But the source of this energy reaction cannot be traced, just like the air on the earth, it can be regarded as almost everywhere.

Could it be that this universe is divided into two layers, inside and outside? I am now in the space controlled by Gulit's body?

This thought flashed through Yuan Subaru's mind, but immediately, he shook his head and rejected it. The emergence of such a situation requires relatively strict and stable space-time conditions. At present, I don't know how many universes are rubbing and colliding, so the space-time fluctuations set off are impossible to have such an outrageous thing as two layers of universe inside and outside.

My current strength is about the same as when I just transformed, no, it is slightly weaker than that time.

Yuan Subaru put his hand on his chest, made a new round of evaluation of his strength, then slowly opened his eyes and released his own power. If the enemy's goal is the power of [Eternal Original], I think he should be attracted by this reaction.

Then, not long after, three streams of light flashed, and the energy bodies of the three Ultra Warriors, Tiga, Dyna, and Gaia, appeared in the perception range of Gen Subaru. If Gen Subaru guessed correctly, these three should be the energy bodies that appeared in the world of Nanmeng Ya. They are still continuing the task of hunting down his group, but without the figure of Aguru.

Hmm... Could it be that Aguru's projection was hung in the turbulence of time and space?

Gen Subaru raised his right hand while thinking, and in the shining four-pointed star light, the young Nexus appeared in the interlayer of the universe.

But it just so happened that these three could fight, and maybe with them, he could recover a little.

At this moment, after Gaia concentrated the energy in his wrists, he stretched his hands forward and fired a super-low temperature gas beam to attack Gen Subaru. At this moment, Gen Subaru noticed that the environment nearby had changed a little.

Although this is the universe, under the influence of some invisible force, it has become a venue suitable for Gaia, so that this Gaia Blizzard can also exert its maximum power in the interlayer of the universe.

Is it because of the blessing of the power of chaos?

This guess flashed through Yuan Subaru's mind, and then he waved his hands, and a light blue ring emerged, catching this Gaia Blizzard. While the ring was rotating, based on the principle of [Aurora Power], he began to try to absorb the energy in it.

However, the Tiga energy body seemed to have noticed Yuan Subaru's intention. One hand was put at the waist, and the other hand was stretched forward. With the light shining in his palm, the power of the Gaia Blizzard suddenly increased. Yuan Subaru realized that something was wrong, and immediately put away [Aurora Power], and used the energy he had just absorbed to teleport in space.

Now, Subaru has just reached the conditions to activate [Power of Aurora], and the upper limit he can bear is not high, and this is the case after he has been blessed by [Pure White Light].

Just now, he was amplified by Tiga's energy body. If he is slow to stop, the ring will be directly blown up, and Subaru will suffer a wave of energy backlash.

However, when Subaru teleported, Dyna's energy body also disappeared. He released energy with both hands and transferred space at the same time, just blocking the coordinates of Subaru after the teleportation, and accelerated towards Subaru. At the moment he passed Subaru, he concentrated the energy that had been accumulated in both hands on the edge of his palms, aimed at Subaru's neck and swung it fiercely, trying to cut off Subaru's head.

The sudden attack came very quickly. Minamoto could not help but praise the timing. Then he activated [Hollow] and let Dyna's energy body's knife pass through his body. Minamoto also took the opportunity to seize the weakness of Dyna's energy body, crossed his hands, and rushed out with cross ray storm, locking Dyna's energy body's torso and killing it.

However, at this time, red and white crescent-shaped light bullets and shuriken-shaped blue-white light bullets came from the side, one rushed to Minamoto's head, and the other rushed to Minamoto's heart. This was a siege from Gaia's energy body and Tiga's energy body, so Minamoto had to stop [Cross ray Storm] and was forced to defend.

Dyna's energy body did not take all the damage. Although his back was injured by the decomposition light that had been shot, with that level of injury, even if it was hit in the back of the head, this energy body would not die and could still fight vigorously.

