Looking at Nexus bathed in golden light, Dark Lucifer also let himself enter the state of mind of the Dark Zagi remnant soul, hoping to further increase the possibility of eliminating the fear after defeating Minamoto Subaru. However, just after entering the state, Dark Lucifer felt the bitterness and grievance from the bottom of his heart, which made him a little stunned for a while. This was an emotion he had never experienced before. It should be a stress reaction when he saw Minamoto Subaru again.

Is it that serious?

In this regard, Dark Lucifer could only complain to his dead self, although looking back at your memory, you, the behind-the-scenes BOSS, lived like a behind-the-scenes troublemaker, but you shouldn’t become like this.

Complaints aside, since it was Subaru who came to fight, Dark Lucifer naturally raised his spirits. He immediately shot a turbid dark energy beam from his eyes towards Nexus. There seemed to be countless human faces wailing, twisting, and struggling in the beam. Just a glance at it made Subaru feel physically uncomfortable with an indescribable feeling of nausea and dizziness.

But for Subaru, such an attack was not a move. He just lit up the energy core on his chest and melted the terrible eye beam. Seeing this scene, Dark Lucifer was shocked. Nexus in this form was stronger than he imagined. Therefore, he shook his hands, and countless Lethe crystals lit up, and the power of fear became stronger in this plane!

"Destroy those crystals!"

This scene was naturally seen by Tartarus. He immediately realized the role of these Lethe crystals and ordered the kingdom soldiers to play their role.

But just as Tartarus' voice fell, countless Dark Lucifer clones appeared in the darkness of the plane. These clones were different from those released into the real world before. These were Dark Zagi in the parallel world devoured by Dark Lucifer. Their strength should not be underestimated.

Although the Kingdom soldiers relied on the formation to join forces and share energy to resist the attacks of those clones, they also knew how long this persistence would last, so the soldiers began to go crazy and poured out their attacks more vigorously.

Because the more fierce their attack, the more Dark Lucifer's clones will be restrained, and the two adults can destroy those crystals more easily!

That's right, on the Kingdom soldiers' side, only Titan stayed in place to help them share the pressure from Dark Lucifer's clones, while Tartarus and Diablo were covered in gold, borrowing the state caused by Cascade's energy that had not yet subsided, and began to attack the Lethe Crystal.

But just as they were about to take action, an extremely terrifying battle aftermath spread out, abruptly interrupting the two men's surprise attack. Tartarus looked up, and even in his current state, he could not fully see the battle between Yuan Subaru and Dark Lucifer.

However, it is certain that the two parties in the battle are raging their skills, and the terrible energy reaction has caused the universe rules on the battlefield to distort and mutate. Tartarus has no doubt that once the two men change the battle location, the original battlefield will become a "dead zone" in the universe, and everything in that "dead zone" will become "meaningless" and "conceptless".

To be honest, this level of battle is no longer something they can intervene in. Tartarus never thought that the upper limit of Yuan Subaru's explosion could reach this level. Just the battle aftermath that spread out unintentionally is enough to easily destroy the galaxy.

Then how can I... help this child? Can't I fight side by side with him now!

Tartarus rarely felt powerless, but he knew the importance of it. Now was not the time for him to doubt his life. He had to destroy the crystals and indirectly help the child!

However, under the interference of the astonishing number of Dark Lucifer clones and the aftermath of the battle, Tartarus and Diablo were always unable to succeed. On the side of Gen Subaru, after another fistfight, Gen Subaru's face changed.

This change was not because of the pain caused by the backlash of power, nor was it because the explosive state was about to subside, but he realized that even if the original energy was added with demon fragments by himself as a reconciliation, its distorted nature was still playing a role.

At this moment, Gen Subaru felt that some changes were happening inside his body that he could not understand at present, as if the boundary between his virtual reality and life and death was distorted, and it seemed that he was transforming himself into an unknown creation.

But no matter what, Yuan Subaru has sufficient reason to believe that if he does not call upon the pure white light in time to suppress and offset it, he will inevitably face unimaginable consequences.


