Speaking of this, Saka looked at Regjedo with a complicated tone and asked:

"If we could have taken action in the early stages of the Primeval Invasion, we might not have needed an engine, and this incident would have been over. I know that it makes no sense to talk about this kind of hindsight now, but... Regedo, I’m still curious, what happened to Noah back then?”

Saka really couldn't understand. It stands to reason that Noah is not the kind of person who would let such a disaster develop. As the first being in this universe to discover the energy of primeval energy, Noah should be able to In the first place, this restless existence was cleared away, but what kind of changes happened that led to this situation that is now out of control?

I can’t figure it out, Saka really can’t figure it out…

427 Ultra King: How much is this thing?

"I don't know, but it seems to be related to the fit person Noah chose at that time."

Reggio was silent for a moment, sorted out what he knew, and said softly:

"At least now, all the news about the capable person has been found."

"What aptitude?"

Saka frowned slightly. As we all know, there are countless rays of light of Nexus in the universe, and countless capable people were born because of it. If Noah wanted to take a look at these capable people, That kind of thing should be impossible just by thinking about it.


Were there any able-bodied people raised by Noah himself?

Saka felt quite unbelievable. For old people like them who have lived for who knows how long, even if they meet some new people who admire them, just like Saka met Yuan Subaru, at most they are just... When you have free time, pay more attention to it. When you are in danger, come and help.

What's going on? Brother Noah, are you the one who leads the people yourself? When did you become so idle?

To be honest, Reggio quite understood Sega's shock. After all, who would have thought that such a thing could happen. However, according to Noah's very satisfied tone in his previous casual exchanges with Noah, All he needed to do was say, "I'm very satisfied with this capable person. After a few days, everyone will be free. Brother, bring the little guy here and make him familiar with everyone."

Speaking of which, that capable person seems to be named Sakura Giraku...

This...name...I seem to have seen it somewhere...

Reggio patted his head, thinking seriously, and then remembered that he had indeed seen this name before. When he was tracing the origin of Yuan Subaru's child at the Time Falls, Yuan Subaru was [Noah· Final·Seal] When he was involved in the turbulence of time and space, Reggio used his extraordinary perception ability to vaguely see that at the end of the turbulence of time and space, there seemed to be a tombstone with the words marked on it, which happened to be One of the symbols of civilization mastered by Reggio.

And the tombstone on it is ‘The Tomb of Sakura Giraku’.

What exactly is going on? How come that kid Yuan Subaru is still related to that capable person...

Regjedo felt as if his head was about to swell, with bursts of pain. Saga, who was on the side, saw that Regjedo was thinking about things so seriously, so he did not bother him. Let’s start sorting out the current situation here.


"Ah——! I have a headache——!" X2

After the two legendary warriors were silent for a while, they couldn't help but sigh uncontrollably at the same time. They looked at each other, and their smiles were full of helplessness.

"Next...are you going to find Noah?"

Saka was lying on the surface of the planet and said lazily. Reggio immediately shook his head and refused and said:

"Forget it. We don't have engine protection. If we go to look for Noah, we may be targeted by the original essence again on the way. Saka, you don't want to trouble Yuan Subaru to come and save us, right? ....”

"No, if you want that kid to beat us both at the same time, you might as well just ask for his fate."

Saka waved his hand quickly. Just thinking about this kind of thing is quite torturous, whether it is the one who saves the person or the one who is rescued. At this moment, Saka seemed to think of something, his expression Becoming quite subtle, he looked at Reggio and whispered:

"Speaking of which, we probably haven't heard from Peter for a while."

"...Do you mean...that Peter was also infected by the original creation?"

Hearing this, Reggio's expression suddenly became subtle. Don't tell me, don't tell me. These four mysterious legendary warriors who are close to each other, it seems that only the Ultra King Pete has not yet passed it on. There is news related to the original creation. If you think according to the action pattern of the original deity, I am afraid that Pete is also in his calculations.

Absolutely, that kid Yuan Subaru would have to fight Pete again!