On the side of Gen Subaru, he opened his shield and caught Gaia's cut and Tiga's palm light arrow, then he closed his hands inward, and the shield energy directly wrapped the two attack energies, converged into a sphere, and with the shining of pure white light, completed the assimilation, and took the opponent's energy for his own use.

At this time, Dyna's energy body changed. The red, blue and silver body turned into blue and silver under the shining light, which meant that this energy body evolved into Dyna Miracle Type, which is the combination of speed and superpowers.

At the same time, Tiga also began to change his form. The red, muscle-reinforced body brought the most direct sense of power, and immediately, Tiga raised his hands, and as he retracted his hands and crossed them in front of his chest, a vortex of red energy also appeared.

This move was familiar to Gen Subaru, [Tiga Electric Fist], an enhanced skill of Tiga's powerful punch. After accumulating energy, the punch was released, and the energy would splash out energy sparks after hitting.

And the effect of this accumulated energy can last for a period of time, and the attacks of fists and feet will produce sparks, and the destructive power is increased to more than twice that of the normal punches of the powerful type.

When he was sparring with Dagu before, Dagu liked to use this trick.

It must be said that if the punch of the Tiga energy body landed firmly on Nexus, then the face of Gen Subaru would not be very good.

However, while the Tiga Powerful Type gained great power, as a price, its flexibility and speed were reduced a little. If it was a one-on-one, Gen Subaru could suppress the offensive of the Tiga Enhanced Type like he suppressed Dagu at the beginning, and then win.

But now....

Gen Subaru looked at the Tiga Enhanced Type in front of him, and then looked at the Dyna Miracle Type behind him. He had every reason to believe that these two were cooperating.

However, before the two energy bodies that switched forms took action, the Gaia Energy Body flew at super speed while rotating its body at high speed, rushing towards Gen Subaru like a drill.

Subaru dodged to the side, avoiding the Gaia Drill and preparing to pull Gaia Energy Body from the side. However, Gaia Energy Body seemed to have anticipated this situation. He suddenly released photon energy to cover his entire body, making his body shine with white light. This photon energy also had a certain degree of lethality, causing interference to Subaru's perception while also trying to cause damage to him.

In this shining white light, Dyna Miracle and Tiga Power also took action...

304 Subaru: Let's eat!

Dyna Miracle pointed at Gaia Energy Body, and the energy body that turned into a drill was immediately transferred to Tiga Powered. Tiga Powered raised his fist and punched out of thin air, tilting the impact power to Gaia Drill.

At that moment, a blazing flame burst out of Gaia's body, like a fire tornado, and rushed towards Minamoto Subaru. Dyna Miracle Type cast an illusion to interfere with Minamoto Subaru's perception, allowing him to see countless fire tornadoes coming from all directions.

Minamoto Subaru shook his arm, and with the lightsaber in his hand, he extended the lightsaber and instantly swung out a dense slash wave, shattering the phantom, and at the same time, slashing Gaia away like a spinning top.

Tsk, it's not powerful enough, otherwise the Gaia energy body could have been killed just now.

Looking at the Gaia energy body that had only temporarily lost its combat ability, Minamoto Subaru couldn't help but smack his lips, and then he saw Dyna Miracle Type, starting to move quickly with superpowers, emitting light all over his body and leaving afterimages when moving, to interfere with Minamoto Subaru, trying to make Minamoto Subaru unable to grasp his actions.

In addition, Dyna Miracle also used [Nature Control], which is a superpower skill for manipulating natural phenomena. Dyna Miracle controls and utilizes the energy of natural elements such as wind, water, fire, and earth through telekinesis, and performs natural phenomena such as floods and lightning to fight.

And this skill, under the intervention of the chaos force field, was also successfully displayed in this universe. For a time, violent storms, thunder and lightning, meteorites, and so on, all kinds of natural disasters occupied Gensuba's vision under the operation of Dyna Miracle, and rushed towards Gensuba with a roar.

In response, Gensuba once again unfolded the Aurora Power Ring to collect all the natural energy without entities, but just when he started, Gensuba noticed something was wrong. These natural disasters were just bluffing. They seemed to be moving a lot. He could feel enough energy reaction when he sensed them at the first time.

