Just as the King of Ultra began to act, on the side of Yuan Subaru, his expression became more and more gloomy as he flew, because his forward trajectory seemed to be the same as the destruction trajectory of the mysterious monster. Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru accelerated again and saw the pierced Pluto and the shattered Neptune.

In the remaining energy on these two planets, Yuan Subaru felt "excited". The monster seemed to have found something here and began to go crazy.

Then Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, these planets also suffered different degrees of heavy blows. Then, Yuan Subaru saw that at the end of his sight, the debris of the TLT Earth and the Moon were intertwined, and human civilization had disappeared.

As for these remaining fragments, they were all sucked into its belly by the powerful suction from the mouthparts of the mastermind behind this scene.

At this moment, Gen Subaru's mind was blank, and then surprisingly calm. Sadness, pain, regret... These emotions are meaningless, and the possibility of saving it is not non-existent, but this monster must be dealt with quickly.

And Gen Subaru also recognized this monster. In the database of the Kingdom of Light, when Gua Zoda was recorded, its existence was inevitably mentioned. It is the super-combined monster King Gran!

This monster was created when Taro was guarding the Earth in the parallel world, because Zoda gathered the monster souls in the monster cemetery.

Its body is composed of parts of different monsters, the horns are Gomora's; the pincers on both hands are Sadla's; the armor on the left hand is Baltan's, the tail is the two-tailed monster, and there are also the horns of King Savors III and the body of Sylvabulmi.

The whole body is covered with metal armor, and it has received all the power of Zoda. There are countless lights flickering in its abdomen, and it keeps flashing when it moves. This monster is good at air combat and fighting. Its body is very hard and invulnerable. Its tail can also shoot lasers, and its strength is very strong.

Its body's super strong defense easily resisted all the attacks of the Ultra Brothers' special moves in the battle, and then easily suppressed the Ultra Brothers with its strong combat power. Even after Taro's assistance, the situation only improved slightly. In the end, it was defeated by the fierce attack of the cosmic miracle light of "Super Taro".

Now this King Gran is obviously revived by the power of [Original Crystal]. It can only be said that this universe is a place ruled by the Gu'a Legion. How many remnants and hidden dangers are left in it is impossible to speculate. Maybe such super monsters also exist in other places in the universe.

At this time, the King of Gran, which had a cool golden coating on its surface, the symbol of Zoda shining on it, a pair of sharp horns, and a sharp giant sword in its right hand, noticed the arrival of Gen Subaru. The vertical row of green energy on its chest suddenly glowed slightly, as if it had sensed the pure white light in Gen Subaru's body.

So the King of Primal Gran immediately opened his mouthparts, spit out a straight ray towards Gen Subaru, and rushed towards this side at the same time.

In this situation, there was naturally no possibility of holding back. Gen Subaru evolved into the posture of [Eternal·Original], and with a casual wave of his hand, a golden light blade whizzed out, intending to cut the ray and then attack the inside of the mouthparts of the King of Primal Gran.

But what Gen Subaru didn't expect was that the seemingly relatively slender ray easily cut off his light blade in the reverse direction and continued to kill towards him.

However, it was not difficult for Yuan Subaru to dodge such a straightforward attack. Even if the original King Grant was shaking his head and swinging the ray, the attack range and angle of movement were too limited.

At this time, Yuan Subaru once again did not hesitate to put his sword fingers together, and his thumbs together to spell out a diamond space, intending to use [Star Burst] again to wipe out this enemy. This monster, which should have swallowed a lot of [original crystals], is like a time-space singularity. Its mere existence is like a dirty bomb, continuously affecting the time-space force around it. Under the influence of [original crystals], this already difficult thing has become an even more sluggish opponent.

With it... even if it has left this galaxy, within a certain period of time, in terms of the current state of his body, Yuan Subaru cannot bear the pressure and consumption brought by such a serious and continuous confusion of time-space force, and rescue the destroyed solar system.

Yes, it is to repair the entire solar system. The development of civilization on Earth is inseparable from the unique and excellent position of this blue star in this galaxy. For example, it is precisely because of Jupiter's huge mass and volume that it blocks the Earth in front of it and blocks many asteroids that hit the Earth.

If Jupiter does not exist, the probability of the Earth being hit by asteroids will increase significantly. It may be difficult for the Earth to continue the development of life, and it may become a barren planet like Mars.

