"Subaru, don't get me wrong, Ken is just simply caring about you."

Mother of Ultra said to Subaru gently:

"Although your current body is destroyed, the power born from that gene may have some defects. We hope you can stay and check your body. If there is really a problem, it will be better to treat it in time. Of course, whether it is on the earth or your body, we are just concerned about the younger generation. Whether you are a warrior of the Kingdom of Light or not, we will help you."

"I believe this. The moral level of your Kingdom of Light is a little higher than I imagined."

This is indeed what Subaru really said. At the beginning, he also felt that the behavior of the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light to maintain peace everywhere was a bit wrong. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was like the previous style of the TLT North American branch.

After visiting here, Subaru found that the unique environment and culture of the Kingdom of Light made them really feel that "since they have the ability, why not help others?" This made Subaru extremely envious, and he also eagerly hoped that one day the Earth could become a similar paradise.

"But I appreciate this kindness. I can't stay in the Kingdom of Light. Two years after Earth time, the Earth will face a huge disaster. I have to rush back to fight side by side with the Earth."

This is a lie.

Subaru was just looking for an excuse. Although deceiving the kind people of the Kingdom of Light made the child's conscience hurt, for the safety of the human beings on Earth, he could give up his own life. Now he just took out his conscience and fed himself a bite, and there was nothing to hesitate about.

Sure enough, as Subaru thought, Ultra Father and Ultra Mother did not need to continue to guide him, so they took the initiative to propose that the warriors of the Kingdom of Light go over to help. In this regard, Subaru naturally agreed. So far, his main purpose of coming to the Kingdom of Light - stealing technology and attracting foreign aid, has been achieved.

As for the "physical examination" mentioned by Mother of Ultra, Gen Subaru had no idea about it. Senior Tiga was a super ancient warrior who had lived for 30 million years. Such a knowledgeable old senior couldn't find a way to prolong his life for a while, so Gen Subaru gave up the idea of ​​continuing to struggle.

"By the way, Captain, I have a question for you."

At this time, Gen Subaru remembered something, looked at Father of Ultra, and said softly:

"Although I heard Taiga say that Belial was expelled and turned black after touching the plasma spark, I don't know much about it. What happened back then?"

Unexpectedly, Gen Subaru asked this. Father of Ultra and Mother of Ultra were also stunned. As the personal experiencers of that incident, they told Gen Subaru the complete ins and outs -

Belia was unable to defeat the Empera alien, so he had a desire for power, and then touched the plasma spark. Although he was exiled for this, Although he was exiled, the original intention was to let Belia go out to relax and adjust his condition. However, Belia was so unlucky that he encountered the soul of the Rebrand star, which distorted his will, magnified his dark side, and became a dark giant...

"What a pity, the hero of the Kingdom of Light has become what he is now."

After listening to the story, Yuan Subaru sighed with some regret. To be honest, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Belia's greed for power. If he didn't have [Cascade Energy] now, he would have to touch the power of plasma sparks when he came to the Kingdom of Light this time. It can only be that Belia is really unlucky.

"Okay, we've finished talking about trivial matters, Captain, let's talk about business now. I have an idea about the green torch..."

At the same time, during the time when Gensuba was in the Kingdom of Light, Reijido was still looking for Noah's whereabouts in the plane interlayer. The light of [Aurora Power] and [Legend of Sparks] was released almost continuously. After destroying another wave of Noah's clones that rushed over and were eroded, Reijido wiped away the space-time cracks caused by [Legend of Sparks] with a bad face.

At this moment, Reijido had every reason to believe that Noah was afraid that he would not be able to plug the hole of [Original Crystal]. This clone method was undoubtedly Noah pulling all the "self" of all the time nodes he had existed in, and then projecting and cloned, so as to create such a terrifying "Noah" army.

This is not what makes Reijido angry. After all, when Noah came to him to borrow power, he also talked about the dangers of [Primitive Crystal] and embarrassedly said that he might need his help in the future. Reijido would naturally not refuse such a request.



On the way here, the power of Seiga, the power of Pico, and even the doomsday weapon of Drasion, Giga Endora, appeared. There is no doubt that before he knew that things were out of control, his old acquaintances had been invited to help. What does Noah mean? Does he think I can't fight, or...


Reijido, who was a little dissatisfied, remembered something and thought about it.

Noah, this guy, doesn't think that I will be eroded and assimilated by [Primitive Crystal] because of [Aurora Power]? !

Well, it turns out that I am underestimated!

Lei Jieduo floated in the plane interlayer, thinking silently for a while, and then left the plane without hesitation. Then the power of [Legend of Sparks] was unrepressed in the deserted galaxy, and was defeated by Lei Jie Released multiple times, this terrifying attack technique quickly caused fluctuations in time and space, and even torn apart.

