"I want to rush forward. Although I know it is dangerous, but...this thrilling feeling of danger makes my heart very restless. I...I seem to like this feeling of fighting on the edge of life and death."

"Haha, what a life-threatening thought."

Yuan Subaru chuckled, then moved his gaze back, looking at the monster getting closer and closer, and said casually:

"But I also like to do it, but even if you are reckless, you still have to pay attention to skills. Watch out, Xiao Lu, I think you will like this skill better."

After saying that, Yuan Subaru suddenly raised his hands upward, and Geed also made the same move. The flames condensed around Geed, and the energy in Geed's body all surged into the sky, and in Geed's hands It turned into a flaming blade, Yuan Subaru grabbed it firmly and suddenly swung it at the monster.

At that moment, Asakura Riku saw a flower of fire blooming in front of him, but he also knew that Yuan Subaru's attack was not a superb and gorgeous move. He was just holding the flaming blade, Swinging it with crazy force and speed, the burst of slashing waves contained astonishing flame energy, impacting on the monster's body, like a tide, continuously.

And the monster was obviously not a reef on the coast. Under such an almost instantaneous explosion, facing the countless attacks, the monster felt an unprecedented fatal threat, and it did not hesitate to use all its energy to attack it. It was released, wanting to rush through the sea of ​​flames and smash the bad things that were attacking him.


It's too late.

The moment Yuan Subaru held the blade, the God of Death had already placed the sickle on his head. Destruction was his only ending!

As a result, Asakura Riku saw unprecedentedly brilliant fireworks. The extremely tall monster was chopped into pieces by the blade. Thousands of fragments were burned by the flames and turned into pieces of embers, like stars in the sky. Turned into a firefly and descended into this world freely.

This beautiful scenery, even the frightened people around, couldn't help but stop, raised their heads, and immersed themselves in this stunning visual impact amidst the dark clouds.

Among these sparks, the giant holding the flaming hand dispersed the deadly weapon. He straightened his body, lowered his head, turned around, and stared at the human being who was so small compared to him. , the villagers subconsciously took a step back, but then they felt the tenderness emanating from those seemingly vicious eyes, as if they were concerned about their safety.

Then, the giant nodded slightly, and his burly body turned into countless blue light particles and dissipated, adding a different color to the beauty in front of him, as if a new light lit up among the extinguished ashes. ....

374 Good Luck Ged?

This is a really good fight.

When Geed left, Fushii Izuku also turned his attention away from the battlefield over there. He carefully came to his temporary hiding place and opened the device he used to activate the Star of Order, but this This time, the device exploded violently just as he touched the switch.

Fushii Izuku groaned, and suddenly pulled his hand back, but there were already several scars on his hand. He frowned slightly, took out a handkerchief, bandaged it briefly, and then moved his eyes to where there was still a risk. On devices that produce sparks and smoke.

Obviously, this is not something that can be touched with hands. The damage caused by Geed to the monster is also reflected in the existence of this Star of Order to a certain extent. Izumi Fushii used his walking stick to try Then he picked out the Star of Order from the wreckage of the device.

However, it is a pity that the exquisitely crafted and expensive cane was reduced to ashes in an instant.


Such an accident did not make Izuku Fushii feel any negative emotions such as anger. Instead, he looked like he suddenly realized something, as if his doubts had been answered again.

Sure enough, the Star of Order had fallen into Geed's hands.

Izuku Fushii also noticed the news about Ellie's natural anger. Although Yuan Subaru had begun to delete the news, Izuku Fushii had long been paying attention to news about suspected superpowers on the Internet. For this reason A smart AI has also been specially developed to collect information about this on the Internet all day long.

Therefore, after Izuku Fushii completed the experiment at hand and saw the historical news record, he immediately rushed to Ellie to get the Star of Order, but he was already prepared to miss it. Prepare.

Because the news about Ellie has been deleted in large quantities on the Internet. Generally speaking, this should be the situation after some official organizations take action. Yes, Fushii Deji is referring to AIB.

Izuku Fushii has also dealt with this organization, and he knows it better than Gen Subaru. This is an informal organization whose main job is to control illegal aliens who have committed crimes.

Its members are multi-faceted and belong to cosmic beings of various races. The scope of their tasks is also very wide, from intervening in large-scale wars to protecting stray cosmic animals. In short, they are responsible for everything related to maintaining the order of the universe. within the scope of work. On a planet like Earth, which is not yet open to the universe, their importance is even greater.

Then, in the event of the Order Star, the AIB members always reacted quickly. It can be said that before this, Fukui Izumi was fighting with them for the Order Star, and it depended on which side was faster, and therefore they had various open and covert confrontations.

So far, the win-loss ratio between Fukui Izumi and AIB is about half and half.

Yes, if we infer from this win-loss ratio, Fukui Izumi also has a certain number of Order Stars in his hands at this time.

This is indeed the case. Fukui Izumi also stored a batch of Order Stars, but half of those trophies have been consumed in Fukui Izumi's experiments. Although there is still half left, but...