Now is not the time to stop!

The power of Dark Lucifer is really amazing. He seems to be not only powerful because of the dark energy and the power of fear, but also has other strange powers in his existence. That power makes him suppress himself in the blind spot of knowledge when fighting, making him naturally lower his head in front of him.

This also led to the fact that in this battle, Yuan Subaru could only try his best to stop the attack of Dark Lucifer with difficulty. Moreover, he could feel that Dark Lucifer was still strengthening little by little. If he could only maintain this strength, he would be defeated within a hundred moves!

Therefore, Yuan Subaru did not hesitate. As the biggest advantage of the photoion polymer, as long as you can control it, the upper limit of the body's carrying capacity is extremely impressive.

So, at that moment, whether it was Dark Lucifer or Tartarus, everyone noticed something strange. They all looked at Yuan Subaru, and then...

Flowers, trees, sky, breeze, clouds, sun, rainbow, ocean, beach, forest, stones, gravel, earth...

These images existing on the universe and planets suddenly appeared in their field of vision together, and when they received such a large amount of information, they did not feel any discomfort or congestion. It was quite natural, just like the feeling of looking far away from a high place.

And all these planetary images and creations came to an end in the next second. They were like a canvas, ignited by a raging fire, and shattered into countless fragments by invisible forces, bursting in the flames, with ashes everywhere, and only indescribable [destruction] surging out in this ruin!

Dark Lucifer looked at his opponent. Although he still maintained the image of Nexus, he looked more like a stone statue. The gilded brilliance condensed into a dry, plaster-like entity, and the body underneath it cracked into countless gullies.

And in the cracks of all sizes all over the body, there seemed to be surging "magma", like a volcano, spewing out energy that shocked Dark Lucifer. Even Dark Lucifer felt that if he was not prepared and touched the gushing energy torrent, he might be burned!

But seeing this scene, Dark Lucifer became excited. There is no doubt that this is the final form of Subaru and the last trump card. If he defeats him, he will definitely be able to overcome the fear in his heart and become the king of all parallel universes!

Thinking of this, Dark Lucifer began to absorb the dark power and the power of fear crazily, turning into an existence similar to an elemental body, and met Subaru. Just one punch, the plane suddenly collapsed!

213 Fuck you!

Tartarus never thought that the battle would turn out like this, and the battle was so intense. Looking at the collapsed plane, Tartarus's face changed several times, and finally gritted his teeth and moved the kingdom soldiers to a safe area before the plane completely collapsed.

He himself took Titan and Diablo to observe around here to see if there was still an opportunity for him to intervene.

However, immediately, the kingdom trio realized that something was wrong. Although this plane was opened up by Dark Lucifer himself, the collapse of this plane brought a chain reaction. This collapsed plane was like a spark falling on cotton cloth, quickly dragging the surrounding time and space into destruction. The fragmented universe was constantly spreading, returning everything to the original chaos.

No, there are exceptions. In the center of the collapse, the figures of Nexus and Dark Lucifer still exist, and perhaps because of the connection with Dark Lucifer, the dark red Lethe crystal is still strong and flashing dimly.

Seeing this scene, Tartarus frowned and began to think about how to deal with the current situation. In the end, Tartarus grabbed the arms of Titan and Diablo respectively. The two people immediately realized what Tartarus wanted to do, and immediately let go of their control of their bodies, allowing Tartarus to take away the energy in their bodies.

Then Tartarus roared, and his gilded body seemed to have real liquid gold flowing on it, emitting a noble light. Then, this warrior of the Absolut tribe turned into a golden stream of light and rushed straight into the chaotic space-time zone.

Between his hands, golden energy lightning began to gather wildly. With his roar, thunder filled with the breath of destruction burst out densely, locking onto the large piece of Lethe crystal in front of him, and launched the strongest attack in his life.

Hmm? !

At this time, Dark Lucifer, who had been in a fierce battle, noticed Tartarus's actions, but with just such a clone, a long sword with ashes falling down slashed at Dark Lucifer's neck. Even though Dark Lucifer reacted very quickly, his body instinctively released an energy shield and counterattacked with skills, but he was still cut off most of his neck by the long sword.

