This time, the Sharp Ray Star was not very peaceful. Yuan Subaru had just flown to the nearby galaxy when he saw a large number of spores and flesh similar to aircraft carriers floating in the universe, and constantly spraying waxy yellow mist around. The more bizarre mist, after being contaminated by something, Yuan Subaru saw that thing instantly melted and turned into turbid liquid, flowing back into the flesh aircraft carrier.

There is no doubt that this is the new attack method of the alien beast. It seems that this guy will evolve different ways of swallowing according to different situations. I just don’t know what it is this time that makes the alien beast use this method.

A layer of light and shadow covered Nexus’s body, and he entered the invisible state, moving forward quietly. He did not intend to fight with the alien beast here, and judging from the current situation, the Sharp Ray Star is probably gone. If it weren’t for curiosity, Yuan Subaru would have planned to ban this galaxy.

As Yuan Subaru went deeper, he gradually saw the "truth". The planet Shapley had not been destroyed, but it was now besieged by the "tentacles" of the alien beasts. The planet was completely modified into a battle fortress, pouring out firepower continuously.

And there is another point worth paying attention to, because there are other cosmic people on this planet:

The Noval people, known as monster hunters, are cosmic people living on the Noval planet in the J34 galaxy, with highly developed science and technology and high wisdom.

But the thinking of this cosmic race is rational and greedy. They use monsters as biological resources, capture monsters on their home planet on a large scale, transform and drive them, and build various civilizations.

But due to high-intensity capture, cruel transformation and driving, the monsters on the Noval planet finally became extinct. The Noval people look for planets inhabited by monsters to replenish the monster resources needed by the home planet. In the past, Baltan and Godra have been harassed by the Noval people.

The elder of Baltan even said in the star map notes that if they encounter the Noval people, they should try not to let them participate in this operation. It is not because of the previous grudges, but the guys of this race may not be good... No, they will definitely find a way to deduct some of the flesh and blood of this alien beast to develop and supplement the monster resources of its mother planet. Who knows what troubles will be caused by that time.

After all, the urine of the Noval people is too famous.

In addition to the Noval people, there is another kind of cosmic people on the Shapley star, the butt brain star... No, the Bad star, a cosmic person with a red heart-shaped head and spikes all over his body, and a cosmic person who calls himself the "Emperor of the Universe".

This race once visited the earth when it was still a primitive fireball. After discovering the rise of modern earthlings' technology billions of years later, they planned to exterminate all earthlings.

When Seven was guarding the Earth, the Bad Star invaded the Earth and a spaceship was destroyed by the Earth Defense Force's experimental space defense network "Blue Plan".

In order to prevent the completion of the "Blue Plan", the Bad Star sneaked into the moon base to destroy the construction materials, but was stopped by the Ultra Guard, so they began to seize the relevant information of the "Blue Plan".

The Bad Star targeted Dr. Miyabe, the developer of the plan, and connected the spaceship to the doctor's mansion through hyperspace, kidnapped Dr. Miyabe, and even threatened the doctor to hand over the information of the "Blue Plan" by hurting the doctor's wife.

Then he was killed by Seven's human body and his teammates with guns. The only remaining Bad Star planned to take Dr. Miyabe away, and buried a bomb that was enough to blow up the center of the earth underground, and then started the spaceship to leave.

Then Zhu Xingtuan transformed into Ultraman Seven and appeared on the scene, preventing the escape of the spaceship. Seeing that he couldn't get away, the Bard man became huge to fight Seven. During the period, the Bard man used a series of tricks such as throwing stones, pretending to surrender, and sneak attack with brass knuckles, which troubled Seven for a while, but in the end he was still defeated and was thrown to death by Seven using a throwing technique. Dr. Miyabe was also rescued, and the bomb left by the Bard man was thrown into the universe by Seven, and the invasion plan failed.

In the universe on the side of Gen Subaru, this alien often appears as a mercenary. Assassination, kidnapping, attack... These techniques can be said to be proficient in everything. Therefore, Gen Subaru has sufficient reason to suspect that this Bard man was pulled by the Noval people to help and attack the Shapley people.

It was only when the three parties were fighting wits and courage that the attack of the alien beast came, so the attacking and defending parties united.

After thinking for a while, Yuan Subaru pulled out all the survivors of the Sharp Ray Planet. Obviously, the cosmic people of these three races were in a daze. After all, they were fighting hard to save their lives the previous second, and the next second they fell into the hands of a giant emitting sacred light. This contrast made them suddenly not know what to do next.

However, as the elder of the Battan star said, Yuan Subaru is now very famous in the TLT Earth Universe. Even if you have not seen the relevant images, when a giant of light stands in front of you, you should realize who he is.

