"However, if possible, I still want to fight with you, Brother Yuan Subaru. This is how it is shown on TV. Brothers working together are as powerful as gold!"

‘Haha, I’m looking forward to that. ’

"...Brother Yuan Subaru."

'Um? ’

Listening to Yuan Subaru's tone, which seemed to have no ups and downs, Asakura Riku thought for a while, and finally chose to get straight to the point, and asked frankly:

"Did our father...really do so many bad things after he was controlled by the soul of the Reblondo star?"

‘The souls of the Reblondos do amplify the dark side of the human heart. ’

While Yuan Subaru was busy with other things, he continued:

'I encountered an incident before. The genes of the Reblondo star in my body were activated and I became another clone. So in this regard, I have a certain say. Beria... I see Beria, who lives in a parallel world and has not yet been possessed by the soul of the Lebrondo star, is just a somewhat arrogant uncle who likes to keep things to himself and always tries to get into the wrong, so he is not a bad person. ’

Having said this, Yuan Subaru paused for a moment, looked at Asakura Riku with a half-smile and said:

"Beria seems to be quite caring about his blood relatives. Maybe by then, Beria can take you to his home planet, the Kingdom of Light, and give you a household registration there. The Kingdom of Light is a It’s a good place, I believe you can get more help and companions there.”

"What about you, brother Yuan Subaru?"

Asakura Riku was slightly stunned. He had felt that something was wrong before, but now he finally realized what was wrong. He looked at Yuan Subaru and said in a solemn voice:

"Brother Yuan Subaru, aren't we brothers? Isn't Beria our common father? Why do I feel...Brother Yuan Subaru, you don't seem to want to be with us..."

Riku Asakura didn't finish what he said, but the meaning was self-evident. At this time, the Ultra cub looked at Yuan Subaru uneasily. Yuan Subaru couldn't help but be stunned and said with a smile:

"You guy, we have known each other for less than three days, why are you reluctant to let me go? Even if we are familiar with each other, the progress is too fast."

"But... aren't we relatives?"

Asakura Lu looked at Yuan Subaru and said seriously:

"You, me, Beria's father, we are all connected by blood. Even if we are placed on an alien planet, we should still be family members. Since we are family members, then we should be together neatly."

"My family...it's interesting."

Yuan Subaru whispered with some emotion, then looked at Asakura Riku and said softly:

"What a pity. I used to long for the arrival of family love, but when it really came, I could no longer feel the passion. Xiao Lu, I can't follow you to the Kingdom of Light. I am the Earth's Olympus. Special warriors are the guardian light of mankind. For this reason, my hands are stained with blood. I am a butcher who is destined to go to hell after death."

Yuan Subaru put away his smile and said in an extremely serious tone:

"The killings I have committed are probably too numerous to describe in your eyes, but for me, this is necessary justice and the judgment I deserve. I will continue to implement this protection for the rest of my life, even at the cost of fighting with anyone. The forces are at war, Xiaolu, if you don’t want to be my enemy in the future, don’t hurt humans or the earth.”


Asakura Riku and Peijia obviously didn't expect that Yuan Subaru had such a crazy side. Even if they were just talking face to face, they both could smell the sweet iron smell in the air. Peijia knew that this was blood. Asakura Riku knew that this breath was just an illusion.

But even so, Asakura Riku and Peijia can clearly realize that the body of the projection in front of them is real. The monster crawling out of the sea of ​​​​blood from the corpse mountain is like a volcano crater. The peace of the past does not represent anything. It depends on how much power will be reduced when it explodes.

"Sorry, I have too many things to deal with during this period, and I have been away from my home planet for too long, so even in this emotional state, I am still a little too excited."

At this time, Yuan Subaru suddenly realized something, put away his terrifying expression, took a long breath, and said softly:

"Xiao Lu, if possible, I hope you can embark on a... um... relatively normal path to the future. Neither I nor Beria are on the right path. But if one day you feel that the rules of the Kingdom of Light are also a constraint for you, then come to the earth to find me. Just hide on the earth and call me. As long as I am still alive, then I will will appear."

"Brother Yuan Subaru...are you really okay?"

Seeing Yuan Subaru who was furious one second and calmed down the next, Riku Asakura was a little worried, and cautiously, for fear of irritating his elder brother, he said softly:

"I feel like...you need a good rest."

"I feel very good now. Rather, after giving up my physical body and becoming a photoion polymer, my thinking has always been so clear."

Yuan Subaru rubbed his hands and took the initiative to dissipate the turbulent emotions, allowing calmness and reason to regain the high ground. In the next actions and plans, this state is the best.

"Xiao Lu, next I will teach you how to fight and how to master more skills."

Now that Asakura Riku has changed his mind and wants to continue fighting as Geed, Yuan Subaru must also give him some training. At least he must teach him how to use his light energy efficiently instead of being so wild. .

But it is strange to say that as both are the genetic heirs of Beria, Asakura Riku's light energy reserve is far less than his own. Even if he is still in his infancy, he should not have this much. After all, he was considered a young man at that time. In his childhood, could this astonishing amount of mana be due to Zero's...

