Looking at Saka who was holding down the elite Noah clones and about to win, Yuan Subaru frowned slightly. How should I put it? It was too barbaric... No, it should be said that it was Saka. The feeling of power to him changed.

Yuan Subaru has seen Saka transformed by Dyna, and even Saka himself. Therefore, Yuan Subaru has a deep understanding of the unique and sassy temperament of this legendary warrior.

But now, this Saka feels to him like...a...warrior, a thug who is immersed in fighting and fighting. Yuan Subaru faintly realizes that the fighting over there could have ended long ago. , but that Saka seemed dissatisfied with deciding the winner like this.



Haha... Although I really want to say 'I must have overthought it', it is not a good habit to deceive yourself.

Yuan Subaru's face became extremely ugly at this time. Although he thought it was possible that Saka here was affected by Zero, Dyna and Orb and became so violent, he still whispered this in a prepared voice. The discovery was reported to the surrounding Ultra brothers, and they were ready to run away with the still unconscious Reggio-senpai.

After all, Senior Reggio is the real winner at the moment. As long as he can be delayed until he wakes up, everything will be easy.


I don’t know whether Yuan Subaru’s inner voice was noticed by Saka over there, or the few elite Noah clones had been beaten to tatters and could no longer bring the enjoyment of the battle. Saka took them away with a punch. After catching those elite clones, his fierce gaze suddenly fell on Yuan Subaru. The murderous aura and passionate fighting spirit even made the Ultra brothers stunned at this moment, and they were almost suppressed mentally.

"Noah!!! I haven't fought enough! Come again!!!"

Listening to the reverberant roar that seemed to be pulled from the trembling vocal cords, mixed with the voices of Zero, Dyna, and Orb, and feeling the terrifying impact caused by just the sound, Ultra The brothers stood ready and immediately made preparations for battle.

Yuan Subaru, on the other hand, calmly looked left and right to see if there was any figure of the Ultra King appearing.

After all, in a sense, in less than twenty-four Earth hours, he has already faced off against Regedo, Noah, and the soon-to-arrive Saka, four of the most famous people in the universe. The legendary warrior, the only one who hasn't touched the king yet, why not show up quickly, and after the fight, we can join a table to play mahjong——

Yuan Subaru, who was already numb, muttered helplessly in his heart.

Facing such a prosperous legendary warrior, Yuan Subaru really had no better way to deal with it, so he could only try his best to delay time.

"I'm so convinced that I'm going to catch you, this little kid, and torture me to death."

At this time, the figures of Tiga and Ultra's father teleported over and stood in front of Yuan Subaru and the Ultra brothers. Because Saka destroyed those elite Noah clones, the subsequent reinforcements of Noah clones also followed. disappeared, and they were able to free up their hands.

But looking at Nasaka, Diga and the father of Ultra were also under pressure. Diga muttered and put his hand on the father of Ultra, causing him to enter the 'shine' state and prepare to meet The next shock.

"Subaru, I'm here to help!"

At this moment, in the universe, a rainbow light struck like a meteor. It was Gurlitt. This super agent traveled across countless cosmic planes and finally arrived here.

"Gulit, you came at the right time."

Yuan Subaru didn't expect such support to come. After all, in order to prevent Gulit from participating in his battle against Prime Regedo, he couldn't keep him close. But no matter what, Gulit came here. It is indeed possible to break the situation.

At the moment, Tiga and the father of Ultra have already fought against Saka. With new battles and fights, Saka obviously has no intention of paying attention to what's happening on Yuan Subaru's side. The young man quickly pulled Gulit, Pointing to the sleeping Reggio beside him, he said:

"Gulit, we need your Fixer Beam to wake this senior up from his slumber as soon as possible. We will fully support you."

"Okay! Then I'll start, Fixer--Beam!!!"

Gulit realized that the current battle situation was quite tense, and immediately fired a recovery beam from the triple regulator on his chest. This skill was called "his true power" by Gulit, and was the representative of the form of the electro-optical superman Gulit. sexual skills.

Not only can it literally restore various objects to their original state, it can also be released into the real world through the screen and purify the mind. Even the previous [Gulit Universe] that has not been hit by Yuan Subaru is based on this It emerged based on the principle of skills. Therefore, in a sense, apart from Yuan Subaru, Gullit may be the best 'doctor' among everyone present.

If you want to treat a being like Reggie, it is not enough to rely on Gulit alone. The Ultra brothers and Yuan Subaru also transfer all the energy in their bodies to the energy storage of this super agent. In the device, the recovery beam became more turbulent, rushing into Regedo's body like a flood, repairing the chaotic and broken 'threads'.

