As Zero finished speaking, the battle was about to begin. It must be said that this form really improved Zero a lot. With his desperate output, he held back those Noah clones for several rounds.

However, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Zero had already begun to burn himself. If Subaru was still awake, he would have realized that Zero was now using the [Ultra Bomb Delayed Explosion Type] that he uploaded to the database of the Kingdom of Light.

The original intention of designing this extended skill was to use the energy-stimulating characteristics of the Ultra Bomb to temporarily improve one's own combat power, so as to approach the enemy that was originally unable to fight. At the same time, it was also accumulating the power of self-explosion, and then at the right time, it would give the enemy a hard blow.

To be honest, those branch skills of [Ultra Bomb] really opened the eyes of the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light. Because Subaru did not leave his name on those skill data, many people thought that it was developed by Taro. Some Ultra Warriors suggested that Taro should open a special course on the subject.

Of course, it was not to let Taro teach how to self-destruct, but to let Taro teach the energy application skills in those branch skills. Compared with a one-time self-destruction, those skills, whether they are novice or experienced Ultra Warriors, can all gain a lot by learning them.

Taro was so worried about this that he almost pulled his horns off. After all, even if he clarified to the outside that these skills were not developed by himself, he, who has an Ultra heart, seems to be the most suitable experimenter for the practice of the skills.

And in Taro's self-destruction, Zero also learned some useful things from the uncle and used them in the present. It must be said that this method of improving combat power is really simple and crude, and there is a kind of numerical beauty.

But Zero also knew that if he didn't stop, he would really explode, but this Ultra Warrior had no intention of stopping at all, and even fought more fiercely, abandoning all defenses and releasing the wildness in his heart, just like that, he was going to drag these Noah clones to the end.

However, the truth was not as good as Zero imagined. At the beginning of the battle, Noah's clones were still very cautious and kept a tentative attitude to fight with [Ultimate Brilliant Zero].

But after finding out the details of [Ultimate Brilliant Zero], Noah's clones immediately changed their offensive, leaving only one clone to counter-bind [Ultimate Brilliant Zero], and the rest continued to kill towards Subaru and Reijido.

This scene made Zero's eyes burst, and he was so anxious that he couldn't help but swear, trying to attract the attention of those Noah clones back, but this method was naturally completely ineffective.

However, the fierce battle here has attracted the attention of others. During the time that Zero gained, someone had already arrived here. On the road where Noah's clones were advancing, a space suddenly lit up with starlight, and in the rotating colorful halos, [Mebius Infinity] appeared from it.

Moreover, a red light rushed over the sky above everyone, and after it stopped, it turned out to be the Great Sage of U40 Star, Jonias!

318 Tiga/Oss joined the battlefield

[Mebius Infinity] was fighting with the Chaos Vanguard, and after noticing the turmoil here, he could not help but speed up his actions, defeated the Chaos Vanguard, and rescued Hong Kai and Dyna.

Although the two were still in a coma, the coma was only because they were affected by the power of Chaos and Leonix. As long as they rested well and woke up on their own, it would not be a problem.

So, [Mebius Infinity] set up a protective barrier on the two people, and immediately rushed over here, finally stopping Noah's clones.

As for Jonias, the main reason he came here was because of Hikari. When the other Ultra Brothers merged into [Mebius Infinity], he thought that he was just a scientist and could not play any role in such a battlefield, so he immediately returned to the Kingdom of Light through the portal and sent a signal for help to other allies.

After receiving the signal, Jonias put down everything in his hands and immediately rushed to the battlefield here, and intercepted the way of Noah's clones at the same time as [Mebius Infinity].

"Be careful, these clones are extraordinary."

After quickly analyzing the situation on the battlefield, Jonias followed [Mebius Infinity] in a serious tone, gave instructions, and then roared to meet the two nearest Noah clones. The Great Sage of Strength used the combat skills of [One Force Breaks All Laws] to the fullest, and forcibly suppressed the two Noah clones, preventing them from moving forward half a step.