And Yuan Subaru can also repair them individually, one by one, but the first step of the control process is still to kill this original essence King Gulant. Compared with repairing one by one, it is also necessary to pay attention to the gravitational balance between each planet, so Yuan Subaru still saves his trouble and directly retraces the time of this galaxy as a whole.

So, die for me...what?

Just when Yuan Subaru completed the seal on the space in his palm, intending to activate the destructive power of the stars and kill him like the super beast Chaos, he saw the sword on the right hand of King Prime Gurant emitting an The golden light erupted, and the energy particles on it began to activate at a high speed, bursting out with powerful power.

As the big sword fell, the condensed and compressed sword energy flashed past, and a crack suddenly appeared in the sealed space, and then collapsed. Yuan Subaru's hands were also broken open due to the force of the backlash, and were covered with Wound.

Did it escape because of the 'space-time confusion characteristic' brought to it by [Original Crystal]?

Yuan Subaru waved his hand and let the light particles fill the wound as quickly as possible. At the same time, he was thinking quickly in his heart. After a little calculation of the process, he realized that his subconscious reaction was wrong.

Let me try again....

Looking at the King of Essence Gurant who was killing him at high speed, Yuan Subaru clasped his hands together and made a pistol gesture, then pointed at the enemy and activated the 'Otto Gatling'.

The prototype of this move is Ultraman Jack's "Ultra Rocket", but Yuan Subaru made a magical modification to it, replacing the "bullets" with "compressed self-destruction clones" one by one, and increasing the attack speed to nearly After reaching the limit of what they can bear, the child feels that changing the name will make it more vivid.

Now in the [Eternal·Original] state, the power and attack speed of this 'Alt Gatling' are becoming more and more astonishing. The dense light bullets hit the body of the primeval King Gurant like water, causing an explosion that stopped time and space. Tremor.

But in the impact of the explosion, King Prime Gurant's charging speed slowed down, but even so, his speed was much faster than ordinary agile monsters, and as for the damage... ..

Although Yuan Subaru also knew that his condition was not good and his attack power was not at full capacity, but looking at Ultra Gatling who was polishing and waxing King Prime Granite, the child couldn't help but open his mouth a little. He now understands what kind of changes have occurred due to the influence of King Gulant on the [Original Crystal].

That was the ultimate improvement in basic attributes. Abilities such as attack, defense, and speed had reached an unreasonable evolution. There were not so many other fancy ability mutations, and even the characteristic that disrupted time and space, Yuan Subaru suspected that it was because Its own strength is too solid and powerful, and its momentum is naturally created to be passive.

It happened to be at this time to meet such an opponent...

Yuan Subaru couldn't help but groan with a headache in his heart. He has now discovered that the TLT earth universe plane where he is is actually hiding some very troublesome things. If he hadn't leveled up this time, he might not have died. Yes, I don’t even know if I look back.

Sure enough, we still can't relax. Even if our life expectancy is less than one year and seven months, we must continue to pursue the power of excellence!

At this time, King Prime Gulant had already rushed forward against Yuan Subaru's attack. In just a moment, he wielded the golden sword and struck out thousands of slashes, but each attack landed on the same point. On the ground, like forging iron, the superposition of layers of chop waves has made it qualitatively improve in terms of penetration and destructiveness.

Yuan Subaru immediately drew his sword finger in front of him, and the power of the dream cut off time and space. Although Yuan Subaru and the Prime King Gulant were still in the same space visible to the naked eye, the golden line drawn out These two people were placed in different time and space to avoid this extremely lethal attack.

But in front of this thousand-layered slashing wave, all the bells and whistles were destroyed with one strike. The defense created by Yuan Subaru was broken through in the blink of an eye. Yuan Subaru raised his brows, without saying a word, flicked his arm, and a dark golden light flashed through. With the sword in hand, he poured energy into it and swung it hard towards the slashing wave.

There was no explosion in this hedging, only an extremely clear cracking sound. The thousand-layer slash wave of Prime King Gulant was cut in half. Before the energy in it had time to escape and explode, it was destroyed by Yuan Subaru. It was absorbed into the body with [Aurora Power], and then his face turned pale.

Not to mention that the thousand-fold slashing wave was mixed with [primordial energy], which caused his body's instinctive discomfort. The sharp slashing energy alone made the child feel a continuous tearing sensation inside his body. .

