"Ah, that's what happened."

Asakura Lu touched his head, smiled embarrassedly, and then looked for a passage to leave the headquarters.

At this time, the management system suddenly turned on a projection, which showed the monster heading towards Kamitorono Town, and also marked various analyses.

Unfortunately, Asakura Lu couldn't understand these data at all.

"This is the real-time picture taken by the spherical reconnaissance aircraft Yutom."

The management system reminded Asakura Lu at this time:

"If the master wants to fight with the target, it is recommended to take the elevator to the scene. As long as the coordinates are set in advance, the master can save the physical strength of rushing on the road."

"You can do this?!"

Asakura Lu unexpectedly looked back at the inverted sphere representing the main body of the management system, and then scratched his cheek awkwardly. Although he said so, he really didn't know how to set coordinates.

"This system will take care of it for you, don't think too much."

The silver man, that is, Gen Subaru, explained to Asakura Riku, then opened the elevator to the outside world and let Asakura Riku rush to the battlefield to fight against monsters. Of course, Pejia also went with him. First, he was worried about Asakura Riku alone, second, he also wanted to witness the moment of transformation into an Ultra Warrior, and third...

He was really scared to be in the same space with Gen Subaru.

Looking at the empty headquarters, Gen Subaru waved his hand and summoned the little red ball from before to investigate the information he needed.

"It's been three years. I didn't expect that I would be teleported to the time node three years later."

Looking at the date displayed on the system, and then looking at the so-called Inpark Crisis, Gen Subaru couldn't help but sigh. After the deadly battle with Belia, he realized that there might be a certain amount of repair chaos, but he didn't expect that in the chaos, he would jump directly to the future.

However, what Gen Subaru did not expect was that he was actually teleported to the side of the descendant of Belia. Fortunately, this little guy named Asakura Riku was not as war-loving and violent as Belia, and his acquired education still shaped him into a good existence.

Gen Subaru had already tested Asakura Riku's subconscious mind, just like testing Manaka Kengo, but Manaka Kengo still retained the memory of the test, but Asakura Riku no longer remembered those.

Speaking of which, do you want to become a hero who protects everyone like the Flash?

Gen Subaru recalled the dream that Asakura Riku shouted in his subconscious mind, and couldn't help laughing for a while, then he gathered his thoughts and looked at the monster in the projection. Before, he was still worried about whether Belia had been killed. Now it seems that there is no need to think too much. Judging from the energy reaction emitted by this monster, Belia must still be alive.

He is really hard-working. He can't be killed even in that way. What kind of cockroach attribute is this?

However, Belia's choice at that time was correct. If he chose to continue to drag it out with me, the [Order] that gathered more and more because of [Chaos] would form an irresistible crushing posture, allowing me to win that battle.

After all, he is an experienced warrior. He actually caught this little flaw. No wonder this guy can persist in the battle with the Kingdom of Light for so long.

Huh? !

Just as Yuan Subaru was thinking about the next plan, suddenly, the elevator of the headquarters opened again, and the dejected Asakura Riku walked in, and Pejia was comforting him.

This... Didn't win?

Yuan Subaru subconsciously looked at the projection, and then reacted-

No, didn't the battle start at all?

Oh, haven't you learned how to transform yet?

A series of thoughts flashed through Yuan Subaru's mind. He smiled and clapped his hands lightly when he realized something. After attracting Asakura Riku's attention, he said softly:

"It's my problem. You are a new Ultra Warrior and are still in infancy. There are some things I still need to teach you. I'm very sorry for embarrassing you. Come on, go outside."

"No, no, no, no need to apologize. I have some problems with this too."

Asakura Riku followed Yuan Subaru into the elevator again, muttering softly. Yuan Subaru did not dwell on this issue with him for too long. He fell on Asakura Riku's shoulder and said in his heart:

"Close your eyes and relax your mind. I will guide you to feel the power hidden in your body."

Asakura Riku obediently followed Yuan Subaru's instructions. Then, he felt his body begin to heat up, as if something was struggling violently. His body seemed to have become a prison that bound the dragon, and was being torn apart bit by bit.

But Asakura Riku did not feel any pain. He felt that this was as it should be. The dragon was regaining its comfort of freedom, which almost made him lose himself in the spiritual shock.

At this moment, the voice of Subaru suddenly sounded beside his ear:

"Come on, shout out your name and turn into an Ultraman!"

My name?

My...name? !

Asakura Riku opened his mouth subconsciously, but it was stuck inexplicably. 'Asakura Riku', this name did not seem to fit the situation at this time. He frowned, like the final kick, but he couldn't kick it out. He was so uncomfortable that his consciousness became blurred.

This situation made Yuan Subaru realize that something was wrong. He immediately increased the intensity of his telekinesis, paying attention to every moment of Asakura Riku's changes, and if the situation was not right, he would immediately forcefully take over his body.

