"30 million years ago, we suffered a great loss at the hands of Nexus, don't you remember it! Now you tell me that you want to fight side by side with that bastard... Carmilla, Dagon, this is a fake, let's take off his skin and see what's hidden inside!"

"Stop, Hitram, calm down!"

Dagon quickly hugged Hitram who was about to go crazy. Whether this Triga is real or fake, the answer will naturally come out by looking at Carmilla's reaction. Although his friend has changed his appearance now, if it is a fake, Carmilla's "Triga Radar" would have sounded the alarm long ago.

"Hitram, we...ah!!!"

Dagon wanted to persuade him, but before he could finish his words, Hitram's sneak attack made him cover his chest and retreat. The freed Junmin strategist looked at the aliens and monsters watching nearby and shouted:

"What are you doing! Come on! Can't you see that I have already handed in my name letter!"

"Hitram, you are really crazy!"

Carmilla drew out the energy whip and stood in front of Triga, gritting her teeth and said:

"You actually hurt Dagon like that, you..."

"I'm not crazy, you are crazy!"

Hitram roared and launched a crazy attack on Carmilla and Triga:

"You actually want me to help that bastard, you actually want me to help that bastard... Hehe, hehe, you are hopeless, you are hopeless, the glory of the dark giant has been disgraced by you, just watch, I must kill that Bastard..."


When Hitram roared, a beam of light suddenly came at him, so fast that everyone present was caught off guard. When they came to their senses, the chest of this smart strategist had been pierced, and the edge of the wound was still expanding. Obviously, Hitram was beyond saving.

"Bastard... You even dared to scold me, you are looking for death, huh..."

At this time, Belia's voice echoed, and everyone looked up and saw that the two people in the fierce battle had distanced themselves again. It can be seen that neither Belia nor Subaru had much advantage in the previous battle, and they were all wounded.

Belia panted, looked at the Subaru in front of him, and said loudly:

"What? Do you want to continue fighting with your father? You should be smarter and more intelligent. Call me father now. I will turn the page on today and the previous things. After defeating the Kingdom of Light, you will be the only heir to the Galactic Empire! Everyone present is a witness. I keep my word!"

"Then drive out the soul of the Rebrando star first."

Subaru still looked at Belia fiercely, wiped his hand on the lightsaber, repaired the cracks on it, and whispered:

"Let the real Belia say this, I will think about it."

"... Stupid, really stupid, since you can't tell the difference, then go to hell!"

354 Belyudora reappears

Beria raised the Ultimate Battle Instrument irritably, and it emitted a creepy light. He stared at Subaru and said with regret:

"I'll give you one last chance!"


Subaru did not respond, but continued to fight in silence. Belia shook his head. In this case, he had no choice. It was obvious that his gene inheritor was going to contact the bastards in the Kingdom of Light. This was absolutely impossible. If the Kingdom of Light knew of his existence, all his previous efforts would be in vain.

Thinking about it now, Belia still broke out in a cold sweat. If he hadn't prepared for a rainy day, he would have immediately asked his men to activate the space-time anchor after returning to gather the streamlines at the edge of the universe where Triga was, and now something big would have happened.

So... now...

For his own great cause, although this gene inheritor was very satisfactory, he could only abandon him!

Belia roared, and the Ultimate Battle Device in his hand burst into a scarlet light. At the same time, the chests of all the surviving aliens and monsters who followed him also lit up with the same light, making these guys covered with a layer of terrifying fog.

The fluctuations transmitted by this also made everyone present feel a creepy sense of crisis. Yuan Subaru's eyes were stern, and he made a quick decision to pull the power of the truth to the full. After a short period of charging, the piercing light arrow that was sure to hit whizzed towards Belia's head.

But at this time, the aliens and monsters covered by the fog all attacked Belia like aurora. At the same time, Belia raised his head, and the puppets controlled by him in the Ultimate Battle Device also turned into red light and drilled into the body of this dark giant.

Then, a terrifying aura erupted, and the arrow of truth that was so close could not advance an inch, and was finally forcibly bounced away. Then the scarlet light fog lit up, extending for thousands of meters, and the expansion speed was extremely fast. Dagon, who was seriously injured by Hitram, could not dodge it. Just a touch, the energy aftermath transmitted to his body made this strong dark giant scream uncontrollably.

Moreover, this light fog was like a whirlpool. After contacting Dagon, the wisps of strange fog quickly pulled this dark giant into it. If Triga and Carmilla had not taken action immediately, Dagon would have been completely trapped in it, and his ending was unimaginable.

