining the balance of the universe.

Belial, Hikari's existence is a crack in the Kingdom of Light. Born as an Ultraman, he has great power, but some people are fascinated by darkness. Ultraman is just a little bigger, exactly the same as the earthlings. Isn't Ultraman still an immature creature? We just wave our fists of justice arrogantly because we have a little power.

Isn't this something extremely dangerous to the universe? In the end, light and darkness are separated by a thin sheet of paper, and it is just a battle that will never end, right? I can only say that the Kingdom of Light is a country of deception.

So in a state of confusion, Tregear escaped from the Kingdom of Light in this crazy state...

I don’t know how much time has passed, but Tregear, who has lost the concept of time, left the Kingdom of Light and came to Qiu Ciola. This planet is managed by the Inter-Star Alliance and is a waste collection planet.

Tregear whispered alone:

"Abandoned garbage planet? It's really a planet that's just right for a useless Ultraman like me who can't even figure out the problem..."

In this place, I should be able to slowly think about life.

Tregear saw the organic matter contained in the abandoned garbage, which reminded him of his adventure experience with Taylor. This place could be a breeding pool for primitive life, right? Can the information about this organic matter be DNA-formed? Can life be created?

Ultraman is not a god, but he has power that can be said to be equivalent to that of a god. Tregear, who abandoned the Kingdom of Light, felt ironic about the abandoned but living things. This is equivalent to contacting the roots of bioethics, which is an area that is absolutely untouchable, but "absolutely untouchable" means that you can "step in". This is Tregchia's creed.

What Tregear created from organic matter was a mollusk that was reminiscent of the "cosmic leeches of Tiga Deyu" that he encountered during his adventures with Taro when he was young.

The leech gradually grew, growing eyeballs and small forelimbs. It looks similar to Namegon, a soft-bodied monster that inhabits Mars, the fourth planet in the solar system. Tregear named this creature "Snark". "Snark" means "little one" in the language of the Kingdom of Light. Although Tregear himself was unwilling to admit it, Snark Gram was the very being who cured Tregear's loneliness.

Snark likes Tregear very much. But the monster became extremely large after swallowing the endless garbage dropped by the Star Alliance. Snark turned into a behemoth several hundred meters high and attacked the city and residents of Qiu Ciola. However, at this time, as a Tregear, the Blue Ultra Warrior, can no longer control it.

"Stop it, Snark!"

However, Tregear, who is weak in combat ability, cannot stop Snark's invasion, but Tregear has a trump card——

There is a bug in Snake's DNA information.

Facing the local civilization that was wailing after being attacked, Tregear activated the BUG while hesitating. Snark immediately let out a cry of pain and struggled in pain while transforming into various biological shapes. Finally, Snark shrinks into a wheel of tiny flowers.

Tregear held the little flower in silence, and finally sighed quietly and said softly:

"Neither you nor I can live on this planet."

After saying that, the flowers withered and disappeared instantly.

Another dark bell fell in Tregear's heart, and then Tregear quietly left Qiu Ciola.

Then what....

Tregear began his long wandering. In this cold space, under the gaze of tens of millions of planets, in the loneliness of the vacuum, Tregear repeated questions and answers to himself, and like How many thousands of years will this kind of life be repeated in the future?

In the process, Tregear heard the news spread across the galaxy that Taro had a son, and the son's name seemed to be "Taiga". Tregear imagined what Taiga looked like in the dark universe. Unexpectedly, Taylor would use the "Taiga Spark" created by the two that day in his son's name! In this case, I am half the person who named Taiga. Well, just kidding.

Later, Tregchia thought of something. He had been gradually approaching the thing called "light" and wanted to chase the footsteps of the light, but he could not get the answer. Now he seemed to be able to find another one. a road.

"Taro wants to penetrate the light, so I will exhaust the darkness. We will always reach the same place, right?"

While wandering around the Milky Way, Tregear was investigating the relics of a time when light and darkness were still mixed before taking on the role of cosmic security in the Land of Light. In other words, he was investigating the traces of the early days of the universe called "chaos." It seems that during those adventurous days, the ancient cosmic writing seen in the cave of Planet Tiga Deyou can come in handy.

During the long journey into the universe, Tregear's thoughts gradually changed. Both light and darkness seemed to have lost their value to him.

"There is no day or night in the universe. Light and darkness are just pure illusions. There is only pure vacuum, nothingness..."

Finally, Tregear came to Borges. There are legendary ruins on the planet, which contain the ancient chaos. Tregear also finally deciphered the ancient universe in the cave of Tiga Deyou. Text, I got the detailed information here. This is a dangerous place where time and space are distorted and absolutely inaccessible. It is the cemetery of "a certain existence" that threatens the balance of the universe——

In the past, there was no light or darkness in the universe, everything was in a whirlpool of chaos. This vortex is the vast sea of ​​unconsciousness, and the sea is being sealed in the depths of the "abyss".

In order to maintain normalcy, people will dream, and dreams are the entrance to the abyss. Sometimes it’s a nightmare, sometimes it’s inspired by dreams. People are unconsciously connected to the "abyss". The revealed ruins have weathered over hundreds of millions of years. This is the well of souls leading to the hell of the universe!

So Tregear began to chant the incantation to resurrect the ancient gods that he had studied over the years, intending to unlock the seal of the ruins.


A magic circle with ancient words from the universe was immediately opened above the wellhead in front of Tregear!

"Darkness of the universe traveling among the stars, listen to my command and wake up from your long slumber immediately!"

Boom boom boom boom!

The wellhead shook, the earth cracked, smoke and dust rose, and a huge blue sphere appeared from the cracked ground. Countless phantoms could be seen in the translucent blue sphere, ready to move. These are hundreds of evil gods that existed before the birth of the universe, crawling in the darkness, and the sealed ancient "chaos" materialized. WTF. It looks like a "blue balloon".

At this moment, Tregear put his fingers to his lips and blew.

‘Boom! ’

The huge blue balloon burst, and countless evil gods appeared from it. Tregear opened his hands to welcome the evil gods rushing towards him.

"Come on, nameless ancient evil gods, I and my body are sacrifices to you. Eat until you're full!"


The roars of the "evil gods" shook the earth, and the group of evil gods twisted like a tornado and penetrated into Tregear's colorful timer.

Tregear used spells and Ultraman's power to seal the powerful and terrifying evil gods in the depths of his color timer. In order to prevent the evil gods' power from spewing out, Tregear had to set the color timer. A layer of strong restraints was added to the weapon, transforming it into what it looked like when fighting Yuan Subaru.

After Tregear obtained the evil power of the ominous object, he gained invincible fighting power. The light wave of destruction was a destructive electromagnetic wave shot from his fingers. His magnificent power could make all living beings violent. The power of the evil god was given to Tregear. Lekia has the ability to transcend dimensions. His skill is called [Torella Door]. He can move between dimensions using the magic circle when the evil god comes.

From now on, we no longer have to rely on the Tifaret Line. The color timer no longer flashes red, and Tregear gave up his identity as Ultraman.

Now I, Tregear, have transcended light and darkness. Light and darkness are ethereal things. Everything is empty.

I gained the ability to move freely in the multidimensional universe and interfered with many universes. If I can deny the so-called light and bond of the Ultraman, I can do anything. The bond is only established when there are people who cannot maintain the bond. A hundred idiots gathered together will only magnify the level of idiocy a hundred times.

With this thought in mind, Tregear came to the planet Kobol, where the space witch thief Murunao was. The weather-beaten witch reckoned with the aging of her appearance.

"Who are you?"

"I have different names in different universes. Just call me Tregear."

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