As his voice fell, Nexus appeared in the middle of the spaceship group. Yuan Subaru glanced at the Telorist and Catan people, and said in a cold tone:

"You should know whether this contract is true or not. Take the reward you deserve and leave."

"Oh!!! It's the Emperor!!!"

The Telorist and Catan people naturally knew about Yuan Subaru's existence. After seeing this tall light, they immediately reacted and began to roar artificially:

"Since it is your order, then we will let this Baltan person go. Emperor, please let us join your army and let us become your most loyal hounds!"


I'm tired. How did they shout out such a title full of middle school disease? And, do I look so stupid? So stupid that you can use me as a gun?

Yuan Subaru muttered silently in his heart. He suddenly began to miss the Earth. There were not so many things going on in the ranger's hut in Mikami Town.

On the other side, Katan and Telorist, who were bearing Yuan Subaru's silence, looked at each other on the screen. Then, as if they had been prepared, they unfolded a new star map while talking and shouted in a fanatical tone:

"My Lord, we have admired you for a long time. Your figure that defeated the Gua Legion made us surrender to you. You are the real ruler of this universe! Look, my Lord! This is our gift to you. The range shown on this star map will be the location of the capital area of ​​your universe empire. As long as you give an order, we will charge for you and open up a universe map that belongs to you!"

Listening to this, Yuan Subaru frowned. For this crazy... huh? !

The corner of Yuan Subaru's eyes accidentally passed over the star map, and then his attention was attracted by a corner of the star map. If he calculated correctly, the corner would expand a little further outward to the solar system.

At that moment, whether it was Baltan or the combination of Derolist and Catan, they all felt the bone-chilling cold, which made them shiver slightly. They all realized the source of the change, what a terrible momentum...

And Derolist and Catan exchanged glances frantically. Their two races were just put together temporarily, so how could they have so many contingency plans.

And in their cognition, even if this star map was not accepted, it was not a big deal. The main thing was that if this adult started to scold, Derolist and Catan would lie down like a dog and admit their mistakes. After experiencing the Gu'a Legion, they fully understood what it meant to take shelter under a big tree.

Then... after a short period of silence, all the cosmic beings present heard the voice of Yuan Subaru, and heard the cold verdict:

"Since you like destruction and war, then I will destroy and war for you!"

241 King Ao: Noah, what are you going to do

This is certainly not a favor, nor is it the praise that the people of Telorist and Catan want. The people of Telorist and Catan did not understand why such a small suggestion from them had caused such anger.

The people of Telorist wanted to explain first and put the blame on the people of Catan, but at this moment, Yuan Subaru raised his hand, and a dark golden light flashed. All the cosmic beings around him, as well as the members of other civilizations who were quietly observing the situation here, saw that two mirror-like space interfaces were opened.

In the left 'mirror', the scattered Tyrolisters are invading other star systems, while in the right 'mirror', the Catan are plundering in the universe. Both the Tyrolisters and the Catan are actively building space weapons on their home planets. The space warships parked in their starports make the onlookers exclaim in amazement.

At the same time, some people began to whisper. They suspected that the Tyrolisters and the Catan were secretly in contact with the Gua Corps. Otherwise, with everyone being almost seriously injured, it is hard to imagine where they would get the resources to not only lend to the Baltans but also continue to develop their own forces.

In addition, some cosmic people, relying on the characteristics of their own civilization and technology, and not far from the Catan, found that some of the Catan warships had already set off. According to the calculated orbit, even if they did not come to them, they would have to pass by their planets. So the civilizations on the relevant planets immediately took action and began to organize self-defense actions.

But they don't have to worry. Even if the Catan people are heading for them, those powerful space battleships will not be able to activate their weapon systems, because at this time, Yuan Subaru raised his hand and clenched it in the air towards the two mirrors.

Then, the cosmic people around saw that the scattered Tyrolister and Catan people were attacked by invisible forces and turned into meat patties. At the same time, a huge fireball appeared on the periphery of Tyrolister and Catan respectively, whistling down and easily penetrating all the defenses of the two planets. In less than three seconds, the surface of the two planets turned into a scorched earth, and the traces of the existence of civilization were wiped out completely.

This is "destruction"!

Looking at the current situation of Tyrorist and Catan, all the cosmonauts who can sense the development of the situation here can't help but think of this sentence, and what follows should be...

