
In the early morning, the grass is still dewy.

"Look, commoners are just commoners after all, and their inferior habits have penetrated deep into their bones. Even if they have the strength to stir up one side, they can't change their habit of fighting on foot."

On the mound, the face has not yet dissipated. In the cold night wind, Breta figure straight, pointed finger towards the Grey Cloth Armed Force soldiers who were entangled and distracted by the battalion cavalry in the distance, indifferently said, "So, just send a large number of bows and cavalry to harass the periphery, you can't fight, you can't fight. If they can't catch up, they will not know what to do in a short period of time. Hehe, it really lacks a challenge..."

He chuckled and shook his head, looking disapproving. However, before the words fell, suddenly, boom boom boom, violent explosions came one after another in the distance. In the phalanx of archers and cavalrymen who were fighting and walking, fire suddenly flashed in all directions, and people turned on their backs for a while, and they were very embarrassed. Even from such a long distance, it can be seen that the battallion cavalry suffered a lot.

paused, under the playful gazes of Barlow and Gehry, Bretta twitched slightly at the corners of his eyes, and then exhaled slightly, and said as usual, "Of course, this Purple Artillery is indeed a good thing."

Paused. p>

Although it's a bit embarrassing to be slapped in the face when the words fall, I have to say that Bretta's comment just now is very reasonable.

The current Grey Cloth Armed Force system is indeed immature, especially the lack of essential cavalry, which also hinders their tactical changes. Frey and the others are of course aware of this problem, but it is almost impossible to solve it.

The reason is simple, no horses!

This horse is not an ordinary horse, but a well-trained warhorse. This is a strategic resource in Titus, and even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it, let alone a large-scale purchase.

Although the previous Grey Cloth Armed Force lacked warhorses, it has accumulated over more than ten years. There are always a few battallions of cavalry in formations. But it was broken in Dawn City. On your way back to the harsh, rugged and narrow Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. The war horse could not walk at all and could only be discarded. Now that Pu Yi comes out, it is naturally more impossible to form a cavalry system.

The drawbacks of the lack of cavalry have not been reflected in the previous siege battles, but they have been exposed in the current field battle. The cavalry came and went like the wind, going with the attack, of course the infantry couldn't catch up, just like now. If it weren't for the Purple Artillery's far longer range than the bow and arrow, the situation for the Grey Cloth Armed Force would be even more difficult for the bow rider to not dare to get too close.

Of course, that's not to say the Grey Cloth Armed Force is doomed. Turned out Purple Artillery can change the current war pattern, this is not just nothing serious. Although Grey Cloth Armed Force does not have cavalry, it has Purple Artillery with medium killing distance in hand, which can restrain cavalry to some extent. This can be verified from the actual battles in which Ziyi led an army thousands of miles to raid, drive wilderness wolves to ride like dogs, and successfully rush to the northern desert imperial city...

But for now. After all, it was the first time a large-scale cavalry field was encountered, and that was the case all night - the cavalry of the Tiger Roaring Legion attacked everywhere. Like a headless fly, and like a tarsal maggot, it kept pounding the Grey Cloth Armed Force zone, like crazy, it was really confusing.

The Grey Cloth Armed Force was obviously underprepared for this. Although most of the opponent's cavalry was beaten away like this, it was a small victory, but they were completely unaware of the opponent's true purpose. Here are thousands of elite cavalry hidden behind unremarkable hills!

"Okay, six in the morning. The last blockade line, breakthrough!" Looking at the gray-clothed soldiers who were walking away until they were disappeared, Bretta groped for the hourglass in her hand, and the corners of her slightly protruding mouth twitched. Young, with the confident look that it's all in Proficient.

It looks like an arrogant rooster... Seeing this, Barlow curled one's lip and asked impatiently: "Okay, let's walk around for a night, now that you can tell your complete plan, what should we do? Do?"

"Wrong, it's not you, it's just me." Bretta chuckled, "According to the previous agreement, you can only assist from the side. Now there are battlefields everywhere in a radius of 100 miles. , if the two of you are itchy, you can lead the army to fight by yourself, and I will not interfere. Well, I wish you good luck."

"Your mother!" It was a waste of time for me to lead the army to move around this night, and I couldn't help clenching my fists. I finally managed to hold back the strong urge to punch this arrogant cock and clean his face without the slightest trace of dust! Grinning his teeth secretly, he said in a muffled anger, "What about you! Where are you going?"