So, almost at the same time, the cosmic people of these three races immediately began to put away their weapons. Some of them who were slow to react and still held their guns were directly beaten up by the people next to them. Then they began to look at each other, as if they were communicating with their eyes, and pushed out a person to talk to Yuan Subaru.

But Yuan Subaru obviously had no intention of discussing anything with them. After rescuing the Shapley, Bad, and Noval people, he turned around and left the galaxy, leaving behind the corresponding clones and space-time anchor particles, listening to people's advice and eating a full meal. Since the elders of Baltan said so, his clones will handle it here.

As for these cosmic people, Yuan Subaru casually dropped them on a nearby planet where life forms can survive, allowing them to survive there for the time being. After dealing with this alien beast incident, he will talk about the situation of these cosmic people.


It's the last point.

Yuan Subaru looked at the northwest corner of the star map. After establishing contact with the civilization of this planet, he had to rush to those areas that had completely lost contact and use his clones to complete the marking of the encirclement.

This last one is also an acquaintance -

the planet of the Gats.

And if we talk about the Gats, it is difficult to avoid another acquaintance of Yuan Subaru, Ultraman Seven.

This Gat, who claims to be "invincible and can easily win in any battle", attempts to defeat the shield of the earthlings and the obstacle to invading the earth - Ultraman Seven, and then seize the earth in one go when the earthlings lose their will to fight.

So, the Gats from another parallel universe first sent the powerful monster Aaron to fight with Seven, in order to analyze Seven's combat data, and then personally dealt with Seven, using clones and teleportation to consume Seven's energy, and when Seven's energy was insufficient, he trapped Seven in the cross and announced to all mankind that he would execute Seven at dawn.

But although Seven was unable to move due to energy depletion, he still sent a signal to the Earth Defense Force and Ultra Guard through brain waves, informing them that he needed to be resurrected with Magnerium energy.

Although the Gats continued to obstruct the Ultra Guard in order to prevent Seven from being resurrected, after the Magnerium energy was created, Seven was resurrected under the active performance of the Ultra Guard. The Gats were eventually destroyed by Seven, who had replenished his energy, using the Ultra Collision Method, along with the spaceship.

This was the first confrontation between the Gats and Ultraman Seven on Earth, and then... Really, how should I put it? I didn't mean to tease the old senior from the Kingdom of Light. This Gats seemed to be in conflict with Ultraman Seven, and the two could always face off.

Gen Subaru had also seen such a record in the Kingdom of Light, as if the blood he entrusted to Senior Seven was contaminated by the Gats' attack, resulting in the first test failing to find the Belia gene he carried on the side of the Kingdom of Light.

As a result, the topic has changed unexpectedly. His generation has changed from being chaotic and vague to being a grandson. Although Yuan Subaru did not have the opportunity to witness it with his own eyes, it is conceivable that when the specific composition of his experimental body was discovered, the predecessors of the Kingdom of Light had a mental journey.

What a pity, it's a pity that we are not on the same path, otherwise, there would be more fun in this regard.

Yuan Subaru was thinking while moving at high speed in the direction of the Gatsian planet. After arriving at the location of the Gatsian planet, Yuan Subaru found a lot of warship wreckage. The Gu'a Legion logo on the wreckage has explained their origins. Seeing this number, Yuan Subaru was a little surprised. To be honest, he began to doubt the statement in the star map notes that "the Gatsian people have lost a lot of personnel due to the attack of the Gu'a Legion, and their strength has been greatly weakened."

Hmm? ! Someone is eyeing me.

At this moment, Yuan Subaru noticed something strange. Two very sharp but extremely weak sights fell on him. If his telekinesis level was not outstanding enough, he would not have been able to find this abnormality.

"I am not an enemy. I am here to seek help. There is no need to be so hostile to me."

Yuan Subaru stopped flying, pushed his hands outward, and his telekinesis spread out with his "voice", sending his will accurately into the minds of the two lurkers.

"After all, it is an Ultraman. It is really powerful."

After a short silence, a Gatsian who was much more burly than the ordinary Gatsian cancelled the stealth camouflage. There were three feathers on his head that stood up and slightly spread upwards. He was wearing simple armor, and the most conspicuous thing was the huge cross-like gun in his hand. If Yuan Subaru guessed correctly, the warships of the remnants of the Gu'a Legion were destroyed, and this cross gun played a big role.

"If you ask me, it's unlikely that ordinary Ultra Warriors will be able to find us."

On the other side, a Gatsi alien wearing high-tech armor and special goggles also came out of his hiding place. He also carried guns, and the power of those guns should not be low...

Wait, that is...

