Baoda Rikka nodded first, thinking that if you put it this way, Ultraman Noah was pretty good, but suddenly, she noticed something was wrong, stopped abruptly, and looked at Gen Subaru, although she was already there Many thoughts flashed through her mind, but the outrageous nature of Yuan Subaru's experience still made her think of a very shocking possibility.

Looking at the wide-eyed girl next to him, Yuan Subaru calmly poked her on the forehead, using his telekinesis to transfer some memory fragments to her mind, and then said softly:

"The forbidden creation, the light-stealing dead, the false creature...these three identities are not what I said to fool you. There is a reason why my life is so short."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to expose your scars..."

Rikka Takarata, who had 'read' the memory fragment, lowered his head and whispered. At this time, Yuan Subaru also heard some crying, and patted her shoulders helplessly and said:

"Okay, okay, I show you those memories, not to make you miserable, but I hope that in the future, some of my actions that may make you feel quite strange or even dangerous will not affect you and me. With the current cooperative relationship, after all, I don’t have a place to place Gulit, so I can only ask you to help place him and take care of him. "

Speaking of this, Yuan Subaru said helplessly with a headache:

"I have to think carefully next time. Think about how to quickly restore combat power in this state. I can't transform independently. The limitations are too great. Maybe I should consider re-developing the energy supply stone statue... .”


Listening to Gen Subaru's whispers, especially the later part about the light energy reaction and re-aggregation, and the movement of time and space coordinates, it was completely beyond Rikka Takarata's understanding, but it did not affect the girl's next actions. .

Hearing a "swish" sound, Takarata Rikka Meng stood up abruptly. Gen Subaru was so shocked that he couldn't help but look at her twice, wondering what was going on with this girl. Then, Takarata Rikka's hands grabbed her He touched Yuan Subaru's shoulders, his tearful eyes were full of perseverance, and he said in a condensed voice:

"go home with me!"


"My brother is living alone outside, and his room belongs to you now!"


"Don't worry about work anymore, my thrift store just needs a janitor!"

"Calm down."

Gen Subaru used his telekinesis to tap Rikka Takarata's head lightly. Although he didn't use any force, the special nature of telekinesis energy made the girl immediately enter a calm state similar to that of a 'sage'.

"Have you ever thought about how much trouble this will cause? Have you ever thought about the misunderstandings your family and friends will have with your actions like this?"

Gen Subaru gently tapped Takarata Rikka's head with his fingers and said softly:

"You haven't thought about it, it's just a momentary excitement. Although I believe you, you have the consciousness and ability to implement this plan, but this is not necessary. It is really not necessary."

Gen Subaru put one hand on his waist and glanced helplessly at Rikka Takarata, who was about to refute him, and interrupted her first and said:

"Because I will leave soon, my friend, please believe in my ability. No matter where this cosmic person is hiding, I will quickly pull it out and annihilate it. When the time comes, I will I will leave this universe and go to the place where I need to fight next.”


Gen Subaru patted Rikka Takarata's shoulder with a half-smile and said:

"After you finish all that work, maybe I will leave too. What will you do then? You don't have to be calm. After all, impulsiveness is also a cute part of human beings, but as Ultraman, I can't be like that. I let you act nonsense, okay, let’s stop chatting here, go and rest first.”

"...I see."

Takarata Rikka finally nodded, agreed to Yuan Subaru's words, and walked towards her home with the lunch box. Although she still wanted to take Yuan Subaru home, she really couldn't find anyone who could bring Yuan Subaru home at this time. The reason why Subaru persuaded him to go to his own home, and considering the danger that might happen next, Takarata Rikka would not let herself hold Subaru back.

After watching Takarata Rikka leave, Gen Subaru also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he still wanted to concentrate on the 'falling asleep incident' that might happen next. With Takarata Rikka around, he was more or less unable to do anything. .

At the same time, while Yuan Subaru continued to arrange the mind power nodes, outside the universe, Regedo calmly put away the aurora energy around him. Before that, he originally walked with Saka to find Nuo. Ya's whereabouts.

