"Damn Beria!!!"

When Cero heard this, he stamped his feet angrily, and the surging energy poured out. Ace on the side quickly put his arm around Cero's shoulders and said softly:

"Sero, calm down, don't be so excited."

"Uncle Ace, listen, listen!!"

Sero trembled his index finger angrily and said:

"Beria, this bastard, is so despicable. You can't beat me, but you actually... want to slander me like this... even for such an advantage... wait a minute!"

At this time, Sero suddenly remembered something, his sharp eyes fell on the somewhat confused Manaka Kengo, and he said in an eager and expectant tone:

"How did Yuan Subaru respond? He must have shut up Beria, right?"

"Ah...ah, almost..."

Manaka Kengo was stunned for a moment, recalled the scene at that time, and nodded with difficulty. Seeing this scene, Sero burst out laughing. The anger and embarrassment just now seemed to be all gone at that moment. Dissipated, Zero laughed proudly, put his hands on his hips, and was very energetic. He shook his head as if scolding Fang Qiu, looked at Ace beside him and said:

"I knew it, I knew that Yuan Subaru's child must be able to carry it clearly. Who is Beria? How could he call a guy like Beria his father? Yeah, next time I see Subaru, I will do whatever I want. Just praise him well."

"Yes, Senior Yuan Subaru really knows the difference clearly."


Hearing what Manaka Kengo said, Zero turned his head and looked over in surprise. At the same time, the other Ultra warriors couldn't help but cast their eyes on this Triga. What should I say? They couldn't help but think too much. Mainly Since Yuan Subaru carried it so clearly, then...does that mean...

Gen Subaru actually admitted that Zero was his father...

To be honest, although there is no hope for Yuan Subaru to return to the Kingdom of Light, and the Ultra brothers from the Kingdom of Light have already acquiesced in Yuan Subaru's choice, they still hope that there will be a What can be the child's emotional sustenance other than the earth? In that case, maybe when he chooses to die one day, he can have more hesitation and reluctance. In that case, maybe things can still exist. With a slight turn of events.

So...where's Savin! Why aren't you here at this critical moment? If you miss this critical moment and you come back anxious, we won’t care!

"Well, Senior Yuan Subaru said that Beria is not qualified to call him father now."

Although Manaka Kengo didn't understand why everyone in the Kingdom of Light suddenly became so excited and expectant, he still followed his own rhythm and said softly:

"Senior Yuan Subaru said that the current Beria is not the real Beria, but a walking corpse controlled by the soul of the Reblondo star. It is a puppet that has lost itself in the amplified dark mind. Even if you want to shout Father, you have to drive out the souls of the Lebrondo people before shouting."


Hearing this, the surrounding Ultra warriors all fell into silence. To be honest, they really felt sorry for Beria's initial experience, and they also cooperated with Ultra's father to find a way to save Beria. , but for the results they got, Beria seemed to be Beria….

Did Yuan Subaru discover something that we were not aware of?

Thinking that there is a chance to save Beria, the Ultra brothers couldn't help but feel a little happy, especially Zoffie, as the Ultraman who had the most contact with Beria among the brothers, although Beria at that time He always likes to say something, and his attitude is not so friendly in the eyes of the people on earth when he is named "Tsundere", but he is undoubtedly the hero of the Kingdom of Light. He has done many things for the Kingdom of Light, but He just did it without saying anything.

If the captain knew about this, I think he would be excited and take action immediately.


Just as Zuo Fei was thinking about the next plan, at this moment, Zero, who had recovered from his illness, suddenly let out a cry of grief, couldn't accept it and held his own horns, and said quite aggrievedly:

"Isn't Subaru still recognizing Belial as his father? I don't want that kind of thing! I don't want to be a 'mother'! Absolutely not! Subaru, you can't do this to me...ah!!!"

425 Saka: It’s terrible....

? ? ? ?

Many question marks popped up on Manaka Kengo's head. Why did Gen Subaru-senpai call Beria his father? Why can't Zero accept this? Moreover, judging from the voice, should he be a male Ultra Warrior? Why does it feel like as long as Gen Subaru-senpai calls Beria his father, he will change his gender? Is this some kind of curse? Sbara type... No, this curse is really terrible.

At this time, just when Zero was going crazy, Geno quietly came to Manaka Kengo and quickly filled in the unfinished things for him. At the beginning, Manaka Kengo was still full of shock. , I didn’t expect that the reproduction in the Kingdom of Light could be so miraculous, and that men and women could also give birth to children.

But slowly, Manaka Kengo's smile disappeared from his face, and was replaced by more and more intense anger. Finally, the black breath began to rise from Teliga's body. The dark Teliga 30 million years ago The shadow became looming.