Then, Regedo's body flashed, and golden light lit up in the turbulence of time and space. Regedo used the most tyrannical power to forcefully open the hole in time, and then came to the time waterfall.

"Regedo, when I lose my body, can you do whatever you want with 'time'!"

At the same time, the furious voice of the gatekeeper of the Time Falls echoed in this space, and the peaceful Time Falls also had unusual ripples.

"I'm not here to attack the Time Waterfall, I'm here to check something out."

Reggio also knew something about this gatekeeper. It could be said that he was quite rigid, but as long as he understood his bottom line, he was still relatively easy to get along with. He said straight to the point:

"I want to check a person's past. Apart from that, I have no other ideas. I will leave as soon as I find out. It will definitely not have any impact on the time waterfall."

"....I'll keep an eye on you."

Just as Regedo thought, as long as it does not affect the time waterfall, the gatekeeper is indeed easy to talk to. After hearing Regedo's appeal, the gatekeeper's attitude suddenly changed. Although his tone was still not good, It is not as hostile as before. I believe that if Reggio just comes to check and then leaves, the gatekeeper will not take any further action.

After getting the permission of the gatekeeper, Reggio immediately rushed into the Time Falls and first began to investigate the traces of Noah. Sure enough, Noah at each node in the Time Falls was just a clone, playing the role of a civet cat in exchange for a prince. It can be said that it is impossible to find clues from this trick.

Therefore, Regedo turned his attention to Yuan Subaru's past. In this regard, the legendary warrior was blocked by the gatekeeper. Regedo explained for a long time and seriously explained this [Original Crystal] Due to the seriousness of the incident and Yuan Subaru's position in this incident, the gatekeeper released the blockade of Time Falls and allowed him to continue investigating. Therefore, Regedo quickly saw the origin of Yuan Subaru.

Looking at the sunken head of 'Yuan Subaru', Reggio fell into silence, and began to quickly deduce what might have happened in the 'past' based on the current situation of the last time he saw Yuan Subaru. For a long time , floating in the waterfall of time, like a statue, Reggio made a move, raised his head slightly, and softly uttered the word 'outrageous'.

189 Subaru, you are dead

After all, Reggio was a legendary warrior who had lived for a long time, so he quickly threw aside all the 'past' that had nothing to do with this incident, and began to seriously think about what the child would do when his head was dented. To those who are still alive.

But there are many answers to this question. If the power of the engine defeated the primeval crystal, then the child would not be able to survive. Although it is not known where Noah got the power of the engine, the engine did not There is no ability to rise from the dead.

But if the original crystallization achieved victory, then the pure white power of the engine would not be able to reside in the child's body so stably. His body would inevitably fall apart due to the conflict between the two forces.

As for...the two have reached a balance?

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!

Regedo frowned. The reason had already been stated. These were two forces that could never coexist. The existence of that child was by no means a normal event.

No, I have to go see him.

Thinking of this, Regedo didn't hesitate much and began to actively search for Yuan Subaru's whereabouts. Anyway, there are already Noah, Pique, Saga and others in the plane mezzanine resisting. At the moment, there are only one more than him, and less. Since I don't have enough, I might as well take the opportunity to solve the doubts in my heart.

When Regedo left, Yuan Subaru and Ultra's father had also completed the communication. In the previous battle, Yuan Subaru had noticed that every time the green torch was temporarily extinguished, a secret energy would be transferred to the torch. This is undoubtedly a breakthrough, but Yuan Subaru's ability is limited and he cannot track it.

Regarding this issue, the Kingdom of Light will assist Yuan Subaru with relevant technical assistance, and Yuan Subaru will also leave a sufficient amount of [Pure White Light] to allow the Kingdom of Light to gain a more favorable battle position in the battle against the Green Torch. Anyway, it's time to eliminate this weird green energy!

After reaching this consensus, Yuan Subaru left the office of the father of Ultra. Now that time is tight, he has no intention of chatting there. Hurry, hurry, everything must be moved. This joint venture Taking action might allow you to find a chance to return to TLT Earth!

Looking at the child who only had a career in mind, Ultra's father and Ultra Zhi also looked at each other speechless for a moment. Whether it was Zero or Beria, they did not see similar shadows in Yuan Subaru's body, but That almost terrifying obsession makes him more difficult to convince than Beria and the young Zero. This... can only be done step by step.

Yuan Subaru moved very quickly, and in the blink of an eye he found Hikari who was chatting with Zofi and Ace. He politely handed the Ultra entity signature signed by the father of Ultra to him into Zofi's hands, and then grabbed Hikari. Li's arm pulled the chief scientist into the laboratory to continue starting new research.

