
Very quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the light of Tiga dissipated in front of Belyudora. Perhaps this incarnation of Tiga had not expected that he would be destroyed by just such a magic repair.


This is not a loss, after all, the Ultra Warrior he repaired was named Minamoto Subaru.

"Useless struggle."

Belia, who was located on the upper part of Belyudora's body, had one eye emitting scarlet flames and the other eye emitting dark golden light. Looking at Nexus, who was particularly short in comparison, he said murderously:

"As your father, I will give you one last suggestion, that is, wait for death where you are! I will give you a quick death! Belyudora Hellfire!"

Accompanied by Belyudora's roar, Belyudora released all the monster's power from the monster parts of his body, emitting countless destructive rays like a meteor shower, covering the direction where Minamoto Subaru was.

But after receiving the supplement of Tiga's light, Gen Subaru's condition also recovered a lot. Looking at the overwhelming meteor shower, he took a deep breath and dispersed the lightsaber. The energy like azure crystal turned into silk threads and wrapped around Nexus's left hand.

Gen Subaru took a deep breath and raised it forward. Circles of waves spread outward, forming a huge wall. He said in a concentrated voice:

"This place, Accelerator!"

As Gen Subaru's voice fell, the waves spreading outward suddenly stopped, and the Belyudora hellfire also stagnated in place. Then, in Belia's surprised eyes, all these hellfires flew backwards and attacked Belyudora. Belia swept these fire meteors aside carelessly. Looking at the barrier that was still unfolding, he noticed the existence of [rules].

And his son did achieve the point of saying what he said, although he was not very proficient in using this power now, and he could not have too much related power at this time.

But there is no doubt that the potential of this power is extremely terrifying. Belia will not be surprised at what he can do with this power in the future.


If I have this power...

! ? ! ! ? !

Belia could not help but be greedy, and at this moment, his heart suddenly sounded alarm bells, as if something extremely dangerous was about to come. Without the slightest hesitation, Belia immediately opened fire and pulled Belyudora's energy reaction to the maximum, triggering a terrifying wave.

At the same time, countless blue threads emerged beside Belyudora, swaying in the energy wave, but as Yuan Subaru clenched his palm, those threads cut Belyudora's space and time, including the terrifying energy wave he triggered, into pieces.

At that moment, Belia felt indescribable pain, as if countless huge forces were desperately pulling him, and his body and soul were crying out in grief. But Belia also understood that it was a good thing to feel this pain, which meant that Beliu Dora's body could still withstand this attack. It was Beliu Dora's body that was resisting, otherwise, it would have been shattered directly.

But Subaru's attack was not over yet. The power vortex set as "destruction" turned into a black hole-like existence, nailing Beliu Dora to the spot. The confrontation between the two set off an unprecedented horror scene in this universe. The direct sunlight began to twist and sway like a ghost.

The earth, which was sheltered in the void, was still nothing. The moon was also struggling to remain intact under the previously opened "Accelerator". As for Triga and the other two, they fled madly towards Mars.

Now, the three of Triga were extremely grateful to the giant of light who suddenly appeared and pushed them away, thus giving them a chance to escape. Otherwise, they would have been swallowed directly just now...



"No, who is it?"

However, at this moment, the portal that suddenly appeared caught the three of Triga off guard and they were unable to brake. The other side obviously didn't expect that they had just come here and their perception had not yet been extended, so how could the high-speed "mud truck" block the teleportation point? Even if they had added a layer of protection on themselves before coming in, it was not to prevent this.

So, in the next second, Carmilla felt that she hit a soft body, Dagon felt that he hit a hard body, and Zhenzhong Kengo felt that he hit a... No, it seems that he knocked someone away? !

Hitler really wanted to curse. It was the first time he was hit so dizzy. But when he looked up and saw the energy fluctuations rushing over, he turned around and ran without saying a word. What the hell is this? Is it a cosmic disaster? Haha, my curiosity was satisfied at once!

On the other side, Camilla and Darram also noticed the danger coming and joined the escape without hesitation. This kind of thing can only be resisted by Tiga himself, but even Tiga himself would not be idle to resist this kind of thing!

When the dark giants were running for their lives, Yuan Subaru's face turned pale. Beludora's tenacity was somewhat beyond his expectations. He didn't expect that he could hold on for so long under such a "crusher". Yuan Subaru knew very well that if this continued, he would be the first to fail. The supplies brought by Tiga's light were just like running water.

If he really runs out of energy, the only choice Yuan Subaru can make is to remove the virtual protection and seek help from the eternal core.