At this moment, Saka, who was fighting Tiga and the father of Ultra, suddenly shifted his attention here. The reason was very simple. Compared with the two Ultra warriors in front of him, the one who was lying down was still more powerful. Some familiar figures should appear more capable.

Moreover, next to that figure, there is a being with an energy reaction similar to that of Noah's Light. Those two would be more enjoyable to fight than the two now.

So, without hesitation, Saka used super acceleration to throw away Tiga and Ultra's father. With a beast-like roar, he held up the [Saka Blade] and teleported behind Yuan Subaru, aiming towards the child's face. The back was slashed hard.

At this moment, a powerful mental force came, forcefully forcing Sai Jia out of Yuan Subaru's side...

320 Subaru: Too old

This astonishing fluctuation of telekinesis caused the people around to be stunned. It was really terrifying. To put it bluntly, if this hit hit the Ultra brothers, no matter which one was hit, they would have to go to the Silver Crusaders to lie down. Last a while.

The initiator of this mental attack was none other than Yuan Subaru. The 'price' was finally paid, but this time, he did not seek power from the 'future'.

The reason is also very simple. The previous [Eternal Power] is a power that Yuan Subaru is familiar with, and it is also a power that he personally integrated into the [Unity Circle]. Therefore, based on this, we conduct future deductions on the timeline. Yuan Subaru clearly knows what kind of power he has at the future time node, and will then affect 'time' and use the power of the future in the present.

But now, due to the interference of [Power of Truth], Yuan Subaru has lost the standard for evaluating the power he may have in the future, and is unable to make accurate future predictions. This also leads to the fact that in this process of borrowing power, Maybe because of a slight error, Yuan Subaru's remaining lifespan would evaporate directly.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru set his sights on the 'past' and looked at himself who was fighting Noah Teliga. He took the time projection from the past and attached it to himself, and then This astonishing mental attack exploded, and as for the borrowed light energy, Yuan Subaru poured all of it into Gulit's body without hesitation.

One thing to say is that at this moment, Gulit almost lost his strength. Such terrifying energy rushed in. If it were his previous self, he might not have directly self-destructed, but fortunately there has been [Gulit·Universe] ] After the experience, Gullit's body functions also improved, and he abruptly caught the impact of [Eternal Power], and used extremely high efficiency to complete the energy conversion, which was then used in Reggio's On recovery.

Yuan Subaru's telepathy attack seemed to make Saka enjoy it extremely. The energy in his body became more and more violent. Coupled with his inexplicable fighting intention towards Noah, he completely fell into a war-mad state. In the thrilling battle, In the middle of the roar, he threw aside the approaching Tiga and Ultra's father, and continued to rush towards Yuan Subaru.

But this time, a perfect aura suddenly emerged, pushing Saka outside. The mysterious aura was soaring. The shining and great god in the legend of the universe revived again, blocking Saka's attack with one hand.

"Subaru, I'm sorry for causing you trouble this time."

Regedo looked at the child in front of him with an apologetic tone. Although Yuan Subaru was still in [True Origin] form at this time, he could clearly see it in the eyes of this legendary warrior. After the fusion state, Gen Subaru returned to black hair and black eyes. At this time, due to the price of 'time', his hair became deathly gray and his skin became rough and shriveled. What this means is hard to say. And metaphor.

"As for your body, someone will come to help you deal with it later. Subaru, just wait patiently for a while. As for Saka..."

Reggio looked at the appearance of his old friend. He knew what was going on. This Saga projection composed of Zero, Dyna and Orb was affected by its original body and became the current warrior. The crazy look also means that Saka himself is probably destroying everywhere at this time.

As for why it becomes like this...

I'm afraid it's because of [Essence], this guy is so pervasive, it's really a tricky thing.

Reggio sighed helplessly. At this time, he noticed the expression on Yuan Subaru's side. As an [Engine Shell], Yuan Subaru should have the clearest understanding of [Original Essence] besides himself. , so presumably he has also noticed the real reason why Saka lost control. Although the child has not lost his fighting spirit because of this, such a difficult enemy will inevitably make people feel powerless.

"Subaru, [Plasma] is indeed a very troublesome opponent."

While Reggio channeled his power to quickly recover his physical condition, he stared at Saka in front of him and whispered to Yuan Subaru:

"However, Noah has been chasing him all these years, and his trump card should be one less than one. There should be no more bad situations like this in the future."