But in the process of searching, Reggio discovered too many war monster weapons that were affected by the energy of the original matter and the original matter monsters that were born as a result. If left alone, the damage to the universe would be too terrifying. .

Therefore, Regedo and Saga broke up for the time being. The former stayed to clean up these disasters, while the latter continued to set off. After all, we were all acquaintances and friends, and it would be the same no matter who went.

While cleaning up, Regedo noticed that something was wrong. The battle between Noah and Prime was so terrifying that the barrier of the reality plane was severely damaged. [Chaos] also made a comeback. This was undoubtedly not a good thing. The news is that for the civilization to which this universe belongs, there is almost no difference between the effects of [Chaos] and [Plasma].

No, I have to go find Noah quickly. If he continues to fight like this, something big will happen!

Thinking of this, Reggio became even more ruthless in his attacks. After all, the surrounding time and space had become tattered under the influence of original creations and war weapons. He would not miss him. He would end the battle as soon as possible. Only by finding Noah can we solve this problem from the root.

Um? !

While thinking about it, he fought and continued to look for Noah's whereabouts. Reggio noticed something. In the space-time rift next to him, an extremely strong reaction of raw energy came from the crack. But at the same time, there was also a reaction from there. Here comes the familiar skill fluctuation. This fluctuation is undoubtedly the existence of Noah's Light!

Ha, sure enough, as long as you move towards a place with high concentration of original energy, the possibility of encountering Noah's clone is higher.

Reggio gave his conjecture a thumbs up, and then rushed directly into the crack without hesitation and exerted his power to the maximum. In the cosmic plane connected by the crack, there were several Noahs The clones were fighting several specialized primitive creations, and the battle was extremely stalemate. Reggio felt that if he hadn't been involved, the fight would have taken a long time.

However, with the appearance of Regedo, the balance of the battle was immediately broken. There was almost no room for struggle, and the few original creations were wiped out.

Regedo let out a long breath and looked at the Noah clones next to him. He was about to complete the connection with Noah's body through them, but suddenly, the Noah clones started fighting among themselves. Three Noah clones He was secretly attacked and killed by other Noah clones on the spot.

Seeing this, Reggio's heart trembled, because he detected a little bit of original energy in the energy dissipated by those clones. Needless to say, these clones must have been contaminated, so they triggered the mechanisms of other clones. Kill them directly on the spot.

I have to say that Noah's attack was quite ruthless, but that's right, there is no problem, after all, his opponent is the original substance.

Reggio couldn't help but murmured in his heart, and then he found that the remaining Noah clone had its eyes on him, and spirituality suddenly appeared on the dull clone:

"Regedo, why are you here?"

"Of course I have something important to ask you."

Reggio carefully looked at this Noah clone, and after confirming that this was indeed the reaction that Noah's Light should have, he continued:

"It's about the [Engine] and one of your successors to the Light of Nexus."

"Successor? Impossible, I can't have a successor."

Reggio heard the confusion in Noah's mouth, and the murderous intent that followed:

"There's something wrong with that successor. He should be a creature of the original essence. Regedo, I can't tell the difference now. Please help me eliminate that so-called successor of the Light of Nexus!"

"No, no, no, this matter is indeed not what you imagined. It is the real thing. Listen to me and tell you..."

Reggio told Noah everything about Yuan Subaru. Moreover, Reggio was indirectly involved in starting the [Engine], so he could tell more details to prove that Yuan Subaru was started. Subaru is indeed not the so-called original creation.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen..."

Obviously, Noah in front of Regedo was stunned for a moment. This reaction made Regedo very satisfied. After all, he was quite shocked when he discovered this. Then, Noah's tone became subtle. He stood up and continued softly:

"Then we should protect him, Regedo, take this light and give it to that child."

Noah's clone put his hand on his chest, then pulled out a ball of light and handed it to Reggio:

"This light will complete the child's Light of Nexus. I hope he can grow up as soon as possible and join the next battle against the Prime."

