"Um, are you the Mr. Child who helped us back then?"

Compared to everyone in the Elite Victory Team, Shizama Yumei felt that this voice was somewhat familiar, and asked tentatively. Yuan Subaru also completely removed his cover at this time, and said with a soft smile:

"Mr. Child, this is really an interesting title, but I can't remember whether I have introduced myself to you before, so let me say it again here. My name is Yuan Subaru, and I am Nexus Ultra. Man, nice to meet you.”


After hearing this, Ignis, who was lying on the ground and looked like he was in a coma, suddenly jumped up from the ground, his eyes widened, and he looked at Yuan Subaru.


This name is not an unfamiliar name to the members of the elite victory team present. They have collected ultra-ancient heritage and decoded some information from those stone slabs, among which naturally Yuteliga and Information about Nexus.

Moreover, compared to Trigga's few words, Nexus can be said to be called more than one in the records of super-ancient humans. They use extremely praising words to describe this man who fell from the sky and was the head of the Earth Defense Corps at that time. The Giant of Light who fought alongside Yousale also left a lot of related murals. This is why it didn’t take long for the people on earth to find Nexus after they last saw him. real identity.

"Ignis, you guy..."

Seeing that this cosmic treasure hunter seemed to want to get close to Nexus, the members of the Elite Victory Team wanted to take him down and put him in the confinement room again. Yuan Subaru waved his hand and said that he didn't need to worry about it. If he It would be a joke to be attacked by this cosmic being.

"It looks like you have something to tell me."

Yuan Subaru looked at the extremely complex expression of Ignis in front of him, clapped his hands gently, activated the light energy, and opened up an independent space for the two of them to be alone here. Yuan Subaru also felt that this familiar cosmic person , maybe you want to talk about some things from the past, but if you are talking about your own dark history, it would not be wonderful.

"I'm sorry, really...I'm sorry..."

However, what Yuan Subaru didn't expect was that as soon as the space was opened, the cosmic man knelt directly in front of him and said with a rather guilty tone and a cry:

"Back then...I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. Obviously, it was you who saved us...but...I...I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."


ah? ?

ah? ? ?

Although this cosmic man cried sincerely, it could be heard that he did feel quite guilty about this, and he has not been able to let go of this matter for all these years, but... I really can't remember clearly... ..

Yuan Subaru frowned slightly and began to think seriously. While recalling the past, he also began to analyze his current situation. Generally speaking, the loss of emotion should not lead to such a situation...

It just so happened that Ignis was crying very sadly now, giving Yuan Subaru no chance to interrupt at all. And looking at him like that, it seemed that he was no longer crying about the curses he had done in the past, but seemed to be venting all the emotions he had accumulated over the years. , so Yuan Subaru took this opportunity to distract himself from thinking about other things.

And Ignis is indeed very sad. He is a Lithurian. Although his appearance is no different from that of an earthling at first glance, he has stronger physical fitness and some superpowers than earthlings.

Although he claims to be a treasure hunter who travels around the galaxy for the purpose of obtaining the best treasures, he carries with him many strange things collected from various planets in the universe.

However, Ignis wanders around the universe not only to collect various treasures, but also to track down the traces of Hitram, the culprit who almost destroyed his home planet a hundred years ago, and to pursue the goal that can make him The power of revenge.

Of course, he was looking for traces of Nexus and wanted to apologize for his emotional outburst. The last time Yuan Subaru showed up to assist in the battle, Ignis recognized him at a glance and knew that he had finally found the person.

‘What’s the use of you just coming now! ! ! ’

'Everyone is already dead, everyone has been eaten, why can't you come earlier...wuwuwu...'