Obviously, this idea flashed through the minds of Regedo and Sega at the same time. The expressions of these two legendary warriors suddenly became extremely ugly. They don’t want that kind of thing. They have to fight against these legendary warriors, but there is no achievement mission. It's done.

"Let's go find Pete."

Regardless of the injuries on his body that have not yet healed, Saka stood up, greeted Reggio and said:

"There's nothing you can do to get Peter to meet that kid."

"You're right."

Reggio held Sega's extended hand, was pulled up, and said seriously:

"If Peter has not been contaminated, that would be the best. If it is unfortunate...then there should be no problem if the two of us go together. Then, after Peter regains his consciousness, the three of us will Find the plane of the universe where Subaru is located and break the final seal left by Noah. I think... we might be able to find something on Subaru's origin star."

"That's it, let's go!"

With the flash of two streams of light, Saka and Reggio embarked on a new journey...

the other side.


Countless explosions echoed in the vast universe. Although sound cannot propagate in a vacuum, looking at the green energy overflowing from the explosion, it is better to ignore this cosmic rule.

Outside the explosion range of this green energy, a king in a cloak casually dispersed the colorful light in his hand and sighed helplessly:

"How many giga Endoras are there..."

One thing to say, although the King of Ultra has not calculated it, the number of Giga Endora is definitely beyond the control of Dracion. If Dracion had so many on the earth, If Giga Endora, there was no need for such a calm conversation with Regedo, and then he changed his mind. According to the character of this prophet, he had already chosen to push it aside.

Now, the King of Ultra has also noticed that he seems to be 'nailed' here. Originally, he came to help to see if he could rescue Dracion who encountered an accident, but now, if he If you don't stop me here...

No, to be precise, a group of Giga Endoras had already escaped from here due to my carelessness, but I was completely unable to pursue those terrifying war weapons. After all, as long as I didn't pay attention, this staggering number of Giga Endora will escape to other cosmic planes, and what kind of disaster it will cause at that time... The King of Ultra dare not even think about it...

428 Noah: Something happened to the replication engine....

I don't know what's going on outside now...

The King of Ultra looked at the Giga Endora battle group that was coming up again, and he helplessly prepared to fight. This kind of battle has held him here for too long, no matter which target he had originally planned. Not achieving it is really frustrating.

In fact, the current way to break the situation is not troublesome. It has even been laid out clearly. That is, the King of Ultra ignores these polluted and twisted Giga Endoras and goes straight to the root cause of this heresy. ——Just leave that weird original creation.

But as a price, when the King of Ultra is fighting with the original creation, I don’t know how many contaminated Giga Endora will flow from here to the outside. The King of Ultra has already tested those contaminated things. , even if you create a different space that is completely isolated from the outside world, throwing it into it will still not change its distortion.

This also shows that even if he eliminates the original creation that caused the distortion, there is still no way to eliminate the danger of those escaping Giga Endora. This... Come to think of it, even if Dracion After being rescued, there is no way to restore the situation...

I don’t know if Regedo and Saga have received any messages from me now...

The King of Ultra looked helplessly outside the universe. When he realized that something was wrong, he immediately sent an Ultra signature and looked for foreign help. Unfortunately, there has been no news yet.

Really, what is going on with this original creation? Why is it so troublesome? What is the original substance...?

"Hey, look at it, look at it, look at it."

Just as the King of Ultra frowned slightly as he dealt with the besieging Giga Endora, on the other side, his troubled look was like a portrait, being held in the hands of other beings. , constantly moving towards Ultraman Noah who was launching an attack at this time, and said with a smile:

"This king of the Ultra clan, guardian of the universe, and legendary mysterious Ultra warrior, is quite troubled right now. Hehehehehe, he is so cute, Noah~senpai~~~! Don’t you really think about helping this old friend of yours?”


Noah did not speak, he just continued to attack. In this long battle, he has become accustomed to the verbal provocations of this essence, and is trying to learn to distinguish which ones are useful in the clamor of this essence. information.

"Ah, ah, ah, senior Noah is so ruthless. He saw his old friend suffering and didn't show any sign at all. If the Ultra King knew about it, I'm afraid he would cry."