But I have a good appetite!

Yuan Subaru calmly assimilated these energies into his own, then turned the rainbow into a bow, used the sword as an arrow, gathered all the power of the [Ultimate Light Arrow Storm] into the lightsaber, and used it to break through the face and attack. .

King Primordial Gurant also noticed the slightest hint of danger in response to this fatal energy. Then he kicked his arms with both hands, and his body fell forward. While shrinking into a ball, it began to spin at high speed. Like a king on the highway, regardless of the situation, he rushed towards Yuan Subaru at full power.

On the other side, as Yuan Subaru loosened his bowstring, a golden thread appeared in the universe. The lightsaber struck the body of Prime King Grant, and the dark gold trajectory caused by the lightsaber's stroke also It began to send out thorn-like energy fluctuations.

This is an effect that the last time we fought against Noah Triga, the operation of Noah's clone failed to take effect. As long as the attack is not over, the thorn-like wave blooming through the orbit will actively absorb the surrounding free energy. The energy is then transferred to the lightsaber, so that while its power remains unchanged, it continues to become stronger as the confrontation time prolongs!

Even so, after the two different golden rays confronted each other at the position of the moon before for three seconds, a nuclear bomb mushroom cloud-like energy shock emerged and quickly spread outward. Yuan Subaru could clearly feel that his lightsaber was broken and scrapped again, and entered the stage of self-repair.

As for the original King Gran, Yuan Subaru turned his body to the side, avoiding the impact of the golden sphere that emerged from the aftermath of the energy shock, and then activated [Void] to avoid the tail attack that was released by the original King Gran and suddenly pulled out, and then took the opportunity to pull away, and condensed a nebula in his hand, intensified it, and smashed it towards the original King Gran.

When the nebula was released, it was rapidly expanding its existence, and by engulfing the energy shock that had just been generated into its own vortex, although this made it more unstable, it also made its explosion more powerful.

At this time, King Primal Grant stopped his rotation, and then the vertical row of energy lights on his chest began to flash rapidly, and then ejected energy beams like canine teeth intertwined together, which penetrated the star cluster in the blink of an eye and scattered in all directions, attacking Yuan Subaru from all directions.

Yuan Subaru had experience with such tough enemies. He waved his hand and received the canine teeth barrage in his hand, quickly completed the transformation, and added his own energy, threw his hand upward, and the energy turned into mist and spread, triggering a series of fine starlight lightning, which fell on King Primal Grant.

Facing this rain of lightning, King Primal Grant had no intention of paying attention to it at all. This lightning attack was not enough to tickle him. At this time, he saw the light giant that he hated raised his hands, condensed a huge energy ball, and smashed it towards him.

Then, during the subsequent flight, the energy ball began to rapidly compress itself, and the energy existed like a physical entity, and the speed also skyrocketed, roaring towards the original King Gran.

But this attack was enough to make ordinary Ultra Warriors fall to the ground. The original King Gran simply raised his iron claw left hand and slapped it with the back of his hand, and then broke it. The explosion caused by this did not leave any trace on its golden shell.

This guy's defense was too strong, and it was even impossible to tell whether he had the ability to heal himself, or the strength of his self-healing ability. In this mobile cosmic fortress, in this universe, it can be said that almost no civilization can stop his invasion. Even Gensuba, after this set of attacks, he couldn't help but begin to doubt whether he could penetrate his defense after he was in full condition.

As the compressed energy ball was broken, more energy particles entangled around King Primal Grant like mist, creating more lightning jumping on its hard shell. King Primal Grant looked at the lightning on his body. Out of combat instinct, he thought it was just the enemy looking for weaknesses in his armor.

King Primal Grant was dismissive of this. Its defense was impeccable. Although he didn't know why his master was dead, he could still wake up so suddenly. But what he had to do was very simple, that is, destruction! His existence was born for this reason. As for his master Zoda...

This is irrelevant. His master is immortal. He only needs to destroy as much as he can during this period of time.

Moreover, there seemed to be other delicious things in this universe. Just now, he inexplicably felt something. After eating the blue planet, he felt inexplicably satisfied.

But at the same time, there was also a very uncomfortable reaction. This novel feeling made King Primordial Grant have other interests besides destruction. It planned to go to other planets to look for similar feelings after destroying this annoying dark golden giant.