However, when absorbing it, it was found that these things were like balloons, with only a layer of camouflage on the outside. After absorbing them, nothing could be gained.

Obviously, this was just a cover to cover up the real intention of Dyna Miracle. Gen Subaru teleported out of the encirclement of this natural disaster and saw countless afterimages of Dyna Miracle around him.

Gen Subaru frowned slightly. In the gap just now, Dyna Miracle must have used the clone skill, and it was a very outstanding clone skill, so that under such high-speed movement, Gen Subaru could not accurately distinguish the position of the original body and the clone.

And just at this time, Dyna Miracle seemed to have felt that it was well prepared, so it launched a new round of attacks on Gen Subaru. Among the countless afterimages, there were figures that killed one after another.

There are fighting techniques that use the side of the palm to attack quickly and continuously with a knife, and there are powerful offensives that suddenly attack in front of Minamoto Subaru and punch him randomly, but there are more kicks, such as flying kicks, turning kicks, side kicks, side kicks, and downward kicks... Every figure that appears will hit Minamoto Subaru, and will fly away directly regardless of whether it has achieved results.

Therefore, Minamoto Subaru was wrapped in the stream of light of Dyna's miracle-type clone for a while, and attacked continuously, like various variations. After maintaining such an offensive for a period of time, Dyna's miracle-type also changed its moves, and from time to time, it performed a series of kicks by performing high-speed rotation movements, trying to severely injure Minamoto Subaru.

But even with such a fierce offensive, Minamoto Subaru is still like a reef on the coast. No matter how windy and rainy it is, it still stands firm. He accurately avoids or blocks every attack of Dyna's miracle-type, silently waiting for the opportunity.

After all, the consumption of such an offensive must be astonishing. Otherwise, wouldn't it be better for Dyna's miracle energy body to just stand in the distance and use skills to bombard himself? In that case, the pressure on his side would be much greater.

Okay, it's almost done, you can stop now!

Yuan Subaru made a backhand palm, accurately grasping the slightest flaw in the dense fist shadow, and knocked back this Miracle clone of Dyna. At the same time, he kicked back and kicked another clone that was flying towards him. Flying away, there have been more and more mistakes like this. It can be seen that the energy of Dyna Miracle Type is no longer enough to maintain such an offensive. In this case...

Um? !

Just when Yuan Subaru wanted to counterattack and break the situation, a sudden sense of crisis made him retreat quickly. Almost at the same moment, the Dyna Miracle type that was knocked back by Yuan Subaru's palm shattered like a bubble, and from it What rushed out was Diga's enhanced energy body, wrapped in high-heat red energy, raising its iron fist and hitting him.

The miraculous clone of Dyna that was kicked away by Yuan Subaru also turned into pure energy at this time, and then transformed into a mirror-like existence. In the process, Gaia, who had recovered from the spirit, clenched her left arm into a fist and bent it. , extend the right arm horizontally, accumulating energy like a T-shaped cross, then place the left fist on the joint of the right wrist, swing it overhead while completing the energy conversion, and the right wrist emits high-heat rays in an L-shape.

When the Gaia energy body completed the forward movement of light, the Dyna Miracle type placed an energy node in front of the Gaia energy body, and the Gaia energy body's quantum streamline (Quantum Stream) rushed straight into the node. In the midst of it, he almost shot out of the mirror that the clone had transformed into.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Subaru instinctively used these two waves of offensives to make them kill each other, but it was also because of the power of Dyna's miraculous type. Originally, the quantum streamline should have hit the Tiga enhanced type because of Yuan Subaru's dodge. At present, Tiga's enhanced version has been replaced by a Dyna Miracle clone.

The real Tiga energy body also changed its position again, approached Yuan Subaru, and punched one after another. The hot energy on these fists could make Yuan Subaru feel burning just by passing by. Burning sensation.

The replaced Miracle clone of Dyna became a mirror again, refracting the quantum streamlines of Gaia's energy body.