Nexus calmly avoided the counterattack of Dark Lucifer. While dodging, he pulled out a twisted longbow from his arm, just like pulling out the tendons of the human body.

The blood arrows condensed in it forced Dark Lucifer to be on high alert. He had no time to care about Tartarus, but Dark Lucifer couldn't give up the "fear" in the Lethe Crystal....

No, there is nothing I can't give up. I want to see how long you can last in this state!

Originally, Dark Lucifer planned to switch from offense to defense, taking the opportunity to absorb all the fear power in the Lethe Crystal that might be destroyed into his body to reduce his own losses.

But at the moment when this thought flashed through his mind, the memory of the dead Dark Zagi emerged in Dark Lucifer's mind. It was those repeated 'tests' and 'waiting' that caused this Subaru to grow to a point where he could not contend. Now that he was fighting for his life, how could I not fight for my life? Without those Lethe crystals, would I lose the current battle? !


Dark Lucifer also went crazy. Regardless of Tartarus's behavior, he roared and continued to suppress Subaru despite the energy fluctuations caused by the destruction of the Lethe crystals.

As for Subaru, he had already lost consciousness the moment the 'galaxy' exploded... No, that's not quite right. He was in a state of light sleep. His Ultramania was pulled from the thickness of a book to a few centimeters thinner than paper by the rapidly expanding energy. Thanks to the practice of 'unified visualization method', Subaru could still barely stay awake in this state, so that this light particle aggregate would not 'shut down'.

Not shutting down was the best choice at the moment. Dark Lucifer might not have noticed that Nexus, who had been fighting with him until now, was fighting with him only with the fighting instinct that Subaru had cultivated over the past few months. Even though it had entered a white-hot state, he could still fight Dark Lucifer to a draw.

On the other side, Tartarus, who succeeded in one move but was also seriously injured, escaped from the still spreading cosmic rift with difficulty with the help of Titan and Diablo. Although Tartarus was still trying to make another move, no matter from which angle, the Kingdom Trio had to retreat. Otherwise, losing three high-level combat forces at once would be too serious for the Kingdom.

At the same time, Tartarus also vaguely realized that his move should have accelerated the progress of the battle. Although this sudden increase in pressure may lead to a sudden collapse of the battle, Tartarus also guessed that Gen Subaru's current state might not be able to be maintained for too long, and a quick battle and a quick decision might not be a bad thing.

"Tartarus, something happened!"

At this moment, Titan's voice drew the little golden man's attention back. He looked back in surprise and saw that the speed at which the cosmic rift spread outward had increased sharply. Even if their flying speed increased, they could not escape the fate of being caught up by the cosmic rift.

Is it because of the beginning of the decisive battle that this has also changed?

Tartarus's face condensed, and he raised his hands, intending to open the time and space tunnel and temporarily hide in the parallel world, but under such a terrifying interference behind him, Tartarus tried several times and failed. Although none of the three said anything, they all understood that if they continued like this, they would only have one result.

"MD, I can't stand it, go back and fight!"

In the end, Diablo was the first to defeat this silence. It is more glorious to die on the battlefield than to die on the way to escape!

But at this moment, a colorful and magnificent light suddenly lit up at the end of the universe, and in the blink of an eye it descended in front of the kingdom trio. Under the rustling cloak, there was a majestic kingly aura.

It is the King of Ultra! It is the legendary superman of the Ultra Clan of the Kingdom of Light! He sensed the crisis of the universe's collapse, and crossed dozens of cosmic planes to come here. The King of Ultra looked at it from a distance and realized that if the expansion of this cosmic crack was not stopped in time, it would swallow the entire universe and become a black hole in many planes, which would affect the survival of thousands of parallel universes.

So, the King of Ultra opened his hands, and rainbow-like light spots drifted out from his cloak. The light spots that seemed as soft as dandelions turned into solid barriers at this moment, abruptly curbing the expansion of the cosmic cracks and even forcing it to retract inward.