"Speaking of fighting, Noah, don't you think [Chaos] has reappeared because of this?"

Reggio looked at Noah's Light and put it away. He looked helplessly at his friend in front of him and said:

"Don't blame me for not warning you. If you continue like this, there will be many hidden beings looking for you, such as the gatekeeper of Time Falls. He will not let Chaos rage."

"The primeval disaster is coming, I can't care about anything else. If the gatekeeper has any dissatisfaction, let him come with us to help eliminate the primeval... No, that guy might even be unhelpful when he comes. It's really troublesome. , Let’s not talk about it anymore. You and I have things to be busy with now, so let’s stop talking here. Let’s talk slowly after these troubles are dealt with. "

After ending the topic, Noah's clone waved his hand and opened a time and space tunnel. But before leaving, Noah's clone remembered something, looked at Regjedo and said:

"Regedo, take care of this completely polluted cosmic plane for me. Anyway, it's just a piece of cake for you. Let's go."

After saying these words, Noah's clone disappeared directly into the time and space tunnel. Reggio looked around. This plane was said to be completely polluted, but it was not that bad. Maybe it was according to Noah's standards. , this cosmic plane no longer needs to exist....

Forget it, there are no traces of life or civilization left in this cosmic plane. To be on the safe side, just erase it as Noah said.

"What a mastermind, Noah."

Reggio muttered casually, and unambiguously released his power to destroy this cosmic plane, and then set off to try to find the whereabouts of Yuan Subaru.


Just after Reijido left....

On the other side of the universe, the [Essence] who was fighting fiercely with Noah himself suddenly laughed strangely, shouting "Fun, fun, fun". Noah himself was used to the sudden madness of this [Essence], and just continued to launch fierce attacks in silence.

The source of the [Essence]'s laughter was the universe plane destroyed by Reijido. When no one noticed, at the edge of the universe plane, like the salad sauce overflowing from eating a hamburger, the sticky Essence energy also appeared in a similar way, and the energy flashing on those "Essence Salad Sauces" was undoubtedly the energy reaction possessed by Reijido.

Noah Noah Noah, it seems that you haven't confessed everything to your friends, otherwise Uncle Reijido would not be fooled so easily. Dishonest and frank adults will be spanked by children, hee! Hee! Hee! Hee! Hee!

Amid the harsh laughter of the Essence, the disappeared Noah clone reappeared, but this time, just like a special effects actor taking off his suit, a Nexus walked out of the 'Noah clone', and the feedback on it was also the true reaction of the Light of Nexus.

However, with the appearance of [Distortion], the reaction of the Light of Nexus was replaced by the existence of [Essence], and in the process of replacement, countless wriggling tentacles shot out from the body of this Nexus, landing on those Regido energies, and then recovered and adhered to its own appearance.

Then, soon, Nexus disappeared from the spot, and a Regido appeared in the universe. The Regido looked at his current body and laughed so happily that it couldn't be happier.

Then, as if the pause button was pressed, the Regido who was laughing like a convulsion suddenly froze, and then, as if his whole body was shaking, the Regido kept twisting his body cramping, as if every muscle in his body was cramping.

As the movements became more and more exaggerated and frightening, along with the appearance of [Distortion], this Reijido instantly stood up straight, and whether from the appearance or the energy reaction, it was just like a real Reijido descended here.

There is no doubt that this is a special ability type of original creation, and based on this performance, it should also be a high-level creation at the same level as [Notebook].

Now, this original Reijido moved its body, moved forward in the direction in front, and destroyed all original creations along the way.

Under the guidance of the [Essence], the Essence Reijido naturally spent some time and very ‘accidentally’ encountered Noah’s clone, which attracted the attention of Noah himself:

"Reijido, why are you here?"

"Of course I have something important to ask you, it's about the [Engine] and your successor to the Light of Nexus."

"The successor... that successor again, Pico, Saga, now you are here... huh?! Humph!"