At this time, Yuan Subaru also recalled some impressions from his memory. When he was chasing Noah Griza, there seemed to be such an episode. Therefore, he looked at Ignis and whispered softly. said:

"It's understandable. Although I was a little unhappy at the time, it's been so long, so let's just put this matter aside... No, come on, stand up and let me punch you. I didn't think about it. Okay, the more I think about this, the angrier I get. You are not from Earth. Why should I spoil you? Come on, come on, stand still, and I will punch you. After this punch, this matter will be over. "

336 Teliga·Light is the bond

Yuan Subaru's punch naturally fell on Ignis. Of course, Yuan Subaru also withdrew his strength from this punch. Although this guy is a cosmic person, but now it seems that he is just a petty thief. As for being beaten to death.

But Ignis did not stop crying because of this, and started crying even more sadly. There may be many reasons, but among them, the possibility of being beaten to tears by Yuan Subaru was probably indispensable.

After finishing the punch, Yuan Subaru lifted the barrier and came to reality. Looking at the elite victory team members standing around, he waved his hand casually and said softly:

"Stop hanging around here. If you have a lot of things to be busy with now, just let this team member negotiate with me. The others can do whatever they are busy with."

After Yuan Subaru said this, the members of the Elite Victory Team looked at each other in confusion. In the end, they followed what he said and left the designated name of Shizama, dragging the still crying Ignis away from here. Then, Shizama Yumei sat down in front of Yuan Subaru nervously. It could be seen that she was organizing her words nervously, wondering which question to start with to open up the somewhat dull atmosphere at the moment.

I just didn't expect it....

"You seem clueless."

Yuan Subaru looked at the eldest lady who inherited the bloodline of Yousalei and successfully achieved natural reversion. He hesitated and said softly:

"Since Youshalei didn't tell you, I won't do anything for you. Miss Jingjian, please sleep a little longer."

"Wait, what are you going to say..."

In fact, Shizama Yumei is also aware of her own weirdness. Often at critical moments, she will appear in the state of short videos and lose a piece of memory inexplicably. This is undoubtedly abnormal, but everyone around her seems to know it. What's going on, he just won't tell himself, which really makes Shizama Yumei depressed.

But now, without hesitation, she met a big boss who seemed to know everything, but he started to riddle again, which made Shizama Yumei anxiously speak out to stop him. Unfortunately, her actions were still a step too slow. , Yuan Subaru has thrown out the light energy, causing him to fall into a deep sleep.

However, Yuan Subaru did not forcefully pull Yousale up. During this period, the pressure on his old friend was quite high, so he just let her take the opportunity to have a good rest. With him here in charge, nothing big could happen. question.

Then, Yuan Subaru lowered his gaze to Manaka Kengo. He was silent for a moment, closed his eyes and then opened them again. His pupils lit up slightly, and his Ultra-Psychic power surged out and landed on Manaka Kengo. .

"Don't cry, don't cry. Well, the balloon is there, isn't it?"

Just as Gen Subaru entered Manaka Kengo's dream, he saw this guy squatting aside, holding a balloon in one hand, and touching the head of the little boy next to him with the other, comforting the crying child, and said with a smile:

"Smailus Smailu, you must remember to smile often!"

"Well, thank you uncle, I know Smailu!"

Seeing that the balloon was lost and recovered, the little boy smiled and nodded towards Manaka Kengo. Then he happily took the balloon and went to play with his friends, leaving only Manaka with a subtle expression on his face. Jian Wu touched the back of his neck and said helplessly:

"I'm not mature enough to be called uncle yet..."

"This is your dream, the place where your subconscious gathers. Since that kid called you that, I think you should feel like an uncle yourself."

? !

Hearing what Gen Subaru said, Manaka Kengo was stunned for a moment, then quickly turned around and saw Gen Subaru walking over unhurriedly, sitting next to him, patting the empty seat next to him, and looking at He whispered to himself:

"Sit down, Ultraman Trigga, there are some things that I think we need to have a good talk with."

"You...you are..."

Manaka Kengo looked at Yuan Subaru, and was a little dazed for a moment. The energy reaction emanating from this child made him both afraid and wanting to get close, making him extremely entangled in his heart. Yuan Subaru didn't say anything more, just looked at Looking at the children laughing and chatting in the park not far away, he leaned gently on the back of the chair, looking leisurely and contented.