But at this moment, a flash of light suddenly flashed through Asakura Riku's mind. He opened his eyes suddenly, scarlet light flickered in them, and the blood vessels on his neck bulged high. He first let out a beast-like roar, Then he shouted loudly:


Along with Asakura Riku's cry, black and red thunder and lightning energy burst out and penetrated the world, and then an Ultra Warrior with black and red stripes appeared on the earth.

This Ultraman's head is in the shape of an inverted triangle, and the two sides of the middle bulge present an S-shaped curved surface. The cheekbones of the cheeks are sharply curved and angular, and then there are his eyes, which are like two opposite shark dorsal fins, and then His arms have the same fin-like arm blades, which make people think of Beria's claws, and his back also has a dorsal fin similar to Beria's, which makes him somewhat vicious. The appearance seemed even more terrifying at this time.

But no matter what, Ultraman Geed completed his first transformation and jumped out of the black-red lightning vortex.

"Okay, now it's your battle."

Yuan Subaru released the monitoring of Asakura Riku's status and teleported to Pejia's side. The Pegesa star couldn't help but tremble with fear. He still remembered the murderous aura just now.

"Don't worry, you're safe now."

Yuan Subaru saw the uneasiness in Peijia's heart, smiled and said softly:

"I didn't know your identity before. I thought you were a cosmic being who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to harm others, so I thought of attacking you. Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, I will not do anything to you before you attack people on Earth. hostile."

"No, no, no, no, no, how could I hurt people on Earth?"

Peijia quickly waved her hands to express her refusal. Then, at this moment, Yuan Subaru remembered something and looked at Pejia and asked:

"In this universe, did your home planet Pegasus explode?"


Peijia was stunned. He didn't expect such an exciting topic at the beginning of the conversation. He stumbled and said:

"Probably...no, my home planet was still fine when I left..."

"Oh, that's good."


Looking at Yuan Subaru who seemed to have no follow-up topic, Peijia whispered uncontrollably:

"You're not thinking about how to blow up my home planet..."

"Who do you think I am? Well, just concentrate on watching Ultraman Geed's first battle."

Gen Subaru didn't have much intention to talk about that with Pega, a young Pegasus planet, so he ended the topic directly and looked at Ultraman Geed. At this time, Asakura Riku was still looking at his appearance and adapting to it. Looking at my current perspective, I have to say that after becoming an Ultra Warrior, someone with a fear of heights would be scared to the point of weakness from such a high perspective.

But I'm not afraid of heights, monster, here I come!

Riku Asakura clenched his fists with both hands and waved them as if to cheer himself up. Then he stepped on the ground with his feet and flew out directly towards the monster.

I have to say that this momentum is very strong, just like an evil eagle attacking a sheep. But unfortunately, that monster is not a sheep, and Asakura Riku is not an eagle, so in the next moment, Asakura Riku was killed by the monster. He pulled it down from the sky with his tail and hit it hard on a mountain. The top of the mountain was destroyed.

"Xiao Lu!!!"

Seeing this scene, Pegasa, who was brought back to the observatory headquarters by Yuan Subaru, couldn't help but scream, and then nervously turned to look at Yuan Subaru who was in a daze in front of the red ball. Obviously, this Pegasus Xingren hopes that Yuan Subaru can go over and help.

"It's okay, it just looks scary."

Yuan Subaru continued to investigate the information on this earth and said casually:

"After becoming an Ultra Warrior, things like defense cannot be measured by human standards. As he is now, it's not a big problem to knock down half of the mountain."

"But, Xiao Lu is not very good at fighting now."

Peijia said anxiously:

"I know Xiao Lu. He has never even been in a fight. It would be too difficult for him to fight with such a monster."

"Fighting is something you learn through practice."

Yuan Subaru continued to search for things on the red ball without squinting, and said softly:

"Today's experience will definitely be used in the next time. If I fight a few more times, I might be able to find his own fighting style. This is how I have fought all the way. Don't worry, I will take action if necessary. of."

"....All right."

Yuan Subaru had said so, and Peijia couldn't say anything more. She could only continue to watch Asakura Riku's battle in fear and silence.

The battle situation was indeed as Peijia feared. Asakura Riku, who was seriously lacking in combat experience, was soon reduced to the point where he was beaten throughout the whole process under the attack of this monster. He was knocked to the ground by a shoulder bump from the monster again. At that moment, Asakura Riku let out a tired sigh——

The real battle was much more difficult than he imagined, and it was definitely not like what was shown in the Flashman tokusatsu drama. If he fought alone, he would not know how he was knocked down by the enemy in turn, and... ...

So sad.....

Asakura Lu grabbed his chest and frowned. If there was a mirror in front of him, he would find that his eyes were already red, and the blood vessels around his eyes were bulging, showing an abnormal deep red color.

At this moment, Asakura Lu felt as if there was a fire burning in his heart, burning him very irritated, and he wanted to destroy everything around him.

But Asakura Lu also knew that it was not his real thought. That evil thought was tempting him to move towards an unknown future, so he could not succumb to this inexplicable evil fire no matter what.


Controlling my thoughts while continuing to fight the monster is really a bit difficult for me... What's going on with me...