[Mebius Infinity] also immediately placed his left hand on the [Mebius Aura] in his right hand, and slowly passed it over, causing the energy to activate. The energy of the Ultra Brothers began to explode, and colorful light emerged on the body of [Mebius Infinity]. Then, a rainbow light swept across, completely blocking the Noah clones in front of him.

"Senior Noah, what are you doing!"

[Mebius Infinity] shouted loudly to Noah's clones while fighting. He didn't understand why Senior Noah sent clones to chase them down when it was Senior Gen Subaru and Senior Regido lying behind them.

"It's useless. These clones don't have any reason at all. They only have a pure desire to fight."

Jonias's pair of iron fists hit him like a tiger, no matter what kind of attack, it was all broken with one blow. This steel body that had been tempered for thousands of years became his strongest shield and spear at this time.

"Jonias is right, these clones are indeed unable to communicate."

The person who said this was Hikari. This blue scientist also returned to the battle at this time, waving the lightsaber and joining the battlefield on Zero's side. He shared part of the pressure with difficulty for Zero, and at the same time, he also The life stabilizer was buckled on Zero's chest to prevent the young Ultra warrior from actually blowing himself up.

"Really, what the hell is Noah doing?!"

Jonias whispered with an unkind expression. Yuan Subaru inherited the Light of Nexus, which is standard. As a warrior who inherits the power of Noah, such an existence, even if there is no special expression, cannot Let's take it so seriously. Let's not talk about dragging a child who is less than four years old into the battlefield. As a senior, why is it that he always wants to kill his successor?

Thinking of this, Jonias's moves became more ruthless, as if the person fighting him at this time was Noah himself.

"Wait... wait, why do I feel like something is wrong?"

At this time, [Mebius Infinity] suddenly noticed something, and quickly alerted others during the electric and flint battle.

When [Mebius Infinite] said this, Joanias, who was driven by anger, calmed down. He frowned slightly and carefully sensed his surroundings, just as [Mebius Infinite] said. He said that the surrounding atmosphere was indeed abnormal, exuding an increasingly heavy aura, like the dullness before a thunderstorm broke out.

The answer to such an abnormal change soon came to light. Joanias and others' hearts suddenly trembled in unison, and they all looked upward. There, the cracks in time and space were expanding, and each one was silver. The stars are shining.

But they all knew that it was not the real starlight, but the clone of Noah that was coming here. It seemed that these elite clones who were fighting with them began to call after realizing that the battle situation had fallen into a stalemate. Reinforcements.

This is not good, this is really going to be bad.

Looking at this scene, Joanias and [Mebius Infinite] had sinking faces. Although they had the upper hand now, the time it would take to completely defeat and eliminate the elite Noah clone in front of them would be too long for them. I didn’t even count it in my mind, but now there’s another batch like this. Isn’t this killing people?

‘Noah, this old boy, what on earth is he crazy about? ’

At this moment, faint fluctuations in time and space emerged, and a vague voice sounded in the ears of Joanias and [Mambius Infinite]. Then, a faceless figure seemed to be cast by mercury. Suddenly flashing by, Zero recognized him. He was the gatekeeper of Time Falls. Thanks to him, he was able to master the 'power of glory'.

‘I don’t know what you are crazy about, but stop it now. Bringing your ‘past self’ to the ‘present’ is illegal. ’

The gatekeeper glanced at Yuan Subaru, who was lying aside and was seriously injured. The reason why he came here was not because of the news he received from Hikali, nor because of the commotion caused by [Gulit Universe], but just I was simply attracted by the time skills of this Noah clone.

Before that, the gatekeeper had been investigating the cause of the resurgence of [Chaos]. At first, he thought that there was some organization like [Chaos Order] that was doing things behind the scenes, hoping to bring back the chaotic era. .