After the scarlet light mist dissipated, an extremely huge figure appeared in front of Yuan Subaru and his party. The super-universal fusion monster Belyudora, composed of countless monsters and cosmic beings, reappeared in the world.

Moreover, although the aura of Beleudra is not as amazing as that of the original energy resurrection, Belia still has half of the eternal core fragments in his hands. This half of the fragments is not normal. What kind of power can be ignored, let alone Yuan Subaru who has already fought fiercely with the Belial forces at this time.

At this time, Beleudra let out a deafening roar, and the sound wave turned into a real energy impact, spreading to all directions. Teliga and Carmilla stood in front of Dagon, trying to resist one or two, but Just after the fight, these three were blown away directly.

Yuan Subaru held the sword with one hand and slashed vertically. The blue sword energy split the impact, but the virtual earth behind him still had abnormal waves, although it eventually stabilized again. But this is not a good sign.

"It's so scary...Father, what on earth is this?!"

At this time, on the earth, although it has been virtualized, the humans on it still maintain a certain degree of thinking and action. Shizama Yumei looked at the super-uniform monster shell that could be seen even on the ground. Ryudora couldn't help but nervously hold her father's hand. Mitsukuni Shizuma was originally here for a meeting, but he didn't expect to encounter such a monster outbreak, so he was concerned about his daughter's safety and came directly to Elite Victory. The location of the team headquarters.

"I don't know either."

Shizuma Mitsukuni raised his head, patted his daughter's back gently, and said comfortingly:

"But the Ultra Warriors are still fighting. We have to believe in him. They will not lose."

"...Father, why are you so confident?"

At this time, Shizama Yumei seemed to notice something. He turned to look at Shizama Mitsukuni and said strangely:

"Didn't Ultraman Trigga have been defeated before? Although that Nexus is indeed quite strong, but... Father, I feel... your confidence does not seem to come from this."

"Haha, after all, my daughter is my father's caring little cotton-padded jacket. I just said that, do you feel a little strange?"

Shizama Mitsukuni smiled and gently rubbed Shizama Yumei's head, then looked at the sky and said with a bit of nostalgia in his tone:

"It's nothing, it's just... I should say I've seen it too much. Ultraman is the light that protects mankind."

"Father, stop playing riddles. Who can understand what you say..."

Shizama Yumei sighed unbearably, and at this moment, her body suddenly lit up with a faint white light, but it seemed that due to the protection of the void, Yusha Lei did not occupy Shizama Yumei's body this time. The body was separated from the little girl.

In response to this, Shizama Yumei couldn't help but widen her eyes. It could be seen that she was indeed frightened, and her pupils were trembling slightly. Shizama Mitsukuni was stunned at first, and then said softly:

"This... should be considered the first official meeting between you and me, Lady Yousalei."

"Shizuma Mitsukuni, now is not the time for small talk, I will keep the story short."

Yushalei looked at the sky with uneasiness in her eyes, then she cast her gaze on Shizama Mitsukuni and said softly:

"Now Nexus and the others are facing an unprecedentedly powerful enemy, and in my current state, I cannot break through Nexus' protection of you and open the sealed place of the eternal core. Therefore, I need your help."


Shizama Mitsukuni couldn't help but be stunned. He knew the relationship between Yusalei and Shizama Yumei. He originally thought that Yusalei was going to bring his daughter to help. Thinking of this, Shizama Mitsukuni's I had already thought about my refusal, but I didn’t expect that it would fall on me in the end.

"Jingjian Guangguo, although I don't know what you have been through, there is 'light' in you."

Yousha Lei stared at the founder of the Jingjian Consortium and said softly:

"I don't know what that 'light' is, and I don't know how the departure of the 'light' will affect you, but I am certain that this 'light' can be a boost to Nexus and the others. "


Jingjian Guangguo was stunned for a moment, as if his past memory had been awakened, and he said with emotion:

"Yes, in my world, humans... can turn into light. Lady Yushalei, please excuse me."

"Okay, then I'll take action."

Yusale didn't hesitate, she took action directly and poured out all her little power on Shizama Mitsukuni. Following her guidance, Shizama Mitsukuni felt a heat surge in her body. , he involuntarily put his hand on his chest, but saw a group of light emerging from it, and finally turned into a prop shrouded in light.

This prop...

Yuan Dagu must recognize it, because it looks like a divine light stick.

"That's what it feels like."

Shizama Mitsukuni sighed with emotion and whispered:

"It turns out that at that time, I also turned into light."

After saying that, Shizama Mitsukuni pressed the divine light stick, and a ball of shining light immediately flew into the sky, passed through the atmosphere, and came to the universe, showing the figure of a giant and participating in the next battle. .

