But Mr. Diavolo was right, he really should go to the Kingdom Star. Even if Mr. Tartarus couldn't spare anyone to assist him, at least he could get it from the [Cascade Energy Tower] Certain supplements.

Seeing Yuan Subaru's agreement, Diavolo immediately crushed the unknown creation in his hand, but the space tunnel that opened immediately showed its usefulness silently. After Yuan Subaru and Diavolo passed through the tunnel, they Arriving straight to the core of the kingdom, Tartarus and the Titans were busy dealing with the affairs that appeared on the projection one after another.

There is no doubt that, as Diavolo said, the Absolute family cannot stay out of this major cosmic event. Moreover, these continuous incidents have also made the warriors of the kingdom take a big breath. What? At that time, their kingdom had suffered this kind of injustice!

"Dia... Subaru! Sure enough, you are involved again."

Feeling the corresponding fluctuations in time and space, Tartarus didn't look back and was about to ask Diavolo to come over to work overtime, but the sensation that came immediately made him put down his work temporarily and turned around to look at Yuan Subaru. , his face changed several times, and finally he sighed helplessly and said:

"I look forward to meeting you again, but the reunion I look forward to is definitely not in those battles."

"This is nothing to sigh about. To be honest, if I really stop being involved in various events, then the rest of my life will be too boring."

"Hmph, that's right. A real warrior should die in battle...huh?! Hmm..."

Listening to Yuan Subaru's words, Diavolo agreed very much, but before he finished speaking, he noticed the sharp gazes coming from Tartarus and Titan. He had no doubt that if he said it again Go down, I am afraid that I will have to go to the medical cabin tonight, so Diavolo rarely shrinks his neck and admits it. After all, he can run away from the monk, but not the temple.

211 Little Golden Man: Three-person team!

Diavolo gave in, and Tartarus and the Titans averted their gazes. Yuan Subaru did not waste time, and told him about the origin between himself and Dark Lucifer. Although he does not know this at the moment, What is going on with Dark Lucifer, but there is no doubt that he is not the Dark Zaki who was defeated by him, but there must be a connection with him.

Hearing Yuan Subaru's words, Tartarus immediately realized that the enemy this time was different from before. The dark Lucifer came for Yuan Subaru. For a moment, the atmosphere in the office became solemn, and even the people next to him The eyes of the clerks who came to assist became serious.

"If that's the case, there's nothing we can do about it."

Tartarus said with a cold face:

"Subaru, you are a friend and ally of our kingdom. To attack you is to invade our country. Although the kingdom is very busy during this period and is unwilling to be tough on others, this is not a reason for others to act arrogantly. Titan, go, Gather your troops and see what Dark Lucifer is capable of."



Yuan Subaru quickly stopped Titan who turned to leave, and said quickly:

"Mr. Tartarus, there is no need to go to war like this. I just need to absorb some Cascade energy. If I sense it correctly, the energy in the tower is beginning to be restless again. In this case, let's Let me take the energy with me.”

After hearing Yuan Subaru's words, Tartarus did not answer. He just looked at the secretary beside him and said in a solemn voice:

"Are you willing to participate in this battle?"

"Master Yuan Subaru, I am willing."

The secretary did not look at Tartarus, but as he spoke, he knelt down on one knee towards Yuan Subaru and answered Tartarus's question with a calm tone and fanatical eyes.

And as the secretary's words fell, there was a 'crash', and other members in the office here, as well as the soldiers performing guard work outside, all made the same move, using a voice as solid as a rock, low and low. The voice roared:

"I'm waiting for a fight!"


Listening to the voice that still echoed in his ears, Yuan Subaru was a little dazed for a moment. He did not expect such a result at all, and Yuan Subaru himself may not have noticed it until now. For him, it was just for the sake of The battle against the green energy, which was not even ranked as the most intense in his life, had already established a good image for him on Kingdom Star.

In addition, Yuan Subaru directly or indirectly alleviated the crisis situation of the [Cascade Energy Tower] and thus continued the existence of the Kingdom Star. This is a great deal for most people of the Kingdom who are unwilling to leave their homeland and flee. good news.

Moreover, just like Diavolo, the folk customs of the kingdom are still quite martial, and strong people are still very respected here, especially those who are selected by Cascade energy but have a kind attitude.