"The plan has not yet come to the time when the mystery is revealed... Well, since the two of you want to know so much, let's talk about it. It doesn't matter." Looking at the two Barlows who were clearly on the verge of running away, Bretta shrugged and pointed to the mountain ahead easily, "For a quarter of an hour, go around this mountain and you can see a small town called Pia. The rebel leader has been there since he checked in last night, and hasn't moved."

"Uh, can you be sure of the authenticity of this information?" Gary was stunned for a moment, full of suspicion. To know that this is an enemy-occupied area, you can imagine the difficulty of obtaining real-time information, not to mention that it is only a night apart.

"Hehe, I know what you want to ask... Well, do you know what my biggest gain in the South was during the years away from the front line? Didn't I know those big bellies who pretend to be elegant but are actually extremely dirty The so-called great character. Instead, I spent a lot of time learning about the knowledge that I used to only think about, such as Alchemy and magic..."

Barlow interrupted with a very irritable wave: "If you have a fart, let it go! You don't mean to tell us that you've become a Magician."

"Ha, it's impossible to be a Magician, but it's okay to borrow some magic items." Bretta leaned back indifferently. With a wave of his hand, several soldiers in the back cautiously carried what looked like a wooden cabinet. Except that there is no cover on the top, the wooden cabinet is tightly closed on all sides.

Looking with the probe, inside the wooden cabinet is a stone slab painted with mysterious lines, which looks like a grimace at first glance. There is also a crystal pillar with different lengths of fine water on the stone slab, and the tower shape is a strange hollow model formed by bonding, which looks very strange as a whole.

"What?" Barlow and Gary looked at each other blankly, not knowing anything about this item, which obviously belonged to the category of magic.

"Sound transmission array." This time, Bretta didn't sell anything, and simply called out the name of this ancient monster. Immediately, he took out a blue prismatic crystal and pressed it into the groove of the stone slab. This thing, which the two of Barlow knew, was a valuable magic stone.

When the magic stone is completely inlaid into the rune stone slab, the mysterious lines suddenly light up, and the blue waterlines gather to the crystal tower along the lines. In an instant, the top of the tower blooms brightly like a diamond. rays of light.

At this time, Bretta leaned over the wooden cabinet and asked in a low voice, "How is the situation now?"

"General, everything is normal." In Gehry's stunned eyes, a slightly awkward voice that did not contain any emotion suddenly appeared out of thin air. Because of their proximity, they could of course hear that the sound came from the crystal tower...paused, "They still haven't come out of the Western District Hotel, so they probably haven't woken up yet."

"Continue Monitor and report the situation in time."

"Yes, General."

Standing upright, Bretta looked at the undisguised shocked expressions of the two of Barlow, the corners of his mouth slightly Yang: "Hehe, don't you think it's amazing? This is the power of magic. As long as you build two sound transmission arrays, you can have instant conversations with each other. Of course, the sound will be a little distorted, and the distance should not be too far. Little, this magic stone can last for ten minutes... but it doesn't matter, isn't it? The other party is in the city now, um, I hope I won't disturb their sleep after I pass. After all, this is their last time Sleep!"

What Barlow disliked the most was Bretta's arrogant attitude that everything was planned. Although he was shocked when he heard the words, he still said with disdain on the surface: " Bauble that's all... What if you know that the other party is in the city? You can go in, but can you guarantee a timely retreat afterward? You must know that this is the territory of the Grey Cloth Armed Force, and there are soldiers of the Grey Cloth Armed Force everywhere, be careful to be caught People cut off the back road and directly surrounded the city!"

"Haha, don't worry about this. You know, I never do anything I'm not sure about." Britta shook his head and laughed, holding the hourglass mysterious said, "Everything can be calculated... Do you think those Grey Cloth Armed Force soldiers can still get close to here?" Nonsense is not money. At noon, the old man in the neighbor passed away. He was in his 80s and died of natural causes. In our hometown, this is considered a happy mourning, so we invited a band to play gongs and drums non-stop until the early morning... civet cat's code The word habit is that you cannot suffer any disturbance. Usually no one closes the door and window. Today, when I hear the music now, all the suonas are in cadence (it also seems to be a trumpet, not sure...), my mind is blank, completely No ideas. So sorry, only one chapter today.) (To be continued..)

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