"Otherwise, I will remember this grudge!"

"Then I will let you stab it a few more times, and it will be even."

Minagao put the bag on the ground and said softly:

"Don't worry about the statue now. Shinjo, you can keep it for me. The important thing now is to contact Alexis as soon as possible. I have something to ask him."



As soon as Minagao finished speaking, Gridman cried out. At the same time, the cabinet next to the old computer suddenly opened. The Gridman CALIBUR, BATTLE TRUCK MAX, BUSTER BORR, and SKY VITTER inside were all flashing.

Obviously, the name Alexis really stimulated these people, but it was understandable. After all, at present, capturing Alexis was the purpose of Gridman and his group.

"Wait, why, why does Shinjo know Alexi?"

Rika Takarada was looking at the two people in front of her without reacting, and asked hurriedly:

"Also, Subaru, when did you meet Shinjo, what are you planning?"


Nanmeng Mei also stared at Minamoto Subaru at this time, and said in a serious tone:

"Secretarism is not good, we are all companions, right?"

"The truth... is not suitable to be made public at this point."

Minamoto Subaru thought about it, and tried to tense his nerves as much as possible. He said in the softest tone possible:

"After everything is over, I can answer whatever you want to know."

At this time, Shinjo Akane looked at Minamoto Subaru, then at Rika Takarada, then at Nanmeng Mei, and seemed to realize something. She stood behind Minamoto Subaru and showed a devil-like smile. At the moment Minamoto Subaru turned around, she said "Hey", and rushed towards Minamoto Subaru.

Then, Gen Subaru caught him with telekinesis and gently placed him on the chair next to him. It was not that Gen Subaru realized the complex emotional situation he was in, but he simply felt that this guy would press on his wounds and hurt him. After all, this guy seemed to be not light. Although he was not afraid of pain, there was no need to seek pain.

"Hey, are you thinking about something very rude?"

Shinjo Akane looked at Gen Subaru with an o( ̄ヘ ̄o#) expression, as if waiting for an explanation. Gen Subaru gave Shinjo Akane a thumbs up, indicating that 'you guessed it right', and then walked out decisively-

According to Zero, if the enemies outside come to invade this small garden world, the nodes laid before may not be enough, and he will have to make some additional arrangements.

"Wait, Subaru."

However, at this moment, Zero suddenly stopped Subaru and said seriously:

"You...are you planning to face the enemy alone this time? That won't work. You should understand how strong your own strength is. Look at your current state. If you face him, how can you have a chance of winning?"

"Then do you have any good ideas, Zero?"

To be honest, apart from the complicated blood relationship, Subaru still respects Ultraman Zero. After all, this Ultraman has rich life experience. For example, Zero is the son of Seven, but Seven did not tell Zero that he is his father. He just kept it a secret for thousands of years...

Ah, no, this should be counted in Senior Seven's life experience.

For example, in order to prove his strength, Zero intended to touch the Plasma Spark Tower and replicate what Belia wanted to do back then. Then he was caught on the spot by Senior Seven and sent to the K76 Juvenile Detention Center, where he was subjected to strict training by Senior Leo.

Then when he finished training, he faced Belia who escaped from the space prison, and then they fought all the way until now.

So Yuan Subaru was still looking forward to what tricks Zero could come up with.

"Be patient and wait."

Zero shook his head and said helplessly:

"Red Lotus Flame and Janna are still very reliable. They will bring the news to the Kingdom of Light."

"Is that so, but is there a possibility..."

Yuan Subaru endured it, but finally couldn't help it, and said softly:

"You people in the Kingdom of Light couldn't beat me back then, and you can't beat me even more now."

"Don't say that..."

Zero said hurriedly with a headache:

"The situation back then can't be used as a complete comparison. After all, everyone was controlled at that time, and there were still many hidden people in the Kingdom of Light. "I believe that the hidden means have not been used. Please believe this, Subaru."

"I believe that the background of your Kingdom of Light can definitely bring out something I have never seen, but..."

A bright light shone in Subaru's eyes, and a golden flame shadow burned in his pupils:

"I don't like to sit and wait for death, and I am not without the capital to make a small bet for a big gain, so I will take the initiative to attack at the right time."

"Subaru, are you going to use that?"

Hearing Subaru's words, Nan Mengya suddenly thought of something, her face turned pale, and she quickly persuaded him:

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with what Zero said. Just wait a moment. Don't be so impatient. Be patient. Be more patient. We don't need to be desperate..."