But upon further investigation, the gatekeeper suddenly realized that things were not as simple as he imagined. Those [Chaos Cracks] that suddenly appeared seemed to be caused by Noah's extremely fierce battle with some [unpeepable] existence. It led to the fragmentation of [Order], causing it to appear out of thin air.

As for that terrible mysterious existence, the gatekeeper did not find any relevant clues, not because his methods were not good, but because the defense mechanism of [Time Waterfall] itself actively blocked the information related to it and prohibited the gatekeeper. People are investigating it to prevent any changes in the gatekeeper from causing damage to the [Time Waterfall].

After realizing this, the gatekeeper decisively gave up all relevant investigation channels, but he also vaguely realized that the green natural disaster that had previously raged in the universe probably originated from that mysterious existence.

So, Noah, can you still stay awake now...

The gatekeeper sighed helplessly in his heart. His special concept of existence meant that he could not directly participate in that battle and could only do some tinkering here...

However, it is too much to destroy the universe like this. Noah, do you really want these billions of cosmic planes to become victims of your destruction of that mysterious existence?

The gatekeeper's thoughts were quite complicated. He looked at Yuan Subaru again and found that this little guy started to have some power of [Order]. This surprised him, but he didn't say anything more and flew directly towards When he saw the cracks in space and time, there was no sound like an explosion, and the countless silver stars and cracks disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, Joanias and [Mebius Infinite] couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but at this moment...



It was Cero who couldn't hold on any longer. That kind of Ultimate Brilliance mentality was originally a burst skill that belonged to the bottom of the box. It was able to maintain it for so long, all thanks to Krypton Life. Now, even with Krypton Life, Cero couldn't continue to fight at such a high intensity.

As Cero lost strength, Hikari fought back with difficulty for a while. After trying to divert the attack of Noah's clone away from Cero's vital points as much as possible, he was also knocked out, holding his chest, unable to get up again.

Seeing this scene, Jonias and [Mebius Infinity] couldn't help but get nervous. This extra elite clone was unattended, which undoubtedly meant an extra change that was out of control. In such a high-level battle, it represented an amazing risk.


After defeating Zero and Hikari, this Noah clone did not target Jonias and others. He floated in place, and the wings behind him suddenly exploded, and then his whole body turned into silver-white sacred light particles. Then these light particles rotated to form a huge door, and new Noah clones like angels were being continuously led in.

'No passage here! '

Looking at those Noah clones, no matter who was present, their faces were livid. There is no doubt that Ultraman Noah has established a relatively perfect battle logic in his nearly infinite clones, and he is even more outstanding in shaking people. But it is also normal. If everyone present has so many powerful and nearly infinite clones, when fighting, I think they also like to pull these clones out.

Just when everyone was at a loss and didn't know how to proceed with the next battle, a vague voice sounded in this space and time. Jonias and others looked up and saw behind them, there was an extremely tall, blue figure that seemed to be able to control the star field in the palm of his hand, standing in the space and time. The voice just now came from there.

And this figure was none other than Yuan Subaru. When he was beaten by Noah's clones just now, he was indeed unconscious for a short time. When Zero caught him, Yuan Subaru had already woken up.

He quickly analyzed the current situation and felt that this situation was still not something he and Zero could handle together. Therefore, after thinking about it, Yuan Subaru decisively handed over all the tasks of resisting pressure to Zero, and he immediately used the [Power of Truth] to devote his mind to the rules of the universe and the existence of order.

Subaru intends to use his new power, borrow the free universe position, to rebuild the Order Court, and deal with all these Noah elite clones like the judgment of the original essence·Legiddo.

With the arrival of Jonias and [Mebius·Infinity], Subaru is no longer so anxious, and begins to modify and supplement the broken court that has been built, and at this time, the power in it is revealed.

After Subaru's judgment fell, chains immediately appeared on the bodies of the Noah clones that were brought in, detaining them from beginning to end and dragging them back to the portal.