"You must be that Ultraman Nexus."

In the end, the closeness in his heart overcame the fear in his instinct. Manaka Kengo sat next to Gen Subaru and asked tentatively in a low voice:

"I didn't expect you to look like this. I was really a little scared."

"These are all trivial things. Manaka Kengo, can you tell me why you like 'Smailu' so much?"

Yuan Subaru withdrew his gaze, staying on Manaka Kengo, and said in a calm tone:

"To be honest, when you talked about Smailu, you sounded particularly devilish, but I can also feel that you really want others to laugh, so why do you have such thoughts. "

"Ah...this...how should I say it..."

Manaka Kengo scratched his head, looked at the children in the park with some embarrassment and said:

"Smile, I think it is the best gift that everyone can give to others. If the person you like smiles, you will also be happy. Smiles will breed more smiles, so I am so Say it often, say it repeatedly, smile~~smile, I will keep working hard to make more people smile.”

"It's a really good ambition. I didn't expect you to have such an idea now."

This is the place where Manaka Kengo's subconscious is located. Therefore, Yuan Subaru can clearly realize that the words just spoken are Manaka Kengo's thoughts from his heart, which made him smile knowingly.

But this conversation was not over yet. Gen Subaru waved his hand, and the powerful ultra-psychic power changed the picture in Manaka Kengo's subconscious, modifying it into the vast Milky Way. Manaka Kengo looked to the left and right in surprise, and saw Yuan Subaru, who was originally sitting next to him, appeared in front of him. He and he were sitting alone on a deserted planet, with a blue planet in the middle, slowly rotating.

"Manaka Kengo, do you think you are Ultraman or a human now?"


Manaka Kengo didn't expect Gen Subaru to ask this. He blinked in confusion and said softly:

"Of course I am a human being. Although I can transform into Teliga and fight now, I still have the true swordsmanship."

"Then...what if...the truth is like this?"

Yuan Subaru smiled and cast his gaze on the blue planet between them. Manaka Kengo also looked over subconsciously. Then, he saw the arrival of the dark giant, destroying the civilization on that planet.

In a short period of time, most of the human cities were destroyed, causing massacres one after another. Just when the remaining human survivors were in danger, the giant of light Nexus suddenly arrived and they A fierce battle broke out, and after several battles, the dark giant was defeated. Among them, the most powerful dark giant also emitted a bright light and disappeared...

"Then...that's Teliga?"

Manaka Kengo's eyes widened. He didn't expect that Triga had such a history and caused such a terrible disaster to the earth. He subconsciously looked at Yuan Subaru and was about to say something. Suddenly, Manaka Kengo Satoru's eyes were fixed, his hands couldn't help but clutch his head, and he let out a low roar of pain.

In this regard, Yuan Subaru did not make any move, he just sat there quietly, watching Manaka Kengo start rolling on the spot in pain, and then, not long after, Manaka Kengo regained his composure, and he was sweating profusely. He raised his head, looked at Yuan Subaru, and said with red bloodshot eyes:

"I, I am Teliga..."

"Kengo Manaka, tell me."

Yuan Subaru did not answer his words, but continued unhurriedly:

"Now, do you think you are Ultraman or a human?"


Manaka Kengo looked into Gen Subaru's eyes, his lips trembling slightly, the words 'I am a human being' roared in his heart, but when it came to his mouth, he couldn't help but swallow it back.

"I...I can't possibly do such a thing, Teliga...won't take away the smiles of humans!"

"Calm down, don't be nervous."

Gen Subaru raised his hand, and Manaka Kenwu who was lying on the planet was lifted up and sat down again. At this moment, Manaka Kenwu noticed that in just the blink of an eye, he and Gen Subaru were Returning to the bench in front of the park, this unpredictable method really shocked Manaka Kengo.

"Don't you think this light looks familiar?"

At this time, Gen Subaru released the light of Nexus, and a warm feeling immediately emerged in Manaka Kengo's heart. This touch made him feel complicated, because after recovering some ultra-ancient memories, , the psychological shadow of being beaten has become clearer.

