After Baoda Rikka heard her mother's footsteps disappearing, she couldn't help but reach out and wipe the cold sweat on her forehead. She gently opened the window and let Gen Subaru, who was hanging outside, get in. No matter what, it was time to go to school and go to work. Click it and let it hang outside your window. That is quite conspicuous and strange.

Although Gen Subaru entered Takarata Rikka's room, he did not fall down. Instead, he floated in the air with telekinesis. He looked around cautiously and whispered with a hint of murderous intent:

"Baoduo, what did you encounter? The evolution trustworthy person told me that you just seemed to have encountered something quite terrifying."

"I didn't expect this to have such an alarm function."

Listening to Gen Subaru's words, Takarata Rikka unexpectedly glanced at the bracelet she placed on the bedside table. The sense of security it brought calmed the girl's mind.

"There's nothing we can do about it."

Gen Subaru was worried that Rikka Takarata thought this evolution truster was some kind of monitor, so he explained aloud:

"After all, the enemy has many methods, and they are still unknown. If you lose consciousness at the first moment and are unable to call for help from the evolution trust, then you can only rely on these mechanisms for message feedback."

"I know, I know, you don't need to explain so much, I know you have good intentions."

Baoda Rikka nodded. She had already realized this at the beginning, and then she pointed out the window and pointed outside the town and said:

"I was scared just because of those monsters. I didn't know before that this town was actually surrounded by monsters."

"Didn't you see it last night?"

Gen Subaru looked at Baoda Rikka in surprise and said:

"Whether it's Gulit's influence or the blessing of those who trust in evolution, you who have been in contact with both should have the ability to see monsters yesterday. When I saw you last night, I saw you so... You look so calm, I can't help but praise you in my heart."

"Thank you for the compliment, but there were so many things that happened last night that I didn't notice at once..."

Baoda Rikka pinched her eyebrows with a headache and said softly:

"Besides, I didn't expect these monsters last night. Plus, the sky was dark, so how could I see these things."

"Indeed, this is correct."

Gen Subaru accepted Rikka Takarata's words, looked at the group of monsters outside the window and said:

"I discovered these monsters not long after I came to this world, but I was worried that there was some dangerous mechanism in them, so I never came into contact with them. Now, about these monsters, the current relatively reliable reasoning should be only one."

Yuan Subaru raised his finger and said softly:

"That means they should be related to repairing the city. I remember that the number of monsters was supposed to be eleven before, but now it has become twelve. The time when the number of monsters increased was the night when Kano-san disappeared from this world. I think if another monster appears, maybe we can start from this aspect and find the person behind it.”

"I've never known that my town has so many unsolved mysteries."

Rikka Takarata got up from the bed and rummaged for something in the drawer next to her and said casually:

"It's a pity that I still have to go to school. Otherwise, I really want to be a detective with you... How about I skip class today? It just so happens that there is a sports competition today, and I have no interest in it."

"Don't make it so easy to skip class. You are a student, Miss Baoduo. The teacher will cry when he hears what you say."

"No, no, no, my teachers are not as conscientious as you think. Huh... I finally found it. Let me see if it can still be turned on... Very good, perfect."

"What are you doing?"

Listening to Takarata Rikka talking to herself, Yuan Subaru floated over curiously. Then Takarata Rikka handed the cell phone she had just found from the drawer to Yuan Subaru and said softly:

"Take this, we should keep in touch from now on. I can't have you come over every time I want to tell you something. I just entered my phone number into it, ah ...I didn’t expect that this mobile phone would come in handy at this time.”

"Then I won't be polite."

Yuan Subaru didn't show any politeness, he reached out and stuffed the pink flip phone into his pocket, then floated to the window and said softly:

"Then I'll go to your school first. See you later."

"Ah...ah, by the way, I will bring you a lunch at noon."

Takarata Rikka was about to say goodbye to Gen Subaru, but suddenly remembered something and quickly changed her words:

"As for the dishes, let's just make them the same as last night. How about that?"