To be honest, this experiment is not very troublesome. Although the [Pure White Light] cannot be reproduced, it is not difficult to store it in a capsule. As for the energy tracking instrument, there are too many options that Hikari can choose from. I believe there is always one that can be used to track green energy.

Therefore, the purpose of Gen Subaru's visit to the Kingdom of Light this time can be said to be fully completed. After handing over the precise coordinates of the "Kingdom" to Hikari, hoping that the two galaxies can reach a good cooperative relationship, Gen Subaru left the Kingdom of Light with the modified Ark bracelet, and still used [Sega Super Acceleration] to teleport out. He came and went in a hurry without any hesitation.


Looking at the news from Hikari, the first generation sighed with a complicated tone. He turned his head and looked at the silent Seven beside him. For a moment, he didn't know how to persuade him. They had thought of many situations, thinking that the child might have some complaints and dissatisfaction, thinking that the child would panic and avoid the truth, and of course, they also thought that the child would respond enthusiastically to the Kingdom of Light.

But the fact is that Subaru didn't want to deal with this kind of thing at all. The Ultra Brothers could clearly feel his emotional indifference. At the moment of knowing the truth, he gave people the feeling of "Wow, so outrageous, so exciting, okay, I'm done with the surprise, let's talk about business".

There was no warm scene as imagined, nor any troublesome accident as expected. The long-awaited reunion ended so dull. They thought a lot, but for that child, the Kingdom of Light was just a signpost on his journey. He, Subaru, was just a passer-by in the Kingdom of Light. The end of everything for him was only the blue planet.

To be honest, they never thought that they could feel such a strong sense of professionalism and action in such a four-year-old boy, so that they could not find any reason to persuade him. Moreover, if it was Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light, who found such a correct goal worth his lifelong struggle, the Ultra Brothers would not stop him, and they would not be happy for him.


Let it be.

The first Ultraman silently pulled up Seven, responded to the call of Hikario's signature, and went to the laboratory to assemble. No matter what the result of this reunion is, the next action cannot be delayed. After all, they are Ultra Warriors of the Land of Light.

On the other side, Subaru clearly killed the nearest cyan torch. Although he passed by many planets affected by cyan radiation in the process, he took a good look and did not see the existence of human appearance. He just dealt with the monsters that appeared slightly and continued to rush to the destination.

While Subaru extinguished two cyan torches in succession and was using the Ark bracelet to deduce, a strange light lit up. It was Reijido who appeared. Although the universe is very large, the continuous disappearance of cyan radiation points in a short period of time still attracted Reijido's attention.

Looking at this legendary warrior who suddenly appeared, although Yuan Subaru was very surprised, since he was here, it would be somewhat impolite to let this senior leave without asking a few questions. Therefore, Yuan Subaru turned on the recording and recording function of the bracelet and eagerly went forward to ask about the release of [Aurora Power] and [Spark Legend].

"Ah, this... that, you should understand it from another angle."

To be honest, Lei Jiduo did not expect that this time, Yuan Subaru would start asking questions after greeting him. This... This young man is curious about learning, and he can't discourage the enthusiasm of the little kid, right? But, gradually, Lei Jiduo began to feel a little overwhelmed. After all, he really had never imagined something like [Aurora·Spark Bomb], let alone [Super Acceleration·Spark Bomb]. What kind of weird use is this?

However, after all, he is a child, and it is still worthy of praise for his ideas and thoughts, especially the method of [self-amplification], which is very good. Although for Reijido, there is no situation where light energy is not enough, he is also very happy to see others use what he teaches for themselves.

Therefore, Reijido patiently told Yuan Subaru about the various problems when releasing skills and adjustment plans, and asked him to perform it himself, grab the cosmic monster Bemonstan that was causing destruction in the next galaxy as a target, and let Yuan Subaru observe the activation reaction of light energy.

Under Reijido's guidance, Yuan Subaru suddenly became enlightened, and the fluency of skill release was visibly improved by leaps and bounds, which made Reijido very happy. He patted Yuan Subaru on the shoulder happily. Although he didn't say much, as a teacher, what else could he be dissatisfied with such a studious and capable student?

"You should study hard, don't slack off, and don't try those outrageous methods. [Aurora Power] and [Spark Legend] don't need such fancy branches. In addition, you should also pay attention to your own situation. The upper limit of what you can absorb is not as high as you think."

Lei Jieduo patiently advised Yuan Subaru, then waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Okay, you continue to be busy with your work. I still have to find someone here. See you later."

"Goodbye, Senior Lei Jieduo."

Although I still want to take the opportunity to ask about the subsequent improvement direction of [Super Time and Space·Ultra Bomb·Revised·V5.2843], Senior Lei Jieduo has already answered many of my doubts and saved me a lot of time. Now that Senior has something to do, I can't continue to pester him. Therefore, Yuan Subaru said goodbye to Lei Jieduo very well and politely.