"To be honest, I didn't expect that the light I gave to Yousha Lei could actually cause such a thing."

After this series of contacts, Yuan Subaru had seen through Manaka Kengo's current state. He turned the light of Nexus into a point and touched it on Manaka Kengo's chest. In an instant, Manaka Kengo felt You see, this light flows freely through your body just like your own blood.

"At the beginning, Youshalei wanted to use the confrontation between light energy and dark energy to insert the light of Nexus into the body of Dark Teliga, so as to severely damage or even kill the dark giant."

Yuan Subaru helplessly whispered the truth he had arrived at:

"However, I don't know whether it was Youshalei's persuasion that worked, or whether Dark Teliga had new ideas after personally experiencing the power of light. In short, Dark Teliga had the idea of ​​​​longing for light. It is for this reason that the light of Nexus, which was supposed to explode, responded to the voice of Dark Teliga."

Having said this, Gen Subaru made a slashing gesture, looked at Manaka Kengo on the side, and said with a smile:

"So, the dark Teliga, who was supposed to die, was split into two. Light was born from darkness, and darkness was hidden from light. Shinaka Swordsman, you are the light born in the heart of the dark giant, and light is the link...hehe. ...I didn’t expect it to be passed down in this way.”


Manaka Kengo felt that he should say something, otherwise he would sound too much like a stutterer who only knew how to say 'me, me, me', but at the moment, with such an impactful truth, he really didn't know what to say.

"Darkness and light are not irreconcilable opposites."

Yuan Subaru looked at Manaka Kengo in front of him, and tapped his chest again. Then, something flashed in front of Manaka Kengo's eyes. He saw that deep in his soul, a rich and terrifying force was sleeping. dark.

But immediately, Manaka Kengo saw Gen Subaru in front of him raise his hands. Light energy and dark energy surged in the palms of his hands, and they intertwined with Gen Subaru's movements.

"But I won't interfere with what you are going to do next, Kengo Shinaka. No matter what choice you make, I hope that's the path you decide on yourself."

After demonstrating the fusion of light and darkness, Gensuba casually dispersed it, then stood up, patted his uniform, and said softly:

"But you don't have to be too anxious. You are not me. You still have a long time to think about this problem, so take your time. Okay, this conversation ends here. Triga, let's meet again in reality."

After speaking, Gensuba waved to Kengo Shinaka, and then snapped his fingers. The majestic Ultramania left Kengo Shinaka's body. Gensuba in reality slowly closed his eyes, exhaled gently, and then opened his eyes again.

Then, he pointed his hand at Yuzana Yume, and passed some light energy to her, so that she and Yusare in her body could rest more comfortably.

After completing these, Yuan Subaru added the skill of action concealment to himself and began to walk in the base of the elite victory team, wanting to see what unexpected gains he could get.

At this time, in the Belia base, Belia was busy on the data table. After this period of recuperation, his power has recovered a lot, and due to the emergence of chaos, Belia has obtained a lot of things that can be used. If all these things are fully developed, they will definitely be able to give them a big surprise when they face the Kingdom of Light in the future.

"Lord Belia, Lord Belia!!!"

Hmm? !

Listening to the noise coming from the crowd, Belia frowned in dissatisfaction and put down the things at hand. He heard that this was the voice of the 43rd Godra star. He should have set off with the Ailos star. How long has he been away? Why is he in a hurry to come back? Is there any unexpected gain... No, is there any enemy that cannot be dealt with? !

337 Belia: It's my son!

Belia felt that he was quite unlucky recently. His career had been up and down, and his various plans were disrupted by some messy accidents. In his expectation, if it weren't for these things, he could have led his men to counterattack the Kingdom of Light a long time ago. Now, he had to wait. Who knows when he can realize this plan.

Thinking of this, Belia was a little annoyed. He didn't know what kind of weird information the Godra star who was coming over would send back to him. This was really enough.

"Lord Belia!"

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