Yuan Subaru reached out and took off a handful of dust, and rubbed it gently. The energy particles emanating from it made the child mutter with emotion, and then walked towards the location of the observatory headquarters.

Now, he has understood the reason for the appearance of this monster, and also knows what Beria is planning behind the scenes. Next, he has to see which side of the game between them gets the results first.

On the other side, Izuku Fushii has also safely moved to his secret base. He took out a small box with a pistol handle from his arms and opened it gently, revealing a wisp of burnt blue thick smoke. Smoke came out of it, causing Fushii Izuku to cough violently.

But he knew that the smoke was not toxic, it was just a simple physical phenomenon. He waved his hand to disperse the smoke, and then took out a rough crystal. The original crystal clear crystal had many There were streaks of turbidity, but this also showed that Fushii Izumi's experiment had been successful.

"Great, the mission assigned to me by Lord Beria has finally been successful!"


"Lord Belial!"

Just when Izuku Fushii clenched his fists and waved happily because of this success, a sudden voice sounded behind him, which made Izuku Fushii's body shake. Then his body's instinct exceeded his conscious reaction, and he quickly turned around and knelt on the ground. He said in a respectful tone:

"My subordinates are sincerely frightened..."

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense like this."

What appeared in front of Izuku Fushii was a black-purple mist, from which Belia's pair of narrow and ferocious eyes could be vaguely seen. He stared at Izuku Fushii, and his voice echoed in the mind of the Strum star. :

"What was the result of the experiment?"

"Lord Beria, please take a look."

Izuku Fushii respectfully lifted the turbid crystal with both hands and said in an excited tone:

"Under the guidance of your wisdom, Lord Beria, we have now successfully integrated the power we need into the [Star of Order]. Our plan has achieved its initial goal."

"Hmph, it took three years to get to this point. It's really embarrassing."

However, Beria was not satisfied with the result of this quality. Fushii was shocked, the joy on his face suddenly disappeared, and he kowtowed his head to the ground respectfully and said:

"My subordinates are incompetent and let Lord Beria down. I..."

"That's enough, please save me this nonsense from now on."

Beria impatiently interrupted Izuku Fushii's words, and then said seriously:

"This plan worked, but what about the other one?"

364 Subaru: Geed, call me brother

"No trace of the traitor has been found so far."

Of course Izuku Fushii knew what Beria was talking about. Over the years, he had been following Lord Beria's instructions to look for the other giant who might not have died and caused the Inpac crisis. Although regarding this, Beria has always While asking, Izuku Fushii has also been looking for it, but there has been no result. However, Beria seems to be inexplicably obsessed with this. He doesn't believe anything he says. The explosion that failed to completely kill him at the beginning also failed. Kill that traitor!

"Then keep looking, I still have..."

"Lord Beria, my subordinates have other things to report."

Seeing that Beria was about to leave, Izuku Fushii quickly called out to him, and then quickly said:

"Lord Beria, I have gone through all the data records of all genetic and biochemical experiments."

"Oh, very good."

To be honest, Beria had almost forgotten about this matter. When he survived the Impak crisis, it didn't take long for him to find Izumi Fushii and asked this guy to hand over all the experimental data to see what Which batch of goods does Nizi belong to?

But after failing to find the entry for [Beria Beria planned to find it himself, but after taking a good look at the astonishing amount of data, he was silent for a moment and decisively gave up the idea——

Beria really didn't expect that Izuku Fushii would conduct such a large number of genetic and biochemical experiments. He felt that if all these experimental subjects survived, he would almost have an amazing army.

Beria obviously didn't have time to focus on dealing with this, so he casually said, "Look into it carefully" and then left, without taking the matter to heart again. After all, Beria Leah also saw that the existence of Yuan Subaru had given up his body and became an existence similar to an energy body. It was impossible to find his breakthrough point from the genetic body.

But I didn't expect Izuki Fushii to actually take this matter to heart and complete his mission. How can I say that this subordinate is pretty good.

"Sir, based on what I have reviewed so far, the results of the survival simulation, and the tracking of the whereabouts of the genetic experimental subjects, this Yuan Subaru probably belongs to those early exploratory genetic and biochemical experiments, and the subordinates hired I conducted an investigation with the Protos and discovered that the space station used for experiments at that time was not destroyed by the self-destruction I set, but by an impact from the outside. "

To be honest, if it weren't for this incident, Izuku Fushii would have almost forgotten about the experimental site. It was a long, long time ago. When he got the permission from Beria, he couldn't wait to get started. own experiment.

Of course, it is not an easy task to obtain a stable biochemical experimental body of Belia's genes. After all, it is a combination of the power of Ultra Warriors and Ray Brando.