"calm down!"

Ace feels that he is almost turning into a 'calm' robot these days, but in this situation, it is obviously necessary to remind this Triga like this. Although the Ultra brothers can detect that this dark energy is The children of Teliga themselves were not possessed by something like Beria, but they were still instinctively vigilant.

After all, in the Kingdom of Light, the power of darkness is like tofu. Although the tofu is the same and can be eaten both sweet and salty, it still causes controversy among humans because of the difference between the two.

Of course, this is also because the people present are all mature warriors. The Ultra brothers, as well as Geno and Zero are all people who have seen the world. If it were the young Ultra warriors from the Kingdom of Light here, I'm afraid it wouldn't be possible. We are already going to punish Teliga as a heretic.

"Calm down? What kind of calm is needed at this time!"

Manaka Kengo felt his anger coursing through his blood and impacting his brain. The unprecedented anger was giving the reincarnated giant a surging killing intent:

"To actually use such terrible means... This is desecrating life! This inhumane scum! He should go to hell now! It's so ridiculous! It's so abominable! How can this be done!"

Manaka Kengo was so angry that he couldn't even speak out loud. He now understood why Senior Gen Subaru was always so arrogant and why he never took his own life seriously. With such a life experience...

Manaka Kengo couldn't help but rub his scalp. He couldn't imagine what Senior Gen Subaru had gone through to be able to accept his fate so calmly.

"Think on the bright side."

Looking at Manaka Kengo who was trembling with anger, Taro sighed and said comfortingly:

"If it weren't for that abominable biochemical experiment, we wouldn't have seen Yuan Subaru..."


Tyro suddenly felt a coldness around him, as if several sharp eyes were on him, which reminded him of Brother Ace's training, Brother Zuofi's sparring, and Brother Man's guidance some time ago... Did I...did I say something wrong?

Taro's body suddenly stiffened and began to tremble. It had to be said that he was an Ultra Warrior and could actually make such a contradictory action. At this moment...

"You are right. Although I am very angry...but it is true that without this experiment, I would not have met Senior Yuan Subaru."

Look, what I said is right, didn’t this comfort Telika!

Hearing this answer, the trembling Tyro suddenly stood up and looked at his brothers with some pride. Regarding this, the surrounding Ultra brothers couldn't help but have a black line, but they did not continue on this topic. entangled.

"In short, it's better to go to Teliga's universe now."

Zuo Fei, who had woken up at this time, covered his chest and said in a deep voice:

"Man, go find Absolute Tartarus; Ace, go find Jonias; Taylor, go try to contact the captain, now is not the time to go to the Ultra King; Eddie , go to Planet O-50, terminate the experiment there, and after sealing it, bring everyone back; Zero, go find Galaxy and Aix. We need their help in the next battle. "

As Zoffi's order came down, all the Ultra warriors immediately took action. Although Yuan Subaru was there, no matter who it was, they believed that Beria's power had been crippled, but when it came to dealing with Beria, , you can never be too careful.

At this moment, Zuo Fei remembered something. He called out to Zero and asked softly:

"Speaking of which, Zero, can you feel the current state of Senior Saka?"

Zero, Dyna and Orb, these three Ultra warriors all fell into a strange slumber because Saka was not in the right state. Although after waking up, senior Regedo had already rushed to deal with it. But when it comes to its nature, no one dares to guarantee that it can be solved.

No, this may need to be patched, maybe Yuan Subaru can do this.

"Well... to be honest, my feelings at that time were very vague. I believe that Dyna and Orb were like me, but..."

Zero thought for a moment and said seriously:

"Since I woke up normally now, I believe that Senior Saka is also safe."

"That's good, Sero, let's go."

Although it was just a feeling, as an Ultra Warrior, he was still a pretty outstanding Ultra Warrior. Zero's feeling was trustworthy. Zoffi let out a breath and stopped asking any more.

And Zero's feeling was indeed correct. At this moment, in the depths of the universe, a crack was opened. Then, Regedo and Saga came out supporting each other. These two legendary warriors were scarred, and they were obviously Experienced a brutal fight.

"It's such a shame..."

Saka sighed faintly. He originally thought that he could settle the score with Noah, but before the score could be settled clearly, he fell into the enemy's trap and directly transformed into a killing weapon. He didn't know what a terrible crime he had committed.

At the same time, Saka couldn't help but feel frightened. Looking back now, the essence was really amazing. When did he fall into the trick... Saka hadn't figured it out yet. When he realized it, he would It was already the matter of being slapped [Legend of Sparks] in the face by Reggio. At that time, I was still wondering, wasn't I looking for a promise? Why did Reggio come and have sex with me...