"Oh~~~ By the way, I almost forgot to squeeze."

Looking at Noah's unresponsive expression, Yuanzhi clapped his palms, smiled and waved his hand casually beside him, and two more paintings fell into his hands. What appeared on them were Lei occupied by tentacles. Jeddo, and Saka, whose body was covered with blades, immediately said in a pitiful tone:

"Private Marseille, Noah-chan, I seem to have forgotten to tell you, Noonono, look, look, look, Senior Regedo and Senior Saga seem to be pinching... and they don't notice the problem. Well, so I put on a little makeup for them. How about it? Does it look good? It looks good. I spent a lot of effort to come up with this look. Hehehe, Noah. Senior, I think you’ve done a good job.”

Yuanzhi scratched the back of his head and gave a simple smile, but after such honest words, he threw the three paintings towards Noah. In an instant, the projections of the three legendary Ultra Warriors appeared. In front of Noah, these projections were covered with terrifying energy fluctuations and launched their most powerful attacks towards Noah.

These projections do not lack strength just because they are so-called false things. There is a saying that although it is a bit abstract, with the blessing of the original essence, these three projections are replaced by their corresponding deities to deal with. I'm afraid it will take a long time to get the result.

However, they are creations of the original substance. As long as they are the original energy, there is not much room for struggle!

Noah started the engine without hesitation, and a pale white light burst out immediately, like a rapidly spreading mist, covering the three original creations, accompanied by a terrifying energy impact. , the crisis was immediately lifted.

At the same time, Noah quietly summoned a ball of light out of thin air. This ball of light was the [Replication Engine], which was used to block the anchor point left by the Prime Essence's range of activities, and to power the main engine. The backup hidden energy, just like the powerful explosion just now, really consumes a lot of energy in the engine.

In this case, Noah will use his own energy as temporary fuel to prevent the engine from stalling, and then call in the [Copy Engine] to recharge. In this process, Noah has developed an instinctive reaction. , and it has been verified in this long battle that the essence has no chance to interfere with itself...

Um! ?

Just when Noah subconsciously wanted to plug this [Replication Engine] into the main engine, he suddenly felt an inexplicable creepiness. This was because his crisis instinct was going crazy, warning this legendary warrior that there was a conspiracy afoot. Get close to him.

So, without any hesitation, Noah directly threw the [Copy Engine] in his hand. At that moment, the seemingly ordinary copy engine suddenly twisted, and the perfect ball of light suddenly split open, A ball of dirty energy attacked Noah.

However, even if Noah cannot react to such an attack, he does not need to worry too much about his safety. After all, the main engine is still in his hands, and the pale white energy radiation emitted is enough to wipe out such an attack.


That's not the problem....

Noah casually summoned another [Copy Engine]. This time, he checked it carefully and was distracted before replenishing energy after confirming that there was no problem.

Then, the legendary warrior's face became as dark as water. He already understood what happened just now. The power of the engine and the energy of the original matter are indeed things that naturally conflict, but... this original matter will far exceed the [Copy Engine] 】The power has penetrated into the [Copy Engine] through a twisted method, and controlled conflicts are carried out within it to achieve the effect of concealment... +

429 Essence: Ouch! What's this? !

I have to say that this is really an incredible method, because even a little accident or improper control will cause a big explosion of the entire [Copy Engine].

But this did not happen. The copy engine just now was well coordinated. Despite the disguise, if Noah had observed it carefully... No, there is no need to observe it carefully, just be distracted and pay attention. After a while, you can almost find the problem.


When fighting, especially when fighting the original essence, if you are distracted, the situation may be reversed.

However, if you don't pay attention to this, if you input this spy-like copying engine into the main engine, it will be like pouring cephalosporin directly into the stomach of a drunk person. Even if you don't die, you will lose most of your life.

"Hehehehehehehe, Senior Noah, why do you look so ugly?"

At this time, there was an unpleasant laughter from the source, as piercing as the scream of a child whose voice had not changed. His body began to twist crazily, as if someone had kneaded the dough at will, which also represented his current situation. The incomparable joy in my heart——

To be honest, today should be the happiest day in this period of time, because after Noah made up his mind to kill himself, he no longer felt too many emotional fluctuations in Noah's body. .