Therefore, if Tartarus announces to the people of the kingdom now that he will train Yuan Subaru to inherit his position, the people will not have any objections. At most, they will be dissatisfied with the training period and feel that time will not last. It would be too long.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru's reputation in the kingdom is really high, and the soldiers of the kingdom are happy to follow this young warrior to fight and embrace the glory of dying in battle.


Tartarus took away Yuan Subaru's hand that was holding the Titan back and said softly:

"You shouldn't be alone anymore."

After saying that, Tartarus nodded to Titan, and the golden swordsman immediately went out to mobilize the troops.

"Go to the Cascade Energy Tower. As you said, your help is needed there."

Diablo saw that Subaru was uncomfortable, so he found a job for him. Subaru nodded immediately and went to the golden energy tower. At the same time, Diablo also received Tartarus's gaze, and couldn't help shrinking his neck and asked carefully:

"What's wrong with me? Why are you looking at me like this?"

What else can I do!

Tartarus wanted to twist Diablo's head off and cut it in half to see if it was filled with water. What a good atmosphere just now. Maybe he could get Subaru to... No, he was pulled into the kingdom by a few more words. You're so good. I haven't had time to use my mouth cannon yet, and you sent him away.

What a traitor!

Tartarus was so disappointed that he asked Diablo to do other things, and he took the time to deal with related matters.

At the Cascade Energy Tower, while absorbing energy, Gen Subaru accidentally discovered the truth of his unparalleled performance in the Kingdom of Light. However, after careful analysis, he found that the explosion in that form was not replicable.

The reason was simple. The last time he could directly call the Cascade Energy Tower in the Kingdom of Light, it was because when he was dealing with the green cartoon bird, he also integrated his body into the energy tower, causing part of the pure white light originally used to construct his body to be stored in the energy tower. Then, with the help of the connection of the pure white light, he achieved such a miracle.

Now, it is obviously not the time to remove his arms and legs for experiments, and if he takes the initiative to control the degree of fusion, Gen Subaru is really afraid that he will blow up the energy tower. Gen Subaru never doubts his talent in "explosion".

I'd better just absorb energy honestly.

Just as Yuan Subaru was replenishing Cascade's energy, on the U40 planet, Jonias punched and smashed the head of the Dark Lucifer clone. Looking at the location of the giant crystal that was moved away, he couldn't help but frown. To be honest, although many major events had happened in the universe before, the impact on the U40 planet was relatively light.

Therefore, after dealing with this incident, Jonias thought about it and decided to go out and see what was causing trouble outside.

But Jonias had just left the U40 planet when a beam of light flew straight towards him. Jonias could sense that it was a communication from the Light Ring of the Summit of the O-50 planet warriors. This made the warrior's heart tighten. Could it be that this incident endangered the existence of the O-50 planet?

However, after Jonias received the communication, he saw that it was full of "Save my employees". Obviously, Hong Kai was still in trouble. The Light Ring, who was reluctant to leave this thug, suddenly woke up from his dream and sent a message for help.

Seeing this, Jonias shook his head helplessly, but he was relieved in his heart. Since he had received the message, he would go and see what was going on.

When Jonias was dispatched, the perspective returned to the kingdom. Titan moved quickly, and the elite kingdom soldiers had assembled. Tartarus also relied on his own time and space power and the assistance of the kingdom's technology to find the approximate coordinates of the plane where the dark Lucifer was located.

At the same time, during the search, Tartarus's face changed slightly. The reason was that this dark Lucifer had no intention of hiding at all. It was better to say that he was just waiting there for Yuan Subaru to come to him.

When he realized this, countless ideas flashed through Tartarus' mind in an instant, and he set up nearly a hundred corresponding plans. He had sufficient reason to believe that in the plane where the dark Lucifer was, there was either a trap waiting for Yuan Subaru, or this guy had absolute confidence in his own strength!

In that case, I should have no objection to my making more preparations.

Tartarus smiled grimly, but he did not pin his hopes of victory on these little tricks. After all, if it was the latter, only the corresponding force could contend with the extremely powerful force.

Thinking of this, Tartarus sighed. His ability was to pull people from the parallel world and pull the characters from the parallel world to his side to enhance his own combat power. However, although the green energy had faded from the real universe, there were still a lot of that stuff in the space-time layer.

When Tartarus wanted to pull a few civilians to help with overtime work, he saw the green scene and his face almost turned green. If something happened, he would be the evil spirit of the kingdom.

"Tartarus, let me lead the team this time."

