
ps: Bow down to thank the book friend "Shadow Sniper" for the reward~!

(ps: There was a power outage in my hometown, and the code words were not smooth. However, the civet cat has a good character and does what it says. ^-^ praise me, praise me, praise me quickly...)

A few days later, The arrival of the front line did not affect the offensive of the Grey Cloth Armed Force. Hanshui and Kusei lost one city. Within a radius of 100 miles, the Titus army had no danger to defend. They could only watch the Grey Cloth Armed Force's multi-line impact. As if entering no man's land, the victory continued to expand, and Mo Naihe sighed.

At this point in time, admit it or not, the Grey Cloth Armed Force has indeed become a Titus scourge. This scourge is not only reflected in the impact, but more troublesome in the military geography.

The Hundred Thousand Great Mountains are already close to the Titus front line. If this area is lost, and the Grey Cloth Armed Force is allowed to attack in four lines, Titus' connection with the frontier front line will be cut off. Without talking about supplies and other issues, it is unknown whether the isolated border line can withstand the attacks of the northern barbarians.

This is not sensational, the Grey Cloth Armed Force does not know, but the Titus military is very aware of the old rival in the north, and it has not been peaceful recently...

Of course, this is not the same as being in the War Zone. Tang En that Yuya hangs out has nothing to do. According to the schedule, they should have arrived at the Combat Unit to turn with Frey, but for some reason, Tang En did not rush to contact Frey, but continued to float aimlessly with Joah, teasing Assassin who came up from time to time to seek death , can be described as leisurely.

In the afternoon, on the official road, in a slow-moving carriage.

"So, do you mean to persuade Barlow to surrender? Are you sure?" After watching Tang En's mysterious behavior for a few days, Joah finally couldn't help being curious, so he blocked and held it. Tang En with letters out. Ask why.

And after knowing Tang En's plan. Joah was instantly excited. The morale of the Grey Cloth Armed Force is high today. With Purple Artillery, the ultimate weapon in hand, it can be said to be invincible, seemingly without any flaws. But as the leader, Joah knows very well that this is just a superficial phenomenon. In fact, the Grey Cloth Armed Force's army is flawed, and it is not small, that is, there is a lack of professional officers and generals at all levels.

In fact, this problem has always existed, and it is difficult to improve it. If the phrase is too big and inappropriate, it is the limitation of commoner rebellion. Some things are uncomfortable to say though. But it is indeed the fact that the rich and aristocratic people who have received professional education are much more knowledgeable than the poor commoner, and most of them are of much higher quality.

The main body of the Grey Cloth Armed Force is the commoner, which determines that they have a strong ambition to rebel, but at the same time they lack the necessary conditions, such as advanced generals with mature military literacy, especially in the past few years After being stabbed in the back by Titus, many officers who had been trained with great difficulty died on the front line, which also made the situation for the Grey Cloth Armed Force even more difficult.

That's why Joah was overjoyed to hear that he might get a fighter. Can't wait to ask about the probability of success.

"Idiot, you have to try it before you know if you are sure." He tapped the tip of Joah's nose. Tang En raised the letter in his hand, "This is a letter to Big Brother Lei. With their several decades of friendship, the success rate should be much higher for him to come forward."

"Is that so? What about the others? Wouldn't it be better for me to show my attitude?" Joah was a little concerned about gains and losses.

Tang En shook the head: "I have already sent Harry and the others to do other preparations, you are not suitable to come forward now, it may be too late... Well, wait until Barlow really comes to Grey Cloth Armed Force Afterwards, it's not too late for you to come forward."

"Oh." Joah knew that she was impatient after hearing this. She had no friendship with Barlow. If she came forward, Barlow would definitely feel betrayed. But Frey and the others are different. You can persuade them through friendship, which will make you feel much better psychologically.

"Then what are you waiting for, send a letter to Big Brother Lei now." With this in mind, Joah began to urge again. Tang En reluctantly pointed to the car door behind Joah, "I'm going to do it, you have to let me go out and call someone to deliver the letter first."

Joah stuck out his tongue and exited the carriage. It's not far from Frey and the others. If you hurry up, you will receive a reply tomorrow. Naturally, you don't need David and the others to send this letter. Finally, Victor found two smart guards, prepared a few good horses and set off immediately.

