Garum was silent for a moment and nodded. Let that little girl handle such messy matters. He, an old man, is better off just fighting. However, Garum suddenly changed the topic and looked at Yuan Subaru. said:

"After your Excellency has finished explaining the matter, you can go to a place with me. Another merciless invitation. I hope you can help me."

"Okay, then I'll go over and get down to business now."

Yuan Subaru nodded, walked towards Yinnan Guangzi, and told her about the alien beast. When he heard that such a dangerous thing existed, Yinnan Guangzi's eyes widened, and he kept saying "It's so scary". Then his eyes fell directly on Garum and Heath.

As soon as the two Gaci Stars saw this, they immediately understood that this was a comeback, and came over holding their own weapons. After hearing this, the two people didn't say much, and just took Yuan Subaru and handed it over. The time and space anchor particles are used to accept tasks. This is what they did in the original parallel world, and now they have returned to their old profession. The days of licking blood from the knife edge have quickly filled up their state.

Moreover, they also wanted to witness with their own eyes which side was stronger in terms of momentum between the alien beasts and the plasma monsters in their world.

"By the way, do you plan to continue staying here, or move to other habitable planets?"

At this time, Yuan Subaru took a look at the living environment of the Gaci planet. It was really too bad. The Gaci planet had not yet invaded the earth, so Yuan Subaru still had some sympathy for them and asked softly.

Regarding this issue, Yinnan Photon said with a headache:

"Currently, it seems that we can only live here temporarily. According to the remaining information, the Gaci people here have two spare planets to migrate to. But before, when I asked others to fly the only remaining aircraft to see, I found that the two immigrant planets were also reduced to scorched earth, and they must have been destroyed by the Gua Legion. "


At this point, I heard Hitz slap his thigh suddenly and say in a somewhat annoyed tone:

"It's broken. You're back here. Garum and I have put the aircraft in the outer defense zone!"

"Oh...I said something is missing..."

Garum reacted belatedly and turned away his head in embarrassment. This was indeed not the right thing to do. After all, the Gaci people lack everything now, let alone being able to move in the universe. machine.

"Well, I brought it back."

However, at this moment, Yuan Subaru thought for a moment, opened the storage space, placed the two small space shuttles in the open space next to him, and said softly:

"When I was leaving, I noticed these two things and pulled them into the space. I was just busy talking about something and didn't think of talking about it."

Looking at the three guys in front of him who were more or less forgetful, Inan Guangzi patted his chest uncontrollably, breathed a sigh of relief, and then said:

"Fortunately, the deep underground buildings are still preserved. They were originally built as shelters, so there are still a lot of supplies left, which is enough for us to persist until we rebuild our homes."

"I can help you improve the environment here, at least it won't make this place look like a scorched earth."

The situation on Star Gaz is different from that on Star Baltan. Since too much time has passed since Star Gaz was hit, it would be too energy-intensive to restore the planet to that point in time. Yuan Subaru will have to go there next. He was busy with business related to the alien beasts, so naturally he couldn't do that.

"Really! That would be great."

"If you can do it, I would really like to thank you very much."

"Oh!!! You are indeed an Ultra Warrior!!!"

Hearing this, Inan Mitsuko, Garum and Shizu all came over excitedly. Yuan Subaru waved his hand, interrupted their next words, and continued:

"Speaking of which, what are your plans next? Should you continue to stay here or return to your hometown?"

Yuan Subaru said this after being separated by a sound barrier. Even lip reading would not work, so Yuan Subaru motioned for them to tell the truth. Inami Mitsuko thought about it and said softly:

"I want to go back. If I disappear so suddenly, everyone at GIRLS will be worried. But now they also need my help here, so... I want to finish my work here before leaving."

"Me too. Although this is also the planet Gaz, it is not the home planet where I grew up."

Hitz also said with emotion that he and Garum stayed here now for the same reason as Inan Photon.