But the fighting instincts carried by the Noah elite clones were directly copied from Noah. After realizing that this place has become the domain of others, they immediately abandoned the portal here and turned it back into the human form of Noah's clones.

'Seal time and space, everyone truce! ’

Although he didn’t know what this Noah elite clone was going to do, Yuan Subaru immediately made subsequent judgments to try to restore these Noah elite clones that had made mistakes in searching for enemies due to the influence of the original creation to normal.

After all, although Senior Noah had many clones, if so many clones of this level were lost at once, Senior would probably be heartbroken.

Moreover, these elite clones might be used to deal with the best combat power of the [Original Essence] in the future. If they were eliminated here, the abominable [Original Essence] might laugh out loud.

But just as Yuan Subaru began to operate, an uninvited guest came outside the Order Court. It was still Noah’s clone. These clones seemed to have received the message from the elite clones and began to attack the existence of the Order Court from the outside.

This is indeed the weakness of Subaru's move. At the moment when the Order Court was built, [The Power of Truth] could not have an impact on the judgment outside the court. Under the attack of the new Noah clones, Subaru's Order Court was already shaky, and the judgment order issued before began to fail. The elite clones were constantly moving their bound bodies, preparing to continue the killing operation. , everything Subaru did was about to fail.

"Noah, you are really unpopular!"

At this time, a sudden roar came, and the golden light particles turned into a huge light blade, shattering the space-time barrier, and killed Noah's clone outside the court. At the same time, the spark energy also turned into a beam of light, suddenly attacking from a distance, killing the Noah clone that had just appeared and came to support.

Afterwards, two giants of light walked out of the space-time interlayer, and the figure was like Tiga and Ultra Father!

319 Crazy Saiga

Tiga and Ultra Father were originally fighting in the space-time gap because of Minamoto Subaru’s matter. However, it was called a battle, but in fact, it was mainly the two of them fighting while reasoning, trying to convince each other.

The noise they made seemed to attract the attention of others. A mercury body passed by them and gave them some information, which made Tiga and Ultrafather aware of the movement here and hurried to help.

Looking at the Noah clones coming, Tiga naturally took the lead, without any mercy. A shining light immediately surged from his body and he rushed towards those clones. Ultrafather was trying to communicate with those clones, but after it didn't work, he also pulled the output to the maximum, and with Tiga, they resisted the reinforcements of Noah's clones.

The assistance of these two people made Subaru feel relieved, but because of the attack just now, the [Order Court] became extremely unstable, and the several elite Noah clones seized the opportunity to release the terrifying time and space burial skills, tearing the court apart.

As a result, the original body of Subaru groaned, and his consciousness was forcibly repatriated. The "unified circle" formed by the [Power of Truth] also suffered the backlash from the broken court, but this injury was not a big deal for Subaru.

What gave him a headache at the moment was that these elite Noah clones were really tricky. Although Subaru had never seen the real Noah, nor had he experienced the real light of Noah, these clones also showed the tip of the iceberg of the difficulty of the legendary warriors.

At this time, without the suppression of the Order Court, the battle between Jonias and others started again, and because of the addition of an elite clone, the situation was pouring in a bad direction. Subaru did not hesitate to step forward to resist, but like Zero, he could not stand the fierce attack of the elite Noah clones for too long.

At this time, two more rays of light joined the battlefield. They were Dyna and Orb. The two Ultra Warriors finally woke up and quickly followed the message left by [Mebius Infinity] and rushed here to the side of Zero.

"Zero, use the power of [Seiga]."

Dyna, holding his chest, looked at the chaos in front of him and immediately realized that this level of battle was no longer something that seriously injured people like them could directly participate in. Therefore, he immediately thought of a way to deal with it and briefly told the people around him about his previous battle experience with Noah Triga.

