Is there something wrong with Teliga? Then you should go and see it quickly.

Yuan Subaru closed his eyes, responded to Yousalei's call, turned around and came to the world of Teliga...

What's going on here?

Looking at the ruins around him, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but widen his eyes. The entire city was reduced to ruins, with corpses strewn everywhere, including the remains of fighter planes. It could be seen that an extremely miserable battle had just occurred here.

'Pleiades...Pleiades...come to me, come to me...'

At this time, Gen Subaru heard Yusale's inner voice, locked her location, and teleported directly to the headquarters of the Elite Victory Team (GUTS-SELECT) - the anti-monster battleship Nastis Among the numbers (Nursedessei).

This huge anti-monster combat boat "Nastis" is a huge combat boat with a total length of 40 meters. It was supposed to be suspended in the air and perform various operations, but now it has also fallen to the ground. Inside All the instruments were sparking.

"who are you?"

Yuan Subaru's sudden appearance made everyone in the Elite Victory Team nervously pull out their guns and aim them at him. After just experiencing such a cruel battle, no matter who appeared so suddenly, they would not let down their vigilance. .

Facing the muzzles of the guns, Yuan Subaru quickly scanned them and found that he had locked on the wrong position. Without saying anything, he left again and came to the medical room of the battleship.

There, Gen Subaru saw Yui Shizuma who was possessed by Yusalei. In front of this super ancient miko, Manaka Kengo was lying with several bandages on his face and a painful look on his face. It was obvious that this Ultraman Teliga was seriously injured.

"what happened?"

Yuan Subaru realized that it might be because he had come into contact with the [Copy Engine] not long ago. He was unexpectedly able to suppress his anger and reason calmly with Yousale. This was really something that surprised him. From this point of view, , emotional loss doesn’t seem to be a bad thing, at least it won’t be so overwhelming in the future.

"It's an unknown enemy."

Yousale spoke quickly to Yuan Subaru about the situation not long ago. After Yuan Subaru left, the world here became unexpectedly peaceful. Even the dark giants did not show up again. At most, there was a cosmic treasure hunter who looked like a He's like a troublemaker, making trouble everywhere, but that's not a big problem.

But just this morning, a huge mechanical monster appeared in the city. The monster was equipped with a variety of weaponized and hard armor. It was both offensive and defensive. In an instant, it used its amazing firepower The system caused a devastating blow to the city. Even if the Elite Victory Team and Teliga responded as quickly as possible, they still could not change the tragic ending of the city.

In response, Teliga and the Elite Victory Team launched an attack on the monster with shocking anger. However, they did not expect that as the mechanical monster opened its second fire attack system, the Elite Victory Team was immediately defeated. After coming out of the battle, Teliga tried his best to avoid its sharp edge and tried to attack it, but he couldn't hold on for long before he was hit by a purple-black energy cannon and became slightly stiff.

Just this flaw was caught by the mechanical monster, and then Teliga was blasted from near the ground into space by the astonishing firepower system, and then was ruthlessly blasted by the monster using the gravity weapon system. He pulled it back and smashed it to the ground.

There is one thing to say, if Gen Subaru hadn't given a share of the light to Yusale before, allowing her to use this power to protect the falling Triga, Ultraman would have been sent away directly now.

But even if he is not dead, Manaka Kengo is still seriously injured now. If he wants to recover, even if he has an extraordinary physique, he has to take good care of himself for a while.

"So, I can only call your name, hoping to get your help."

Yousha Lei lowered her head and said softly:

"Right now, you...are my last hope."

"Haha, you said that, so I have to show some real skills."

Yuan Subaru chuckled, stretched out his hand to rub Yousalei's hair and said:

"You and I are like-minded, so there's no need to feel embarrassed about it. Just leave the fighting to me."

‘Boom! ! ! ! ’

Just when Yuan Subaru was talking to Yousalei, a huge vibration suddenly came, causing Manaka Kenshou on the bed to almost be knocked to the ground. Yuan Subaru sensed that a powerful energy reaction suddenly appeared not far away. The child was a little surprised. Even if he was in this state now, he shouldn't have sensed the appearance of this monster without any warning. In addition, he had previously locked it in the wrong place...

This planet is being affected by something unknown.


At this time, Yuan Subaru and Yusale heard a strange sound, turned around and saw the unconscious Manaka Kengo frowning and letting out a roar, his body began to tremble slightly, and his muscles tightened. got up.