This time, Yuan Subaru really didn't have the energy to dodge. When he couldn't distance himself and engage in close combat, this Tiga energy body, which was much stronger than Dagu, could not crush Yuan Subaru. situation, but it can also cling to him.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, Yuan Subaru silently snapped his fingers, which was like a detonator. In an instant, every Dyna Miracle type that had fought with Yuan Subaru had large or small explosions in their bodies. The energy rioted, as if a bomb had been dropped in the calm fish pond——

In the previous battle, Yuan Subaru had used the high assimilation of pure white light to bury streams of energy into their bodies. As long as it was triggered at the necessary moment, it would cause overall energy chaos, causing In a state of temporary loss of control.

With Yuan Subaru's success, the variables in the battle created by Dyna Miracle Type disappeared immediately, and the quantum streamline of Gaia's energy body returned to the normal shooting trajectory without the blessing of Dyna Miracle Type's skills.

It was not without reason that Yuan Subaru retreated in this direction. This time, there was no one to help Diga energy body move its position.

Although Gaia's energy body sensed that it was about to hit a friendly force and withdrew its power, it had already blasted the enhanced Tiga type away. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yuan Subaru immediately waved his arms and used Ultra Break. With a sword on his head, he defeated the Dyna Miraculous Type.

The enhanced type of Tiga on the other side was hugged by the clone of Nexus that had been invisible and hidden. However, this time the clone of Nexus did not use Ultra Bomb, but extremely intensified its own energy, causing This enhanced version of Tiga, which had temporarily lost its combat ability, melted into a lava-like existence together with its clone.

The battle situation was reversed in an instant, which was beyond the processing range of the Gaia energy body. This energy body, which was originally ranked at the end of the wheel battle, looked at Nexus approaching towards him. After thinking for a moment, he actually Choose to run away.

But no matter how fast he flies, it can't be faster than the [Ultra Missile] with Ultra clones acting as fuel and warheads. Realizing that the Gaia energy body cannot escape from the battlefield, it can only choose to fight. In the light, it evolves into Gaia V2 (Gaia Version 2).

However, when this Gaia energy body chose to escape, it had already handed the initiative to Yuan Subaru. Even if it turned into the powerful Gaia Version 2, it was already too late.

Looking at the Gaia energy body that was killed by the lightsaber, Yuan Subaru took a long breath, and then opened the ring of Aurora power again, absorbing all the energy bodies of the three Ultra warriors. , which is why Yuan Subaru did not blow up Tiga's energy body.

After absorbing these three energy bodies, Yuan Subaru's condition improved significantly. Unfortunately, these are all energy bodies born from Hong Kai's Ultra Fusion Card. In addition, these three energy bodies have No matter how big or small the energy consumption is, if you can assimilate three energy equal to the corresponding Ultra Card, then Yuan Subaru's health bar will be at least half full.

However, this level is enough now. Relying on the power of [Eternal·Original] to reach this point with a small gain can be regarded as a great harvest. At least now, you don't have to use energy so carefully.

At the same time, Gen Subaru also realized something. According to the remaining energy and activity tracks of the three energy bodies, they did not seem to come here because of the energy reaction they spread out, but someone deliberately led them here.

Because in the assimilation process just now, Gen Subaru realized that before him, the three Ultra Warrior energy bodies had fought with an unknown existence. Maybe the Aguru energy body was destroyed by that unknown existence.

So, Yuan Subaru opened up his telekinetic field, and then his eyes fell on the distant space-time flow, and he said softly:

"Your Excellency hid there, and you really watched a good show."

"Wow, win-win, win-win."

After Yuan Subaru exposed the man's disguise, the unknown existence generously dispersed the energy wrapped on his body surface, revealing his true appearance. His whole body was covered by a black cloak. It was unknown whether he had no arms or his arms were also hidden in the cloak. There were only a few ropes and chains under the shoulder armor, and then there was a blue flame behind the pointed helmet.

"Your Excellency has also gained something. After eating these three fakes, your strength has increased a lot."

