Seeing this scene, Torrekia was stunned at first, and then hurried to the outside of the spacecraft to prepare.

A few minutes later, Torrekia brought a probe to the cave of the planet Tiga Deyou. He saw a crab-like creature crawling under his feet, and a bat-like creature above his head tightly protecting itself with its wings.

To be honest, this environment made Torrekia feel quite uncomfortable, not only these strange creatures, but also the unique environment on this planet. Finally, in the unbearable humidity and high temperature, Torrekia followed Taro's footsteps and finally arrived at the fork mentioned by Taro. Looking at the narrow passage, Torrekia had to throw away the extra equipment and struggle to pass through.


Suddenly, Torrekia's feet collapsed.

The soft mud slid down like a natural water slide with Torrekia.

"It hurts..."

After a long time, Torrekia, who finally fell below, rubbed his body while looking up and found that this was a huge dome-shaped space.

This is where Taro lost contact!

After realizing this, Torrekia immediately took action. Not long after, Torrekia found that the space wall here was engraved with ancient cosmic characters that could not be deciphered.

"What is written here?"

Torrekia frowned slightly and scanned the ancient characters on it with one of the few personal devices.

But the next moment when Torrekia was analyzing, a huge creature rushed out of the soil. This was a huge creature after the fusion of crabs and bats, and this... Could this be Tiga Deyou's monster, Gage!

Just when Torrekia was surprised, Gage spit out a mucus-like substance at Torrekia, blocking Torrekia's vision at once.

"Hey, can you hear me? This is Taro! Can you hear me?"

This attack was too sudden... Well, for other Ultra Warriors, it might not be a surprise attack, but for Torrekia, such an attack was really hard to escape. But when Torrekia came to his senses from the attack, in the darkness, the portable probe carried by Torrekia heard Taro's voice, and at the same time, Torrekia also realized that he was being pulled into the air by the mucus fibers.

"Is it Taro? Where are you now?"

Torrekia shouted loudly, trying to communicate with Taro, but at this time Taro was guarding the aboriginal village outside the cave and confronting Gage.

After receiving Torrekia's reply, Taro also seemed to have started fighting. While fighting in all kinds of noise, he shouted loudly:

"I was attacked by Gage in the cave and escaped. The monster wants to attack the local village! We must help them! Where are you now?"

"I was wrapped in mucus. I don't know what the monster's purpose is. Maybe it intends to use me as a reserve food, or..."

Suddenly, Torrekia felt the breath of another monster around him, which made the blue giant's face look even uglier. He whispered:

"... Worse purpose"

Hearing this, Taro immediately began to punch and kick Gage frantically, trying to defeat the monster quickly, but even if he fired arrow-shaped rays from his double horns and attacked with shooting beams, Gage's wounds would recover immediately, which made Taro shout a little bit unbearable:

"What's the matter with these guys?"

Suddenly at this moment, Gage's crab shell broke open, and pink amorphous substances burst out of it.

"Wow, what is this?"

"Don't touch that thing!"

At this time, Torrekia appeared not far from Taro, but Torrekia's situation was quite embarrassing at this time. But think about it, in such a critical situation just now, Torrekia could only detonate the small instrument he carried with him in order to escape, and then he broke free from the restraint and rushed all the way to support Taro.

At this time, Torrekia scanned the pink object with a portable probe and said:

"These pink substances are amorphous creatures similar to leeches. They will absorb the DNA sequence of the opponent. It is also it that allows crab-like creatures and bat-like creatures to merge. Now they are eyeing the DNA of our M78 Nebula people!"

After realizing that this number of "leeches" is currently beyond Taro's ability to fight, Torrekia shot the attacking pink leeches with light. The leeches collapsed in an instant, but new leeches formed in the next second. Soon, Torrekia's color timer began to flash.

"I am a blue tribe member who is not good at fighting. I won't be able to hold out for long."

In the battle with Gage, Taro repelled the leeches that emerged from the monster's body, and shouted to Torrekia, who was gradually being pulled away because of the battle:

"Torrekia, hold on, I'll go save you!"

Torrekia looked at the distance between himself and Taro, as well as the number of monsters and leeches between them, shook his head, and said softly:

"You save the villagers first!"

Torrekia said while fighting the leeches:

"One day these leeches will absorb all the life forms on this planet. Then use our spaceship to go to other planets!"

But Taro's roar immediately came to Torrekia's ears:

"But I can't sacrifice you!"


Torrekia said to Taro calmly:

"We are a very powerful race. But we are not gods, and we have limits. When both parties cannot be saved, we have to make a choice. And we have to make a decision before both parties die."

"Do not make jokes!"

Taro roared angrily. At this time, Taro's colored timer also started to flash. This also reminded Taro that he had to speed up. He didn't have much time left.

"You mean to say that in order to avoid huge sacrifices, you can turn a blind eye to small sacrifices? I can't do that. I want to save both sides!"