Today's Order Stars are somewhat similar to Bitcoin in human society. In the early days, there were a lot of them and they could be easily discovered. But as time went on, whether it was Fukui Izumi or AIB, the whereabouts of the Order Stars that they could find were getting less and less.

Therefore, Fukui Izuki naturally put the focus on collecting the Star of Order without hesitation. It would be great if the remaining Star of Order could be left as nutrients for Lord Belia.

Moreover, Fukui Izuki had already obtained accurate intelligence. After getting the Star of Order, those guys from AIB did not conduct various experiments like him, or use it on any equipment, but simply sealed it very tightly.

If the Star of Order had not left the earth, it would have become quite unstable and would have caused quite shocking space-time shocks. No spacecraft could withstand such shocks at present. Otherwise, the senior management of AIB would have wanted to transport the Star of Order to a black hole and throw it directly into it.

The reason why the AIB top brass did this seems to be because they believe that this power is not what the current cosmic civilization can possess. For the sake of the stable development of the universe, they would not hesitate to abandon these amazing energy bodies. Fukui Ideshi even felt that if they had the means to safely destroy the Star of Order, AIB would probably try to miniaturize that means and then place it in every part of the world.

Fukui Ideshi only found it funny. As one of the earlier followers of Lord Belia, he had also seen the various styles of other universes, and this was the first time he had seen an ostrich-like organization like AIB. If a super-dimensional war occurred one day, AIB would be completely unable to withstand those radical... not radical, even slightly enterprising cosmic civilization organizations.


This idea is not only shared by Fushigi Izumi. Although all members of AIB agree with the concept of [stable universe, peaceful development], there are various means to realize this concept. Therefore, perhaps one day, the Star of Order sealed by AIB will automatically fall into their hands.

Well, Fushigi Izumi and AIB seem to have failed in the matter of Ellie.

Recalling the flame that tore through the darkness, Fushigi Izumi had no doubt that the Star of Order that could spontaneously ignite was absorbed by Zeed. Zeed's ability to transform was probably due to the same reason.


How did he get the Star of Order?

And how did he extract the Star of Order from the little human girl?

This made Fushigi Izumi feel very confused. Could it be that he was just lucky and a Star of Order hit him directly on the head? !

It is undeniable that there is such a possibility, but the probability is too low, so low that it is really hard to believe.

Fukui Izushi sat on the stone next to him, crossed his legs elegantly, propped his chin with one hand, and pondered thoughtfully.

Anyway, let's take a look first. Even if it's really luck, I should have contact with this test product. When necessary, he is also a part of Lord Belia's resurrection!

375 Subaru: Then I call you brother?


Fukui Izushi looked at the smoking device helplessly and sighed helplessly.

Let's wait for the temperature here to drop before looking for Geed. Really, it's so bad.

On the other side, Gen Subaru and Asakura Riku, who had finished the battle, also returned to the basement of the observatory. Because Gen Subaru was fighting the whole time, and there was also the Star of Order to take up the energy consumption, Asakura Riku was not very tired. He was looking at Gen Subaru at this time, looking at this brother who turned back into the energy body of the little blue man again, with a face full of entanglement.

"If you have something to say, just say it. Look at how much you've held yourself back."

After experiencing the power of the Star of Order, Yuan Subaru had a lot of new ideas. The upgrade of Geed can imitate the form switching of Tiga. When necessary, he can choose the specialized form he needs according to the current battle situation. In this way, it can be regarded as a novice tutorial for Asakura Riku, so that he can get familiar with his real body in different categories.

After he adapts to these forms, he has almost gotten rid of the novice stage and can try to fuse the complete energy together to master his real power.

Well, this should be no problem. According to this idea, it can be regarded as a long-term main line for Xiao Lu.

On the other side, after hearing Yuan Subaru's words, Asakura Riku did not hold back any more and asked directly:

"Brother Yuan Subaru, how old are you now?"


Yuan Subaru was stunned for a moment, looked back at Asakura Riku, tilted his head, and said doubtfully:

"Why should you care about this? Oh, I understand. It was when we first merged that my projection made you confused, right? There is no need to care about this. Different universes, different time flow rates, and age comparisons across universes. It doesn’t make much sense. I am almost one of the first batch of genetic and biochemical experiments, so you don’t have to think too much. There is no doubt that I was born before you.”

"How did you judge this?"

Peijia lying on the table beside him asked curiously. Then, he realized something and quickly waved his hand and said:

"I'm just curious, just curious. If you find it inconvenient, I..."

"The reason is simple."

Gen Subaru ignored the startled Pegesa star, looked at Asakura Riku and said:

"If you were ahead of me in the ranking, you wouldn't be able to live this long. But if you like to be called brother, I can cooperate with you. It doesn't matter anyway."

"Um...Brother Yuan Subaru, what should I do next?"

To be honest, the moment Yuan Subaru said that, he suddenly felt his heart beat. He had never experienced what it felt like to be called brother. However, when he thought about it, if Yuan Subaru was his younger brother, Doesn’t that mean he has become a useless older brother and needs a smart and capable younger brother to clean up the mess? I don’t want this kind of reputation!

Therefore, Asakura Riku decisively and willingly continued to maintain his original name.