242 [Engine] Start

King Primordial Grant has begun to instinctively think about where to go next. To be honest, the feeling that made him feel very comfortable was encountered many times along the way after he woke up. Every time he smashed and ate those guys who blocked the road, the comfortable feeling of power surged up, which made him more motivated.

But the feeling of wanting to spit it out after eating it was the first time King Primordial Grant encountered it. Although it was a little uncomfortable, it was just a little uncomfortable. This rather unique feeling was an experience that King Primordial Grant had never had before. This feeling stimulated him to especially want to pour out his desire for destruction.

Therefore, King Primordial Grant wanted to find more of this kind of stimulation to make his destruction more enjoyable.

On the other side, Gen Subaru was still attacking. He had caught the beam of light fired by King Essence·Grant with his golden sword. It was still so powerful. When Gen Subaru used [Power of Aurora] and [Legend of Sparks] to counterattack, he still couldn't break the defense of this monster.

Now this guy is in an extremely strong and enhanced state. Gen Subaru has used all the means that can still be used on this King Essence·Grant. But even the sealing means were immediately broken by King Essence·Grant's greatsword. The attack of this monster may not be the strongest spear, but his defense is definitely the strongest shield.

But this guy is not invulnerable. In the lightning test just now, Yuan Subaru has sensed some reactions. Recalling the action of this original essence·Grant King just devouring all the debris of the earth, he already has a countermeasure in his mind. Next... he has to find a way to complete the prerequisite.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru gave up the tactic of long-range skill confrontation with the original essence·Grant King. His body flashed and teleported to not far from the original essence·Grant King. Then he flexibly avoided the continuous slashes of this monster and punched the armor of the original essence·Grant King. The dark golden ripples combined with some telekinesis slowly spread out on it, and the extended vibrations tried to transmit these ripples and telekinesis to a deeper level.

But the defense of King Gran was not just that solid. The vibrating dark energy had no effect. At the same time, King Gran's thick tail roared towards Subaru. The brute force tore the space apart, enveloping the power of the space turbulence, causing amazing AOE damage. Relying on his strong defense, even this attack would include him. King Gran did not hesitate to fight.

Subaru naturally had no intention of confronting King Gran. Although this monster was always creating a headache, which might produce unexpected results when the space-time force was exerted, Subaru's speed was not an ability that could be underestimated. King Gran fought back and forth with Subaru in terms of movement speed and attack speed.

For a moment, the golden slash of King Primal Grant turned the surroundings into a terrifying storm of sword blades, and Gen Subaru always found a space to hide in the gaps of the slash wave, and then rushed to the side of King Primal Grant again and again, stretched out his fist or palm, and hit the monster's golden armor hard.

So, after Gen Subaru changed his strategy, the battle fell into a stalemate. Gen Subaru hit King Primal Grant's armor hundreds of thousands of times, but such an attack still did not cause any damage to the monster's defense, and there was no hidden injury or tiny gap in the solid armor.

On the other side, in order to achieve his plan, Gen Subaru was hit by the iron claw of King Granat on his chest, and was whipped by the powerful and flexible tail behind him. There was a scratch on his left shoulder from the golden sword. If someone could record the extremely dangerous melee process just now, it would definitely be an excellent teaching video.

But Gen Subaru did not show any signs of discouragement, nor did he mean to change his tactics. He continued to strike at King Granat's armor, leaving his telekinesis and dark energy on it.

However, this stalemate will not last long. It is visible to the naked eye that Gen Subaru's energy has been in short supply. After the long-range skill battle, Gen Subaru cannot absorb King Granat's energy through [Power of Aurora] to replenish himself. He has entered a state where he needs to be careful with his energy.

Gen Subaru was certainly aware of this, and King Gran was also aware of this, so the intensity of the close combat instantly increased a lot. Even if Ultra Father was here, it would be difficult for him to intervene.

At this moment, Gen Subaru suddenly pulled out and escaped from King Gran's attack. Then he put his hands together, and the energy light on his chest began to flash rapidly. At the same time, King Gran felt that his actions were somewhat restricted. He looked down and saw a faint dark golden light on his armor.

These dark golden light particles remained on King Gran's defense after the previous battle, and at this time, according to Gen Subaru's control, they began to resonate with each other, forming a "net" that spread all over King Gran's body.