"...Don't bother me so much...I'm still busy, so it doesn't necessarily mean when it's time for dinner."

Yuan Subaru didn't expect that Rikka Takarata would still remember this, and he felt helpless for a moment. After all, he really couldn't taste it, but the girl in front of him obviously didn't give Yuan Subaru any room to continue to evade, and said directly:

"I remember that the morning session of the sports competition ends at 11 o'clock, so I will wait for you on the school rooftop at 11:30. You inspected the terrain yesterday, so you should know which rooftop it is."

"The one who is locked? I understand. I will try my best to keep the appointment on time."

What else could Gen Subaru say, he could only nodded, agreed, and then left Takarata Rikka's room.

In the next morning, although Azalea High School was busy with a football competition, it did not mean that students could run around. Students including Takarata Rikka were in the playground or stadium, and there were also teachers. He was watching from the side, so Yuan Subaru, a young man who ran around like a street kid, was still relatively conspicuous.

However, it was impossible for the human teacher to catch him, but Yuan Subaru didn't find any clues. He also sneaked into the game competition quietly, trying to sense if there was any strange energy. However, after walking around, I found nothing except being asked for contact information by about 20 female students and a dozen male students.

It shouldn't be, this clue shouldn't be cut off so completely.

Yuan Subaru sat on the steps confused, holding his chin, wondering if he had missed something. Soon, he realized something and stood up again. This time, his target was the absent person on the teacher's side. Record--

This is the inspiration I got from Takarata Rikka. Since Takarata Rikka wants to skip class, is it possible that the student in question that I want to track down did not come today.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru acted quickly. With the help of telepathy, a list of absentees was compiled in the young man's hands.

"Niijima Sona, Masaki E, Utsuki Mii, Minato Satsuki, Kakimi Rumina, Tsukie Akihiko, Utsui Hiro, Kisu Suzuko, Shinjo Akane, Kamie Yu..."

Looking at this name, which was really quite a lot, Yuan Subaru felt his hair tingle. Is this golf tournament so unpopular? They actually skipped so many classes, so I have to investigate their addresses next, and then try to get close to them for sensing...

I might as well just live in this school, sleep with the school guard, and stand guard at the school gate. I should be able to wait and see.

Yuan Subaru felt a little helpless, but after thinking about it, it seemed that it was really a method that could be considered.

But now I have to go to the appointment.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something and didn't notice the passage of time. I'm late. I kept you waiting for a long time."

At the agreed place, Gen Subaru saw Rikka Takarata in sportswear sitting on the steps with two lunch boxes beside her, wagging her fingers in boredom, and quickly said apologetically:

"Come on, let's go to the rooftop."

Although the rooftop door was locked, to Yuan Subaru, the door lock was useless. Yuan Subaru took the lead in pushing the door open and walked in. He briefly cleaned the dust on it and created a clean area, and Rikka Takarata sat there, took the lunch box from the girl's hand, smiled and said softly:

"I saw your class's game. They played well. I didn't expect you to shout for cheers. Your voice was not too quiet. I could distinguish your voice from the shouts from the other side."

"It's okay, after all, everyone is shouting, and I'm just following along."

Takarata Rikka was a little embarrassed and pushed the left side of her hair behind her ear, leaving Yuan Subaru with a smooth and pretty side face. Then, Takarata Rikka thought of something and stretched out her hand towards Yuan Subaru, with a tone of voice. He was a little unhappy and said softly:

"Please give me your cell phone."

"This is your phone. If you want to see it, there's no need to be so polite as 'please'."

Gen Subaru did not notice the change in Takarata Rikka's tone, but he was also aware of the girl's emotional changes. However, Gen Subaru also knew the fluctuations of human emotions. After all, he once had complete emotions, joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. People will have different reactions. In addition, Yuan Subaru still remembers the previous "Ultraman, don't guess people's hearts."

After getting the phone, Rikka Takarata immediately opened the address book. In fact, Rikka Takarata noticed Gensubaru when he was walking in the golf tournament.