Well...it doesn't seem to be the case, forget it, this point doesn't matter anymore, let's leave it at that.

Yuan Subaru brought his thoughts back to his eyes, looked at Asakura Riku, and said softly:

"I will give you the qualities of a warrior in the shortest possible time. It will be very hard, but if you can complete my test, I will give you a reward for each one you achieve, such as the mountain bike and games over there. Machines, such as a complete set of The Flash peripherals, such as going to the filming site of The Flash, letting you go as a road show..."


Asakura Lu rushed to Yuan Subaru at a speed that Peijia couldn't see clearly, and excitedly held Yuan Subaru's hands. With his eyes that were about to flash and his mouth that seemed to be drooling, Xiang Yuan Subaru confirmed.

"Of course, these are nothing more than money matters, and for you and me, money... is actually not a rare thing."

372 Asakura Riku: Is this what my brother is? !

"Then what are you waiting for? Come on!"

Hearing this, Asakura Riku collapsed with excitement. Yuan Subaru helplessly protected his head with his telekinesis to prevent him from having too intense contact with the ceiling and causing him to fall into coma again...

No, I should have made him pass out.

Forget it, don't worry, let him eat something good first, take care of the chores, and wait until tonight.

Yuan Subaru gave up the idea of ​​knocking Asakura Riku out directly with telekinesis, then placed him firmly on the ground, and then asked him and Peijia to return the mountain bike and game console and buy them food and Daily necessities.

And thinking that as long as they completed the test, they could buy these two things back, Asakura Lu and Peijia were naturally quick to take the things and prepare to return them.

To be honest, Yuan Subaru was thinking about whether to follow them. After all, these two were still cubs. If they were not good at talking, not only would they not return the goods, but they would be tricked into buying more unnecessary things, it would be troublesome.

But then I thought about it, this is also a life experience, there is no need to intervene too much, so Yuan Subaru continued to be busy with his own things.


Come again? !

However, before an hour had passed, Yuan Subaru noticed a strange movement, which surprised him. This kind of speed was too fast for Asakura Riku, and it almost caught up with the time when he had just transformed. .

"Brother Yuan Subaru!!!"

At this moment, Asakura Riku and Peijia rushed into the observatory headquarters. From their appearance, it could be seen that they were purchasing daily necessities and returned here urgently through the elevator.

"Monster, the monster this time is so big!"

As Riku Asakura finished speaking, Lem also turned on the projection. There was a purple wind around his body, a pair of huge wings, and a timer-like bead on his chest, surrounded by purple light. lines, the abdomen has the Bemunstein five-pointed star mouthparts, the tip of the thick tail has the weapon of the super beast Baraba, and the three protruding long horns on the head are like purple crystals, condensed and entwined with ominous lightning.

And, as Asakura Riku said, this monster is much taller than the ones that have appeared before. Just standing there is like a sky falling, and even villages that are too close to him are completely submerged. In his shadow.

"Xiao Lu, eat that Star of Order, and then after transforming, give me control of your body."

Yuan Subaru frowned slightly. He had already recognized it. Among the materials that made up this monster, the tyrant monster Tyrant was indispensable. This was not good news. This kind of monster allowed Geed to transform twice. It would be too difficult for a young warrior to deal with him.

"I understand Brother Yuan Subaru."

Without any hesitation, Asakura Riku opened his mouth and directly swallowed the crystal-like Star of Order. Regarding this, Asakura Riku was still very nervous. He closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the sharp solid edge to scratch. Breaking his own throat, waiting for the scorching temperature to burn his esophagus.

But Asakura Riku felt only the gentle and warm breath of running water. He opened his eyes in surprise, and what he saw was Yuan Subaru's finger pointing at him. The fingertips were emitting a blue light. Without hesitation, order The softening of Zhixing was the work of this elder brother.

"Sorry, Xiao Lu, it's not convenient for me to show up now, so I can only borrow your body to face such a powerful enemy."

Yuan Subaru used his mind power to mobilize the power of order to integrate with Asakura Riku's body, and said softly:

"I will carefully control your body to prevent you from unnecessary harm, but Xiao Lu, you can also try to feel my use of energy. This is not a test, but I hope you can learn something from it. What."

"I will work hard, Brother Yuan Subaru, then let's go!"

In the projection, the monster has already begun to move. He flaps his wings and sets off a purple wind. While destroying buildings with the power of the wind, the energy mixed in it is also like poisonous gas, hurting innocent humans.

Therefore, Asakura Riku and Gen Subaru immediately took the elevator to the southeast corner of Xingshan City and faced the huge monster. Asakura Riku opened his fingers and made a move he learned from the TV series Flash, shouting:


Before he finished speaking, a blue beam of light rose from the ground, in which the figure of Ultraman Geed was appearing, and Asakura Riku was very thoughtful in trying to transform, rotating, and while rotating, he was still changing Poes. It must be said that it was very handsome, but...


Such an operation was obviously done by Asakura Riku deliberately delaying the transformation time. To be honest, Gen Subaru did not expect that Asakura Riku could actually learn this without a teacher, but...