At this time, the light particles began to vibrate wildly, like tamping, constantly impacting the armor of the original King Grant, and the vibration caused by this was the reason why the original King Grant's movements became stiff.

But this was still meaningless to the original King Grant. This degree of restraint wanted to make him unable to move, which was simply a fantasy. The original King Grant increased his output and swung a slash in the direction of Yuan Subaru, and there was no reduction in speed or strength, proving that his function was not affected at all.

However, at this moment, the body of the original King Grant suddenly shook slightly, and the flashing frequency of the green energy light on his chest appeared in an unexpected disorder. The original King Grant felt that the desire to destroy that stimulated him was even higher, and the stimulation made him want to go crazy. The slight discomfort has become a pain that affects his actions.

Sure enough, my body is in your stomach.

Seeing the familiar power fluctuations coming from the body of King Primal Grant, Gen Subaru heaved a sigh of relief. All the knocks just now were trying to establish contact with the 'body engine' that might exist inside, and at the 3782nd knock, he received an extremely weak breath coming from inside.

This is understandable. The [engine] that my body has become is just a salted fish lying flat. Even if you help it turn over, it will not have much reaction. It is estimated that after being eaten by the original king of Grant, it simply protects itself with energy, and there is no further news.

But now, the [engine] is the same as myself. Under my stimulation, it finally began to exert the power that the [engine] should have, and the responsibility it should have taken on from the beginning - purifying the original essence.

At this moment, Yuan Subaru saw a scene similar to "the surface of a lake in a rainstorm" on the body of the original king of Grant, which kept rippling, and there were energy phantoms like tentacles crawling on the armor of the original king of Grant. This original energy was being quickly offset by the [engine].

And this output really surprised Yuan Subaru. He knew the situation of his own [engine], and he knew that the pure white light stored in it was not as much as that in his own light particle aggregate.

Therefore, this time when activating, Gen Subaru only hoped that this [Engine] could slightly affect the actions of the Primeval King, and alleviate his state of being blessed by the Primeval Energy. However, he did not expect that under the influence of the [Engine], he actually did what [Eternal Original] could not do, and removed the defensive blessing on the Primeval King's armor. You know, [Eternal Original] also has the characteristics of pure white light.

How to say it, this is the [Engine].

Gen Subaru could not help but sigh, and then began to mobilize his own strength, crossing his hands at his wrists to form a cross, and sent a dark golden beam of destruction towards the Primeval King.

This time, under the effect of the [Engine], the strength of the Primeval King was greatly weakened, and the arrogant momentum before disappeared. After a short war cry, the Primeval King turned into fireworks in the universe, ending its life that was born and awakened because of the Primeval Crystal.

But even though this Elemental King Gran was dealt with, Gen Subaru's "mission" was not over yet. It would be better to say that the death of Elemental King Gran was just the beginning of the "main line". Gen Subaru looked at the [Engine] still glowing. Its existence made the surroundings affected by the Elemental King Gran, and the confused space-time force quickly recovered and stabilized.

This made Gen Subaru give a thumbs up to the [Engine]. Although it felt quite strange to praise himself, he could save a little time at this juncture, so when he went back, he could bear less cost of going back.

Thinking of this, Gen Subaru did not continue to slow down, and immediately began to affect the timeline. Before, Gen Subaru made modifications in the "past", which in turn affected the "present" and "future".

But this time it won't work. After all, the King of the Element·Grant swallowed the [Engine] himself, adding a weakness to himself, so that Gen Subaru has the possibility of defeating him. If he goes back to the past and fights before it destroys the earth, Gen Subaru feels that in his current state, he might take the initiative to give it a snack.

Therefore, this time is literally going back to time, and the entire destroyed solar system is going back to the previous peaceful state.

Of course, Gen Subaru will exclude the existence of King of the Element·Grant from the time of going back. If this monster reappears because of the time going back, then Gen Subaru is just looking for death for no reason.

However, this should be regarded as common sense in the time system. King of the Element·Grant is now a dead man. From the 'now' to the 'past', excluding it is also a basic operation, so there will be no trouble.

But there is one thing that Yuan Subaru still needs to take a good look and pay attention to during the process of retrospection, because when he rushed back to the earth before, he noticed that after a period of random actions, the original essence King Grant suddenly aimed at the solar system and attacked the earth directly.