At the same time, several rays of light also fell on Tartarus and others. It was Jonias who brought Orb, Galaxy, Victory, and Ultra Warriors X to this place and gave them energy support.

Looking at the hideous cosmic crack, Jonias's face became solemn. When he rescued the Ultra Warriors from the hands of the Dark Lucifer clone, he was completely unaware of what was happening here. If it weren't for the King of Ultra pulling them over, he would have taken these young people back to U-40 to recuperate.

"This... doesn't look like a battle we can participate in..."

At this time, X couldn't help but mutter in a low voice. Even with the interference of the King of Ultra's power and the cosmic crack, he could still sense the terrible fluctuations. If he went in with his small body, he would probably die on the spot.

But when he heard that it was Gensuba who was fighting the enemy inside, X's energy suddenly emerged, and the King of Ultra also looked at them at this moment. In an instant, colorful light enveloped Jonias, Tartarus and others.

Although they didn't know what the specific effect of the seven-colored light was, it was definitely not a useless special effect given to them by the King of Ultra. Jonias and Tartarus took the lead and rushed into the cosmic rift, killing towards the center of the battlefield.

Suddenly, a very terrifying wave came, and even in this chaos, it was extremely dazzling. The seven-colored barrier even shook because of it, and the cosmic rift showed a trend of rapidly spreading outward.

The King of Ultra, who had just pulled out the people who rushed in, frowned. This energy reaction was beyond his expectations. Whether it was Dark Lucifer or Subaru, there might be a "mystery" in their bodies that he didn't know yet.

But no matter what the mystery was, he still had to block the cosmic crack. The gatekeeper of the Time Falls had just fallen asleep because of his body. If there was more noise, he might wake him up. By then, if he wanted to settle the score, he would have to spend more energy to protect Subaru.

In the center of the battlefield, the battle was over. With the last light battle, [Galaxy·Nexus] had degenerated into [Next], Dark Lucifer was also covered with wounds, and the dark giants on both sides of his neck had completely melted. His momentum was far inferior to that of Dark Zagi when Subaru first saw him.


But Dark Lucifer laughed heartily at this time. He looked at the dying Yuan Subaru in front of him, and stood up staggeringly. He had sensed the fluctuations of the breath outside the cosmic rift. It was Yuan Subaru's new helper.


The battle between you and me is by no means a draw. I still have a last resort!

Dark Lucifer raised his hand and roared. Although the Lethe Crystal turned into dust in the last impact, there was still some fear energy. Dark Lucifer condensed the last fear power, and the dark red energy burst out instantly. The creepy light instantly enveloped Yuan Subaru.

Seeing this, Yuan Subaru quickly took a breath and recovered from [Next] to [Young Nexus] to prepare for the final battle.

However, when the light dissipated, Yuan Subaru looked around in surprise. There was no doubt that this was the earth. In such a chaotic space, Dark Lucifer could actually do such a teleportation method!

"Yuan Subaru, welcome your death in this first and last battlefield!"

Dark Lucifer's eyes were extremely fierce. He had realized that this was the last moment for him to overcome his inner fear. In front of the humans he protected, he used the fear from humans to completely defeat them!

Thinking of this, Dark Lucifer's fingers trembled slightly, and the Forgotten River crystal that had not been taken away because of the appearance of Yuan Subaru emitted a strange light. It was because of the Forgotten River here that Dark Lucifer could find such precise coordinates in the chaos and transfer the battlefield.

At the same time, the Forgotten River on this planet will also become the key to his rapid replenishment after defeating Yuan Subaru. He has not forgotten the new opponent who can prevent the expansion of the cosmic rift. While he is still being dragged by the cosmic rift, he must recover to his peak state as soon as possible.

However, without the heart of fear, I will be invincible!

In the gloomy eyes of Dark Lucifer, the crystal of the River of Oblivion exploded, and what was stored in the River of Oblivion was the memory of human fear of alien beasts that was erased by the memory police. Now, under the control of Dark Lucifer, this memory has returned to the human brain.