Yuan Subaru looked at the device that flashed past in the hiding place of the Gazi star. Although he couldn't see it clearly, it should be the activation device of the phase mine. Yuan Subaru also saw it with the Chebul star. This phase mine is a high-end weapon system commonly used by cosmonauts in space naval battles. Although it does not really affect the phase, it is highly concealable and can be used as a trap.

Technology is the primary productive force.

"Introduce yourself, old man Garum, over there is my friend Hitz."

The Gaci man holding the cross gun said through Yuan Subaru's mind channel:

"We are only defending ourselves and have no other invasion actions, so Ultra Warriors, don't regard us as enemies, but if you come to eliminate the remnants of the Gua Legion, there are no more here now. You can go to other places to see ”

"I'm not here for the Gua Army, but for a more serious disaster."

Yuan Subaru shared the information about the alien beasts with the two Gaci aliens, and after seeing the horrifying scene, both Garum and Hitz subconsciously opened their mouths slightly, and Hiz couldn't help but subconsciously said :

"This universe is too dangerous. First there is the Gua Legion, and then there are the alien beasts. Are you really afraid that there are still people alive in this universe?"

"This universe?"

Yuan Subaru keenly captured the key words, looked at Hitz and said:

"Are you from other parallel worlds?"

"Oh? Judging from your tone, you seem to understand this concept."

Hitz pushed up his special goggles and said in a relaxed tone:

"Yes, you are an Ultra Warrior after all. This aspect should not be a problem for you. By the way, you see, neither Garum nor I are hostile, and we are even helping you deal with the remnants of the Gua Legion. Can you help shout to the Kingdom of Light behind you and bring some useful props to support us? The Gaci people in this universe are innocent people who have been invaded and are about to be exterminated."

"Unfortunately, it seems that there is only one Ultra Warrior like me in this universe."

Yuan Subaru was now more interested in the origins of Garum and Hitz, so he said a few more words:

"But if you need any help, I can see if I can help. Come on, take it into my hands, and I will take you back to Gazi Star."

"That would be troublesome."

Garum and Hiz were naturally taken into Yuan Subaru's hands, and as they were on their way, they talked about their past——

The plane of the universe where Garum and Heath are located should be called the 'Plasma Galaxy'.

In that universe, there is a special crystalline ore in the plasma galaxy - plasma soul, from which a super energy substance called plasma energy can be extracted.

It is scattered in the rock formations of various planets and often becomes food for monsters. When the monsters swallow it, the body will mutate, the character will become violent, and the body will become super giant. The monster at this time is also called a plasma monster.

In order to mine plasma souls, an organization called the Galactic Guild hired a group of extraordinary spacemen to collect them in exchange for the virtual currency Kanai. Garum and Heath were the hired members. Although they The two don't belong to the same team, but they are also old friends.

Then, while returning from a mission to rest, their two teams suddenly encountered a time and space storm of unknown origin, and all their members were involved. At that time, both Garum and Hitz thought they were dead, but they didn't. I thought that when I opened my eyes, hey, don't say I'm dead, I'll go home directly.

However, after getting up and moving around for a while, Garum and Hitz realized that this Gaz star seemed to be different from their home star.

"You and I, Ultra Warrior, the Kaci people in this universe are really miserable."

Hiz couldn't help complaining to Yuan Subaru and said:

"The earth has been completely destroyed. I don't know why the damn Gu'a Legion is so crazy. Even a small place like Gaz Star actually uses star-destroying weapons. If the Gaz Star people in this universe are good enough, do The interstellar defense screen that came out still needs to be dealt with, because I’m afraid the entire planet will be burned clean.”

"...Then they should have encountered the battleship of Captain Gu'a. If I remember correctly, only those huge monster battleships can launch a Star Destroyer level attack."

Listening to Hitz's description, Yuan Subaru immediately reacted. Isn't this the danger that the earth encountered at the beginning? Unexpectedly, the Gaci people also encountered it.

"have you seen?"

Hitz didn't know what Yuan Subaru was thinking. He was just curious about the Star Destroyer weapons. As for the person who asked out loud, he said that if possible, he also hoped to have the opportunity to personally hold down the Star Destroyer level weapons. The start button is so exciting!

"Ah, I've seen it before. That weapon wanted to destroy the planet I was on, but I blocked it."

Gen Subaru's understatement made Garum and Heath look at Gen Subaru at the same time. Although there were no Ultra Warriors on the Plasma Galaxy side,... the Star Destroyer weapons probably weren't that easy to block.

Wait, no, wait! !

At this time, Hitz suddenly realized something. There seemed to be only one Ultra Warrior in this universe, and the Gua Legion was wiped out by the rumored Giant of Light. If this is true...

Fuck, did this guy fight the entire Gua army alone? Isn't this guy's fighting power a bit too strong!