This is obviously attracted by something. In order to prevent other original creations from attacking the earth, Yuan Subaru has to find a way to find the source.

Under the dark golden light, the power of fantasy began to work, pushing time to the "past". Watching the earth and the moon being pieced together bit by bit, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but sigh. After all, in the previous battle, the original essence King Grant would have been blown into pieces by his own beam, and the debris in his stomach that had not been assimilated would naturally have the same fate.

But unexpectedly, with the power of "time", those debris were forcibly pulled back even if they had turned into powder, which relieved some of the burden of Yuan Subaru. After all, those things that no longer exist in the "present", Yuan Subaru can only invest in the power of fantasy to fill them so that the process of tracing back can continue. It is impossible that the two spheres of the earth and the moon will be missing a piece after the tracing back.

In the process of tracing back, Yuan Subaru also noticed the source of the original essence King Grant. Even if the reaction was only a flash, it was particularly obvious in Yuan Subaru's perception. He turned his eyes to the place where the reaction occurred and saw a laboratory hidden underground. In the culture dish, there were some blood and flesh tissue residues.

There is no doubt that this is what Yuan Subaru left when he still had flesh and blood. Its source should be the things collected in the past to develop life-saving medicines, but the purpose of these blood and tissues is now unclear.

Among these things, there is undoubtedly a high purity of the original energy. After all, this is something left from the [original] itself, especially after the suppression of the [engine], its essence is awakening little by little, so it also attracts the original creation of the same origin.

What a mistake, I didn't expect there would be such a loophole.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but mutter in his heart, and hurriedly took action. Without leaving any traces and being noticed by anyone, he wiped out all the remnants related to his own flesh and blood on the TLT earth. This made Yuan Subaru feel relieved and continued to go back in time.

In fact, at this point, the time reversal is almost over, but Yuan Subaru has begun to have a warning of the crisis in his heart. There is no doubt that although this time does not affect the "past" of the main timeline, such a large-scale time reversal, coupled with Yuan Subaru's previous things, the punishment from "time" naturally finds him, a habitual offender.

Subaru began to quickly adjust himself and use related skills to protect himself, so as not to die on the spot under this time punishment. Even if he had to die, he had to die after he dealt with the alien creature. As for that deadly thing, Subaru really didn't think that the new warrior who inherited his Nexus Light could deal with it. After all, the new generation of Nexus didn't have things like deep blue space and various outrageous encounters to lay the foundation for him to fight against alien creatures.

And the punishment never waits for the prisoner to be ready. After the time was reversed and the solar system returned to its usual appearance, Subaru felt that every part of his body was like being hit hard, and he shook uncontrollably.

Then Yuan Subaru felt that his perception began to have problems. First, his sense of direction was confused. The up, down, left, right, east, south, west and north in his cognition were confused all the time. Then, his body control was affected. Yuan Subaru wanted to raise his hand, but his head shook. He wanted to control his head, but his big toe was tearing himself out desperately.

It was not until then that Yuan Subaru realized that he might be in big trouble and began to think of ways to save himself, but as the sense of confusion completely surged, Yuan Subaru's consciousness also disappeared without a trace in the chaos.

"Your Majesty!"

Just as Subaru was suffering from the time punishment, a Hippolyte appeared in front of the throne on Belia's side. He knelt on the ground respectfully and said in a pious tone:

"Your 'time-space bomb' has been completed. Would you like to take a look? Or let's move it over so that it can also see your majesty's style!"

The Hippolyte's words were quite cautious, at least he thought so, and felt that his words just now fully expressed his respect and admiration for His Majesty Belia.

The reason why Hippolyte cared so much was because everyone in the current base knew that His Majesty Belia had become in a very bad mood for some reason during this period. Previously, a Gaci was turned into ashes by His Majesty Belia because he didn't pay attention to what he said.

Although this is just an individual case, after all, the Gatsi man relied on his intelligence and wisdom, and he was indeed proud of his own capital, so he spoke so carelessly. As for the others, even if they said something wrong unintentionally, His Majesty Beria just snorted coldly and showed the emperor's tolerance to the subordinate who apologized frantically.

To be honest, this is still quite surprising, but His Majesty's tolerance is not the capital for subordinates to make trouble. Those who are truly loyal to His Majesty Beria should always consider His Majesty Beria and make their own Majesty less angry.

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