Finally, under the unexpected looks from Gen Subaru and Yusale, Manaka Kengo suddenly opened his eyes, jumped up from the bed, threw himself on the table next to him, picked up his uniform and equipment, and rushed out of the medical clinic. room.

"What a great will."

Subaru whispered. He could see that Kengo Manaka was in a state similar to sleepwalking. With the anger and sense of responsibility in his heart, he forced himself to wake up. With a chaotic mind, he rushed out to fight. His eyes were scattered, and he didn't even notice Subaru and Youshalei beside him. It would not be surprising if he transformed in public.

"But it's too much to fight like this, Youshalei, I'll go over to help."

"Well, please be careful, I wish you a triumphant return."

Subaru smiled at Youshalei, then closed his eyes, and his body released a silver light, turning into a young Nexus, appearing in the ruins.

The strange mechanical monster Daibo Rigu...

Looking at this familiar figure, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but think of its name. However, this strange mechanical monster Daibo Rigu was different from the one Yuan Subaru had dealt with. At least the one in front of him was completely black, like a big iron ball painted with scarlet patterns, and the firepower muzzles became more dense, and there was also a mechanical structure on the arm that could switch the current weapon type.

I really miss it. The last time I faced the strange mechanical monster Daibo Rigu, I was still a naive warrior, a child still immersed in the story of "heroic bloodline"... Well, this kind of feeling is meaningless.

Yuan Subaru exhaled lightly and looked at the enemy in front of him helplessly. He felt that he should be angry, but after contacting the [Copy Engine], the "Forced Calm" effect was surprisingly powerful, so that Yuan Subaru now felt that he really couldn't be angry.

Oh, this is both good and bad, but my mind is not distorted, so I can barely accept it.

Gen Subaru understood that in the future, his condition would only be worse than now, so adapting in advance is also a way out, so he did not dwell on this issue for too long.

"Build the future, the light of hope! Triga!"

At this time, Shinaka Kengo roared and completed the transformation. Fortunately, there were no creatures or recording instruments around him, so his identity is still confidential. It's just that he just turned into Triga, and the energy light on his chest began to flicker, or the kind that flickered for a while, and it was about to go out.


Just after the transformation, Triga roared and rushed towards Diaborigu, completely unaware of Gen Subaru's existence. The mechanical monster also made the sound of mechanical components biting all over its body, and countless firepower systems were running.

At this time, Gen Subaru threw out a rescue beam, tied it to Triga's body, pulled it back, blocked Triga's instinctive arm with his backhand, and then began to transfer energy to Triga's body, making his energy light return to normal from the flashing state.

But Triga's body softened all of a sudden, and he couldn't even maintain his transformation state, and he just changed from Triga back to Shinkankengo.

Gen Subaru used energy to cover this process, so no one saw this change. Gen Subaru also understood why Triga had such a change. When the energy was transmitted, Shinkankengo seemed to be a little more awake. After seeing his own existence, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Just like that, his tense nerves suddenly relaxed, causing him to fall into a coma involuntarily.

Gen Subaru understood Shinkankengo's situation very well. When he was in the deep blue space, he didn't know how many times he had experienced such things.

After sending Shinchu Kengo back to the Nastice silently, Gen Subaru also encountered a fierce attack from Diaborigu. The missiles and energy beams were so dense that they formed a wall. It looked really scary.

Gen Subaru released light energy from his two-handed weapons, transforming into a blue water-wave-shaped circular light shield. At the same time, the pure white light also played a role, absorbing the energy of the enemy's attack through the "weapon Nexus" on his wrist. After the energy conversion, Gen Subaru looked at the dark Diaborigu and chuckled. The purple-black light surged out, and the violent energy turned into claw marks, whistling and cutting through all the subsequent attacks of Diaborigu, and slashing hard on its shell.

Yeah, it's been a long time since I used this ability, and I'm really a little rusty.

Subaru shook his hands, looking at the Diaborigu who was almost cut in half in front of him, shook his hands, praised the defense of this new model, and then swung out the lightsaber, and with the power of nothingness, directly sent away the mechanical monster that was still struggling.

Well, the battle is over, huh... If the next battle is like this, it would be like a holiday.

Subaru clapped his hands, canceled the transformation, and returned to the Elite Victory Team.... Oh, what is the purpose of this defense army taking such a long and convoluted name!