"I understand this. If [Essence] was easy to deal with, Senior Noah wouldn't have to fight so hard."

Yuan Subaru moved his body that was stiff due to the loss of lifespan, and said in a normal tone:

"So, Senior Reggio, do you need help now? It seems that your condition has not returned to its best yet."

"Leave this to me. Although you are right, I still have experience in dealing with this old friend. Subaru, accept this power."

A faint light appeared in the palm of Regedo's hand. This was the power of [Order] that he extracted from the universe. Coupled with some of his own origin, for Yuan Subaru at this time, it can be said that It's a pretty good supplement, but it's a pity that Reggio's condition is not very good now. He has to concentrate on dealing with Saka, so he can only provide this kind of help to Yuan Subaru, and then...

"Let's meet again in the future."

As the words fell, Regedo turned into an extremely dazzling light, as if he had turned himself into the [Spark Legend]. Like a torrent, it impacted on the Saga projection in front of him, blowing away Zero, Dyna and Ou. Bu pulled it out, and then used this projection as a medium to lock Saka's body, across tens of thousands of universes, and came to the crazy old friend.

Then, with a wave of his hands, Regedo took the contaminated Saga and himself, and sealed them in an isolated space, and started a fierce battle.

"Is...is it finally over?"

At this time, on Yuan Subaru's side, looking at the quiet battlefield, Mebius couldn't help but sigh like this. From the blackened Ultra warrior, to the later Chaos vanguard, to the Noah clone, and finally to the crazy The transformed Saka, after this defeat, Membius felt that he had never fought such a hard battle in his life, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

The father of Ultra, on the other hand, is paying careful attention to the situation of Zero, Dyna and Orb. Although they are still unconscious, it should be the result of being overdrawn by Saka's projection, giving them a certain amount of time. It's time to rest and you'll be fine.

Yuan Subaru couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Diga who had fallen next to him and shook his head slightly, saying that he was fine and that he didn't need senior Diga to give him the light. But at this moment, a familiar voice sounded. When the news came, the mercury-like gatekeeper folded his arms, looked helplessly at the child in front of him, and said softly:

"Are you sure you're fine? Really, does 'time' have a grudge against you? Why did you get into trouble with it? You haven't had enough of the pain caused by the time confusion last time, have you?"

"It turns out that the capable person mentioned by Senior Reggio is you, Senior Gatekeeper."

Seeing this person arriving, the stone in Yuan Subaru's heart couldn't help but fall to the ground. He was still calculating how much life he had left and stopped. He smiled and greeted the gatekeeper of the Time Falls and said:

"That's right. In my situation, senior, you still have a way to deal with it."

"Don't put a high hat on me, and don't call me senior either."

The gatekeeper helplessly circled around Yuan Subaru, looking at and analyzing the child's current situation. While trying to find a way to save it, he said unforgivingly:

"You are my senior, you don't care about blowing up time and space, but you still do this kind of moth every day, and you ask me to clean up the mess for you. I am the guardian of the Time Falls. You make me lose face by doing this. You, you..."

"I'm telling you, you are such a talkative person. If you don't know how to speak, just keep your mouth shut."

Regarding the gatekeeper's complaints, Yuan Subaru could only smile with guilt and embarrassment. He felt that he had no reason at all. The senior gatekeeper had already taken good care of himself without directly throwing himself into the turbulence of time.

But Diga on the side couldn't stand this, and scolded him with an unkind tone:

"Is this what he wanted to do?! He was forced to do it. If you want to settle the score, go to Noah, go to Saka, go to the source of that thing. Stop talking about this little brat, a heroic guy who pretends to be a fool."

Listening to Diga's words, Severn's eyes with a bit of resentment shifted from the super ancient giant to the gatekeeper. Just now, he also planned to talk about the gatekeeper, but he didn't expect to be attacked by Diga. He had taken the lead, and now, he was looking forward to the gatekeeper saying something more so that he could take over and establish his own image in Yuan Subaru's heart.

But the gatekeeper suddenly fell silent. After a short silence, he gritted his teeth and said in annoyance:

"I want it too, I want it too, but I can't go, I can't go either. Due to the constraints of the time waterfall, I can't touch that essence. Otherwise, how the hell would I do it? There is so much anger, I’m really convinced, how could something so weird come out!”

"It's okay, it's okay."