At this time, Titan, who had completed the assembly mission, rushed back and looked at the little golden man in front of him and said:

"This time, I won't be a drag."

"No, let me do it!"

After hearing Titan's request for a fight, Diablo immediately ran over and patted his chest and said:

"My 'Bull Fist' has already killed a Dark Lucifer clone, and it's not a problem to kill another one of the original."


The Titan's eyes immediately fell on Diavolo. There is no doubt that this pair of old friends who usually don't deal with each other very much are planning to let go of their old and new grudges because of this problem. Anyway, there will be one today. I'm here alone, working overtime with Tartarus.

"is it possible...."

Looking at these two guys, Tartarus closed the folder helplessly and said softly:

"Let's all go this time."

"Huh?" X2

Hearing this, Titan and Diablo looked at Tartarus. Then they thought about it for a moment and felt that this was indeed no problem. If the dark Lucifer couldn't be beaten, then they would finish the fight. It won't take much time to come back. If that guy is good at fighting, he will become less able to fight in front of the trio of their kingdom.

"I'm ready."

At this time, Yuan Subaru also appeared in front of the three people. At this moment, due to the replenishment of a considerable amount of Cascade energy, golden patterns appeared on the child's cheeks in the fitter form.

And that is also the influence of 'unification'. Under the [Sun] evolved by 'Cascade Energy', the energy frequencies of other [planets] have also been coordinated, and then achieved integration with the power of thought. It can be said that Source Subaru If Master Lei Ting saw this, he would definitely praise him.

"In that case, let's go!"

Tartarus glanced at the calculated coordinates and greeted Yuan Subaru. The two walked to the high platform together, looked at the elite soldiers below, waved his hand, and the golden space tunnel opened. Tartarus Ross shouted in a deep voice:

"Go to war! We will win!"

"Must win! Must win! Must win!" XN

The soldiers of the kingdom raised their arms and shouted in unison. Then, Gen Subaru, Tartarus, Titan, and Diavolo took the lead, rushing into the time tunnel and heading towards the darkness where Lucifer was. plane.

Here you go, are you bringing your friends with you to die?

At that moment, Dark Lucifer opened his eyes in response. Behind him, countless Wangchuan crystals had been charged. This long-planned plan had achieved its purpose. The only and final step was to follow. The goal is just to defeat Yuan Subaru.

Source Subaru, Source Subaru, Source Subaru!

As long as I defeat you, I will be invincible in the universe!

Dark Lucifer looked at the familiar figure that emerged from the golden tunnel, and the subconscious emotions in his heart made him even more murderous, because that was 'fear', that was the one who was beaten to death by Yuan Subaru, leaving only a little The fear of the dark Zaki of the remaining soul!

The remnant soul was floating in the interlayer of time and space. Due to the influence of the factor [Dark Zaki], it was captured by the dark Zaki in the parallel world, and that remnant soul contained the dead darkness. All of Zaki's memories.

In order to thirst for power, the Dark Zaki of the parallel world did not hesitate to absorb the knowledge, and constantly strengthened the strength of himself and the alien beasts. Under the protection of Nexus, who was not as extraordinary as 'Source Subaru', soon , that dark Zaki destroyed the earth and plundered the light of Nexus.

And this is just the beginning. The dead Dark Zaki had a very good plan, which was the [annexation] action he came up with after meeting Ji Yajun and others. He wanted to annex himself and Nexel in all parallel worlds. Eat all the lights of Si and make yourself the [only] dark Zaki in the thousands of universes. By then, even Noah can only surrender under his feet if he wants to!

Unfortunately, before this plan was implemented, he was killed by Yuan Subaru. However, his idea was implemented by another Dark Zaki, which is now Dark Lucifer. Each of his clones represents The Dark Zaki of the parallel world that was swallowed up by it!

But what makes Dark Lucifer very puzzled is that although he has not yet swallowed up all the parallel worlds, the number is quite astonishing. However, except for the Light of Nexus that he initially swallowed, there is no Nexus in other worlds. Seth appears, what's going on with Noah? Could it be that he noticed my plan and took back the Light of Nexus on his own initiative?

No, that's not like Noah's style.

But that doesn't matter because...

Now, I just need to defeat Yuan Subaru!

212 Burn the little universe!

Dark Lucifer looked at Yuan Subaru with sinister eyes. When he absorbed the remnant soul of the dead Dark Zaki, he did not realize that he was also paying a price in the process. When he realized, It was already too late. This price had become part of his soul along with the remnant soul, and the shortcomings contained therein had also become a limitation for him to continue to be powerful.

