
Speaking of which, no need to guess, the one in the hooded robe is naturally Savian.

After leaving the Songhai City Hotel, Savian concealed Camouflage a little, all the way north, and resolutely ran towards the nearest port city.

At this time, ten days had passed since the trial, and the temple's tracking and encirclement naturally hadn't dissipated. However, they never thought that in just a few short days, Savian's strength would actually have a qualitative breakthrough and become a Sky Rank powerhouse. As a result, most of the level teams whose temples are located on the ground naturally cannot stop the current Savian.

It was smooth, quick, and lucky. But within two days, Savian broke through the heavy blockade to the destination, and then happened to meet the smuggling ship that Miksu and the others contacted. It was not a bad step and successfully boarded the last ship.

Adhering to the principle of low-key, Savian has almost never left the cabin since boarding the ship. All meals and washing are done in the cabin. Such a strange move naturally fell into Miksu and the others in the eyes.

Savian hasn't met Miksu, but Miksu has met Savian.

After confirming Savian's identity, Miksu couldn't help but startled. But even though they bumped into each other, and there is still a relationship with Tang En, Miksu has no idea of getting to know each other. After all, in his impression, the other party is not a good person to deal with, especially for Assassins like them, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are jealous. So thinking that one more thing is worse than one less thing, Miksu just pretended that he hadn't seen each other.

But now the situation is forced, and a large group of water bandits is in front of me, Miksu has to move out of Tang En's relationship, hoping to get help from each other...

After listening to Miksu's brief self-introduction . Saviian light nodded. It's self-assured. Then he said calmly: "I know Eisoan, with your strength, the trifling water bandits don't seem to need my help."

Miksu spread his hands: "The situation is a bit special, now this ship is not only us, but also There are other ordinary persons who need protection. So..."

"You're not telling the truth." Savian shook the head, looking at Miksu calmly, "Although I haven't dealt with you. But I know His style of behavior. Eisoan, who is his right-hand man, that is, you, will not care about the life and death of irrelevant ordinary persons."

"Uh... it sounds like the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. ..." Miksu licked his lips, a little nervous. One is to capture Savian's natural power. You must know that she has just broken through to become a Sky Rank powerhouse. This stage is when the imposing manner is at its peak and cannot be completely restrained. And Miksu is not Tang En, so he can't take it calmly.

Of course, this is not the most critical. The point is that Miksu can't answer her question truthfully now, what can I say? Say that group of ordinary persons who need protection. It's actually Joah, the family of the Boss's lover...although Miksu doesn't know much about this Savian's relationship with Tang En Boss. But I also know that the two are not innocent. Isn't it uncomfortable to say that...

"You are covering up." Miksu hesitated for a while, but Savian immediately noticed, "It seems that this group of people is very important to you..." paused, Thinking back and forth, an unpleasant thought suddenly popped into my mind, frowning slightly, "Is it about his girlfriend?"

So, a woman's intuition is really a terrifying thing. A few days ago, Tang En only mentioned it briefly, and was interrupted by Savian at the time, but now I think of it in an instant, it's really... terrifying!

Miksu startled , at a loss for words.

And this appearance undoubtedly confirmed Savian's conjecture, and the corners of his mouth pursed. Although he said before that he didn't want to fight, but now that he heard the news about Tang En's lover, Savian found that he still couldn't. Coping calmly, Xinhu couldn't stop the waves.

After a moment of silence, the sound of hua hua water flow mixed with the laughed unbridled of the water bandits getting closer and closer, Savian moved, looked left and right, walked to the side of the deck, leaned over and picked up a punting boat. Penny's. Immediately, the toes tapped the surface of the boat, and with a bang, the robe rolled and rose into the air.

"Sky Rank?" Miksu was shocked when he saw this. As far as he knew, Savian's cultivation base should be Earth Rank Peak. And with Earth Rank Martial Artist to help out, the safety of the ship is no problem. But the Sky Rank powerhouse...well, can those water bandits still touch the side of the boat?

In fact, when Savian rose into the sky in the afterglow of the tragic sunset, the arrogant and cruel laughter in his ears came to an abrupt end.