"Alexis Kailifu."

Looking at the figure that was mainly black with red lines, Yuan Subaru thought for a moment and called out his name. Alexis did not hide it, but nodded openly and said with a smile:

"Yes, it's me. Your Excellency is much smarter than I thought. It seems that our conversation will be much easier in the future, huhuhuhu..."

" Ah, indeed, we need to have a good talk next. "

Subaru pointed to the location of the Azalea Terrace Box Garden World and said softly:

"Let's go back and talk?"

"Okay, I'll listen to you on this point. I don't care. Haha..."

Alexis kept laughing, and his laughter was like a play, making it hard to guess what he was thinking. Subaru didn't care about this. As long as he could tell the truth, he could endure it even if Alexis kept crying and screaming like a child.

Subaru stretched out his hand to Alexis, and the alien didn't mean to resist. He just let Subaru take him back to the Azalea Terrace Box Garden World.

After returning there, Yuan Subaru did not mean to be polite and said directly:

"Alexis, what do you know?"

"Then I don't know what aspect you are talking about."

Alexis looked down at Yuan Subaru and said softly:

"I have been wandering in the universe for a thousand years and have seen too many things."

"You can talk about this small garden world, the fun you want to see, Gulit, me, and why you are facing the energy bodies of the three Ultra Warriors."

Yuan Subaru sat on a bench in the park nearby and waved his hand. A light golden light flashed, and a layer of barrier wrapped the place, dispersing idlers while creating different time flow speeds, so that Alexis would not have too much to say. By the time he finished speaking, things outside might have inevitably happened.

"Wow, this is a skill that can affect Gullit in that state. Even in this injured state, he can still use the skill that affects time. It's incredible..."


Subaru interrupted Alexis's deliberate flattery and said in a serious tone:

"Don't talk nonsense. If you want to have fun, I can let you have a dream that is no different from reality. The scene in the dream will definitely make you linger. Now, let's talk business."

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"Dreams, I believe in the dreams you told me about 100%, I can find countless fun there."

Alexis moved to the side of Yuan Subaru, his eyes seemed to fall on the projection of the monster in the distance, and he said slowly:

"But dreams, since they are called dreams, will naturally be shattered one day. When that time comes, this reality will be too cruel for me. I say, Your Excellency, you don't want me to commit suicide in pain at that time, right? Unfortunately, I am immortal, and I can't commit suicide even if I want to."

"If you want to be terminated, I can help you. After this big thing is dealt with, as long as you still want, Alexis, it would be impolite to change the subject again." Yuan Subaru looked at Alexis There seemed to be quite a lot to say. While adjusting the flow of time in the barrier, he began to quietly gather Ultraman's telekinesis and whispered: "Or maybe you didn't remember well after being hit by my telekinesis attack." "Wow, not really, but I have to say that your telekinesis attack is really good. This is the truth. Well... I almost diverted the topic again. Then I will start with this Dujuan Terrace." Alexis seemed to be lost in memories and whispered softly: "I said before that I have been wandering in the universe for a thousand years and it was really boring, so I thought about finding something to do for myself. By chance, I met a more interesting soul. I thought that I was idle anyway, so I might find something more interesting by helping out, so this Dujuan Terrace appeared."

At this point, Alexis glanced at Yuan Subaru, and seemed to have thought of something and said:

"From your appearance, you seem to know this. Have you found Xin Tiao Qian?"

"Ah, that child doesn't have much anti-tracking consciousness, so I didn't spend too much effort to find her."

"Wow, this world is built for her. Even if I'm not by her side, the creatures of this world will not hurt her. If it weren't for you uninvited guests, the child would be absolutely safe here."

Alexis said in a matter-of-fact tone, and then, he changed the subject and brought the topic back to the previous matter, and continued:

"Since you have found the child, there are some things that I shouldn't tell you. Then I will start talking about Gu Lit. By the way, I haven't asked you yet, what is your name?"

"Yuan Subaru, it's Subaru, not Ang."

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