Yusale exhausted her energy again and fell into a deep sleep. Shizama Yumei, who was confused by all kinds of riddles, immediately looked at her father. Although she didn't speak, her little eyes that were seeking knowledge were silent. And metaphor.

"I...actually am not from this world."

Jingjian Guangguo was silent for a moment, then gently hugged his daughter, looked at the light in the sky, and said softly:

"I am a human from another earth. On my earth, there are also monsters causing chaos, so an organization called TPC was established there. I am one of them. The day that changed my destiny came Suddenly, as an employee of the TPC Intelligence Bureau, on my way to investigate a place where mechanical failures occurred for unknown reasons, I suddenly lost control of my machine and was sucked into the vortex of time and space. This was thirty years ago. It’s something…”

Shizama Mitsukuni lowered his head and glanced at Shizama Yumei. It was obvious that this little guy's head was so shocked by the sudden truth that he almost stopped spinning. He laughed twice and continued:

"On my side of the earth, there is also Ultraman. We call him Ultraman Tiga. I really didn't expect to see this figure here again."

Just when Jingjian Guangguo was sighing, in other universes, Camilla, who was continuing to act in accordance with Diga's request before leaving, suddenly stopped, and Dallam and Xitra beside her also followed. He stopped and looked at the eldest sister in front of him curiously, wondering what was going on.

"Diga's light has moved."

Camilla took out the ball of energy that Diga gave her when she left, and said in surprise:

"It seems that other people are using Diga's power, which caused such a resonance. Diga...how many stone statues have been lost outside..."

"Who knows, we've already met three of them along the way."

Hitler helplessly replied, to be honest, if Tiga told him now that there is a stone statue of him on every planet in a certain universe, Hitler would completely believe him.

"After all, it is Tiga, and he has been traveling outside for 30 million years."

Durham crossed his arms and said softly:

"If it were me, I might come up with a lot of gadgets. What's more, that guy is even more powerful than me. He probably can't even count how many skills he has now."

"So, do you want to go take a look?"

Hitler floated in front of Camilla, looked at the light of Tiga and asked:

"Why don't you go and take a look? To be honest, just wandering around in the universe is too boring. Let's go find some fun. If we can't take a look at it, let's leave. Oops, this civilized planet in this universe is really It’s too little, how can it be so little?”

"Then go and have a look. It's just in time to see who is using Tiga's power."

Camilla couldn't defeat Hitler, so she decided to try to track her down. It didn't matter if she didn't do anything. As soon as she activated the resonance skill, Camilla noticed something was wrong. This strange reaction... was like some kind of closed barrier. , refusing contact with other people.

This made Carmilla hesitate for a moment. Although her years were indeed long, in terms of experience, after leaving the earth and seeing the current universe, Carmilla really did not dare to have any confidence. In her heart, whether it was the technological death star she encountered before or the living planet belt, Camilla sensed the deadly aura from it.

"Is it dangerous?"

Seeing Camilla like this, Hitler immediately reacted, put away his playful intentions, and said seriously:

"Let me try it."

"The danger is unknown, but it seems like they don't want you to have some fun."

Camilla casually handed the Light of Tiga into Hitler's hands and said softly:

"But if you want to go, this level of blockade can't stop Diga."


To be honest, Hitler is very excited. He is quite willing to take a peek at a place full of unknowns. No matter whether it succeeds or not, he can escape - at least when he is on earth, this is the case.

But also after coming to the universe and seeing those messy things, Hitler couldn't help but become cautious. After all, having fun does not mean going to die, so...

"Let's go take a look."

In the end, Dallam who was standing by the side broke the silence caused by this contemplation and said seriously:

"The three of us are not vegetarians. Even if we really can't defeat them, it's not easy to leave. I really don't believe that there are powerful beings like Tiga everywhere in this universe."

"What Daram said makes sense, we seem to be a little too timid."

Camilla smiled, took the Light of Tiga from Hitler's hand, and said softly:

"Go and have a look to see what triggered Diga's power. Anyway, now that Diga is not here, I need to help him examine it. Not just any cat or dog is qualified to become Diga."

After saying that, Camilla activated the energy in the light of Tiga, forcibly opened a hole in the sealed barrier, and took Hitler and Dallam through it.

On the other side, facing the re-entered Belyudora, this giant of light born from the Shizuma Light Country, after quickly assessing the situation on the battlefield, decisively pushed Triga and the other two away, then put his hand on Subaru's shoulder and began to replenish his energy.

355 Camilla and Carmilla

The Light of Tiga from the Shizuma Light Country began to transmit energy to Subaru.jpg

Subaru's blue bar rises ing

The Light of Tiga's energy is exhausted, over

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