At that moment, people remembered the fear brought by alien beasts, and the surging fear gave birth to more alien beasts to make trouble. In an instant, with the island country as the center, chaos began to spread to all parts of the world.

"Hahahaha!!! Yuan Subaru, you deserve to die!"

Feeling the power of fear that continued to flow into his body, Dark Lucifer laughed grimly and pounced on Nexus, wanting to kill Yuan Subaru immediately.

But at this time, the light that suddenly lit up forced him back. It was Yuan Subaru who burned up the relatively small amount of pure white light used in the previous battle, which made him temporarily have the strength to fight against Dark Lucifer.

However, Gensuba did not want to fight Dark Lucifer now. Looking at the tall buildings around him and the people who had not yet been evacuated, this was definitely not a suitable battlefield. He wanted to drag Dark Lucifer into the universe, where he would treat Dark Lucifer to a beautiful high-explosive firework!

"Come on! Nexus!!"

Just as Subaru was trying to get ready with his shaky, weak, semi-transparent body, a familiar voice suddenly sounded, and the child looked over in surprise...

It was Ikki Komon, who waved his arms, ignoring the existence of Dark Lucifer, with only the reflection of Nexus in his eyes. He stood against the current in the crowd, holding his other hand to his mouth, and shouted again:

"Come on! Nexus!!"

214 King Ao: Noah, you...

Ikki Komon's shout was not only heard by Subaru, but also by the crowd. As the name 'Nexus' sounded, the frightened people were reminded of the past. The alien beasts had indeed existed for a long time, and their terrible appearance and cruel habits had brought great fear to humans.


In the midst of fear, there is redemption. From the giant who fought against the first giant alien beast in Shinjuku to the silver, red and blue warriors of light who appeared later, they always stood by the side of humans and destroyed those hateful alien beasts. Just like now, when the disaster came, this glorious incarnation still stood in front of humans at the first time.

"Come on... Come on!"

"Come on! Big guy!"

"That, that, Nexus, right? Kill this black bastard, shoot!"

"Come on!!!"

"Don't give up! Come on!!"

Calls of encouragement rang out from all directions. The people who were originally fleeing called out the name of 'Nexus' in unison. Dark Lucifer looked around in surprise. He felt that the condensation speed and quality of the power of fear were rapidly decreasing. His face changed, and he condensed a filthy dark energy bomb in his hand and threw it towards the crowded place, wanting to let killing and death reawaken the fear of mankind.

But at this time, the shining particle feathers shattered the energy bomb and decomposed the power in it. Yuan Subaru took a deep breath and stood up straight. Nexus's body was rapidly solidifying--

Indeed, erasing and sealing the memory of the alien beasts can control the spread of fear and prevent the outbreak of the alien beast tide.

However, while erasing this memory, the courage of mankind was also eliminated. The fearlessness engraved in human instincts was therefore silent indefinitely.

But silence does not mean extinction. It only takes an opportunity to awaken it. Just like now, Yuan Subaru feels that endless spiritual power is pouring into his body. The courage and hope in the hearts of humans are echoing in Nexus, which makes his condition recover quickly.

"Humans are really hopeless. It's just a little agitation, as if they have found a savior, and they are foolishly and ignorantly shouting."

Looking at Yuan Subaru in front of him, Dark Lucifer realized that he could only continue his plan by defeating this guy. So, he shook his hands, whispered, and rushed towards Yuan Subaru.

Yuan Subaru did not respond in words. He raised his hand to resist the claw attack of Dark Lucifer, turned around and crashed into the arms of Dark Lucifer, and hit him on the chest with an elbow.

Dark Lucifer didn't care about this attack. Although the two of them couldn't get half a blood bar now, he thought his condition was much better than Yuan Subaru.

However, at the moment when the elbow landed, Dark Lucifer suddenly realized that something was wrong. The energy released by this attack was so powerful that it even had some piercing properties, passing through the armor he had transformed with the power of fear!

"I am not the savior of mankind."

Looking at the Dark Lucifer who was knocked out, Yuan Subaru chased him and whispered:

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