As Taro's shout fell, flames instantly erupted from Taro's body. The pink leech life form ejected from Jiagejie's body was burned to pieces in an instant. Jiagejie let out a big explosion and was completely wiped out.

Then, Tyro turned into a ball of fire and rushed into the area where Tregear was. He fired Tyro Barrier towards Tregear to protect Tregear, and fired Stolum at the other Gagja. The light knocked him down.

"Are you OK?"

"Taro...what a critical moment."

"Great. Really great..."

Seeing that his friend was not harmed, Taro smiled from the bottom of his heart, and then exhausted all his strength and fell directly to the scene.

Taylor, you are a real hero.

Tregear carried Taylor on his back and walked toward the spaceship, but at this moment, Tregear also had a shadow in his heart——

So who am I? Do I, who need to be saved by you, and who believe that only by sacrificing one side can save the other side, have the qualifications to become a hero?

While Tregear was asking himself questions, he held the joystick of the spaceship and began to prepare to head towards the Kingdom of Light.

At this time, Taro had also woken up. It seemed that he just couldn't recover from that move and passed out. This is so normal. Tregear can't recognize it now, but Yuan Subaru can You know, the move that Senior Tyro used just now was the prototype of Ultra Bomb!

After waking up, Taylor stared at the ceiling blankly and said softly:

"What are those leech-like creatures?"

Tregear knew that Taylor was chatting casually, but he still turned around seriously and said:

"I don't know either. Maybe they were creatures that inhabited that planet in the era of chaos when the universe was formed a long time ago. It is easy to form a culture pool of primitive life..."

Um? !

This answer suddenly made Tregear think deeply. Is it a cultivation pool for primitive life? When, where and in what form was life born? It has protein information intertwined with DNA and RNA, transmitting genetic information and linking it to the next generation. Life goes round and round from birth to death.

From the perspective of other creatures, we, Ultraman, have nearly infinite life, and sometimes we can even transcend dimensional walls. It can solidify life so that oneself and others can be reborn, and can even superimpose several individuals into one individual to recombine life. People in the Kingdom of Light are already far away from the concept of life, right? Are we really integrated into the cycle of the universe?

"Okay, let's return to the Kingdom of Light as soon as possible."

Taylor's words brought Tregear back to his senses.

The spaceship accelerated towards the Kingdom of Light.

Then...youth will eventually end one day, and there is not much time left for Taro and Tregear to train at the Ultra Intelligence Center. Their future is the vast universe. It can be said that it is also a vast unrest.

When he was about to graduate, during a chat between the two old friends, Taylor said: "My dream is to become a member of the Space Guard and work as a guardian of light."

Tregear felt that this was natural.

"Can I become the guardian of light with you in the future?"

Tregear whispered while looking at Taro's profile.

Taylor still smiled brightly:

"Of course, as long as you don't give up on your dream."

So, when they graduated, both Taro and Tregear took the exam to prepare for joining the Space Guard.

Space Guard members are super elites with clear minds, strong physical strength, and colorful skills. Only one million people among the 18 billion M78 Nebula people can become such elites, which is equivalent to thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge.

Tregear belongs to the blue race. This race has many civil servants such as scientists, historians, philosophers, engineers, etc., and they have little physical adaptability. Tregchia trains independently every day, and this kind of life has penetrated into his body.

At this time, the Red Tribe and the Silver Tribe are competing one-on-one in the Ultra Arena. In the training room, Ultraman needs to use light skills to accurately hit the virtual image of the target. It was hellish special training for Tregear who had no physical strength. Despite this, Tregear still worked hard as a devout believer in the Kingdom of Light. No, maybe I just don't want to say goodbye to Taylor.

Then...the exam is over...

You can see the Second Ultra Iron Tower in the distance of the Silver Square. Just under the second iron tower, Taro stood there with the badge of the Space Guard hanging on his chest.

"Congratulations, Taylor!"

When Taylor heard the sound, he turned around. Tregear came here at some point, applauding and blessing Taylor sincerely. At the same time, his tone was full of bitterness:

"I didn't make it into the Space Guard."

In the final qualification review, Torrekia was only one breath away from reaching the qualified point, but it was just that little difference that made Torrekia regretfully fail to become a member of the Space Guard. This was the first setback in his life. For Torrekia, who has a strong self-esteem and is excellent, this matter is difficult to accept.

Taro paused. He knew his friend's obsession with joining the Space Guard and his efforts for this, but now that things have come to this, there is nothing he can say. Taro can only comfort Torrekia based on this situation and say:

"The way to contribute to the Kingdom of Light is not only the Guard. Isn't there a way to contribute to the universe through investigation, analysis, development, etc.?"

Torrekia understood that Taro meant to persuade him to join the Space Science and Technology Bureau.

Yes, there is only this way. Sure enough, I am different from heroes like you. There is no power beyond the limit. In other words, the days of adventure between you and me are over, Taro.

At this time, the light of the plasma spark tower illuminated the two people, but their shadows had unknowingly deviated in two directions.

