
Subaru nodded. Now it seemed that Senior Reijido should also know how he was born, and what he wanted to tell him was probably the problem that was bothering him, how did he survive under such circumstances.

Seeing Subaru so calm, Reijido was too lazy to organize his words and said directly:

"In that case, you should have seen the battle between Noah and [Essence], right?"


This was the first time Subaru heard this term, but there was no doubt that it referred to the thing attached to his body. Subaru did not start asking questions about [Essence] now, but patiently listened to Reijido's subsequent explanation.

Reijido had not expected the scene at that time. It was obvious that Noah had gone crazy. In that state, as long as he could kill the [Essence], he would be able to kill it even if it was attached to his body. If the [Final Seal] really sealed the [Essence], there is no doubt that the universe where it was located must have been beaten back to a chaotic state.

But the problem now is that the final seal did not succeed, but accidentally sealed the universe where Gen Subaru was after passing through the space-time turbulence.

This is understandable. After all, Noah's moves are all locked. When encountering [Essence Energy], it is equivalent to directly unlocking the headlock. At that time, Gen Subaru also had green light on his body, and it was understandable that he was misjudged by the final seal.

But there was a problem afterwards.

Although Regido did not participate in the design of the engine, and even did not know how Noah made the [engine], the truth is simple. After reaching a certain level of strength and having the corresponding vision, even if you cannot build some things, you can more or less understand the general situation.


If Regido's reasoning is correct, after the final seal locked the plane where Gensuba was, it also cut off the connection between the power of the engine and the original energy and its corresponding body, and then...

These two energy groups that were suddenly forced to be independent began to play their own roles.

Regido could not guess what the process of this performance was like, but there is no doubt that in the end, neither side gained any advantage and was in a dormant state. The [original energy] occupied Gensuba's body, allowing the body that should have died to continue walking as a living person after being [distorted by the rules of reality].

The [Engine Power] is hidden in... No, it is better to say that the soul of Subaru itself is generated by the [Engine Power], just like the delicate parts of the engine are hidden under the protection of the hard shell, and the soul of Subaru serves as the "shell".

And this special origin of the soul also leads to...

Thinking of this, Lei Jiduo looked at the child in front of him and put the topic aside. If his speculation is really correct, then this truth is too cruel to this child. He has only a few years to live, so don't let him be stimulated by this.

So, Lei Jiduo changed the subject and talked about another topic.

Because the [Engine Power] and [Essence Crystal] died down, the power in Subaru's body began to move, and...

If Reijido remembered correctly, the [Essence] itself had a similar ability to "imprint", which could plunder the opponent's ability. If Noah's methods were not good, he would have been beaten to death by [Imprint Noah], and now...

The "Light of Nexus" that Subaru is using now is probably the [Essence Energy] instinctively imprinted, no wonder his "Nexus" form looks so weird, if the "Light of Nexus" that Noah inherited is a machete with +10 enhancement, then the one Subaru is using now is a small spoon with +1 enhancement.

I can only say that if he didn't have a lot of light energy reserves and forced the strength up, he would have died long ago.

As for the fact that Subaru was born with a long blue bar, it was probably not because of his inherited genes. The biggest role played by the two unlucky conflicting genes was to force the [Essence Energy] occupying the body to distract attention to maintain the balance of the body, indirectly sharing the pressure of [Engine Power].

As for the fact that they could stand up and be used as combat power later, it was all due to the upper limit of the blue bar that was rushed out by [Essence Energy] and Subaru's development of himself.

Based on this, Reijido also understood why Subaru's body collapsed. Obviously, Subaru took the development of his own body very lightly, and focused on the research of his own energy and telekinesis, so that [Engine Power] grew very fast.

This would inevitably lead to the collapse of the body. After all, after [Essence Energy] was unable to maintain the balance of the body, those two unlucky things, no, those two genes that didn't get along with each other didn't work hard. Even if TLT's technology was fully utilized, it would be a matter of time before the end of its lifespan.

To be honest, with these two troublemakers, it is not easy for Subaru to develop the Light of Nexus to this extent.

