
(ps: The code word is like that, if you don’t touch the keyboard for a few days, the civet cat’s hands are rusty , it's a pain! Cough cough, sorry, sorry, let's make the bottom today, and fight tomorrow!)

City Lord's House, the former center of city administrative power, is now the gathering place of rebel leaders.

In the main hall, Joah and more than a dozen senior members of Grey Cloth Armed Force gathered around the thick redwood table, slightly frowned looking at a huge map on the table, listening to the report, "...here, here, and There is this. Counting Shanhaicheng, we have now built a total of seven cities. The beginning and the end correspond to each other, forming a small strategic circle. There is no problem with defending the guard base... Of course, our current tactic is to attack and continue to attack. So the problem is Here, this is where the main enemy army gathers..."

The reporter is a thin and armored general, at first glance a little weak, even a little wretched, but he can't hide his gestures. Iron blood means. This is a veteran with the nickname 'Skinny Monkey', and a life-and-death brother like Frey's right-hand man.

Will be outside, military orders will not be accepted - this is common sense in warfare. However, as mentioned earlier, the case of Grey Cloth Armed Force is really special. Frey was a quasi-marshal, and since he was the leader of the army, it was inconvenient for Avatar to report, and he had to pass it on to his Old Brother.

"Cuse City...Cold Water City?" Joah said softly, looking at the two cities marked with many crossed arrows that the thin monkey waved to.

"Yes." The skinny monkey nodded, picked up the quill on the side and added arrows on the two cities, "According to the information, the vanguard of the Titus Southern Tiger Roaring Legion, which was originally going to the front line. It has been This is a true division of a hundred battles. Although the battle strength has declined due to living in the south for a long time, it is also different from the previous second-rate soldiers, which is a lot of trouble."

Legion...the response is fast enough..." Joah and the others didn't know what was happening on the front line in Beihuang, and when they heard that they only thought it was their side, Titus immediately mobilized the regular army to suppress it, and frowned.

This is a misunderstanding, but it is not good news for the Grey Cloth Armed Force who set the 'lighting war' strategy. A moment of silence. A high-level executive asked aloud, "What is General Frey's plan?"

"Strike! Before the Tiger Roar Legion really arrives, we must make a strong attack!" Without any hesitation, the thin monkey clenched his fists, "Ku The locations of Sai and Hanshui are extremely important. As long as we occupy these two central cities, we will be able to make a smooth river in a radius of 100 miles. At that time, our preliminary strategic plan will also be achieved!”

This is The advantage, as for the disadvantage, is naturally the casualties caused by the storm. After all, Tiger Roar Legion is also a regular Legion. Even if there is Purple Artillery, the ultimate weapon, it is impossible to replace the mainstream combat mode of soldier melee combat with large casualties.

This is also the reason why the thin monkey came back to report. This kind of thing needs to be decided by Chief Joah.

Without thinking about it, Joah is no longer the fanciful noble lady she used to be. She knows that if she wants peace, she must first prepare for war. She takes a breath and waits for a decisive order. But at this moment,

"Leader, all adults."

Everyone turned their heads and saw a middle-aged officer in armor standing outside the door looking towards this side , seems to be reporting something. Joah recognized that this was the commander guarding the place, not astonished. The middle-aged officer stepped into the threshold, saluted, and said, "Boss, there is someone called Ni and Ni Lao Hong who came to look for him. He said he was an old acquaintance and had an important briefing."

"Ni... ... Nilao Bang?" I have to say, this name is really weird, it sounds like a curse at first. Not only was the middle-aged officer speaking eloquently, but everyone present was stunned when they heard the words.

The skinny monkey looked at Joah's dazed expression, thought of something, his face changed, shouted in a deep voice: "Come on, protect the adults and retreat!"

After the words fell, everyone instantly understood the meaning of the thin monkey. As mentioned earlier, the strategy of the two armies fighting to assassinate the leader is not new, but it is very effective and easy to think of.

Boom, the sound of swords unsheathed, and the atmosphere in the main hall instantly turned cold. But at this moment, suddenly, the hall went dark, "Ai, I knew that this would be the result from the repeated words you repeated before... It's your husband, not Nilaohong. Brother...ahah! It's not your husband...hey, forget it, it's better for Nilao to bang..." caressing his forehead, a middle-aged man silhouette with slightly frosted temples appeared at the entrance of the main hall, looking at both eyes The staring middle-aged officer looked a little helpless.