Shiz glanced at Garum, who was also looking at him at this time. From the shocked expressions of the two of them, there is no doubt that they were thinking the same thing.

While the two Gaci people were surprised, Yuan Subaru also saw the current appearance of Gaci Star. It can only be said that it is indeed the appearance that should be after being beaten by the star destroyer weapon. It is not easy for this planet to survive.

"To be honest, now that I think about it, it's a good thing that Garum and I were teleported here."

At this time, Shiz couldn't help but speak again:

"After suffering from the attack of the star-destroying weapon, the technological level of Gats has regressed to nearly a hundred years. Although some equipment has been fortunately preserved, it is in a state where it cannot be repaired if it is broken. Moreover, the Gats people here are obviously not very good at fighting. When Garum and I teleported here, the surviving Gats people were still ruled by the remnants of the Gu'a Legion. Although they are not dead, they might as well die directly."

"This is the universe. The conflict and invasion of civilizations in the universe are so cruel."

Yuan Subaru responded calmly. Anyway, it was not humans who died.

But at this time, Garum and Shiz looked at each other and felt something was wrong, because they could clearly feel that just now, the Ultra Warrior who was talking to them all the way seemed to have suddenly changed into a different person, and his tone became quite cold. At that moment, Garum and Shiz felt like they were sitting in the hands of an ice cube.

"Ah, sorry, what I just said was not very appropriate."

At this time, Yuan Subaru realized that what he said just now was too rude, and quickly changed his words and said:

"I've been a little too busy during this period, and I always say something that is not right."

Listening to Yuan Subaru's words that he himself didn't know how to round up, Garum and Shiz shook their heads, saying that it was nothing. Although what he said just now was a bit harsh, it was the truth in the universe.

At the same time, they also felt that this Ultra Warrior had returned to his original appearance, which made Garum and Shiz a little worried. It was not easy to get an Ultra Warrior, but don't let him be mentally unstable. How can we, with our old arms and legs, withstand this?

In their own minds, Yuan Subaru brought Garum and Shiz to the Gats star. Due to Garum's guidance, they landed next to the survivors of the Gats star.

At first, when they saw Yuan Subaru landing, the survivors split and fled for their lives, and the scene was messy. After seeing Garum and Shiz appear, they came out again. Obviously, these two foreign Gats stars were very popular.

But at this time, Yuan Subaru saw a person with a very wrong style. The person had beautiful long blue hair and charming body curves. He was wearing a tights with the same pattern as the Gats star, and his hair was also yellow and blue....

Wait, is this a Gats star? !

Yuan Subaru looked at the girl in front of him who looked very similar to humans, and fell into a messy state for a while. He had never heard that the Gats star had such a face.

"She is Inami Photon."

Garum noticed the surprised reaction of Yuan Subaru and explained softly:

"She... can be considered a Gatsi star, but... forget it, I'll tell you the whole story and you can feel it yourself."

It can be seen that Garum also has a complicated feeling about the existence of that girl.

This Inami Photon, like Garum and Shiz, is from another parallel world. She is also a girl with a monster soul in her body. She is biologically human, but she can also transform after feeling the monster soul in her body.

After the transformation, the power will increase dramatically, and the superpowers of the monster in the body can be used. Under the different influences of the monster soul, the abilities are also different, just like this Inami Photon, clone, teleportation, binding rays... these abilities of the Gatsi star family, she uses them better than some Gatsi stars.

However, the fighting spirit of monster girls like Inami Photon is stronger than that of ordinary people. Once negative emotions appear, it is easy to stimulate the ferocity of the monster soul in the body and cause a runaway.

After the rampage, the monster girl will have symptoms such as bloodshot eyes and changed voices, unable to communicate with people, and indiscriminate destruction. Therefore, many people in society are prejudiced against monster girls, and some organizations attempt to take advantage of the monster girl's rampage.

In order to deal with this situation, the International Monster Rescue Guidance Organization (GIRLS), as a protection and research facility for monster girls, conducts research, protection, and psychological counseling on monster girls, and plays a role as a defense organization to protect citizens.

Then this Inami Mitsuko is a member of GIRLS. She has strong work ability. Whether it is destroying the enemy, finding monster girls, or serving as a bodyguard, etc., she can handle it well.


Garum is not very comfortable with working with her, and so is Shiz.

Because this seemingly young girl is a workaholic, Garum and Shiz, who consider themselves old bones, do not want to involve themselves in such a tight work schedule.

Looking at the girl standing on the stone and arranging the next action for the survivors of the Gaci star, Yuan Subaru tapped his head lightly with his fingers, looked at Garum and said:

"So now she has the final say here?"

"...I guess so."

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