But that would undoubtedly lead the war to the earth. By then, I am afraid there will be more troubles coming. For example, the most terrible thing is that Beleudra has gained more eternal power. ...

I have no choice but to take a gamble!

Yuan Subaru's face condensed, and his hands triggered strong light energy fluctuations. A book-like projection unfolded next to Beludora, and lines of text quickly appeared on it. With the coercive power of [Order], He ordered Beleudra to be exiled from time and space, and was exiled to the most chaotic area.

And Yuan Subaru also threw himself into the extremely chaotic time and space. After all, he is Nexus, a suitable person for the light of Noah. His own time and space adaptation will make it half of his home field. , in order to gain a certain advantage in the battle with Beleudra when the energy is low.

At the same time, before leaving, Yuan Subaru also took away half of the eternal core fragment that maintained the earth's virtualization, so as to ensure that he would not lose his fighting power too early in the next battle.

In this way, this terrifying battle left Triga's universe for the time being. On the other side of Mars, with the departure of Yuan Subaru and Beleudra, the terrifying energy impact also faintly dissipated. At this time, the busy The three people who were running for their lives finally stopped and took some time to see who had just caused a traffic accident with them.

"May I have your name?"

"who are you?"

It doesn't matter if they don't look at each other. As they looked at each other, the more Camilla and Carmilla looked at each other, the more they felt that the opposite side looked very familiar. It was not similar in appearance, but in terms of temperament or a certain atmosphere. The two of them felt inexplicably. Kindness.

As soon as they said this, they were slightly stunned, and then they immediately realized something, and began to look at each other with quite subtle eyes... The word "look" may be a bit too rude, in short, there is something going on between these two female dark giants. Unknown temptation.

On the other side, Dagon and Daram held their arms and stared at each other. Then you patted my muscles and I patted your big chest muscles. The two nodded with satisfaction, and then, Durham said softly:

"Although I don't know who you are, I think you are quite pleasing to the eye. Let's go over there and compete to see who of us is stronger."

"No problem, please come this way."

Dagon was also happy. Without saying a word, he immediately agreed and followed Dallam to the side. As for the sense of familiarity...

Isn't there the eldest sister (Carmila) over there who is thinking about it? When they come up with the answer, just listen carefully.

Watching Dallam and Dagon leave, Hitler scratched his neck, looked left and right, but couldn't find a dark giant that looked very similar to himself. Finally, Hitler's eyes fell on Manaka Kengo. Looking at this giant of light who was somewhat similar to Tiga, Hitler came over and said softly:

"You must be a group of four, right? Which one is it? Why are there only three of you now?"

Hitler has realized that this is probably not a parallel world that is very similar to the Tiga universe, so Hitler also wants to see what he looks like in the parallel world. It is best if the two people's personalities are slightly different. In that way, it would be so interesting for two people to come up with two ways to have fun.

"Hitram is dead."

At this time, Manaka Kengo was very worried about the situation on Gen Subaru's side. He was putting his feet up and trying his best to look up at what was happening on the other side of the earth. If he hadn't started flashing red lights now, he could not wait to return to the earth immediately. Look at the battle situation at Yuan Subaru's place.


Hitler was slightly stunned. He never expected this answer. He should still be able to escape for his life. Could it be that he in the parallel world was just too slow?

"Hitram went mad and was killed by his new boss who wanted to join him."

It was Carmilla who answered Hitler's confusion. At this time, the two female dark giants seemed to have reached an agreement and gathered together to whisper. Although it was unclear what they were saying, but from the words 'Diga' and 'Te From words such as "Lega", "amnesia", "love", and "basement", you can imagine that the topic they are talking about is quite heavy for others.

Therefore, after Hitler got the answer, he was slightly stunned, and did not continue to ask any more questions. He looked directly with pitiful and sympathetic eyes, and Manaka Kengo who did not notice the meeting between Camilla and Carmilla at all. , and then without any intention of reminding him, he ran to the side and prepared to eat melon.


However, what Hitler didn't expect was that Manaka Kengo suddenly shouted, and then, with a flash of light, Carmilla teleported to Manaka Kengo's side, hugged his arm, and said He said very gently:

"Teliga, I'm here, what's wrong?"

"I want to find the kingdom of light in other universes."

Manaka Kengo seemed to have made up his mind. He took his arm out of Carmila's arms, held her shoulders, and said seriously:

"So, I beg you, please lend me your power. And, if I remember correctly, you should also know the kind of spell that can increase your power. Use it on me, no matter what the cost." , I am willing to accept it!”

"Teliga...I don't want to hurt you..."

"Stop for a moment. I have a suggestion for you to listen to."