Terrible, truly terrible essence.

Noah...has he been fighting against such terrifying things?

426 What happened to Noah?

Hearing is better than seeing. Saka has fully realized what this means. Of course, if possible, he hopes not to understand it in this life, but such regrets no longer mean much. Saka looked at Reggio beside him asked in a serious voice:

"How many other primitive creations are there? No...are all primitive creations so dangerous?"

"I really don't know this."

Reggio sighed and said quietly:

"Before this, although I knew about the existence of the original substance and the engine, I didn't have much contact with it. I can only say that at this point, Noah blocked the information so well that we were all obsessed with him. Well protected."

"But it's understandable. Before that, if I had known the situation of the original substance, even if there was a risk of infection, I would have prepared all the safety measures I thought and tried that original substance. quality."

Saka sighed and said softly:

"Also, Reggio, I think you have seen Noah's situation. It is estimated that even Noah himself can't tell how long he has been fighting with the original essence."

"Indeed, this possibility exists."

Reggio sighed, found the nearest planet, sat there with Sega, was silent for a while, and said softly:

"What is known so far is that there is a certain upper limit for the infection of the original substance. After receiving a powerful one-time attack, it is possible for the host to get rid of the control and wake up. Of course, the premise is that the parasitized host Not killed."

"Is such that."

Saka nodded and echoed:

"And, at the moment when the control is released, the host's memory will be recalled to a period of time before it was controlled, at least that's what happened to me."

"This varies from person to person."

Reggio shook his head and corrected:

"To be precise, it changes due to the pollution of the original creation that I am exposed to. For example, my cognition is distorted, which in turn affects my mood swings."

"Ha... the original creation... it's so disgusting... there are so many categories..."

Hearing this, Saka rubbed his head with a headache. This kind of thing is really too troublesome. Although it is not that there is no clue at all to figure out how to deal with this, but those clues and ideas have been verified one by one. God knows how much time it will take, and during the verification process, there is also the risk of being reinfected by the original creation. Just thinking about this kind of thing is enough.


Wait, did I just hear it wrong? !

Sega, who was sighing, suddenly trembled. He turned his head in surprise and shock, and saw Reggio nodded as expected, and added:

"I was also tricked. It was Yuan Subaru, the kid, who rescued me from the pollution of the original creation. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to help you. And this is also the second type, except for the engine in Noah's hand. In addition, the way to deal with the antigenic contamination is to find Yuan Subaru and ask him to use pure white light to help."

"...How strong is that child now?"

Saka thought for a while, and then asked Lejido, the pure white light... Saka also saw it at the beginning, but it was just a little bit of firefly, which was not noticeable at all, so Saka said When I looked at it, I just looked at it and didn't take it to heart at all. It was that faint light that became the power that could help Reggio at this time.

"Let's put it this way, in our current situation, if the child tries to risk his life with us, we may be in trouble."

Reggio didn't hesitate at all, and spoke directly. Hearing Sega, he was stunned again. The legendary warrior couldn't help but stretched out his hand to rub the back of his neck. If he remembered correctly, Yuan Subaru and His first meeting... Even if converted to earth time, it should be less than a year. At that time, the child would have been killed if he hit the incomplete body of Hyperjeton. If he didn't take action, he would probably die. There it is....

But now, you tell me, he becomes cruel and fights with me...

Is he growing up too fast, or am I progressing too slowly? Are there really no problems in this world? !


"No need to say more, I understand how you feel."

Looking at the confused Saka, Reggio also said melancholy:

"I feel so embarrassed now. Not only can I not help others, but in the end I have to ask for someone else's four-year-old baby to save me..."

"....Stop talking about this embarrassing thing."

Saka opened his mouth, but finally decided to change the topic and said softly:

"Didn't you just summarize two points? That's a good summary. Let's continue."



Lei Jiduo waved his hands weakly and said helplessly:

"At present, there are only these two methods, and the conditions to be achieved by the former are still relatively harsh. Therefore, the optimal solution to deal with the essence at the moment is still related to the engine."

"What is this?"

Saga frowned slightly and said in a somewhat impatient tone:

"It seems that without the engine, our universe has no way to deal with this essence."

"Without the engine, we will definitely have other ways to deal with the essence. There is no doubt about this."

Lei Jiduo said decisively, but immediately, he sighed helplessly and continued:

"But in that case, our universe will definitely not be as peaceful as it is now, and countless lives will die. This assistance from outside the universe has indeed bought us some time."

"It's a pity that we didn't grasp that precious time."

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