Moreover, Izuku Fushii was also worried that his experiment would be discovered by passing Ultra warriors or allies with whom he had made friends, so he carefully placed his first experimental base. In his prediction, there would be There are considerable energy fluctuations.

The fact was just as he expected. Even though he had added protection, he still couldn't stop the energy aftermath from the genetic biochemical body spreading to the outside when it fell into rage or self-destructed.

At that time, Izuku Fushii was still very worried, and even left there for a time, and instead used remote control to conduct related experiments. However, after realizing that the location he chose was indeed very good and remote enough, he carried out decisively. The more extreme experiments used all kinds of samples collected from the space people and obtained from the Beria Base.

Looking back now, Izuku Fushii also felt that he was simply a devil at that time. It could be said that when he conducted experiments there, there was no such thing as ethics and morals, and he had conducted all kinds of crazy tests.

He even tried gene fusions such as Beria Went to test.

But aside from those frenzied tests, other experiments did provide valuable data to Fusui, allowing the Beria gene experiment, which was still in a state of chaos at that time, to find a way forward, and finally created [ Geed] This is a relatively perfect work.

Izumi Fushii took back his thoughts and continued to report to Beria following what he just said:

"So, I have reason to believe that it was Nexus, or even Ultraman Noah, who destroyed the testing ground in the first place. Gen Subaru got his favor and was able to survive the inevitable end."

"Hmph, Noah, Nexus... what a damn Ultra Warrior!"

Beria snorted coldly, and at this moment, Izuku Fushii said quickly:

"Sir, actually, we don't need to worry too much about Yuan Subaru."


Beria really didn't expect Izuku Fushii to say such words. His eyes couldn't help but fall on the Strum star, and he quietly waited for his next words.

"Sir, although we don't know which genetic and biochemical experiment he came from, there is no doubt that..."

As Izuku Fushii spoke, he pulled out the data that he had finally found out, showed it to Beria and said:

"Lord Beria, you see, these batches of genetic and biochemical experiments all have more or less serious flaws. Even if someone is lucky enough to survive, his lifespan will be greatly reduced, and there may even be other thoughts, and even The deficiencies in the soul, if such an existence is used as the material to make it a capable person or an aggregate of light particles, it will be difficult to make up for these flaws and deficiencies. Therefore, I dare to conclude that this source Subaru is alive. Before long, his lifespan will be extremely short!"

"You mean, let me slowly wait for that traitor to die of old age?!"

Beria raised his brows, and his tone suddenly became unkind, asking him to think that he was a coward. For him, trying this kind of thing is not a new humiliation, but he was forced to this point by such a rebellious son... No , I was not forced by it at all!

"Lord Beria, it is my fault that I failed to explain clearly."

Fushii Izumi quickly explained:

"I mean, my lord, you don't have to take this hateful and dispensable thing to heart. When your lord is planning the great cause of the empire, that annoying fly will die on its own. He is not worth it." You put effort into it.”

"Hmph, don't underestimate that traitor. His ability is much more powerful than you think, even if he is really what you said."

After saying this, Beria felt tired of this topic. He looked at Fushii Izumi and said softly:

"If there is anything else, tell me immediately!"

"Yes, Lord Beria, Lord Beria, Geed, he successfully transformed and defeated the [Skarugomora] monster."


Beria was slightly startled when he heard this. He was very clear about the existence of Ged and the related plans. According to the original plan, Ged should exist as his spare body.

Moreover, according to the intelligence collected by the previous subordinate who sneaked into the Kingdom of Light, Hikali seems to be developing a prop for young Ultra Warriors that can borrow the power of other Ultra Warriors.

If things go according to the previous plan, Izuku Fushii will take advantage of the chaos to sneak into Hikali's laboratory when Beria starts a war and steal the prop research into his hands.

Then, Geed will use the props according to the situation and become one of the combatants. If Beria's war plan goes well, Beria may consider letting Geed die a good death because of his military exploits.

But if Belial needs additional power, Geed will serve as a transfer station and medium for integrating the power of other Ultra Warriors, and will be swallowed or occupied by Belial, thus becoming a ladder for Belial to advance further in strength.

I have to say that if there were no accidents, Beria would have already set out with his careful plan. Unfortunately, God did not go as planned, and accidents of this kind happened one after another.

So much so that now Geed can transform independently.

What exactly is going on?

Beria frowned slightly. Since the war against the Kingdom of Light did not break out, the blood power in Geed's body was naturally controlled within a certain range. He was an out-and-out juvenile Ultraman. And now, he Being able to complete the transformation and still fight is not really good news.