"calm down."

Looking at Nan Mengya who was so anxious that she began to speak incoherently, Yuan Subaru pressed down her hands that were coordinating her body language and said softly:

"Why do you, the one who comes to persuade people, look more irrational than the one being persuaded?"

"Don't complain about me at this time. It's obviously your fault. You don't care about your life at all."

Nan Mengya grabbed Yuan Subaru's collar and shouted excitedly:

"You should pay more attention to your surroundings. Everyone feels sorry for you. Sometimes... I hope you can be a little weaker."

"Team Nan, what you said makes sense, but..."

Yuan Subaru gently pulled the clothes out of Nan Mengya's hands, patted her little head and said:

"What is the difference between today's Dujuan Terrace and the earth that was threatened by alien beasts in the past? The difference is that there is at least a TLT on that side of the earth, but there is nothing here, so tall people have to stand Come out and support me, that’s it, come on, everyone.”

Gen Subaru looked behind Nan Mengmei and saw Shima, Yamanaka Koyomi, Asukagawa Chise, and Takarata Rikka. They were all looking at him with worried eyes, raised their hands with a smile, and said softly:

"While we're not busy now, let's make an agreement. I will come back safely..."

"It is the safe return with undiminished life span."

Nan Mengya immediately patched up Yuan Subaru and said, Yuan Subaru thought for a moment, nodded and said:

"Okay, just come back safely with your life span intact, and then send you all back home safely, so that you don't have to worry about disasters like monsters anymore."

After speaking, Yuan Subaru put down his palm, looked at everyone and said:

"But you also have to promise me that no matter what happens in the next battle, you don't have to worry about me anymore. You just need to cooperate with me. Being cared about by humans so much will make my fists soft because of it. oh."

"What weird metaphors are you talking about?"

Nan Mengya couldn't help but complain, and then took the lead in placing his palms on the back of Yuan Subaru's hands.

"If only I could fight too."

Baoda Rikka was silent for a moment, then walked over and said in a rather complicated tone:

"That way, I don't have to just watch you deal with the enemy."

"However, even those of us who can pilot the Dyna Tyrannosaurus don't seem to be able to help."

After Takarata Rikka put her hand up, Asukagawa Chise also put her hand up and muttered in a low voice:

"This is really a supermodel. It has risen directly to the level of the universe. It was completely unimaginable before."

"Qianse, don't say that, it's inappropriate..."

Yamanaka Koyomi knew that his cousin was in a bad mood for a moment because of the destruction of her original world and the fact that she had accepted so many situations that were beyond common sense, so he covered the back of her hand with his hand, using his adult spirit, He said weakly:

"Although the enemy is very powerful, there are also powerful people on our side, right? Well... Anyway, keep going."

Shi Ma also stood beside Yuan Subaru at this time, scratched his neck, and said helplessly:

"At the beginning, I thought I was leading you kids to fight. Unexpectedly, in just a blink of an eye, I became a laggard. Anyway, let's work hard together. I hope I can regain my composure soon."

After saying that, Shima also put his hand on it. Gen Subaru glanced at Akane Shinjo beside him. The human girl waved her hand with a smile and said softly:

"I won't. I have always had great confidence in you. Besides, haven't we already made an agreement? There are such things as agreements. If there are too many, someone might forget them. "

"Are you really a sociopath? I now seriously suspect that Alexis and I were deceived by you."

After Yuan Subaru replied, he looked at the people in front of him, smiled slightly, and continued:

"Okay, the agreement is reached, then let's each perform our duties. Very good, very good, we have new motivation!"

303 draw with three heroes

"Let me tell you, have you forgotten something?"

Looking at Yuan Subaru who took his hand back directly, Nan Mengya twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at the young man and said:

"Shouldn't you find a slogan to shout at this time? Then while everyone was shouting, they pressed their hands down and then raised them high. What's going on when you just put your hands back? The atmosphere has already reached This is it.”

"....Is this what it is?"

Yuan Subaru blinked, rubbed his chin and said:

"I've learned it, I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with this process. How about we...forget it, let's leave it at that. The agreement has been reached, hasn't it? That's enough."