Then in the next second, Reggio's figure disappeared into the light, and Yuan Subaru also flew towards the new star field, looking for the whereabouts of the green torch.

Why! Saka has a good eye for people. No wonder he would give [Super Acceleration] to that child.

At the same time, Regedo was still immersed in relief and happiness when he left. To be honest, he just taught Yuan Subaru the skills and knowledge at the beginning just for Saka's sake.

And he never thought that the child could master [Aurora Power] and [Spark Legend]. As I said, the prerequisites for practicing these two skills are not low, and not just any cat or dog can teach them.

And this little guy not only learned it, but also learned inferences. This is really good. It’s really good to teach such a student. Well, the teaching is over. I have to get down to business next and have to find the source... the source. ....

Regedo, who was floating in the interlayer of the plane, suddenly paused and kept his stiff movements, like an exquisite and beautiful statue. After a short while, the legendary warrior covered his face with a 'pop' sound. Fortunately, just now No one sees how stupid I am, otherwise I will be really embarrassed. Who else can I go to? I just go to Yuan Subaru's baby.

Could it be that I am getting older and my memory is bad?

Reggio looked up wordlessly, then turned and appeared in front of Yuan Subaru again.

"Senior Reggio, is there something wrong?"

Seeing the reappearance of Regedo, Yuan Subaru, who was squeezing Babar's neck and beating him violently with his fist, asked in surprise, could it be that this senior had just dropped something on his side? Ah, there is no place to store anything in this Nexus form.

"Ahem, a little something."

Reggie faced the Babar star a little, and the cosmic man was banished into the turbulence of time and space. He walked up to Yuan Subaru and said softly:

"You release the pure white light and let me check it carefully."

"Okay, senior."

Yuan Subaru did not hesitate and immediately released the light. Reggio looked at it carefully. Yes, this is very pure engine power. There is no trace of being affected or distorted by the original crystallization. After such Observing carefully at close range, Reggio realized that the power he lent to Noah seemed to act as a complexing agent, stabilizing the energy form.

But this result is undoubtedly contradictory. Reggio frowned slightly, looked at Yuan Subaru and asked:

"Where is your body? I want to see it."

"This...I didn't bring it with me, and...my body must have collapsed. I have some data here. How about you take a look at it, Senior Reggio?"

Yuan Subaru was glad that he didn't delete too much past data to make room. He quickly provided the information, hoping that it would solve the senior's doubts. Lei Jieduo looked at the data, then looked at the pure white light. Finally, He directly put his hand on Yuan Subaru's body. He knew Yuan Subaru's inhuman origin, so he also expected the poor physical data.

But TLT's technological level lags far behind. In the face of Reggio's doubts, the data they produced cannot be said to have no reference value, but even if it does, it is not much.

Regedo originally planned to go directly to the plane where Subaru's body was, but he also saw the final seal released by Noah. Once that skill was activated, it would be a headache for Regedo to break through. Therefore, This legendary warrior plans to find the answer in the current Yuan Subaru.

Although he didn't know what was going on, Yuan Subaru still cooperated and let go of all his defenses, allowing Reggie's power to pass through his body. Afterwards, the two Ultra warriors were silent for a long time, until Reggie Jie Duo let go of his hand, and the dead silence was broken.

"I...have a few ideas about your situation."

Reggio looked at the curious Yuan Subaru, thought for a while, and decided to give him an answer, saying softly:

"I'm just speculating. Before I see your body, these ideas may be overturned, so don't take it too seriously."

"Senior, just say it."

Yuan Subaru looked at Regedo in confusion and said:

"I think my tolerance is relatively high, but what on earth are you checking? Am I involved in something?"

"Um, Subaru, have you ever thought about..."

Reggio looked at the child in front of him and did not answer his question, but said softly:

"You are actually a dead person now."

190 The truth about Subaru’s origin

ah? I'm not dead now.

Hearing Regedo's words, Yuan Subaru had not yet reacted. After all, in his current state, he really had nothing to do with a living person.

"No, I mean, you..."

Reggio also realized that there was something wrong with his words, so he quickly corrected himself and said:

"Since you became conscious, you have been a dead person. No, I mean, you have never lived, nor..."

Reggio felt that something was wrong with his statement, and wanted to change it to a more euphemistic way, but he felt that the description was getting darker and darker. Yuan Subaru calmly waved his hand, telling Reggio not to worry about his own mood so much. Not that he couldn't accept this, he said softly:

"Senior Reggio, can you tell me what's going on?"

"Well, you've already gone to Time Falls to see your 'past', right?"

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