"you you!!!"

Looking at the current situation of their home planet, the Tyrorist leader pointed angrily at Yuan Subaru, but before he could finish his words, terrifying and visually impactful thunder flames erupted from the giant's hands, which was similar to Baltan's. The two battleship battle groups confronting the Starman fleet immediately turned into fireworks. The broken limbs of the spacemen, as well as the wreckage of the battleships, were suspended and covered with the space of the universe.

"If anyone still wants war..."

Nexus turned around. Although there was nothing behind him, all the cosmic people who could detect this side seemed to feel a line of sight falling on him.

"Then I will come to participate in the war. I hope that by then, your ambition will be worthy of your strength."

After saying that, Yuan Subaru stopped staying here and turned into a beam of light, disappearing from all perception methods. He was embarking on the road back to the earth, the planet of Tyrorist and Catan. The picture made him realize that the solar system was not a paradise. He was also worried that the two kinds of cosmic beings had begun to act around the solar system, so he had to go back and take a look to feel relieved.

As for whether to conceal his relationship with the earth, this question made Yuan Subaru very entangled. He thought about many speculations, and each speculation could only be said to have advantages and disadvantages. In the end, Yuan Subaru decided to let it go for the time being. Maintaining the status quo, the future depends on the development of the earth.

Just as Yuan Subaru was hiding his whereabouts while flying towards the earth and recovering his energy, he accidentally glanced and suddenly noticed something was wrong and stopped. Not far away, there was a planet... .No, there is an extremely high energy reaction left on that planet, as if it had been violently bombarded at the same moment.

This kind of attack power...if concentrated on one point, it can penetrate the planet. Yuan Subaru has no doubt about this.

So, what on earth is this?

Yuan Subaru frowned slightly. He felt that he seemed to have missed something, but in the Star Destroyer strike just now, due to the cross-space ultra-long-distance locking, the consumption of mental power affected his head, which made him feel a dull pain, and he could not think. It was so smooth as usual, that I really couldn't react at this moment.

But the heavy feeling in his heart made Yuan Subaru's expression become serious. The universe was really too big. Even if he had just dealt with the matter of the alien beasts, there would still be others...


At this time, a flash of light flashed in Yuan Subaru's mind, and he opened his eyes slightly. How did that sallow alien beast come out? It was the influence of [Original Crystal], and the thing [Original Crystal] , there seems to be no evidence to prove that all the crystals in this universe were eaten by that alien beast. Doesn’t this also mean that in this universe, there are other people who are powerful because of the [Plasma Crystal] Get up monster! ! !

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru understood where the heavy feeling in his heart came from, and that there were dangers far beyond those of cosmic people wandering in the universe.

I've been so busy lately that I can't even react to this kind of thing.

Yuan Subaru scratched the hair on his forehead and sighed helplessly. At this time, an inexplicable tiredness made him want to lie down and roll around to relax.

But now is not the time to relax. After dealing with the alien beasts, he can just retire on the earth. With this thought in mind, Yuan Subaru continued to fly towards the earth...

On the other side, the King of Ultra quickly shuttled through the interlayers of the universe and began to search for the whereabouts of Noah. This king unleashed all his methods, even at the cost of putting his body and several different universes around him. The planes are fused to expand their range of perception.

There is a saying, even though the King of Ultra is a legendary warrior, he releases his energy so unscrupulously and lavishly. It is destined that after this operation, no matter whether Noah can be found or not, the King of Ultra will... fell into a temporary state of weakness.

This time, the King of Ultra was lucky enough to capture traces of Noah's actions in an extremely remote corner of the universe. Although those traces have been diluted a lot in fifty years, this is of great significance to the King of Ultra. Wang Li said that this clue was already particularly valuable. With this clue, there was at least hope of finding Noah.

In the end, under the King of Ultra's best efforts, this king reversed the long river of time, and by the way, he became a 'drifter' in the time section. After a series of continuous jumps, he finally became I saw Noah's... clone.

This clone is not an ordinary clone. King Ultra can feel it. This is the clone that has just been pulled from the past. Therefore, Noah's consciousness must be aware of his arrival through this clone.

And if Noah doesn't project his consciousness here and have a good chat with himself, he will have to let him know that even old people have tempers when they meet next time.