Hearing what Dyna said, Orb immediately took out the Ultra Fusion Card he got from Gaos. Although Dyna had the experience of turning into Seiga alone before, just thinking about the process, you should know how terrible the pressure is.

Therefore, Orb intends to use his own body as a medium to fully release the power of this Ultra Fusion Card, and try to share the pressure of Dyna and Zero. Although doing so will cause great physical harm to Orb himself, it has come to this point now, and he can no longer care about so much, so he can only bite the bullet!

"In this case, let's start!"

Zero stretched out his hand to Dyna and Orb, and the other two Ultra Warriors put their hands on it without hesitation. Then, three colors of light lit up and intertwined, and the colorful light engulfed Zero, Dyna and Orb.

Then, the legendary warrior, miracle warrior, and hope warrior in the universe - Saga, landed here. At the moment of completing the fusion, Zero and Dyna immediately looked at Hong Kai next to them.

At this time, the Ultra Fusion Card of 'Gauss' was constantly absorbing the power of this warrior through the Orb Ring. Although the fusion was successful, Hong Kai's appearance was afraid that he could not bear the pressure for them for a long time.

In that case, let's fight quickly!

After regaining the power of Seiga, Zero and Dyna immediately used [Seiga Super Acceleration] to forcibly join the battle. Seiga pulled out the "Seiga Slash Blade" from the Seiga Aura on his left forearm.

This is a crescent-shaped light blade transformed from Ultraman Cosmos's Blade of Courage. With this as a starting point, he replaced Gen Subaru from in front of the Elite Noah clone, and with amazing speed, he instantly suppressed the clone.

"As expected of Senior Seiga's power."

Feeling the abundant energy, Dyna couldn't help but whisper:

"I feel like we are invincible now and can deal with anything."

"Yes, although I have used this senior's power before, this time, I felt unexpectedly surprised."

Cero moved his neck, and when he felt this extraordinary power, his fighting spirit rose in his heart. His tone became more excited, and he clenched his fists and said in a concentrated voice:

"Dyna, let's make a big scene here!"

"Ah, this time , let Noah see the power of our Seiga. "

Dyna also waved his arm, his eyes seemed to have flames burning, and said in a bad tone:

"Although I don't know why, I really dislike this Noah the more I look at him, I really want to punch him to pieces!"

"Then fight! Go, Seiga!"

"Ah, go, Seiga!"

Under Seiga's activeness, the pressure on Jonias and [Mebius Infinity] was suddenly reduced, and these two seemed to be a bit of a hindrance to Seiga, and were directly thrown aside by Seiga from the side of the elite Noah clone.

Jonias and [Mebius Infinity] don't have any objections to this. After all, there is a certain strength gap between them and the legendary warriors in the universe. At least they can't directly wrap up these clones by themselves. .

Looking at the increasingly stable situation, [Mombius Infinity] also released its current form. The Ultra brothers were able to separate from Mebius's body, and then all their energy lamps turned into The red color began to flash, and the consumption of [Mebius Infinite] was quite astonishing to them.

"Subaru, are you okay?"

At this time, Seven hurriedly came to Yuan Subaru's side, looking at the child whose body was flickering slightly and breathing heavily. Yuan Subaru waved his hand, and stopped the thread that flashed in his palm. The behavior of the Ultra brothers trying to convey energy to themselves.

Although he seems to be in quite bad shape now, if he really has to calculate and compare based on the percentage of health bars and blue bars, his situation is much better than theirs.

"It's okay. It's just that the battles are going on one after another. It's really a bit overwhelming. If I could take a break in the middle, I wouldn't be like this."

Yuan Subaru sighed helplessly, and then looked at the clones of Saka and Noah who were fighting fiercely. After all, they were warriors worthy of the name of 'legend'. Such amazing power is really fascinating. , I don’t know if my [Power of Truth] will be able to reach the bottom of the name of 'Legend' after it develops and grows...

Wait, something seems wrong...

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