"Go and buy all the things you haven't finished playing with."

Yuan Subaru said casually, but after finishing speaking, Yuan Subaru thought for a moment and continued:

"I'm going with you this time. I really don't believe it. I can go out to buy something and be interrupted all the time. If something bad comes out again, I'll be responsible for killing you."


Riku Asakura happily put on his coat and waited for Gen Subaru's figure to disappear into it. After Pejia also jumped into the realm of darkness, the young man set off happily.

At the same time, in a quiet residential area in the East District of Xingshan City, it was just past three o'clock in the afternoon. Although it was not yet the end of school, due to the monster, the school that had just resumed classes was dismissed early again.

Although the monster is very scary, because the monster has been defeated, the children are not as sad as the adults, and are immersed in the joy of getting out of school early. The park on the way to school is crowded with children who are passing by, and As usual, it’s an everyday sight everywhere.

In the corner of the park, there are two children occupying two swings hanging side by side. They grew up together and can be said to be childhood sweethearts. They both consider each other good friends and affectionately call each other 'Yuko (Keiko)' ', they were in the same class until they entered fifth grade. Even though they are now in different classes, they still play together like this during school breaks.

At this time, the two little sisters were swinging happily and chatting about cute topics, such as how to dress Barbie dolls more cutely, and the food cooked by their mother this morning was quite delicious.

While Keiko was swinging vigorously, the little girl noticed the hairpin on the head of Yuko who was also swinging next to her. It was a heart-shaped children's hairpin decorated with shiny decorations. This made her Some curiously asked:

"Eh? Are you wearing this hairpin today?"

"I wore it secretly on the way to school. The teacher would confiscate it in school."

"Yeah, so cute."

"Hey, mom just bought this for me."

Yuko shook her hair as if to show off, while Keiko took advantage of the momentum and jumped off the swing, landing deftly on the ground. She looked at Yuko's hairpin with twinkling eyes and said:

"That's great. I'll go back and ask my mother if she can buy me one too."

"Hey, no, no."

Yuko also jumped down, and with a smile, he took out an identical hairpin from his pocket, put it on Keiko's hand, put his hands behind his back, leaned forward slightly and said:

"How could I forget Keiko with such a cute thing."

"Thank you, Yuko."

The happy Keiko hugged Yuko first, and then put the hairpin on her head. Yuko carefully helped adjust the position. The same hairpin shone in each other's eyes, making the two children smile. More brilliant.

"Yuko, come and play at my house again. Dad said he is going to buy me new toys today."

"Are there new toys? That's great. Let's go then."

The two of them got tired of playing on the swing and made an appointment. Yuko went to pick up the backpack that was left on the bench. Suddenly...

"it hurts!"

Keiko's screams came from behind Yuko. Yuko quickly looked back and saw a little bee flapping its wings, drawing an arc in front of her eyes and leaving. Yuko also screamed at this time. Get up, but it's not because I'm frightened by bees——

Behind her, where Keiko should have been, squatted a pale alien. Her skin looked ugly, even ulcerated, and it was impossible to see from her deeply sunken eyes, and the ugly alien wore the same clothes as Keiko...

376 Mengya! ! Xiaolu! ! (4k)


If Subaru was here, he would definitely recognize Keiko's true identity at a glance, but this race of aliens is not a dangerous species. They are called space investigators. When Jack Ultraman was protecting the earth, there was a Metz alien who came to the earth to investigate the water, soil and climate of the earth.

The Metz alien lived on the earth as [Kaneyama Juro] and depended on a child named [Sakuma Ryo] who was often bullied in school. At the same time, he also used his telekinesis to sink the monster Muruki into the ground and sealed it up to prevent the monster from causing trouble.

However, because the Metz alien was not adapted to the polluted atmosphere of the earth, his body was declining day by day. If he stayed on the earth, he would only die. However, the Metz alien's spaceship was also placed underground by his telekinesis. Now he was too weak to summon the spaceship, so he and Sakuma Ryo planned to dig out the spaceship and return to his hometown.

But in the end, because the Metz star scared away the school bullies who bullied Sakuma Ryo with telekinesis, he was shot and killed by a hostile alien policeman.

And now...

"Huh....Keiko....? You...why..."

Another Metz star revealed his true face in front of everyone. Hearing Yuko's voice, this Metz star immediately covered her face. Obviously, she had realized what happened to her, as if something she had hidden was discovered...

"No! Listen to me!"

Keiko was trying to explain something, but there were not only Keiko and Yuko in the park. With the appearance of the Metz star, the children in the park immediately burst into a shrill scream. The monster incidents during this period still stimulated the nerves of humans.

After hearing the children's screams, the human adults around immediately realized that something bad had happened in the park. Except for a few people who chose to flee the area immediately, everyone else subconsciously rushed over and saw Keiko, who had pale skin and did not look like a human.

"I warn you, don't move! Otherwise I will shoot!!!"

Among the crowd that rushed to the scene, there was a young patrolman. He pulled out his pistol in a panic, pointed it at the girl who was only a few steps away from the crowd, the girl who was not from Earth, and shouted:

"Give...give...give...behave...be ...

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