To be honest, Gen Subaru really didn't pay attention to the follow-up of this ceremony, but the goal has been achieved, and the process is not that important. At this time, Asukagawa Chise, who was standing next to him, thought of something. , lowered his head slightly, and glanced at Yuan Subaru's belly——

Just now, when Nan Mengya grabbed the collar of Minamoto Subaru and pulled it up, Asukagawa Chise saw a little skin exposed on Minamoto Subaru's belly. That hole... shouldn't be a belly button, even if Minamoto Subaru is Ultraman, can't his belly button be that big?

Huh? ! ! ?

At this time, Shinjo Akane noticed Asukagawa Chise's actions, and her smiling expression suddenly froze. It seems that this little girl has realized or discovered something.


Shinjo Akane tilted her head in some confusion, and couldn't help but mutter in her heart that if the dozens of knives she stabbed were exposed, she felt that she couldn't stay here. Except for Rikka, no one here is a native resident of Dujuantai. If they are native residents, based on their settings, even if I stab them to death in front of them, they will not resent me for it...

Ah, now Rikka doesn't seem to abide by this setting, so is it too late for me to run away now?

Akane Shinjo began to feel uneasy, and at this moment, a bright light lit up in Gensuba's hand, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. Looking at the iron-stick-like light column, they were all very curious. What was Gensuba doing with this? Could it be like in the myth, drawing a circle around this second-hand store "JUNK SHOP", and then no demons or monsters could enter?

Then, everyone saw Gensuba pick up the stick and smash it hard on his head. With a sound like thunder, Gensuba's body was suddenly covered with cracks and then shattered. At the same time, the old computer began to splash sparks amid the exclamations of Gulit and Zero, and it looked like it was about to break down.

Wait, what's going on! ! !

"Huh, this form still suits me."

Just when everyone was so surprised that they began to doubt whether they had seen something wrong, dark golden light particles rose from the broken body fragments, and the voice of Yuan Subaru came from it. At this time, the light particles condensed into a human form. The boy moved his body, patted his arms and legs, and said calmly:

"Without the limitations of the flesh, I can do more things."

"But... Subaru, the fusion relationship between you and me has been terminated."

Gulite looked at the electronic data space where he was, and after making sure that this thing would not suddenly collapse, he looked at Yuan Subaru and said helplessly:

"Next, I'm afraid I can't fight with you."

"Then take a good rest, I'm here."

While answering Gulit's words, Yuan Subaru re-sorted the structure of the light particle aggregate. After a more appropriate and more efficient energy cycle, it was visible to the naked eye that Yuan Subaru's figure became much more solid, almost indistinguishable from the appearance of an ordinary person.

Moreover, there was a faint sense of oppression coming from him. Nan Mengya knew that the fighting spirit in Subaru's heart had been ignited, and he had begun to enjoy the pressure and danger caused by solving this major incident.

And Gulit sighed in his heart. He was not wrong after all. Sure enough, fighting had become Subaru's instinct. From the beginning, he wanted to end the things here as soon as possible, so as to better devote himself to the next battle.


There was still no way. No matter what, Subaru was indeed the best fighter now. Originally, he wanted to hope that Zero, as a "father", could restrain him, but he didn't expect that this so-called "father and son" didn't have much emotional foundation. As far as Subaru's style of doing things was concerned, if Zero's answer just now was wrong, or there was something hidden, he was afraid that he would also use the killer.


Minagawa shook his hand, and a light spot fell on Shinjo's forehead. After flashing the light of the four-pointed star, it disappeared, but Shinjo could feel that something left a mark on her skin there.

"As usual, remember to call me when you find Alexis."

"Be careful."

At this time, the warrior holy sword in the cabinet made a sound. It can be seen that he was really anxious. Even in this state, he still mobilized his energy with difficulty and warned Minagawa. After all, Gulit seemed to have acquiesced to Minagawa's cooperation with Alexis, so it should be left to Minagawa to deal with it. Then he had to say something.

"Although I don't know where Alexis came from, he is immortal and his energy is inexhaustible. You must be careful when dealing with such a cunning and difficult enemy."

"I've made a note of it. Thank you for your reminder, Mr. Samurai."

Minamoto's words still echoed in the second-hand shop "JUNK SHOP", but he had already turned into light and left. He first quickly strengthened the nodes outside the Dujuan Terrace, and then quietly left this box garden world and came to the interlayer of the universe.

Looking at the space around him, Minamoto frowned slightly. He did not feel the power of [Eternal Original] from it, but he caught some energy reactions similar to Gulit.

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