That is 'fear', the fear that was born before Dark Zaki's planned actions failed again and again, and was finally pressed to death by Yuan Subaru across time and space in a parallel world, before he died!

Dark Lucifer relied on his heart of fear to grow step by step, but because he also had fear in his heart, he had to stop annexing the parallel world, because if he continued to grow in strength, he would be counterattacked by 'fear' , become a part of it.

This is what Dark Lucifer does not want to see, and it is also the source of Dark Lucifer's determination to start this decisive battle. He wants to defeat Yuan Subaru from the front as much as possible to erase the fear in his heart. Therefore, he simply collects Wangchuan collected fear energy and did not attack the earth, nor did he take any hostages, nor did he affect other combat conditions.

This battle was a fair fight for Dark Lucifer. No matter how many companions Yuan Subaru brought, he would defeat them and turn the corpses of all his opponents into a ladder to overcome his fear!

So, when he saw Yuan Subaru and his group appear, Dark Lucifer did not even make a move. He quietly watched the elite soldiers of the kingdom spread out their formations, and then raised his hand and pressed down in the air.

As Dark Lucifer moved, the crazy dark energy and the power of fear began to condense, condensing into a giant hand, as if the sky had fallen down, pressing down on Yuan Subaru and his group. The mental attack that followed also caused a momentary commotion in the formation of the kingdom's soldiers.

This kind of fear power that condensed countless planets made people feel afraid just by appearing. This was an inevitable physiological instinct. Even though the heart of glory and the fighting qualities cultivated in previous years allowed them to quickly maintain their respective duties, the momentum of fighting had been weakened a lot.

Realizing this, Tartarus, Diablo and Titan looked at each other. They were also affected by the power of fear, and even their hearts were resisting fighting against Dark Lucifer. This made the Kingdom trio feel stunned. Although they could suppress it, they would inevitably be affected a little when launching the attack, and could not achieve perfect output.

This is a tricky guy!

Thinking of this, Tartarus, Diablo and Titan looked at each other, without much hesitation, and opened fire directly. Behind them, the time tunnel leading to the Kingdom had not been closed yet, and this was also used. The three of them directly triggered the power of the Cascade Energy Tower, and through the three of them working together, they took this tyrannical energy into their bodies.

Then, Tartarus used ‘Absolute Power’ to bring Titan and Diablo to the best state, and then the three of them floated in the air in a triangle formation, facing the Dark Lucifer, and used their most proud tricks.

‘Absolute Destruction! ’

‘Bull Fist! '

'Slashing wave! '

As the three roared, three extremely brilliant moves were blasted out, and under the control of Tartarus, Diablo and Titan, the three energies intertwined and finally merged into one, becoming a powerful attack that tore through time and space, and in the blink of an eye, it hit the side of Dark Lucifer.

Faced with such an attack, Dark Lucifer made a sound of "Oh?". It seems that in his past, such an attack formation was also quite rare, but this was not something that needed to be avoided. Dark Lucifer snorted coldly and opened his hands. Layer upon layer, like an infinite ring of dark waves condensed in his heart, like an endless force of fear, like a demon, rushing out from it, entangled in the joint attack of the Kingdom trio.

At that moment, time was neither fast nor slow, but the time tunnel leading to the kingdom collapsed immediately. Everyone in this space, even Tartarus who had made considerable achievements in time and space, was inevitably affected by the distorted rules of time and space. Therefore, the three of them had no time to use other means to remedy the situation. They could only watch their joint attack melt into the hands of Dark Lucifer.

This is...

After noticing the distorted rules of time and space, Yuan Subaru subconsciously thought it was a change in the green energy, but after calming down and thinking about it, he knew that it was the result of the collision of two powerful forces. Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru had a rough guess about the strength of Dark Lucifer.

So, Gen Subaru flipped his hand and took out the completed demon crystal from the bracelet. He put it down without hesitation and suppressed the pure white light, allowing the power of the turquoise energy to distort the rules to be fully exerted. At that moment, Gen Subaru once again had the unparalleled combat power in the Kingdom of Light. Although the duration of this powerful BUFF was not as long as imagined, it was enough for Gen Subaru to fight against this dark Lucifer!

"It's you, Gen Subaru. No matter when, you can always give me a big life!"

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