Although he didn’t know if the gatekeeper’s body would be broken, Yuan Subaru patted his back and said softly:

"Senior Noah is currently fighting the [Plasma] with the [Engine]. The power of the [Engine] is specially used to restrain that terrible thing. I also have the same power. Wait until I take care of the matter at hand. Once it is dealt with, we will find a way to assist Senior Noah. When the two [Engines] work together, the [Essence] will probably be out of business."

Yuan Subaru thought very clearly that even if he died, the [Engine] transformed into his body should still be able to function as usual, so even if he did not have enough time to rush to the battlefield against [Plasma], others would hold him It shouldn't be a problem to change the [Engine]. The worst thing I can do is think about it carefully before I die and try to compile a relatively complete [Engine Instruction Manual] for those who come after me.

"So, senior, is there any way to deal with my situation?"

Yuan Subaru felt that the atmosphere was a bit depressing at this time, probably because everyone was confused about new knowledge points such as [Essence] and [Engine], and felt unusual pressure from the existence of the mysterious enemy, so he took the initiative to find a topic.

At the same time, Yuan Subaru was also packing the relevant information in his mind, and would share it with everyone present later, so that they could study it slowly.

As for himself, if the gatekeeper senior had a way to save his lost life, he would immediately cooperate with the action. If there was no way, he would hurry back to TLT Earth and arrange the remaining things quickly, so as not to die too quickly.

Ah... But thinking back, he had only been out for a few days, probably less than a week, and so many things had happened. Tsk tsk tsk tsk... The universe is really in a troubled time now.

Yuan Subaru sighed a little tiredly, and at the same time felt a little proud. After all, if someone else fought this series of battles, the child believed that in the entire universe, apart from those legendary warriors, there should be few people who could replicate it. So, he has become a well-known leader.

Hmm... Is the word leader not appropriate? I always feel that if I have time, I should make up for the Chinese class, so as not to make a joke when writing a suicide note.

"Come back to your senses, Subaru, come back to your senses."

"Ah?! Ah... Sorry, I just thought of something interesting."

At the call of the gatekeeper, Subaru suddenly woke up from his imagination, smiled embarrassedly, and then looked at the senior in front of him and said softly:

"Senior, have you thought of a solution?"

"Yes, there is a solution."

The gatekeeper raised his finger, shook it slightly and said:

"This time the price is indeed unavoidable, but fortunately, it just happened not long ago. I can use the authority of the time waterfall to temporarily freeze the execution process of this price. During this period, we can try to perform [Cost Replacement] and use a A relatively light punishment can replace the cost of the shortened lifespan. There are many steps that can be taken, but time is tight, so I won't go into detail. You just need to stand here. "

"Do you need our help?"

"What punishment will Subaru take?"

"Can't I take this punishment for you?"

"Is this replacement safe? Is there really no other way?"

As soon as the gatekeeper finished speaking, Ultrafather, Jonias, Tiga and Seven spoke at the same time, their tone full of anxiety and anxiety. The other Ultra brothers also hurriedly pushed Hikari to the front, hoping that the scientist could use his wisdom.

"Trust the gatekeeper senior."

Subaru waved his hand, suppressed the voices of others, looked at the gatekeeper and said softly:

"Senior, I'm ready."

321 Ultraman Belial

"Then let's go together with our power."

Although he was very worried, looking at the gatekeeper's appearance, he was afraid that he would not let them follow Subaru to accept this punishment. Ultra Father sighed helplessly and condensed a ray of light, wanting to give it to Subaru. Others hurriedly followed suit, but were stopped by the gatekeeper helplessly, and said softly:

"If you don't want Subaru to get into trouble, then listen to me honestly. If possible, I also hope that you can follow directly, but the rules of 'time' are still very strict."

After saying this, the gatekeeper looked at Yuan Subaru and said in a serious tone:

"Although I don't know what kind of punishment you will encounter, by comparison, it is not something difficult to accept. Get ready, I'm going to start."

"Well, come on."

Yuan Subaru nodded, concentrating and holding his breath, watching the gatekeeper of the Time Waterfall swinging mercury-like energy towards him. These energies turned into chains and fell on Yuan Subaru's body, but this was not a restraint, but opened the door to the "Time Waterfall". The vast timeline turned into a huge vortex and swallowed Yuan Subaru.

At that moment, although Yuan Subaru could not see his appearance, he was very clear that his lost lifespan was considered to be back, and then he lost his perception of the outside world.

But outside, the gatekeeper was exerting his power with all his strength, trying to influence "time" and thus reduce the time punishment that Yuan Subaru suffered as much as possible.

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