Moreover, she didn't realize until this moment that this Ultraman didn't seem to realize that his appearance, temperament, and unique gentleness towards humans were more or less too eye-catching for high school students.

Even though Gen Subaru had been very careful in his actions, it could be said that he just walked away without attracting much attention, but Rikka Takarata, who was sitting in the class team, had already heard the related discussion and saw it on her mobile phone. Some people are asking around about the chat records of "Which class is that handsome little brother in?"

Therefore, Rikka Takarata made an excuse and left the class team temporarily. Following the vague induction provided by the evolution truster, she found the whereabouts of Gen Subaru, saw the scene of Gen Subaru exchanging communication methods with others, and listened to When it came to Yuan Subaru’s conversation.

285 The miserable warrior

How should I put it... If you don't understand, what Gen Subaru said still sounds very comfortable and friendly. However, those who know him well, such as Takarata Rikka, will know that this person is... He used clichés, overtly and covertly, to try to get the answer he wanted from the people next to him.

Then, Takarata Rikka saw that he had obtained the contact information of a lot of people in just a few minutes, and left very gracefully.

Thinking of this, Rikka Takarata realized something and looked at Gen Subaru aside. When he was acting at the stadium just now, he was not wearing the uniform of such an unknown organization, but the same school uniform as other students. Where did it come from?

"What's wrong with this dress?"

Gen Subaru, who was about to open the lunch box, noticed Rikka Takarata's gaze, shook his coat, and said softly:

"Is it stained with something dirty?"

"No, no, that's it..."

Rikka Takarata explained her confusion to Gen Subaru. Gen Subaru smiled slightly, put the lunch box on his lap aside, put his hand on his chest, and activated the light particles slightly. Rikka Takarata saw Gen Subaru. Subaru's body shone with light like flowing water.

Immediately afterwards, a young man with single-frame glasses, a gray detective uniform, and a pipe in his hand appeared in front of her. Before Rikka Takarata could say anything, the light flashed again, and Gen Subaru put on his clothes again. He put on a light blue casual windbreaker, and in a flash, the familiar uniform of an unknown organization returned to Yuan Subaru.

"You see, it's just that simple."

Yuan Subaru smiled and put the lunch box on his lap again, unwrapped the cloth strips wrapping the lunch box, and said casually:

"Although I temporarily gained the concept of a body because of Gulit, in essence, I am still an aggregate of light particles, so there is no problem with this simple appearance switch."

"This is so amazing."

Baoda Rikka responded softly, and at the same time pressed down the thought of "Can I change back to the windbreaker?", her hands were quickly operating on her mobile phone, and her mouth was not idle as she continued to talk to Yuan Subaru. Talking and saying:

"Now that I think about it, what's the origin of your clothes? Although I can't say that they don't look good, the color and design... are more or less... unfashionable."

“Needless to say, it’s just a little bit earthy, to put it mildly.”

Yuan Subaru said casually and opened the lunch box. Looking at the octopus sausage, fried pork cutlet, kelp and other dishes inside, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional. If he still had a sense of taste, he would have to taste Takarata Rikka carefully. Craftsmanship, now... let's do it quickly.

"This is the uniform of TLT. TLT is the organization I used to work for to protect the earth and fight against monsters. Although the designers of TLT have reset the uniform for me, its biggest purpose is to serve the battle, so it is inevitable to be with me. Fashion is decoupled.”

"Aren't you only four years old?"

Rikka Takarata's expression was a little subtle, not because of Yuan Subaru's words, but because of the phone in her hand. She had already read the contact information in it. Sure enough, in just a moment, there was news that she wanted to make an appointment with Yuan Subaru. Do not go to KTV after school; do you want to go on a date together; do you want to have lunch together; do you want to come and see the dress she just bought... What a mess this is!

"I always feel like your experience seems to be a bit too rich."

