
The capital, also known as the royal capital, is the political center of an empire and the concentration of royal power.

So, what does the capital city of Titus look like?

This question is naturally a little curious to Tang En, who is not a local, but is here as soon as he crosses over. It's just a pity that in Eisoan, except for Miksu's background, the rest are almost all hanging silk. Now that Miksu is not here, the rest of the members have never been to the capital, so naturally they can't give Tang En any opinion.

There are two empires on the Caesar Continent, and only two capitals. Among them, Tang En has been fortunate to have been to the imperial city in Beihuang, and has seen the rough atmosphere there, which is outstanding. Now, he has officially stepped into another place...

If you want to say what the first impression of Titus capital is, then after paying the entrance fee in Tang En is five or six times more than other cities, After the commercial expenses and other expenses, I probably feel that the capital is the capital, it is really expensive!

The second impression that followed was that after being blocked in the city gate for half an hour, I felt that the city was huge and there were so many people! Looking around, what you can see is the Shili Long Street, full of traffic and crowds of people.

After digesting the above two initial impressions, Tang En and their small caravan finally successfully lined up the main road. Next is the formal impression - prosperous, prosperous, or prosperous!

Compared to the rough atmosphere of the imperial city in the Northern Wilderness, the capital city of Titus is a little weaker in this respect, with its imposing manner of imposing iron blood. And noble aura full.

If, for example, the imperial city of Beihuang is compared to a bold and unrestrained man, then the capital city of Titus is a refined and elegant noble lady.

And since she is a noble lady. That arrogance is naturally there. In fact it is. Feel free to look around. Although there are countless faces, when Tang En in the eyes falls, it is easy to distinguish who is from the city and who is from outside the country.

There is no other reason, the temperament is different, and the dress is also different. Take the two women walking together by the roadside as an example. Judging from their clothes, they should both be from the wealthy business class. But a woman who is slightly closer to the front half. The chin has always been slightly raised, the look is confident, and the dress is also very fashionable. At a moderate pace, it is the unique step of women in the capital leading women from other provinces to tour the capital. Although the woman who is slightly behind is not badly dressed, judging from her posture and expression and the conservative belt tied high above her hips, there is something called restraint everywhere...

Then , The Eisoan members who went out to find out where there was a cheap hotel came back with a bad look on their faces, which proved the impression of the arrogance of the people in the capital.

"You mother! Say I'm a hillbilly...don't let me know you're going in the wrong direction, or I'll let you know what a hillbilly fist is—I don't care!"

Then I asked a few more times. This Eisoan member's fist after being said a few more times hillbilly behind his back. In the end is not able to swing out. Because whether it is the first capital city person, or the next few people are pointing in the right direction.

City people are arrogant, they look down on foreigners, but they will not point in the wrong direction because their arrogance does not allow it. Of course, because it's sincere, it's even more irritating...

Well, apart from this, the Titus capital is the first time to see its prosperous and lively Tang En, as well as most of the poor Eisoan members, Still left a good impression.

Doing as the locals do, especially for Assassin, being out of tune with your surroundings is a big no-no. So they strolled around the city for half a lap, and when they found a small hotel that fit their identity as a small caravan, the members who went to negotiate with the innkeeper, speaking in a Dao Rhyme-smelling urban accent, easily solved the accommodation problem. And when the shop owner learned that they were a little unfamiliar because they had not returned to the capital for a long time, he kindly pointed out the place to go to the trading market...

After settling down, it took a while. There will be no major event. Tang En generously gave the members hot money and let them go out to explore the capital, familiarize themselves with the terrain, and relax.

As for Tang En himself, he first went to the contact point of the secret agency in the capital.

Yes, the Secret Service has branches in the capital city of Titus. However, this is not the idea that Tang En came up with, it was proposed by Losa when the Grey Cloth Armed Force and Titus reached a cooperation agreement before. After all, the distance between the north and the south is too far. At that time, in order to avoid being deceived by the new nobles, the secret agency that has always been operating in the north set up a branch here to collect information. By the way, the simple Terrain Map of the Royal Castle that Tang En obtained before is also from the handwriting of this branch.

This is a ready-to-wear shop. The store is not big or small. Because the location is a bit remote, the business is also tepid. In other words, it is also very ordinary here, and it is not noticeable.

I roughly observed the outside and found no problems. Camouflage, Tang En, who was a middle-age person, stepped into the shop and stayed in front of the checkout counter for a while, and was immediately greeted by the waiter. The excuse of going to the backyard to pick up the goods was invited inside.

Probably because of the way the waiter secretly informed him, as soon as he stepped into the backyard, a slightly fat man with a profiteer-like temperament greeted him.

Tang En bowed first and saluted, and said coldly, "Hello, this is Lord Bunir. My name is Jack when we first met." Although the secret agency has been taken over by Tang En for a long time, but with the This secret agency Chief-In-Charge, that is, the Bunir in front of him, was indeed the first time they met. And since it was the first time we met, Tang En naturally wouldn't report his true identity as soon as he came up. In this way, Jack's popular name also comes in handy...

"Haha, hello Jack, this is a distinguished guest from Eisoan, I have already received the news, I have been waiting here for a long time... No need Be polite, no need to be more polite, everyone is working for the Grey Cloth Armed Force." This is a slightly fat businessman called Bunnier, but he really has several points of businessman's natural talent, after laughed heartily, catch They shook Tang En's shoulders affectionately, and instantly shortened the distance between them.

Tang En couldn't help but paused when he heard the words. Before that, they did contact here, but they didn't say that they would definitely come. How to explain the news they received so long ago? But it is not difficult to analyze it immediately after thinking about it. After all, since they have come to the south, it is normal to go this way.

Nodding, his tone was still cold: "Then I'm welcome, Lord Bunir. The Boss wants all the information about the Titus Royal Castle, so..." Eisoan members have always been indifferent to the outside world, Tang En Now, it's very easy to learn.

"Of course there's no problem." Bunnier heard the nodded without the slightest hesitation, waved his hand and told the waiter to prepare, then turned his head and said to Tang En, "Information information. It's a bit complicated, and it takes some time to organize temporarily, why don't we go and have a drink first?"

"This...then I'll interrupt. During the Quest, I only drink tea."

With a thumbs up, "haha, understand, understand. Brother is worthy of being the person next to the Tang En leader, doing things with caution. Please!"

"Just doing things for the Boss, can't be considered What people around you. Well, please!"

"That's not bad, I have long admired the leader of Tang En, but every time I meet, I'm missing a bit of luck. No, now it's even more direct. I've come here. Alas, I don't know when my long-cherished wish will be fulfilled..."

"hehe, there is a chance..."


Half a sound, at the back door of the shop. After agreeing on the next meeting time, Tang En once again bowed and saluted this Bunir who seemed to be his fanboy, and then hurried away with a black bag, disappeared.

At this time, the waiter who had been standing beside Bunier, watched Tang En disappear, his face suddenly turned cold, and asked in a low voice, "Sir, do you want to send someone to follow? "

"You're stupid, you don't want to die, you've been here for too long and can't remember things." Bunir shook his head and rejected, not even think, "This is an Eisoan person, you Do you have the ability to follow them?"

The waiter also knew that he had asked a stupid question, so he quickly lowered his head: "What the lord taught me." Closing the wooden door, Bunir waved his hand angrily. "Okay, let's go and notify that side and say they're coming."


"Wait, come back... go back at night, just in case... …”

…………(To be continued..)

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