Thinking of this, King Ultra shouted with telekinesis, and the clone that was about to travel through time and rush to an unknown place stopped immediately and turned to look at King Ultra. A sacred silver light flashed on the clone, and then a ray of Noah's consciousness fell here.

"Pike, what's wrong?"

Noah looked at King Ultra in confusion. At first, he thought that his old friend had made some new discoveries about the [Essence], so he called him so hurriedly, but now it seems that he thought too much.

"What's wrong with me? Isn't it something wrong with you?"

The King of Ultra looked at Noah and said helplessly:

"What's the matter with the thing you gave me? Isn't it just a detection method? How come it suddenly started to work on its own!"

"Oh, this."

In response to the King of Ultra's questioning, Noah said calmly:

"I thought it was something, it is indeed a detection method, but after encountering a high concentration of original energy, it will start automatically and become a sharp blade to destroy original creations."

At this point, Noah looked at the King of Ultra with a very solemn look and said:

"Is this the reason you came to me?"

"Isn't it enough for me to come to you for this kind of thing?"

The King of Ultra asked back in surprise:

"Do you know that the setting of this attack almost killed an outstanding Ultra Warrior?"


Hearing this, Noah waved his hand and said firmly:

"I understand the things I developed. The power I gave you will only go to [Essence Energy]. In this regard, even if someone wants to protect [Essence Energy], that person will only be pushed away and will not be included in the attack range. Pico, there is something wrong with the injured Ultra Warrior. He was attacked, which means that he was also contaminated by [Essence Energy], which needs to be purified."

Speaking of this, Noah's expression became more serious. He looked at the King of Ultra and said in a serious voice:

"You still Do you remember the coordinates of the plane where the Ultra Warrior is located? Now I can't spare time to deal with it, so I can only entrust this purification task to you, Pico. "


"Pico, what are you daydreaming about?"

Looking at the King of Ultra in front of him who suddenly remained silent, Noah asked in a strange way:

"If you remember, just tell me, Pico, you have dealt with [Essence Energy] too few times. You don't know how dangerous this energy is. If you are contaminated with this, you can basically not treat it with the original perspective and attitude. It is a moving explosive pack and pollution source! Pico, I said, don't be soft-hearted!"

"Noah, that Ultra Warrior, Nexus who inherited your light, has been seriously injured. , you don't know, the thing you gave me pierced his chest..."

"He's still alive after being pierced?"

Noah interrupted the King of Ultra in surprise. Now he has figured it out. It turns out that it's because of what Pieck said before about 'Nexus'. However, this issue should not be controversial now. After all, his own methods have shown an attack reaction, which means that the problem with 'Nexus' is very big, and the connection with [Essence Energy] is beyond his tolerance...

Humph, maybe the so-called 'Nexus' is just a simple disguise. [Essence] is very cunning. No matter how careful you are, it's not too much. The 'Nexus' mentioned by Pieck is probably also a part of the new conspiracy of [Essence].


The King of Ultra looked at his old friend in front of him in surprise. He never thought that one day he would hear such words from Noah. This is simply unbelievable. In these years, he has changed so much.

"Noah, that was a qualified Ultraman. Before he was shot through the chest, he had just eliminated an evil that could destroy the universe!"

"It was just an enemy that could destroy the universe. Using such a death to exchange for your trust in him is a very cost-effective thing for [Essence]... Pik, you... stand still."

At this point, Noah seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes suddenly became sharp when he looked at the King of Ultra. At this time, the King of Ultra had consumed too much energy because of the previous search, and he did not expect Noah to suddenly attack, so he was really bound to the spot for a while.

"Don't resist, this is all for your own good."

Noah raised his hand without hesitation, pointed his palm at the King of Ultra, and released a specific energy power. Soon, under the condition of 'accelerated time', Noah withdrew his hand, lifted the imprisonment of the King of Ultra, and said softly:

"It's okay, it's okay, Pike, look at your appearance just now, it's like you were bewitched. Fortunately, I didn't detect the reaction of [Essence Energy] in your body, otherwise it would be really troublesome."

"If it really happened, what are you going to do?"

The King of Ultra stared at Noah and said in a somewhat angry voice:

"I know whether I have been bewitched or not, whether I have believed in something wrong, I know it very well, I am not a child, don't I even have this little knowledge?"