As Rikka Takarata spoke, she quickly pressed her phone with her fingers to properly handle the messages one by one. However, it was not as dead as she said. After all, she didn’t know whether people like Yuan Subaru and others were there. Whatever the plan is, it may be useful in the future. After all, Yuan Subaru currently gives her a feeling that every step she takes is foreshadowing.

Is this the sense of calm that a four-year-old Ultra Warrior gives him? This is really outrageous.

"Haha, actually there's nothing rich or rich, it's just about fighting monsters."

Gen Subaru put down his chopsticks, closed the finished lunch box, tied it with a cloth strip, handed it to Takarata Rikka and said:


Suddenly, Yuan Subaru noticed something and suddenly looked to the east, where he felt abnormal fluctuations. There was no doubt that this was a sign that the monster was about to appear. Yuan Subaru's face condensed, and he immediately raised his arms and showed I got Gulit's original fusion device, pressed the button on it, and prepared to become Gulit...

"no response?"

When Rikka Takarata saw Gen Subaru's actions, she immediately realized something. She was about to step aside, but she noticed Gen Subaru's problem and whispered:

"Do I have to go to Gulit's place to..."

"call out!"

Obviously, Minamoto Subaru also realized this, and immediately turned into light particles and rushed to the thrift store "丅瀅JUNK SHOP". Rikka Takarata wanted to go with Minamoto Subaru, but the speed of her voice was too slow. When she shouted, Yuan Subaru had already arrived at the thrift store and in front of the old computer, and Gulit's figure immediately appeared on the screen.

"Subaru, we're about to get fucked!"


Without any delay, Yuan Subaru immediately activated the original fusion device, entered the computer, completed the merger with Gulit, and became huge, appearing in the town and blocking the monster.

Is this monster headed for Dujuetai High School?

Gulit, who had just completed his transformation, noticed the direction in which the monster was heading, but Yuan Subaru had also realized this. Then, Gulit watched helplessly as the control of his body was once again taken by Yuan Subaru.

After this period of thinking, Gulit also realized why he could not compete with Yuan Subaru for control. Although the child was only four years old, his warlike spirit was yes, and he was extremely warlike. Gullit's strong fighting spirit made him unable to fight against it.

When he realized this, Gulit fell into deep thought. Being good at fighting is not synonymous with being aggressive, but there is no doubt that Yuan Subaru has learned about 'fighting' and even 'fighting' in his past experiences. The existence of 'war' creates a certain degree of dependence.

Perhaps Subaru himself did not realize that at the moment of the battle, his mental level was quite active, just like a sleeping creature waking up at this time, and Gulit, who merged with him, clearly noticed this.

Moreover, as an experienced super agent, Gulit also noticed something from Subaru's fighting style, realizing that this Ultra Warrior still had a subconscious tendency to self-destruct.

Therefore, the image of a warrior who grew up in fighting, regarded fighting as the meaning of survival, and longed for the end of fighting emerged in Gulit's mind.

What made Gulit even more silent was that after the last battle, he also realized that he was now torn into pieces by the sneak attack. Even if he had control in his hands, he might not be able to defeat the monster, and he would have to rely on Subaru to fight in the end.

This... this... is really too much...

286 Thank you, Subaru

At this time, due to the fusion, Gen Subaru also noticed the emotional reaction of Guldt, but he didn't care too much. He thought that Guldt might feel lost because he didn't have control again and fought the monster. For this, Gen Subaru didn't feel too sorry.

After all, judging from the current situation, his combat ability is better than Guldt's. In this case, he should fight by himself. As for Guldt, he will just watch for the time being and take a rest.

Gen Subaru stared at the monster in front of him. Its body seemed to be made up of pieces of white armor modules. Between the armor modules were dark-colored flesh and blood, as well as dense electronic patterns. These patterns were also connected to form a circular pattern on its chest. On its head was something like a semicircular hood, and its small eyes flashed red under the empty hood.

There is no doubt that the circular electronic pattern should be the location of the monster's main firepower weapon, and its seemingly fragmented armor module should have other functions, or after the armor is broken, there may be something like the second stage.

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