After sighing about this, another situation appeared in front of Subaru, that is... the engine is mature and is about to start working. Since it is going to work, it is natural to start the whole thing together. This shell... is naturally also a part of the engine, and the best thing about the "power of the engine" is [assimilation]. In other words...

[Source Subaru] is going to disappear. When the new [Engine] is completely started, this child will be completely dead. His thoughts and his soul will no longer exist, although even Noah did not expect that he The initial pursuit made him gain another...


Thinking of this, Reggio suddenly remembered the conversation with Noah a long time ago. Although it was just a sentence, but now thinking about it, if he understood it correctly, the [Engine] seemed to be constantly dissociating through absorption. Go out, and the self-strengthening pure white energy maintains the intensity of operation...

Wow! ! Damn it, why didn't I ask more questions before? Otherwise, I wouldn't be stuck here now.

But no matter which guess is correct, there is no doubt that Yuan Subaru is dead. At least Reggio can't figure out how to extend Yuan Subaru's life now. After all, he is killing himself at this moment.

"Subaru, what's that? During this time, you try to... interact with as many people as possible."

After [selectively] explaining his speculation, Reggio thought about it for a moment, then suggested to Yuan Subaru without knowing:

"When the [engine] is about to be started, the first thing you should show is the symptom of [emotional loss], and once this symptom appears, it means that you are going to disappear, so during this period, you'd better give yourself Find something like obsession and use it as a bond. Maybe you can slow down the flow of emotions and indirectly gain more time."

"Obsession? I have it."

Yuan Subaru was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile:

"My obsession with the earth and humanity is so deep."

However, when he heard Yuan Subaru's words, Reggio's mood was quite complicated, but in the end he did not show it, but said with a smile:

"This is indeed good, but this alone is not enough. By the way, if I remember correctly, you are not a 'hero' or anything like that..."

"Those things don't matter anymore."

Yuan Subaru calmly waved his hand and said:

"Heroes are just empty names. Can this name be used to destroy stars? As for the others, if they can help the earth, I will naturally contact them. If they can't help, then we won't bother each other. I don't have much time. If I have any left I hope to spend the next second of my life on earth, so... Senior Reggio, can you send me back to the earth where TLT is?"


Hearing this, Reggio fell into silence. After a while, he said in a concentrated voice:

"There is a way. When the opportunity arises, I will help you. But, Subaru, remember, it must! It must!! It must!!! Find the thoughts outside the 'Earth' as ​​an anchor point for bondage. Otherwise, your lifespan cannot be extended. Also, stop developing the power of the [Engine]. You have to delay for a while and give me more time. As long as you find Noah, you will not necessarily die. "

“I’ve earned four years of my time.”

Yuan Subaru thought for a moment and said with a relaxed smile:

"Now even if I live for one more second, I will still earn it. So, senior Regedo, let's do this. I will give you the coordinates of TLT Earth. When I disappear, if this original disaster is not over yet, you can come and take care of me." I'll recycle it and use it as a weapon to deal with this green thing. Think of it as repaying your teachings. As for the rest, I'm never afraid of death. Really, don't worry about it, I'm quite tired."

191 Noah: New Nexus? Where did it come from?

Yuan Subaru had no intention of continuing to debate with Senior Regedo on this topic, so after saying this, he started another topic and asked about the [Essence] issue that he had been concerned about from the beginning. It can be heard that the source of the current disaster is this weird term.

"Regarding [Plasma], actually this is not the correct name for him."

Reggio didn't bring the topic back. If the kid is stubborn, just be stubborn. As an old man, he just needs to run more errands. Therefore, he continued to point out Yuan Subaru's other skills while explaining softly:

"It's just that the language system to which that noun belongs is very different from our cosmic culture, and we can't understand its correct meaning. Therefore, the [primordial substance] in our mouth is just a simple transliteration of the corresponding one."

“Are the cultural differences between parallel universes so big?”

Hearing this, Yuan Subaru looked at Regedo in surprise. The legendary warrior reached out to help calm down the rioting [Cascade Energy], and corrected him:

"It's not a parallel universe, how should I put it... I'm thinking about how to explain it to you... Well, by the way, let's take a book as an example. The big universe we are in now is a book. Every page represents a parallel plane, which is no problem, but now, there is a problem with another book. The whole book is rotten, and the moths in it have nothing to eat, so they start to eat them. I turned my attention to other books.”