Asakura Riku gritted his teeth and stood up, not caring about being decent or not, and rushed directly towards the monster, using his hands and feet to fix himself on the monster's body, looking for an opportunity. The monster immediately rolled on the ground, and the terrible weight crushed Asakura Riku's body, causing him to wail in pain and loosen his hands and feet.

The monster took the opportunity to get up smoothly, swept Asakura Riku from the ground into the air with a sweep of its tail, and at the same time, the monster lowered its head and rushed towards Asakura Riku's predetermined landing point. This move was recognized by Subaru, and it was the same as Gomora's super vibration wave, using the head horn to pierce the opponent's body, and then attacking the opponent like a ray of light. If Asakura Riku was hit in this state, he would lose his ability to fight on the spot.

That's all right. It's not easy to fight like this in the first battle.

Yuan Subaru put down the red ball, looked at the projection, and then closed his eyes.

'Geed, it's time to use the light skill. '

At the same time, Asakura Riku, who was falling freely in the air and his head was blurred due to the pain, suddenly heard Yuan Subaru's voice. At that moment, all the discomfort on the mental level disappeared, and even the evil fire that was burning more and more fiercely became quiet and obedient.

'Light skill? How to use this? '

Asakura Riku muttered in his heart in confusion, and then Yuan Subaru's voice sounded again:

'You should know. '

I...should know?

Asakura Riku was slightly stunned, and then countless pictures flashed in his mind, and finally fixed on the scene of the energy lightning splashing.

Indeed, I already know, then I'll go!

363 Turbid Crystal of Order

After receiving the instruction from Subaru, Asakura Riku suddenly woke up. He looked at the monster with red energy on its feet and was rushing towards him. He took a deep breath, gathered photon energy all over his body, and overflowed with red and black lightning energy. At the same time, these energies also generated a strong force field, causing a lightning storm to condense around Ultraman Geed.

Then Ultraman Geed combined his hands into a cross shape, converted the photon energy in his body into a blue-white light wrapped with red and black lightning, and poured it out from his right hand, accurately hitting the monster that was running wildly with its head down. The powerful energy impact immediately stopped the monster's momentum and stopped it in place.


At this time, Ultraman Geed in the air fell to the ground. Asakura Riku quickly stood up, squatted down, and waited cautiously for the next step.

Suddenly, the monster's arm moved, and Asakura Riku nervously raised his hand, ready to deal with the next impact, but countless cracks appeared on the monster's body, and then a violent explosion broke out, and the monster that roared from day to night was destroyed.

After seeing the monster was defeated, Asakura Riku couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief, and Ultraman Geed's figure turned into blue light particles and disappeared on the battlefield. At the same time, a cylindrical building suddenly rose from the ground, and Pejia ran out of it, quickly carrying the exhausted Asakura Riku back to the observatory headquarters.

"Well, Xiao Lu..."

"He's just tired."

Yuan Subaru carefully observed Asakura Riku's physical condition and said softly:

"After all, his body is transformed into an Ultra Warrior, and the damage and physical consumption will be reflected in his body. Now it seems that his defense after the transformation is still very good. He was beaten so hard, but there were no bruises on his body."

Yuan Subaru said as he put Asakura Riku on a bench beside him to let him have a good rest. Then he looked at the battlefield where the battle had just ended in the projection. He looked at Peggy and said softly:

"You take good care of Zedd here, I'll go over there and see. If I can find anything, maybe Zedd won't need to fight like that next time."

After that, Yuan Subaru turned into a stream of light and left, leaving Peggy with a lot of questions helplessly lowering her head. After all, he really wanted to take advantage of Asakura Riku's sleep to ask why Zedd's appearance after transformation was so similar to the dark giant in the Inpark Crisis.

To be honest, at this moment, Pejia already had a lot of premonitions in her heart...

On the other side, when the battle between Ultraman Geed and the monster just ended, a man in black appeared nearby. He looked like Fukui Izumi. At this time, he changed out of his regular clothes and put on a leather jacket for nightwear. He frowned and looked at the place where Ultraman Geed disappeared, as if he was hesitating whether to go to the place where Ultraman Geed disappeared to see the situation.

But in the end, Fukui Izushi chose to leave. He was a direct participant in the biochemical experiment of Zedd. He knew very well that Zedd should still be in his infancy and did not have the ability to become an Ultraman on his own. Therefore, before he could figure out what Zedd had experienced, Fukui Izushi did not rashly contact him and quickly left the observation site.

Fukui Izushi's choice was correct. The next second after he left the area, Gen Subaru came here to observe. However, even if he discovered the existence of Fukui Izushi, Gen Subaru did not want to kill him on the spot. In the current situation, it was not clear, if he could stably track the tail of an enemy, it would be good.

Hmm... As expected...

And Gen Subaru also made a new discovery. He slowly landed on a scorched earth. He gently swept away the soil on the side and looked underground. There was a pit blown out by the monster's body. There, the bottom of the pit had a faint blue trace.

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