Isn't it not good for you to do this in front of the monster?

Under the complicated eyes of Yuan Subaru, the monster raised its foot and kicked the half-transformed Zedd. The brute force directly kicked him out of the transformation light column. The Zedd, which was more than half the size of the normal version, was like a flat stone, floating on the ground.

This unlucky child...

Yuan Subaru sighed helplessly, turned into a stream of light, and chased him from underground. When Zedd was about to land again, he got into Zedd's body and merged his light energy into it, causing it to burst out with the power of flying, and when it flipped, it facilitated the complete transformation.

"That... I..."

Feeling a figure appear beside him, Asakura Lu knew without thinking that it was Yuan Subaru who came. He grabbed the back of his head embarrassedly, ready to apologize to his brother. After all, he was the one who dropped the chain this time, and he needed to be well... huh? !

Asakura Riku subconsciously looked to the side and saw nothing. Then, he blinked and looked down. He saw a child wearing an unknown organization uniform. He was at most 13 or 14 years old. He was so thin that his jawbone was protruding. There was a faint blue light around the child's eyes. His expression did not fluctuate. He looked like an ice sculpture standing here.




Why is my brother such a child! ! !

Is he younger than me?

He must be younger than me!

Is it because I am the older brother?

No, the point is wrong.

Asakura Riku patted his cheek to calm himself down. Then, with a complicated expression, he watched Subaru controlling Zedd. When he fought back, he also paid attention to Zedd's movements, making it look like he was fighting himself...

This...This...If he is not a combat expert, he should not be able to do it...

373 Subaru: Look at Xiao Lu

'I am very good at fighting, believe me. ’

Looking at Zedd rolling on the ground, his seemingly awkward movements, Asakura Lu put himself in his shoes, but found that if he went up, he would not be able to avoid the sudden tail swing attack. Looking at the spikes on the end of the tail, Asakura Lu couldn't help but think of what it would feel like if these spikes pierced his body, and he shuddered all over.

Then Asakura Lu saw Zedd push himself with one hand, making his rolling amplitude larger, and then letting the flying flame bomb fall beside him. It can be said that the power of the explosion almost brushed Zedd's body. Asakura Lu felt that this was not good luck, but after the exquisite calculation of Yuan Subaru.

So... Yuan Subaru is really good at fighting....

Looking at Zedd jumping up and throwing a light blade casually, the monster waved his hand to break it, but the broken light blades gathered again and turned into small light wheels, killing the monster, Asakura Lu couldn't help but sigh.

Then Asakura Riku saw the small light wheel stuck in the skin of the monster's neck, and the monster showed a very human disdainful laugh. In response, Yuan Subaru snapped his fingers, and then the small light wheels burst out with power that was inconsistent with their size, almost blowing the monster's neck off.

But the monster's self-healing ability is also quite good, and the wound is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Don't worry, this is not a big problem."

At this time, Yuan Subaru seemed to feel Asakura Lu's mood and said softly:

"In a sense, monsters with strong self-healing ability are relatively easy to deal with. As long as you find the key point, you can kill them with one punch. And, you see, this level of self-healing ability is still quite rubbish. If we cut off his wings, we would have killed him long ago when he grew them back. Xiao Lu, watch me and see how I dismantle him."

"Well, okay."

Asakura Lu nodded. In front of Yuan Subaru's teaching, he temporarily suppressed his random thoughts. Maybe Yuan Subaru just looks young. Now he looks like thirteen or fourteen years old, but since he is also an Ultraman, his life span must not be short. Maybe he is now more than a hundred or a thousand years old.

So don't worry about this first, don't worry about this first, study hard, study hard, it's rare for Yuan Subaru to play on the account, I have to learn something!

On the other side...

Spit out fireballs from the mouth to attack the enemy.

Swing the tip of the tail with the Baraba weapon at the back to attack the enemy.

Send flashes from the horns to cast super gravity waves twice in a row to crush the enemy.

Are these the three main powerful output methods?

Yuan Subaru rubbed his fingers, thinking that it was not a difficult thing. Although there is a saying that one force can break all laws, for this monster, he could not do such a thing in front of Yuan Subaru.

Yuan Subaru did not say anything more. His fingers slid slightly, and Asakura Lu felt that a familiar breath was surging. Yes, it was the Star of Order obtained from Ellie. The power that could trigger fire was taking effect on Zedd through Yuan Subaru's command. The hot breath appeared around Zedd. He was condensing a terrible fire storm. The terrifying high temperature made the monster feel uncomfortable.

It's time to go up, and I can't wait any longer.

The sense of crisis in his heart urged this Belia fusion beast, the strong Gomoralant, to make a decision quickly. Therefore, it also rushed towards Zedd according to his thoughts. The body that was like a sky curtain, accompanied by a terrifying gale, the whole monster seemed to have turned into a planet that fell from the sky, launching a fatal charge towards Zedd.

"Xiao Lu, what would you do in this situation?"

However, facing such an attack, Yuan Subaru looked back slowly and spoke to Asakura Lu slowly. Asakura Lu thought for a moment and said in a serious tone:

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