Garum: Nod.gif

"Then I understand. When I need to cross the seal in the future, I will take you with me. There is one more question..."

Yuan Subaru looked at Garum and said softly:

"If you have anything to do with me, please tell me. After I deal with the environmental issues on Gazi Star, I will leave directly and rush to the next anchor point closed loop point. I will not stay here any longer."

236 Subaru: You two are really good at it

After hearing Yuan Subaru's words, Garum immediately rushed underground with Yuan Subaru. In a simple room, a Gaci star lay in the same simple medical cabin, barely clinging to life.

This is Garum's younger brother. In the plasma universe, Garum and his brother failed miserably when they attacked the Golden Ancient Bridge. This is why Garum always pursues excessive rewards when facing plasma monsters. , after all, my brother’s treatment costs a lot of money.

Before encountering the time and space storm, Garum was sending his younger brother to a new medical center with the help of friends and teammates. However, due to a coincidence, the space-time inconsistency generated by Gen Subaru when he faced the Gua Legion... The stable phenomenon brought Garum and his brother here. If the medical cabin was not enough, Garum's brother would have died on the spot.

Now Garum also hopes that this Ultra warrior can take action to save his younger brother.

"It's not a big problem. When the planet is repaired later, we can just bring it back to normal."

Yuan Subaru took a look at the condition of Garum's brother. He was indeed seriously injured, but the power of fantasy doesn't care how injured you are.

When Garum heard this, he was so excited that he didn't know what to say. His beak was trembling and he didn't know what to say. Just when he was thinking about whether he should learn the etiquette of other races and kowtow to Yuan Subaru, he looked up and saw Yuan Subaru. He has already dragged Hiz to discuss how to restore the Kaci star.

After all, Yinnan Photon also grew up on the earth. Even if she inherited the monster soul of the Gaci planet, she must not be as familiar with the environment of the corresponding home planet as Xiz, the old Gaci planet.

After completing the communication with Hitz, Yuan Subaru flew directly into the sky without delay. The dark golden dream power suddenly fell from the sky like a torrential rain. Moistened by the energy raindrops, the area that had been destroyed by the Star Destroyer weapon was turned into The scorched earth began to awaken to life, recovering bit by bit.

On the other side, next to the medical cabin in the basement, Garum watched as a fresh plant grew from his brother's head. The flowers slowly grew on their own, and finally bloomed into beautiful flowers, full of... The dew drops of vitality pour on the patient's body, glowing with the miracle of life.

Looking at his waking brother, Garum was excited and wanted to hug him tightly, but he was afraid that his strength would hurt the patient who had just woken up. He could only rub his hands impatiently and wait for his brother to wake up completely.

At the same time, on the ground, looking at the dark gold figure that had left, Hitz clicked his lips, looked at Inan Photon next to him, and said softly:

"Let's talk about it. I feel like there should be a lot of common topics between you and that guy. He also seems to be an overtime maniac."

"Don't make trouble. Where do people work overtime? There is no common topic. The work is still too busy. Come on, Senior Hitz. Seeing that you seem to be very free now, come and help me deal with some things."

"No, no, no, little guy, I have severe back pain now, so... Hey, hey, hey, don't scratch my mouth, don't scratch my mouth, I'll just help you."

When Gaci Star was busy, Yuan Subaru began to fly towards the dangerous fall zone. In the process, he saw more weird scenes——

On the planet that had been devoured by the flesh and blood of the alien beasts, human-like things grew out one after another. Those things looked like they were living in normal life. There were workers, businessmen, teachers, men, women, old people, etc. Children, if the planet wasn't full of sallow flesh, if it weren't for the so-called life forms being composed of the flesh and blood of alien beasts, it would look like a normally developing planetary civilization.

There is also a more permeable meat grinder, which means in a literal sense, the vortex composed of waxy flesh and blood is spinning crazily there at a dizzying speed, and each polluted planet grows two A pair of legs, like a child, jumped on the sticky vortex arm, and then jumped into the center of the vortex.