This is really making people, ah, no, it makes Yuanshi very sad. The changes in Senior Noah's expression from shock to confusion, to sadness, and finally anger made Yuanshi taste it for a long time, even now Come to think of it, it's quite top-notch fun.

And such a fun provider actually began to suppress his own mood swings and cover up his inner changes. This is so sad, ah no, so sad. Senior Noah will not be angry. , not a good senior.

but now....

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey!

I'm done!

The primeval laughed more and more wildly. His overly happy mood swings even caused changes in the surrounding time and space. The strange green creations squirmed in the wild laughter, forming terrifying instruments, playing messily and noisily. movement.

Everywhere affected by this sound wave, whether it is organic matter, inorganic matter, or a certain concept itself, is undergoing frightening changes——

Just like the meteorite that just passed by here unintentionally, it has now turned into a monster cave-like existence. Under the pits on the surface of the meteorite, there are white strip-shaped creatures, the number is terrifying, and they overlap each other in the red viscous liquid. , able to penetrate each other's bodies, and surfaces that are considered solid in human conceptual cognition.

These red viscous substances may be its plasma or body fluids. The soft body trembles slightly with the gas rising from the liquid, and the lingering weird smell is unbearable for the brain.

This monster seemed to be full of terror and unnatural malice. As the sound wave came again, it began to undergo new changes. Its body began to become bloated and bloated, and it grew glowing eyes and sharp... claws.

When it poked half of its head out of the pit, even an ordinary Ultra Warrior would feel weak in its legs and feet, and even almost fainted on the spot. It stared at Noah with its glowing eyes and said "Ada" Aston's strange whisper.

It was like a foreign language that did not exist in this world, a curse full of temptation. If a human heard it, he would stand there, trembling all over, almost unable to move under fear, and then his consciousness gradually changed. I felt blurry and my brain began to tremble non-stop.

Even though the human wanted to escape from the web of morbid horror and abnormal revelations, his body walked towards the monster uncontrollably, then lay on top of the monster and sniffed its whole body crazily, melting into it with bursts of hysterical laughter. .


It is the process of birth of a qualified primitive creation. Whether it is the [notebook] or the traps encountered by Regedo and Saka, those terrifying and difficult primitive creations are like this round after round. Slowly born under the 'cultivation' of the original essence, these strange creations will possess unexpected and very powerful power at the moment they are fully formed. In this way, they can be used according to the ideas of the original essence. , to perform various tasks.

However, this primitive creation was obviously going to be strangled in the cradle, and Noah would not let such a thing be born in front of him.

So, as the engine started, the pale white light spread out, calming down the prototype of the original creation, the sound waves, and other related changes.

In this regard, if it were any other time, the original substance would definitely cry, like a resentful woman, nagging Noah for a long time, and Noah would be like a bad husband who abandoned his wife and children.

But this time, Yuanzhi stopped smiling without caring at all, crossed his arms and crossed his waist, which was not as thick as Yuan Subaru's little finger due to the distortion, and said loudly and proudly:

"Senior Noah, you taught me that I need to be familiar with the enemy in battle. Now, I follow your teachings and understand how to deal with the so-called engine, hehehehehehehehehe!!!"


It is indeed the case.....

Listening to Yuanshi's laughter, Noah quickly calmed down his emotional fluctuations. To be honest, Noah had already expected this. After all, this is the successor he brought out, with his talent and intelligence. , even if it becomes the original substance, there will not be too many changes, and it will even reach a higher level because of it.

It's just that Noah didn't expect that this day would come so quickly, so fast that he couldn't accept it. He knew that he wanted to take down the [Replication Engine] and achieve that kind of attack method, even for the original substance, it was definitely not possible. What an easy thing.

However, no matter what, one thing has been clearly placed in front of him, that is, from today on, there has been an irreparable flaw in his defense, and the essence will follow this weakness to move the defense line. Eat away bit by bit until you completely collapse.

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