Around the large merchant ship, densely packed like ants, about a hundred small boats came in, all at a slow pace. The water bandits in different dresses on the boat all looked up in amazement and looked towards the air, the silhouette of the robe that floated out of the dust.

"Empty...Sky Rank?""Great...Grand Magician?""Damn! Withdraw..."

Screaming in fear, exclaiming in disbelief, The order to retreat hysterically shouted, and in just a short moment, the water bandits on the river were in complete chaos. This kind of feeling is no different from the absurd shock of catching a delicious little sheep, and then a big bad wolf jumping out of it after being skinned.

Kicked to the iron plate!

The water bandits who have this consciousness are not slow, they quickly turn the bow of the boat, like an arrow from the string, and run away frantically at a speed several times faster than when they came. However, at this moment, suddenly,

"Hey!" The sky was bright and dazzling. Battle Qi floating on the river gathered crazily, surrounded Savian, and instantly formed a dazzling ball of holy light. In contrast to the old setting sun and setting sun on the western riverside, it is like a gradually raised vigorous rising sun, with a magnificent atmosphere and vigor.

Immediately, "go! ”rays of light ten thousand zhang, the rising sun burst, and instantly divided into eight thick beams of light, spear glow fell into the river, separated by a distance of several dozen meters, just to send hundreds of people fleeing. The rest of the water bandit boats were completely shrouded in it, like a cage.

next moment, bang... bang... bang...

The eight beams of light suddenly turned madly along the clockwise trajectory, the afterimage was heavy, driving the monstrous river to rotate and rise into the sky, Rumbling thunder, waves splashing, and myriad forms are plentiful.

Looking from a distance, that side of the water is like being surrounded by the giant Dragon Inhaling Water, majestic and magnificent.

As for the boat that was locked in it, no one cared about it now, because the moment the beam of light started to turn, it was directly overturned by the water of the Wanhe River and overturned without a trace.

"I...did...ah..." Looking at the terrifying scene in front of him, the large merchant ships under him were swept away by the huge waves and slammed back hundreds of times, Miksu supported the floating up and down. Bow, groaning. Muttering to himself. If you take off the silver mask now, the face inside will definitely be extremely bitter.

Sky Rank powerhouse Against the water bandits, there is no need to say who wins and who loses. But this method is obviously wrong... With Savian's current strength, even if he doesn't plan to let these water bandits go, he just needs to stand in the air, shoot a few spear glows from a distance, mobilize the water power, and instantly wipe out the entire army of these water bandits. .

But look at the current situation, it's overturned, no one will believe it if it's not a big move!

And using big moves to deal with water bandits is like blasting flies with Thor's hammer. Savian is not a Rookie with no actual combat experience, she is impossible to know. But she still chose to use such a violent way that is more like venting... What does it mean?

It means I'm getting angry... As soon as he stroked his forehead, Miksu smiled bitterly and murmured: "Boss, Boss, it's not that I don't want to help you cover it up, it's really... I can't bear it!"

The night wind hit, and gradually, the speed of the rotating beam slowed down a little, and the huge waves rising from the sky returned to the river again. Except for the still shrouded area that continued to overturn the river and overturn overseas, the outer river surface gradually returned to its proper calm.

With a light hum, Savian floated slowly from the distance, her hood was blown off, and she looked calm.

Approaching the side of the boat, the figure paused for a while, then waved his hand, and with a swoosh, the punting pole shot straight down. Miksu subconsciously bowed his head and was stunned for a while, only to realize that the smuggling captain who had been thrown into the river by him before came to the side of the boat by the thrust of the waves just now. But his luck ended here. Before he could grab the side of the boat, the bamboo penny shot down, huā lā, and disappeared, and I don't know if he was nailed to the bottom of the river...

Slowly Landing on the deck, without looking at the eyes of the surrounding Eisoan members like Ghost God, he walked straight to the cabin. Immediately, he paused for a while, and after thinking about it, he turned his head and looked towards Miksu: "If you have time, tell me about her."

It was her, not him.

What else could Miksu say when he heard the words, he smiled bitterly and nodded: "Okay...there is time..."

......(To be continued..)


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