At that moment, even though there was no medium for transmitting sound in the universe, Yuan Subaru seemed to hear the high-pitched scream of a child when his voice had not changed. It kept echoing in his mind, which made you almost crazy with excitement, and then underneath the center of the vortex , as if it was thinning, a long string of disgusting liquid fell down, and then was eaten by a planet with its big mouth open. Then, the planet grew legs again and ran towards the center of the vortex.

To be honest, Yuan Subaru can feel that this is a close method of cultivating gu. The strength of the flesh and blood falling from the center of the vortex is constantly increasing. If this cycle continues, an unimaginable abnormality will inevitably appear. The beast is separated.

But now is not the time to start the war. After coming into contact with the [Original Crystal], Yuan Subaru realized one thing very clearly, that is, he must find where the [Original Crystal] is on the enemy, otherwise, this thing will kill It's too troublesome to get up, just like the previous Noah clone, its vitality can be said to be tenacious.

This truth was what Yuan Subaru only realized after hacking Noah Grizza to death.

And if Yuan Subaru drives [Eternal·Original] and fights hard in the past, it is not impossible, but when dealing with more alien beasts, Yuan Subaru is also worried. After all, the evolution of alien beasts is unreasonable. If this This guy has the ability to transfer vital parts, and with the size of this alien beast, Yuan Subaru is probably going to beat him to death from exhaustion.

So, let’s seal this guy up first!

While Yuan Subaru was thinking about the next countermeasures, he quickly shuttled between the infected planets. In terms of his ability, he quickly reached the other side of the star map where no one responded.

After arriving there, Yuan Subaru also realized why no planetary civilization could contact this place, because this was the place where the three commanders of the Gu'a Legion gathered before, and it was also one of the places most affected by the battle between Yuan Subaru and them, as well as the subsequent space-time fault. Here, even if there was a planetary civilization, it was almost extinct after that battle.

But this is just right, it is convenient to start deploying.

Yuan Subaru nodded, quickly separated many clones, holding space-time energy particles, and began to move along the corresponding locations. After it was expected that the encirclement could be completed and the new sealing technique could be realized, Yuan Subaru took a deep breath and entered the [Eternal·Original] state. With the help of [Amplification], he pushed his state to the peak state.

Then Yuan Subaru raised his right hand, drew a simple circle in the air, clenched his right hand into a fist, hit it upwards, and then extended his index finger and poked it upwards again.

Then, extremely bright light burst out from [Eternal Original], and all the space-time anchor particles emitted bright light. At that moment, all the cosmic people carrying the space-time anchor particles immediately remembered Yuan Subaru's instructions and threw them in the direction of the alien alien beast.

At the moment when all the space-time anchor particles were released, these particles began to move on their own according to Yuan Subaru's wishes, and arranged according to a certain predetermined orbit and space-time coordinates.

After sensing that all the space-time anchor particles had returned to their positions, Yuan Subaru retracted his right hand, raised both hands in front of him, palms facing each other, and made a squeeze, and the dark golden light was also flashing wildly in the energy core.

With Yuan Subaru's actions, all the space-time anchor particles sent rays to the left and right, connecting each other together, and a huge dark golden energy blockade appeared in the universe.

At this time, Subaru already felt his energy begin to pour out crazily. It is no exaggeration to say that the current output alone is enough to drain Ultraman Orb, X, and Ginga.

Subaru continued to use the skill of [Amplification] to maintain his state. In this process, the dark gold energy line used for blocking also began to extend upward and downward to form a barrier that seemed to exist and not exist. It was not the entity of the seal, but was only used to assist Subaru in the next space-time seal to better sense the fluctuations of space-time.

Okay, now... it's the end!

Subaru roared and closed his hands with a "touch". At that moment, the space-time around [Eternal Original] made a twisted and sharp cry, like the groan of a steel wire being pulled to the limit.