Later, Tregear followed Taro's advice and volunteered to join the Space Science and Technology Bureau centered on the Blue Tribe. It was not until then that Tregear remembered that his invisible friend had not contacted him for quite a long time, and he didn't know what went wrong. It was just right, so I studied this in the Space Science and Technology Bureau. Later, Taro also lived a life of performing various tasks as a member of the Space Guard.

When Tregear entered the Space Science and Technology Bureau, the head of the Technology Bureau was Ultraman Hikari. Hikari was awarded the Star Medal through the success of "Research on Technology Related to Solidification of Life" and the captain of the Space Guard, Zoffy, and was a veteran technical bureaucrat. The first generation Ultraman and the Earthling Hayata were saved thanks to Hikari's technology.

Hikari quickly realized Tregear's excellent qualifications and promoted him to the part related to invention and development. One day, Tregear stood in front of a complex machine to extract data, and Hikari came forward to talk:

"Tregear, this looks like something that fixes nebula particles..."

"Ah, that's right, sir. This is a nebula particle conversion system. In the multiverse, we must be able to move in a world with a different quantum structure from our world. Let's temporarily turn our bodies into nebula particles and fix them in the internal space of a specific planetary creature. Now I'm studying such a prop"


Hikari admired Tregear's invention very much. At the same time, he also felt a little dangerous about this young man from the blue tribe. Hikari looked at the calm Tregear in front of him and realized that his heart was quietly burning with "blue flames" just like himself.

While Tregear was conducting various experiments, Taro had fallen into various crises during the missions of the Space Guard, sometimes so serious that he even needed the rescue of the Ultra Brothers and Ultra Parents, but despite this, Tregear could only watch.

It doesn't matter, he is the son of the sun. He will not lose because of this.

Tregear always comforts himself like this, so that he doesn't have to worry about Taro's situation.

Therefore, Taro's classmates in the Space Guard and all over the Land of Ultraman are always shocked when they hear the news about Taro, but Tregear still sits alone to study.

Later, when the research is approaching the final stage, Tregear applies for access to information that only limited people in the Land of Light can browse. To complete the star particle conversion system, it is necessary to travel to various universes and the information of Ultraman companions. But for some reason, the permission is always not approved. Tregear wants to talk to the chief Hikari about this, so he goes to the chief's office.

But Hikari is not there. Until then, Tregear, who has been secluded for experiments, knows that the senior Hikari he respects has resigned from the position of chief.

Why is this?

Torrekia couldn't figure it out, so he started asking around and heard all kinds of rumors. In the end, it seemed that it was because of the "life solidification technology" invention of Senior Hikari that was targeted by the invaders led by the Baite people and the war was launched. Senior Hikari felt that it was his responsibility, so he resigned. This statement is quite common. At this time, if there is no accident, Senior Hikari is now on the life planet Aber to protect the peace of that planet.

Even Hikari, a guardian of light who was awarded the Star Medal, would be distressed. Retire?

After hearing these things, Torrekia's heart was infiltrated with a faint shadow. He didn't expect that his senior in terms of technology level would face such troubles, and his senior who has far more wisdom than himself would fall under such obstacles.

But no matter what, I should find a way to continue my experiment. After all... I can't give up halfway. Although there has been no news from that invisible friend for a long time, the truth he "taught" to me at that time is still worth learning. But why can't I reverse it? What means did he use to contact me? What kind of technology does he have? ?

With such doubts, Tregear continued to develop the props he developed for Taro. He hoped that this thing could bring some help to Taro.

"I'm back"

I don't know how long it has passed, Tregear heard a familiar voice, he turned around suddenly, and saw Taro's figure.

"You're back, Taro."

Looking at the sun-like Taro, Torrekia, who hadn't seen him for quite some time, was a little dazed. He knew that Taro, who had the excellent bloodline of Ultra Father and Ultra Mother, was now famous for his "Ultra Sixth Brother". He was even praised as "the legendary Ultra Brothers, the Sixth Brave Man"....

Such a him, such a glorious him, really remembered a friend like me....

"Long time no see, Torrekia! Hahaha!!!"

After hearing this enthusiastic laughter as before, Torrekia's originally turbulent heart suddenly became clear. Taro was still the man who didn't care about trivial matters. No, he no longer had the high spirits that wanted to respond to his parents' expectations, but was three times softer.

After all, they were no longer in school. That period of time was really a golden age. Although now thinking about that time was filled with the word childish, Torrekia still hoped to return to that time.

"The source of light is the friendship and bond with others!"

Afterwards, Taro told Tregear about his various past experiences, especially a planet called Earth in a certain galaxy. Taro emphasized the bond with the people on Earth because of the mission he came to this planet:

"Humanity is oppressed by all kinds of sins but not destroyed. When it is at the end of its rope, it will inevitably return with a thunderbolt. No matter how many times it happens, it is the same. So Ultraman is not saving humanity. Instead, he fights together with humanity. Humans are our irreplaceable friends."

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