Having said this, Reggio sighed in his heart. According to Noah, those 'worms' were not very powerful when they first arrived. Even the normal self-screening mechanism of the universe could wash them away. As for some civilizations, they improved these 'worm-created things' and used them as slaves. But as time went by, the 'worms' took root and the problem gradually grew.

As for how he knew this, it was naturally that Noah traveled across time and went back in time, intending to strangle this 'worm' in its cradle. During this period, he understood the ins and outs of this.

But Noah's trick of removing the firewood did not have any effect. What this [essence] is best at is distorting existing laws and regulations. Even without the foundation of the 'past', the 'present' still exists well, but Noah As a result, Ya had to suffer the bitter consequences of tampering with the timeline. If he hadn't exerted his power in time to open up a parallel universe, he would have had to use the engine to hit the [Primordial] by himself.

"So the entire universe is broken?"

After listening to Regedo's explanation, Yuan Subaru clicked his lips in surprise. He didn't expect that this primitive energy could actually reach this point, but it was normal when he thought about it. After all, the universe has been messed up now.

"It's really hard for Senior Noah, fighting such a terrifying enemy by himself."

"Actually, as far as our universe is concerned, the situation is not that bad."

Reggio thought for a moment, and while correcting the energy disorder of Yuan Pleiades' galaxy, he said softly:

"At least for now, even if there is no one to help, Noah can barely handle it alone. He is just a little tired. If he works hard, he might be able to handle the matter by himself."

Then Senior Noah might be exhausted to death.

Yuan Subaru secretly muttered something in his heart, and at this moment, Reggio suddenly said, "Huh?" ' With a sound, he looked up into the void and said quickly:

"I'm aware of Noah, Subaru, I'm leaving first."

After saying that, Regedo tore apart the space and disappeared without a trace. Yuan Subaru had no choice but to put away the questions he had not finished asking and continue to fly towards the new green torch point. The program created by Hikari was still good. I believe that as long as we continue to extinguish the torch and gather enough data base, we can locate its root cause.


Regarding the 'Voice of Stars' thing, I haven't had time to ask yet, how can this thing be actively triggered...

With such doubts, Yuan Subaru's figure quickly disappeared into the universe, and when he extinguished the tenth green torch, he met the mass-produced Uub and Jakura, but just as he was preparing to meet the enemy At that time, all of these counterfeit products suddenly shut down and disappeared into ashes. It seemed that Hong Kai and Jagula were rescued. Yuan Subaru couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and continued to run around and accumulate data.

"I...I...I want to have a good time when I go back..."

At the same time, in the WQ-56 galaxy, the three Ultra warriors, Zero, Gauss and Hong Kai, were lying on the ground like dead dogs, not wanting to move. This battle was really too difficult, although It is said that they were dispatched as [Saiga] machines, but the ones guarding Hongkai and Jagula were also fake rings of light that were no different from the original ones.

The difficulty of this battle was not inferior to the bitter battle with Beria.

But this fight was not without its flaws.

For example, at this moment, Jagula and Dana are not here.

The former was involved in the turbulence of time and space when the pseudo-ring of light exploded, while the latter was caused by the explosion of the pseudo-ring of light and the space-time force in the body was out of control. It is currently unknown which plane he jumped to. .

But there is no need to worry too much about them. Although Zero, who had just released the fusion, did not have time to save Jagula, the glorious power has been transferred to his hands. I believe it can protect him from being hurt by the out-of-control turbulence. As for Dyna ....

He had worn it so many times, he should have gotten used to it.

"Okay, I have to go back to the Kingdom of Light first."

Zero turned his body lazily and said feebly:

"Things like this are not trivial in the universe. My family should be starting to prepare to deal with it. If I go back now, I might be able to contribute."

"Then I'll go back to Zhulan first."

Gauss propped up his body and said softly:

"Although Zhulan is taken care of by Chaos Head 0 and Jestis, I still have to go over and take a look to feel at ease."

"Okay, see you later."