Listening to the questioning from his old friend, Noah sighed helplessly and said softly:

"Pike, I believe in your erudition and knowledge, but your understanding of [Essence] is far less than mine. As I said before, believe me, that 'Nexus' is so close to [Essence Energy], there must be something wrong, it is not a good thing, but since he is not dead yet, it means that he is a specialized type of vitality. This kind of Essence creation is very troublesome, Piike, go and destroy it! For the safety of the universe!" As Noah spoke, he held the hand of the King of Ultra, squeezed it tightly, and said in a firm voice: "Believe me, you must believe me, believe my understanding of [Essence]. It is a very troublesome thing, even if If it weren't for the [Engine], I wouldn't have been able to hold on until now. If...if you really can't do it, then you have to ask Seiga or Reijido to eliminate this hidden danger. The edge of the universe is still in danger, and there is always the danger of [Essence] invading reality. The universe can't be in trouble again! "


Feeling the power and temperature transmitted by the palm, the King of Ultra opened his mouth, and his mind became complicated for a while. He knew Noah's character. If he could make him say such words, it means that he has really made all the plans and tried his best.

"Noah, do you... feel that you are still in a normal state now?"

Finally, the King of Ultra, who originally intended to settle accounts with Noah, felt the pressure and fatigue of his old friend, softened his tone, and said softly:

"During this long battle, have you really not been affected?"

"Of course!"

Noah was relieved and happy when he heard what the King of Ultra said. Although Pico could not help him much in dealing with [Essence] for the time being, he felt relieved to have this old friend and Reijido guarding the rear together. As for Saga... It's a pity that he never met him. Otherwise, with his joining, it would be more reassuring.

Retracting his thoughts, Noah looked at the King of Ultra and said in a serious tone:

"When dealing with [Essence], I always used [Engine] to purify my thoughts and keep my heart pure. Otherwise, I would not be able to hold on until now. Pik, the reason why you feel that I am a little strange at this moment... If you were in my current position, I believe you would do the same."

"Then let's work hard together! In order to expel [Essence] from the universe as soon as possible!"

The King of Ultra took Noah's hand in turn and said softly:

"Leave the [Essence Energy Incident] in the universe to me, you don't have to be distracted to deal with those."

"Okay, Pik, my good Friends, I will talk to you again when we return victorious one day. Goodbye. "

After finishing this matter, Noah seemed to be full of motivation to control this clone to go to the new battlefield, but before leaving, he still hesitated, looked at the King of Ultra and said:

"You must kill decisively, you must kill decisively, even if you are not understood by outsiders, don't let anyone go. In the face of the safety of the universe, our reputations are not worth mentioning. Pik, don't repeat my initial mistake. "

After speaking, Noah's clone left this space. The King of Ultra looked at the blank space in front of him, and for a moment he felt that his fist began to harden again. 'The initial mistake'... What mistake! It's time now, you are just a riddle man, you really deserve a beating!! ! !

Forget it...

The King of Ultra loosened his fist, supported his forehead, and sighed helplessly. He hasn't had such a drastic change of emotions in many years. For an old man, it is really a bit out of control.

But he had to move around.

The King of Ultra would not, as Noah said, harden his heart and kill directly. He would use his own way to see the truth of the situation. If he was really unfortunate and Noah was right, then he could only do as his old friend said.

In the face of the safety of the universe, the so-called reputation was not worth mentioning.

Thinking of this, the King of Ultra began to shuttle between the cosmic planes. He wanted to continue to look for the whereabouts of the ‘Subaru’. He had a hunch that no matter what the result was, the child could give him a surprise.

But on the way back, the King of Ultra accidentally glanced and saw a horrifying scene. The trillions of Endora in units of billions were gathering and moving, and the green light flashing on them was undoubtedly silently indicating their out-of-control state. Although he didn't know what happened, the King of Ultra vaguely realized that something might have happened to the great prophet of the universe.

Thinking of this, King Ultra stopped and temporarily changed his target. Nothing could happen to Dracion. If he was affected by the [Essence Energy], it would be an unimaginable horror. Therefore, King Ultra had to find a way to determine Dracion's status as soon as possible and provide timely and sufficient assistance when he needed help.

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