As the seal was officially activated, extremely terrifying fluctuations were generated around the space-time anchor particles. All concepts of time and space disappeared. Baltan looked at his pliers. It was just a short distance, but he felt as if he was a million miles away. Trum looked at the cross gun in his hand. The gun had become as thick as noodles, but in terms of the feel, it was still the same.

This... is really scary.

Trum couldn't help but mutter in his heart. Although the Ultraman had reminded him that as long as he didn't touch the activated space-time anchor particles and didn't take the initiative to walk into the range of the seal, there would basically be no danger, but this thing was also scary just looking at it! ! !

At this time, Trum noticed that the look in Hitz's eyes next to him was not right, and he slapped him without hesitation. He knew his friend's character too well. He was probably thinking about whether to throw a weapon over to see what the reaction would be.

This slap also had a different effect. Just as Trum raised his hand, Shiz was hit. This chaotic "time" was also confused between the future and reality.

Wow... No wonder there is only one Ultraman in this universe. If there are more like him, what monster can withstand it?

Shiz touched his head. He also realized why he was hit in advance, and he couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart.

However, Shiz should be glad that he didn't throw weapons at the time and space anchor particles, because other cosmic people have tried the results for him-

Steel Starman, one of the cosmic races connected by the allies of the allies of the allies of the Chebul Starman, is also known as [Ultraman of the Universe]. It is a cosmic person named after his superb stealing skills. The abnormally developed index finger is its main feature.

When Ultraman Ace guarded the Earth in the parallel world, Steel Starman transformed into a weird black cloaked man and moved around the Earth.

After discovering that people have a fanatical love for the ferrocarids, this alien decided to steal all the ferrocarids and bring them back to his home planet.

After he stole a real ferrocarid from Yan Country and came to the island country, this guy set his sights on all the ferrocarid-related toys being sold in all the shops on the street. So, relying on the special ability of his race, he took away all the ferrocarid toys in an instant and moved them to his base, the warehouse area.

As a result, when Steele was escaping after a theft, he encountered a member of the Ultra Beast Attack Team TAC, who was also the human form of Ultraman Ace, Hokuto Seiji. Hokuto Seiji drove a patrol car to track the man in black cloak to the warehouse area. Under desperation, Steele could only disguise himself as a warehouse cleaner to deceive Hokuto Seiji.

Although Beidou Xingsi felt that the warehouse cleaner was very suspicious, he could not find any evidence, so the Steele star escaped by chance. After that, he continued to steal the iron-eating beast products without knowing whether to live or die.

But soon, he encountered Beidou Xingsi again. Steele used the same trick again, but Beidou Xingsi would not fall into the same puddle twice. Steele, whose lie was exposed, could only show his true form and destroy the city.

Then he was severely injured by Ace's throwing skills and ray skills [Palm Shooting] and lost his combat effectiveness. Finally, he was killed by [Metalim Ray] and died in the explosion.

From the virtue of Steele in the parallel world, it can be seen that this is a customer who will never be honest.

To be honest, if there is one more race in that star field, the allies of the allies of the Chebul star people will not find this matter on their heads. Fortunately, Steele still has some knowledge in his heart and did not run away directly with the space-time anchor particles, but he still has the intention of stealing.

Even if I can't steal this key energy particle, I can take some experimental data and some of your special energy back.

Thinking of this, the Steele people happily found the relevant experimental equipment and threw it to the space-time anchor particle, and then...

Nothing happened. At that moment, the rioting space-time energy directly evaporated the Steele people, leaving no ashes, and no one even remembered their existence. Their "past" disappeared directly in everyone's mind and disappeared in the long river of time.

The abnormal movement of the Steele people was naturally noticed by Yuan Subaru. He frowned and extended his attention to that side. After noticing that there were no other problems, he retracted his "sight" with peace of mind and continued the next seal.

At this time, after Yuan Subaru felt the inexplicable attraction of his closed palms, he realized that he could enter the next stage of the seal. The entire sealing process was developing normally as he had rehearsed before.