"Lord Beria, I speculate that this may be because Geed also absorbed the power of order crystals by accident, so..."

"I don't want to speculate, you go check it out for me and find out!"

This series of accidents made Beria very irritated. He interrupted Izuku Fushii's words, dropped this order, and left here directly. Of course, Izumi Fushii accepted it respectfully. After this order, he knelt on the ground and waited for the energy mist representing Beria to dissipate. Then, the Strum star stood up and started his new research...

the other side.


Asakura Lu suddenly woke up from his deep sleep. He blinked his eyes and touched his body subconsciously. Then he jumped out of bed nimbly and started shouting at the top of his lungs:

"G——ee, oops!"

"As I said, I don't have any extra energy to repair this headquarters."

Yuan Subaru slapped Asakura Riku on the head with telekinesis and complained angrily. His words also woke up Peijia who was resting beside him. He quickly came forward and asked Asakura Riku. Feel.

After being reminded by Peijia, Asakura Riku noticed his physical condition. He remembered clearly before that he was beaten so badly that there was no pain all over his body, but now, he doesn't feel any pain at all. , could this be...

"This is the resilience of Ultra Warriors."

Yuan Subaru noticed the way Asakura Riku looked at him, and naturally knew what he was thinking, so he explained to him casually:

"But you are still in your infancy, and your various abilities have not yet been fully developed or revealed, and you have too little combat experience. You will be very busy next."

"It doesn't matter, I can bear it!"

Listening to Gen Subaru's words, Asakura Riku suddenly thought of the storyline in the tokusatsu drama, and remembered the drama in which the Flashman underwent arduous training under the guidance of an expert and obtained new props and forms. Therefore, this little The guy responded to Yuan Subaru quite enthusiastically.

But at this moment, Asakura Riku remembered something and quickly looked at the time. It was eight o'clock in the morning. He quickly looked at the management system and said:

"Um, can you connect to the Tokyo TV channel?"

"Yes, Master."

The management system immediately opened the TV channel on the projection. Yuan Subaru also looked over curiously, wondering what made Asakura Riku so excited. Then, the morning news appeared on the projection TV. What was reported above was yesterday. monster incident.

Yuan Subaru looked at Asakura Riku who was full of expectations, nodded in realization, smiled helplessly, and then continued to deal with the matter at hand. At this moment, he suddenly realized that the atmosphere here was not right. Turning around again, I saw Asakura Riku's expression was a little strange and stiff, as if he was frightened, but what was shown on the projection was just his appearance as Geed.

Is he dissatisfied with his physical appearance? Yeah...this kind of thing is not easy to change.

"It looks similar..."

"Huh?! Like what?"

At this time, Yuan Subaru heard Asakura Riku's whisper and asked subconsciously. Then, before Asakura Riku could answer, he reacted and continued:

"That's your father after all. It's natural that you look a bit like him."

"Senior, you mean, the dark giant in the Parker crisis..."

Asakura Riku pointed at himself and said in disbelief:

"Is he my biological father?!"

"Ah, that's right. Your father's name is Beria. As for me...I haven't introduced myself yet, have you? Oops, I can't remember, so I'll say it formally again. "

Gen Subaru slightly enlarged his body, stood on the table, looked straight at Asakura Riku and said:

"My name is Gen Subaru, I am Ultraman Nexus, the guardian of the earth from other universes, and another giant of light who caused the crisis in Park. At the same time, Riku Asakura, as far as the genetic experiment sequence is concerned, I I should be in front of you, so you can call me brother, um... brother seems to sound pretty good."

365 Xiao Lu: Brother Yuan Subaru


Yuan Subaru told the situation in a very calm tone, which made Asakura Riku and Peijia's minds overloaded for a while. After a moment of silence, the two guys took a deep breath in unison, and were about to say "Eh——!! !", each of them stuffed small snacks into their mouths, interrupting their spellcasting.

"The space here is not very big. If you scream, it will be very noisy."

Dealing with this, Gen Subaru continued to operate the red ball. His method of repairing the management system was very rough. Although it is now running, as a base for the long-term activities of Asakura Riku and others, it is still If it doesn’t work well, it needs to be improved to a certain extent.

"I...I know."

Asakura Riku weakly took the snack that was blocked from his mouth and looked at Yuan Subaru curiously. In the past twenty-four hours, he had received so many shocks that for a while, he felt I don't have enough brain power, not to mention that the previous Inpark crisis was actually caused by my father and my brother...

What is this? Is there a family fight?

Also, what is a genetic and biochemical experiment sequence? No matter how you listen to it, I feel that it should not appear in this kind of talk about family reunions.

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