Seeing that Carmilla was about to reach out to touch Triga's cheek, Carmilla quickly shouted to stop. Just now, after exchanging some experiences, the two of them confirmed with certainty that they both had the same admiration for each other. ', so Carmilla felt that if she didn't stop it, the only words left in Carmilla's head for the time being were 'Teliga's face is so soft', 'Teliga's temperature is so warm', 'It seems like Telliga locked up' or something like that.

Moreover, because of the light of Tiga, Camilla has noticed that the battle on the earth's side has ended, and the two parties that caused the terrifying energy shock have disappeared. Therefore, no matter what is going on, they are afraid that it is not We will not be able to find any answers from the scene for the time being.

"If you want to leave this universe and look for something, you can tell me the relevant information and I can help you."

This is the truth. Diga is still very worried about the three of Camilla, so there are many ways to escape in time and space in the light of Diga left behind. Now, these skills will come in handy.

"This...I know it's not a lot..."

Hearing this, Manaka Kengo couldn't help scratching his head. Regarding the 'Land of Light', he only found out a few things in the crystal. Thinking of this, Manaka Kengo felt quite regretful. For me, the crystal is almost completely open source. As long as I want to, I can see the information contained in it. But at that time, I didn't think much about it. I didn't consider this situation and just went to look at it. The magical flow of time and space is so scenic.

Camilla listened to Manaka Kengo's story, nodded silently, then raised the Light of Tiga upwards, opened a portal, looked at Manaka Kengo and said:

"I'm not sure if this can transport you to the Kingdom of Light, but it should be in the same universe, so what are you going to do? Send out all of them, or choose someone to go with you, and the others stay here and take care of them a little bit Down to earth?"

356 The Kingdom of Light Researches the Original Essence

Faced with Carmilla's inquiry, Manaka Kengo did not hesitate and chose to go alone, completely unaware of Carmilla's resentful little eyes next to him. In this regard, Carmilla did not say much, she just remained. Dallam and Dagon, who were discussing over there, all called over. After the parties quickly exchanged information with each other, they watched Teliga leave.

To be honest, Manaka Kengo had no choice but to leave by himself. If these people have any thoughts about the Eternal Core, then it only depends on whether Carmilla can follow her instructions and honestly assume the role of guard. , but he would not be at ease if he did not go to the Kingdom of Light and leave this work to those people.

In the midst of the tangle, Manaka Kengo chose the former. If the problem of Senior Gen Subaru could be solved, it would not seem to be an unsolvable problem if the Eternal Core was really stolen.

On the other side, in the Kingdom of Light, the Ultra brothers are as busy as ever, but now they are not busy on missions to maintain the peace between planets. It is a bit of a joke to say that because of the green natural disaster before As a result, many civilized planets in the universe were affected, suffered varying degrees of damage, and even perished directly.

Therefore, after that cosmic disaster, most of the restless cosmonauts and monsters in the past have temporarily entered a stage of recuperation. Therefore, the cosmic situation at this time can almost be solved by relying on the members of the cosmic guard. To achieve a stable state.

Therefore, after dealing with the matter on Yuan Subaru's side, the Kingdom of Light and the Absolute clan began to join forces to conduct related experiments. On the one hand, they were to find a solution to the unstable situation of the Cascade Energy Tower. Scheme, on the other hand….

The Kingdom of Light also invited planet U40, the Andulu Guard, and other allies with sufficient strength to come to meet and conduct experimental research on the existence of [primordial] energy near the ring of light at the top of the planet O-50 warriors. .

Don't get me wrong, this is not the ring of light at the top of the Pit Warrior, but the father of Ultra and Joanias came here together to discuss the study of primeval energy with this wise being who always likes to fish. possibility.

After all, from the current point of view, the existence of this primeval energy and the current situation revealed by it are more and more frightening. Even legendary warriors like Lejiedo cannot avoid the ending of being contaminated by it.

After realizing that the situation was beginning to show signs of being uncontrollable, the Ring of Light on the top of the Warrior also became serious. After various discussions, the Ring of Light on the top of the Warrior took over the task of researching the site, and in the light When the country, U40, and the Abusolute clan gathered people, they made detailed plans.

Now, Warrior Top patted his chest and said that if there is any pollution in such a venue environment, it can only be said that the existence of [Plasma] is no longer something they can touch at the moment.

In the Kingdom of Light, Hikari also used the data left by Yuan Subaru and built another layer of protection according to the model of pure white light to ensure nothing goes wrong.

"Xikali, is this pure white light really impossible to copy perfectly?"