So, Yuan Subaru opened his hands, and his body seemed to have lost control, and his limbs fell weakly, but the energy lamp of [Eternal·Original] seemed to have some kind of vitality, carrying the weight of the whole body, and the body of the giant of light rose up, and it was constantly flashing.

At the same time, all the time and space anchor particles were also flashing rapidly, but the flashing frequency could not reach a consensus with the energy lamp, but at the moment of coordination and agreement, the body of [Eternal·Original] suddenly disappeared, and then all the star fields connected to the sealed land saw the brilliant dark gold light, even in the room or underground It can be clearly seen. This rather strange scene made them close their eyes.

But the light did not last long, and soon dimmed. When Trum and Hitz opened their eyes again, they saw that the alien creatures that were supposed to appear in their vision had disappeared, and the corresponding space had also lost all its colors, leaving only black and white, which looked so weird.

At the same time, there was a dark golden long line in front of them, which was just extended by the space-time anchor particles.

There is no doubt that the seal mentioned by the Ultra Warrior has been completed, and the disappearance of the alien creatures is the best answer. As for this mysterious long line, Trum and Hitz turned around and left without any curiosity, because the Ultra Warrior had warned every cosmic person who held the space-time anchor particles not to touch the seal, otherwise it might bring disaster to their race.

It was because of this warning that all cosmic people made the same choice and left the place where the seal was without hesitation.

On the other side of Subaru, as the seal was completed, the body of [Eternal·Original] also re-condensed, but immediately degenerated to the state of [Young·Nexus]——

The consumption of the previous seal was too great. This seal was inspired by Subaru's battles against Noah Triga and Noah Gliza.

Its essence is very simple. It is to first draw a boundary with the space-time anchor point, and then expel all the "time" and "space" within the boundary. Then, after compressing the space-time around the boundary to the extreme, using the intact space-time outside, the existence within the boundary is sealed in the interlayer, which is the dark gold line seen by all the cosmic people.

The dark gold line itself is still a three-dimensional space, but there is no time or space inside it. Everything is dead, all particles have lost vibration, and the speed of all objects is zero, and the possibility of escape is zero.

However, precisely because of the lack of "time" and "space", this dark gold line is quite unstable. As long as it is stimulated by the outside world, it will spread into a "domain", which is close to a black hole, sealing everything around it.

Of course, this "swallowing seal" behavior will not cause the seal to collapse by itself. The power of [Eternal·Original] is still quite trustworthy. After all, in the last link of the seal just now, all of [Eternal·Original] was integrated into the dark gold line.

As for the problem of the alien alien beast's resistance during the sealing process, this problem is actually the easiest to solve, because Yuan Subaru directly cuts the periphery of its activities like surgery, and the space where it is located will not have any reaction in advance. When there is a reaction, it will be too late for it to resist.

However, in Yuan Subaru's perception, this alien beast showed no signs of resistance. It was like a triggered NPC. As long as you don't go over and provoke it, it won't make any extra moves.

But this also means that once it reacts, the energy brought by the large-scale alien beast action will be beyond imagination.

But at least for now, there is no need to worry about the problem of this alien beast. This sealing technique is still very strong. I believe that no bad things will come out before I am ready to fight again.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru breathed a sigh of relief. He found a planet at random and lay there directly, and began to recover his state. From Noah's clone to now, his energy has almost never been full. This is really too annoying. You know, he won't be so tired even if he goes to fight the Kingdom of Light now.


Am I a little too underestimated by the Kingdom of Light? It's really rude to treat them as a combat unit.

Subaru pondered in his heart, but this was just a child's random thoughts. He was just thinking about something interesting during the boring recovery time.

At this time, the light of Noah inherited by Subaru spread the call. People from other universes sent him a call for help. This voice had actually been heard for a while, but because of the outbreak of [Eternal Original] just now, Subaru had no time to care about it.

Now that he had freed his hands and Subaru heard it, it was time to set off.

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