Just as Subaru left, in the secret special space, someone was silent, shaking his hands and raised a data analysis report. This guy was none other than the Ailos sent by Belia.

After the Ailos came here to investigate, it didn't take much time to investigate the situation here, and naturally discovered the whereabouts of the Ultra Warriors.

So the Ailos alien sent out the experimental model he brought from the base's arsenal without hesitation to carry out exploratory attacks and collect data on the experimental model.

Before this, to be precise, before the data in the hands of Ailos came out, the mood of this cosmic person was still very wonderful, because he had already noticed the secrets hidden in this planet, and realized that the Ultraman named Triga was not his opponent at all. Although there was still a mysterious Ultraman, it didn't matter. He brought the elite of the experimental weapons, so how could he not take down these two Ultramen.



This is no longer a question of whether it can be taken down! ! ! !

Ailos looked at the data sheet in his hand. No matter how he looked at the data on it, it looked like the energy reaction of Lord Belia. Although before this, when the terrifying dark claw attack appeared, Ailos felt that his body's [Lord Belia's blessing BUFF] was trembling slightly and responding to it, but he still held a glimmer of hope and waited for accurate data analysis to come out, hoping that he was wrong.


"Captain, shall we continue?"

The Godra who was brought by the Ailos also said with a complicated expression:

"Well, I heard it before, I just heard that Lord Belia...seems to have a great gene heir who is out of contact, and Lord Belia seems to be very angry about it..."

"...You go back and report, I will continue to implement the plan here."

Ailos exhaled tremblingly and said softly:

"No matter what his origin is, the eternal core of this planet, I have to investigate it and present it to Lord Belia. Before that, even if that guy...that Ultraman is really the blood of Lord Belia, I will not shelve the plan because of this. I am loyal to only Lord Belia!"

"I understand, I will leave now."

Godra nodded, took the relevant evidence and headed towards the Belia base...

335 Subaru: Come, let me punch you

Subaru didn't notice the alien leaving. He frowned and looked around. Although the scenery of the earth was quite normal, Subaru, who had been affected, knew that there was a special device in a special space gap that was affecting the entire earth, causing him to have problems with perception.


There really was no clue.

Subaru stood there with a gloomy expression. This undoubtedly meant that something incredible was eyeing this planet and was also making other plans. Among them, it was not difficult to think of something, which was naturally the "eternal core".

In this case, let me see what was causing the trouble.

Thinking of this, Subaru used the power of truth without hesitation. Countless lines of order appeared in front of his eyes, allowing him to see the "haze" shrouding the earth.

At this moment, the enemy seemed to have noticed something, and the 'haze' suddenly disappeared, so decisively that Subaru was surprised. He used the remaining traces to investigate, but found that the end of the clue was deliberately erased. Subaru used the power of truth to try to restore it and trace the root, but found that the enemy was very cautious and handled the 'tail' very cleanly... Hmm? !

Subaru raised his eyebrows and looked at the mountain not far away, where a huge black figure emerged. It was another strange mechanical monster Diaborigu. It seemed that the mastermind behind the scenes had already set up a related trap. I believe that if Triga defeated the previous strange mechanical monster Diaborigu, this one ambushed in the mountain would appear, letting Ultraman and humans taste the taste of despair.

"What an incredible move."

On the other side, Ailos wiped the sweat from his forehead. He had been blessed with Belia's power before, so his intuition about the sense of crisis became particularly sharp. When Subaru used the power of truth, Ailos felt cold all over, as if something bad was going to happen to him.

Therefore, he immediately finished the work without hesitation and handled everything cleanly. To be honest, Ailos didn't want to have any direct conflict with this Ultra Warrior who was highly suspected to be the descendant of Lord Belia. At least, he thought so before Godra came back. So, as long as this guy didn't hinder his search for the Eternal Core, he wouldn't use those experimental weapons on this Ultra Warrior.

But it's still scary.

Ailos looked at the traces that had been completely wiped out, and at the strange mechanical monster Diabolico that had been chopped into pieces, and couldn't help but let out a sigh. How to say it... Although it was a bit disrespectful, Ailos unexpectedly felt the momentum of this Ultra Warrior, which was sometimes more frightening than the pressure of Lord Belia. I can only say, are they... a family?

Tsk, there's something on the other side.