Zoffi came to Shikari's laboratory. Although he had vaguely mentioned this issue once before, he still wanted to confirm it again.

"Ah, there is really nothing we can do about it."

Hikari sighed helplessly. At first, he thought the pure white light was just a simple energy data model. As long as the energy frequency of the plasma spark tower was adjusted, it should be able to be reproduced.

But the more he studied, the more complex it became to Hikali. In this pure white light, there was a contradiction that was difficult to bypass. Hikali defined it as the [base point]. The behavior of all pure white light Models all revolve around this setting.

Without this [reference point], if you want to drive the action of these pure white lights, just the bottom line of triggering the lowest energy valve, I am afraid that you can only use the father of Ultra to act as a starter.

And this is just a startup problem. The subsequent operations, even just thinking about it, make Ultraman feel his scalp numb. Hikari feels more and more that this pure white light is the creation of the fusion of materialistic technology and spiritual skills.

The existence of [Source Subaru] is the key to the birth of this [Pure White Light].

In other words, this may be his own power.

It's really incredible. The miracle created by this child is really more and more impressive.

With such emotion, Hikali sent all the related machines developed based on pure white light to the Ring of Light at the top of the Warrior, so that he could see what the Ring of Light was capable of. , everyone doesn’t know it, but in terms of energy reserves, they are probably lacking at all.

In such a cautious environment, the protoplasm research team began the first round of protoplasm energy simulation experiments. After this round, nothing outrageous appeared, but on the contrary, the team members did not get any decent information. Results.

Subsequently, based on the first round, the second round of simulation experiments began in full swing. With the experience of the first round, the members of the experimental team had a new direction and made more progress on the road of simulating the original matter. More tests make this experimental subject more inclined to reality.

However, this round of experiments ultimately failed. During the process of simulating the restoration of the original substance, they made some mistakes and failed to achieve the expected purpose. As a result, various experimental data showed completely different phenomena due to the runaway model. For example, for the same observation target, under the same conditions, one hundred and seventy-three results were obtained. For each result, the original experimental result cannot be obtained if the results are pushed back.

Therefore, on this basis, the experimental team started another round of experimental tests.

Then, the experimental results failed, and a new round of simulation configuration adjustments was started...

The adjustment failed. Based on the existing experimental data, redesign the experiment....

The experiment was started again, and the original energy was retested...

If the test is not as expected, the experimental data will be archived and a new round of experiments will be started...

Enhance the simulation composition output, improve the construction of the original energy model, and start trying to analyze...

The analysis failed, the energy matrix went berserk, the experimental equipment was damaged, the experiment was suspended, and the experimental data began to be sorted out....

The protoplasmic energy experiment team is advancing the progress of the protoplasmic energy experiment day and night, and the experimental results are also simultaneously transmitted to the Kingdom of Light. Xikali and others are conducting further research and guiding the follow-up experiments. but....

"Zophie, as far as this experimental process is concerned, I'm afraid we won't be able to get any results from it for a long time."

Hikali took the experimental data, knocked on the table gently, and said helplessly:

"Currently, what we can know is that under extremely powerful energy impacts such as the Plasma Spark Tower and Cascade Energy Tower, its distortion power will temporarily fail, and there is a possibility of it being completely destroyed. possible.”

"But our current experiments cannot simulate and prove even this. Even in the stage of simulating the original energy, there have been several situations where death has gone out of control. If it were not for the protection of the ring of light at the top of the warrior, I am afraid that There have been casualties, and it seems that the existence of the original energy cannot be analyzed in a short time by our current technological level. "

"I remember...didn't I say that Ultraman Noah has a weapon that can restrain the essence?"

After the battle in the Gurlitt Universe, both the people in the Kingdom of Light and the super agents received some information from the gatekeeper of the Time Falls who left. Although the gatekeeper was hindered by the time waterfall, According to the rules, they cannot directly participate in the battle against the essence, but as beings who can move at will in 'time', the clear information that the gatekeepers can provide also allows these people to avoid many detours.

Therefore, Zuo Fei said thoughtfully:

"If this is the case, how on earth were the weapons in the hands of Senior Noah made? Has the technological level of our universe been completely overwhelmed by the civilizations of other large universes?"

The disaster of the original matter spread from other places. Although there is no evidence, it is believed that a large universe has been completely conquered by the original matter. This guess sounds very simple, but you must know that a large universe includes countless people. Parallel universes, even the Kingdom of Light does not know how many parallel worlds it has.

So thinking about it this way, an organization or individual that can fight against this disaster that has already taken shape and can also create targeted weapons is quite an extraordinary existence.

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