Zero stood up and looked at Hong Kai who was standing aside. The cosmic prodigal looked at the ring in his hand with a wry smile. It was obvious that the real ring of light had begun to assign tasks to him.

"Then let's go, get rid of this damn thing as soon as possible, and we can relax early."

"See you later, Sero."

After saying that, the Ultra Warriors in the galaxy flew in different directions. However, Zero flew halfway and remembered that his team was still at Gaoshan Womeng's place. He quickly picked him up before continuing. Rush to the Kingdom of Light.

What Zero didn't expect was that the first thing he couldn't control when he returned home was his own mentality. The mental construction he had finally done well would not be used if he didn't use it, but that's all for later. , even if Yuan Subaru knew it, he wouldn't care.

When Zero's mentality collapsed, Beria's mentality was not very good. Although his fleet was gone, Beria had the courage and heroism to start over again. After the last incident, After that, Beria began to look for a way to recreate the ultimate combat device.

After all, one is truly powerful when one is strong. If one cannot fight, one cannot protect one's own undeveloped power.

But what is going on in this universe now? When did my fighting ability become so difficult?

Belia muttered in his heart, and at the same time, his head could not help but emerge with the record of his gene heir in the Kingdom of Light. Although he is no longer alive, but...

I can't be weaker than the heir!

With this idea, Belia's action power was instantly full. He ambitiously planned to find a way to improve his strength after rebuilding the Ultimate Battle Instrument!

Then Belia was blocked in the small cave.

The dark giant clenched his fists with an extremely ugly face, listening to the roar outside, and his mood was extremely complicated for a while. When he was called Caesar Belia, he absorbed a large amount of Emeral ore energy and transformed into a super-giant beast form, known as "Arc Belia" by the world.

This form once exhausted all of Zero's energy. If Ultraman Noah hadn't allowed Zero to obtain the Shield of Paraji, this bastard would have died in the hands of Arc Belia.

And now....

This power that Belia was once so proud of was rubbed out by the green energy, and coincidentally blocked Belia on this planet. It might be because of the connection between them, or because this planet triggered some rules. In short, this arc Belia has no intention of leaving here. Although the planet will not be destroyed, but...

I am Belia! I will never be so frustrated, even if it is me!

Thinking of this, Belia became bolder and left his hiding place without hesitation and faced his former self.

When all parties were moving, Gensuba unexpectedly received news from the "Kingdom". When he destroyed the seventeenth green torch, he met the elite team of the kingdom who were out on a mission. The mission was not a big mission, but just to investigate the situation.

But Tartarus asked them... No, every team sent out during this period brought a small data box, saying that if they met Gensuba, they must hand the things over to him.

Yuan Subaru was very curious about what was in it, so he connected it with the Ark bracelet. After opening the "lock" with the password he and Tartarus agreed on, he looked at the information inside and couldn't help but smile.

There were a lot of things in it, but what Tartarus wanted him to see most was probably the "medical plan". Although it was just a prototype, Tartarus had high hopes for it and hoped that Yuan Subaru could come back to cooperate with the doctor to continue the next experiment and extend his life as much as possible.

In this regard, Yuan Subaru sincerely thanked Tartarus for his kindness, but his condition was not something that could be solved by medical technology, and even if his condition was not as bad as Senior Regido said, Yuan Subaru did not intend to cooperate with this plan.

He is no longer an illiterate who can't understand anything. The first step of implementing this plan is to weaken his own strength to reduce the rejection reaction and make the drug energy work better. But this is something that Yuan Subaru will never agree to. Although it is not easy for him to gain this strength, it is not worth telling others, but the hardships make Yuan Subaru grimacing when he thinks about it. So, I appreciate the kindness, but forget about this plan.

Yuan Subaru gently thanked this elite team of the kingdom and asked them to inform Tartarus of the news that the Kingdom of Light might contact the kingdom when they return, and then continued on the road to extinguish the green torch.

Even though Regido advised Subaru to slow down or even give up the use and development of [Engine Power], Subaru did not take it to heart at all. In addition, his control over [Cascade Energy] had reached a higher level under Regido's guidance, so he no longer had to worry about the energy problem. Therefore, he was invincible in sieges and captured one Green Torch after another at an astonishing speed.

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