On the other side, while dealing with the strange mechanical monster Diabolico, Gen Subaru continued to distract himself to track down the whereabouts of the mastermind behind the scenes, but in the end he didn't get a satisfactory answer, which made him smack his lips, and then put the body of the mechanical monster aside, so that the auxiliary technology personnel under the Elite Victory Team could collect these things and conduct research and development.

Gen Subaru himself then released his transformation and returned to the medical room of the Nastis. He looked at Manaka Kengo who was lying on the bed and Shizama Yumei who had been released from the possessed state. He found a chair at random and sat aside without making a sound. After all, Shizama Yumei was also in a comatose state now. It must have been that when Yusha Lei used her body to support Triga, she also suffered it. Too much pressure.

Um? !

However, it didn't take long for Yuan Subaru to notice something. He looked out curiously. A guy wearing a brown trench coat with a rat head and a rat tail crept in. He took a look at Manaka Kengo and Satoru who were still sleeping. Shizama Yumei's eyes moved back and forth on the equipment of Shizuma Yumei and Manaka Kengo, as if hesitating on which one would be better to attack first.

In the end, this guy reached out to Manaka Kengo's equipment and wanted to steal it.

No, is this person so blatant? I'm still sitting here, how dare I do this...

Oh, yes, did I subconsciously hide my existence...

Only then did Yuan Subaru react. He smiled mockingly and reached out to pat his forehead.

Then, the guy in the windbreaker looked at Manaka Kengo's equipment in confusion, lowering his head to see if anything had hooked the Hypa gun or stuck it to the table.

At this moment, a pair of eyes suddenly appeared in front of the thief, and then, from his perspective, a young and thin child... No, to be precise, there was such a being who appeared in front of him out of thin air. The existence in front of him gave him the feeling that he should be a child. It was this child's hand that pressed on Manaka Kengo's Hypa Gun, making it impossible for him to take it away.

"Um, can you... lift your hand? Big brother, you need to use this."

Although the child's eyes were a little penetrating, he had already come this far. The thief obviously had no intention of giving up. He smiled faintly at Yuan Subaru and said in a low voice:

"Hey, look, the eldest brother and eldest sister over there are sleeping. We can't disturb their rest, so we can't make too much noise. Come on, raise your hands and let me help you pack things away. , No, as you can see, these clothes and equipment are very dirty and need to be sent for a good cleaning. "

"I... seem to have seen you before."

Naturally, this kind of nonsense could not fool Yuan Subaru. He frowned slightly, looked at the thief in front of him, and said softly:

"But I can't remember exactly which planet I saw you on. My memory is getting worse and worse. It's really an unpleasant feeling."

"Well, you..."

After listening to Yuan Subaru's words, the thief also realized that this guy's age cannot be judged by his appearance. It makes people feel like a child. In fact, he may not be an old monster on the inside. Although he said that he seemed to have seen himself before, this You can use it to build friendship, but for now it’s better to retreat first! ! !

Thinking of this, the thief immediately chose to let go and turned around to run away. But just as he turned around, the stool suddenly flew up out of thin air and stuck firmly in his face, causing him to spin out. He entered the room, hit the opposite wall, and then slowly slid to the floor like a piece of rag, rolling his eyes and hanging his tongue, as if he couldn't get up again.

And this movement naturally attracted other members of the Elite Victory Team. They rushed over quickly. After seeing the thief, someone immediately shouted:

"Ah, it's that guy, Ignis, you dare to escape from prison!"

Listening to the messy sounds outside, Shizama Yumei also woke up from her deep sleep. She covered her head and shook her head as if she was getting angry. Then she stood up, turned to the left, and looked outside the door. He killed his teammates and the thief named Ignis.

"Ah, I remembered."

At this moment, a voice of surprise came from the left hand side of Jingjian Yuiming. Yuan Subaru clapped his hands and said with a smile:

"The last time I met him was not on which planet, but when he kidnapped you. Oops, why can't I remember this clearly? Is this also one of the side effects? This is really frustrating. People don’t like it.”

"who are you!?"

Looking at the mosaic-like existence in front of them, everyone in the Elite Victory Team couldn't help but become more nervous. After all, although Ignis likes to cause trouble and has now escaped from prison, in comparison, he is still a human being. The harmless cosmonauts, at this joint, first appeared as a teleporting child, and then a mosaic cosmonaut appeared, which really made people unable to relax.

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