Noah was halfway through his speech when his original body noticed that the [Essence] was playing tricks again, so he used the [Engine] to suppress it as usual, and at the same time, continued to fight with 'Reijido'. Duo' said:

"Now even you have come to me because of that successor. I am tired of explaining this issue. Reijido, believe me, that successor must be wrong. I will let the clone handle the relevant matters. You should not have any contact with him for the time being. The origin of that successor is really problematic. Believe me."

"Ah, I believe you, Noah."

"That's great."

Noah, who was originally planning to continue talking, was slightly stunned and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After all, it was Reijido, the friend who discussed the [Engine] with him, who was going to be dangerous to the original essence...


Although I don't know what's wrong, it's just wrong!

Inexplicably, a sense of crisis flashed through Noah's heart, and then, without any evidence, Noah blasted a hellfire attack at Reijido in front of him.

At the same time, Noah saw that the Reijido in front of him was like shedding its skin, dispersing under the energy of hellfire, revealing a face that was even more childish than the [Essence], and laughed the same crazy laugh as the [Essence], but still said in the tone of Reijido:

"Noah, of course I believe you, because I also know that there is something wrong with my origin, hee, so fun, hee hee!!!"

Seeing this scene, Noah's expression instantly turned cold. After so many years of combat experience, he immediately realized what the 'Reijido' in front of him was. This damn Essence was actually able to create a creature of this level. It seems that my pursuit was not strong enough!

Damn it!

Noah cursed in his heart, not knowing whether he was cursing himself or the essence, but at this moment, some of Noah's clones wandering in the universe were affected by the original body and began to change their trajectory of action -

Since the creature that turned into Reijido, Reijido's original body might be in trouble, so now we have to find out where Reijido is!

284 Which class is the little brother in?

When the universe outside began to move abnormally, Yuan Subaru sat on the bench in silence, falling into deep thought. Last night, he didn't sleep all night, but this time, he didn't feel any sleepiness, nor did he feel any other mental influence.

So, nothing happened last night, and the preparations made by Yuan Subaru didn't work at all.

Why is that?

Feeling the morning light falling on him, Yuan Subaru was a little confused, but soon, he realized something. Maybe because no monsters appeared yesterday, the city did not need to be repaired, and there was no need to carry out related operations such as forced hibernation.

This is really passive.

Yuan Subaru sighed helplessly, and then rubbed his arms. For some reason, he felt a chill since last night. It was not because the temperature outside dropped, but because of the instinctive sense of crisis. It should be because of the possible appearance of the shadow of chaos.

Hmm? !

Just when Gen Subaru was planning to sneak in first while the students were not in school and wait for the follow-up exploration, he felt that it was Takarada Rikka who was calling him through the Evolution Truster...

No, to be more precise, it was because the Evolution Truster sensed the fear and anxiety in Takarada Rikka's heart that was beyond ordinary, and triggered one of the mechanisms he set in it, so he passed this "report" to him.

Could it be... that the enemy attacked her! !

Thinking of this, Gen Subaru didn't care about anything else, activated the light particles in his body, and used it as an accelerator, rushing towards the second-hand store "Amazing JUNK" like light SHOP", and jumped up, grabbed the windowsill on the second floor, and according to the response given by the evolution truster, he accurately found the room of Takarada Rikka, and then...

Subaru and Takarada Rikka met each other's eyes. The girl who was still wearing blue pajamas was frightened and screamed instinctively. Rikka's mother, who was busy making breakfast below, heard the sound and frowned. She realized that the movement above was not like the sound of encountering insects, so she picked up a handy thing and greeted calmly while walking up:

"Rikka, what's wrong, are you scared by the spider again? ? Really, you are already so old, don't be afraid, mom will come up and help you kill the bug. "

"No, no, it's not a bug."

The voice of Takarado Rikka also came from the room, and she said with a somewhat embarrassed tone:

"It's just that something suddenly stuck to the window and scared me."

"Is that so..."

Rikka's mother tiptoed outside the door and listened. After finding that there was no strange sound inside, she breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Then come down early to eat, even if you don't have to rush to school today, you can't delay like this."

"I know, mom."

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