As the main camp in the current high-level habitat of the Grey Cloth Armed Force, it goes without saying that the City Lord's mansion is heavily guarded. Although it is not perfect, it is definitely not an exaggeration to say that three steps, one post and five steps, one post. But this middle-aged man suddenly appeared in the line of sight of the unfathomable mystery of the two rows of guards beside the door, with his hand on his forehead, and a look that he couldn't bear to look directly at... I have to say, this is really scary!

It was quiet, and suddenly thunder broke out on the flat ground, "Retreat!" The window lattice trembled, he stepped on the gun and shouted to retreat, but the skinny monkey covered in military armor was like a tiger, not waiting for a voice. When it landed, the man had reached the door, whistling and waving his gun.

With a swoosh, the long spear is like a whip like a fan, rolling up a large piece of iron-blooded wind and instantly covering the main entrance area.

It's a sweep, not the fastest thrust!

The skinny monkey is experienced and has a lot of combat experience. He knows that since the opponent can come here silently and silently under the eyes of everyone, his strength must be too high and deep to be measured, at least not that he can resist of. Therefore, his first choice was to sweep a large area, not to hurt the enemy, but to be able to block for a moment... Even if he stepped on his corpse, it would only take a few seconds!

However, the next moment.

Put down the palm covering his forehead, the corner of the mouth twitched, the middle-aged man looked a little helpless, and reached into the shadows of the heavy guns... There was no smashed pieces of meat, thin The monkey's shot with all his strength was sent directly into the palm of the hand as if it had been agreed, and he grasped it firmly, unable to move even a little bit!

It's over... Feeling the unshakable power of the towering mountains at the other end of the long spear, Thin Monkey's heart suddenly sank, knowing that the strength gap between himself and the opponent is too great, and he is not qualified to compete. However, without the slightest hesitation, he released the handle of the gun, stepped forward boldly, and threw his fists to fit in—this was the death penalty in the full sense!

"hehe..." Shaking his head and chuckling, the middle-aged man also took a step forward when he saw this, bending his elbows to avoid the skinny monkey's heavy punch, with a bang, the faces of both sides were close at hand, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, Whispered softly, "Although long time no see, you don't need to be so enthusiastic, thin monkey big brother..."






It's complicated to say, but in fact, from the thin monkey making a move to the two face-to-face, it's just a momentary thing. At this point, Joah's voice from the rear finally arrived slowly. Although it did not stop the thin monkey's attack, it finally stopped the subsequent pounce of the guards at the door.

"My own people, don't do it." Pressing his palms, Joah looked very excited, and his eyes flashed. The words that hurriedly turned down made the high-level executives beside them all bewildered. It wasn't relaxed until the skinny monkey raised his arms and stepped back safely.

Immediately, without waiting for the guards present, the high-level executives turned their stunned eyes to the middle-aged man who suddenly appeared, Joah took a deep breath, and his voice trembled: "Some important things need to be dealt with... Well, everyone for now. Retire."

"Uh, the leader..." The high-level officials were not surprised when they heard the words, and the so-called everyone naturally included them.

He waved his hand to interrupt, Joah's voice was still trembling, but his tone had turned firm, "It's alright, don't worry... Let's do this first, step back!" The high-level executives glanced at Joah in a daze after hearing the words. Hesitantly, with a simple salute, he slowly exited the door beside the middle-aged man.

Seeing these undisguised vigilant eyes, the middle-aged man touched his nose, "Well, there are a few people outside with me..."

"Please come in!" Joah waved directly to the middle-aged officer who just came in to report.


After the last person walked out of the main hall and closed the door, the middle-aged man patted the excited skinny monkey shoulders, looked towards Joah who was rushing around the table , a little embarrassed said with a smile, "hehe, sorry, sorry, miscalculation, I came here for a surprise, didn't expect ... uh, at least it's a surprise, isn't it..."

voice Before he landed, a silhouette rushed forward, and the middle-aged man quickly opened his arms to catch it, and stepped back half a step, "Uh... what, I don't discriminate against fatty, you don't need to wear such a thick armor to cover it up, right? ..."

"What are you coming now!"


"What are you coming now!"


"Why did you come now..."

"...not in the future..."

…………(To be continued..)

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