As the arrangements were made, Tang En asked casually, "By the way, Victor's big brother, where are we now?"

"Mr. If you go at the speed of one hour, you will arrive at Pia City in the evening." Victor replied very politely after hearing that, changing his disapproval attitude a few days ago.

"Pia City? Oh, I have an impression, it's a small town? Well, I'll camp there tonight to rest."

"...Okay, sir." Stop, Victor seemed to want to say something, but looking at Tang En and Joah who turned away, he didn't say anything in the end.

Pia City is indeed an unknown town, but its geographical location is very close to the battle front line, and there are certain security risks. If it was before, Victor would definitely be strongly opposed to resting and camping there. But now... not to mention whether the constantly defeated Titus army can pass through the War Zone, even if it does pass, there should be no problem with this Lord here...

Yes , after Joah's intentional or unintentional reminder a few days ago, Victor has already guessed the identities of Tang En and David. There is no need to say much about the shock. Since then, Victor has been greatly relaxed, while letting go of his entanglement, it is not ashamed to lose in the hands of the legendary Eisoan. On the other hand, I no longer worry about Joah's safety. Tang En says what he says, just do it...


In the evening, compared to Tang En's leisure, The gray-clothed Central Army Headquarters was busy, but the atmosphere was not bad. The good news from time to time sent back the busy faces with undisguised joy.

As I just said, due to the lack of mature officers at all levels, the existing advanced general officers can only undertake most of the responsibilities, try to refine and simplify the general orders, and distribute them to the troops at all levels Among them, so that the low rank officers with low education level can quickly understand the meaning, so as not to have an oolong situation.

And to do this is undoubtedly not easy. In particular, Frey, who is a quasi-marshal, is very clear about his abilities and what he is carrying on his shoulders. Therefore, even though he has not had a rest for a few days and his eyes are bloodshot, he still sits in the middle of the army and never leaves.

Frey knew that he had missed the best opportunity to learn, and the more than ten years of wasted time in the mine actually closed the door for him to continue to progress in the military field. What he can do now is to force himself to hit the dusty door in a diligent and able-bodied way, to improve as much as possible, even a little bit...

It is precisely because of this magical condition that , let him relax for a while after hearing the familiar name of Barlow before he reacted. He hurriedly re-read the content of the letter, and the corner of his mouth gradually raised a smile.

He slammed the table with a loud bang, and exclaimed excitedly: "Come here, go take the skinny monkeys, bamboo poles, big bears of the Sixth Army...cough cough..." In the eyes of the messenger's unfathomable mystery In the middle, Frey coughed a few times in embarrassment and continued, "Go and notify the adults of the Sixth Army, including Nat and Rex, that it is my order and let them come over immediately."

Frey had no doubt thought about it with Joah, and attached great importance to persuading Barlow, the Old Brother, to join the Grey Cloth Armed Force. If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't leave, he really wanted to invite him himself. However, this is not a big problem. Bringing a handwritten letter has the same effect in the past. Well, coupled with the Old Brothers such as the thin monkey, the grasp is even greater...

Thinking that after more than ten years, still Frey was even more delighted that the surviving long spear breaking the formation team, the Old Brothers, could fight side by side again. But at this moment, the messenger who had just been ordered to go out was bumped back by a hurried silhouette at the door curtain.

"Oh, I'm sorry...Sir General, there is an urgent military intelligence report." After hurriedly helping the messenger to apologize, the officer who rushed in loudly shouted.

Frey's expression immediately turned positive when he heard the words: "Tell me!"

"The three armies received news that several dozen li in front of their main force, a large number of tiger roaring Legion cavalry attacked There was also news from the right flank of the Fourth Army, and there were also battalion, Tiger Roaring, and Legion cavalry advancing towards their position at high speed."

"What! Are you sure they are all cavalry?" Lei took a breath and suppressed the shock in his heart, said solemnly, "Go, call the generals and high-level officials to discuss quickly!"


Outside the tent of the Central Army, the night was dark Silence is deep. In addition to the piles of lighting bonfires, the four fields have long been shrouded in darkness and darkness. Squinting can see that there is also a faint damp mist, which seems to be constantly churning, and it is about to explode...

………… (To be continued..)

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