
I finally touched the computer and the keyboard again, meow~~

The past few days are roughly The situation, I think most book lovers already know, here is a brief description of the experience.

(The civet cat felt unwell, the stomach was very painful, the pain was unbearable, so I ordered a day off.

Later, I saw the little country doctor and the answer was that I had a cold. Just take some anti-inflammatory and painkillers. So, I dragged it until the early morning of the ), rolling over the bed, and finally I couldn't bear it anymore, so I went to the town hospital overnight to take a CT. In the end, I don't know if the hospital's equipment is not good, or the doctor is sleepy, holding a dark film, and telling the civet cat with certainty that you have a bladder stone!

Well, since it's a stone, it's definitely not a few bottles of potion that can be hung. The doctor's advice was "two-pronged approach". First, let the civet cat go back and jump on its own, maybe the stone can be shaken off and discharged along the urine. The second is to go to the county town the next day to shoot with a laser... The combination of local and foreign is simply great!

The doctor's words naturally have to be listened to, even more how has already taken ct. So at three or four o'clock in the morning, the civet cat walked around in the backyard. When it is, all sounds are quiet, the moon is in the sky, the civet cat pajamas are fluttering, and I am alone on this good day to appreciate the beauty of the other, walking and dancing, and it is lonely and charming...

This process does not need to be described in detail, I want to come to all book friends who have been reading books for a long time, and there is no shortage of brain-filling pictures.

Then, at dawn, the civet cat rushed to the county town with the thought of seeing laser high-tech means. Then, was told it was acute appendicitis!

How should I put it, the civet cat's first reaction was not to be angry, but to be glad. I'm glad that I'm not good at dancing. I didn't dance very intensely a few hours ago, otherwise the piercing would be appropriate!

After that, things went smoothly. Just after the inspection, I was immediately pressed on the stretcher. ) was immediately given anesthesia at noon and carried into the operating room...

According to the doctor, he performed appendicitis operations on dozens of people this month, but the civet cat has the largest appendix. When I took it out, I showed it to the civet cat. Well, it looks like a sausage. The tail section is entangled with white spots, and it has festered...

Recuperate in the hospital for two days, because the civet cat doesn't like the hospital very much. There was no sign of infection in the wound, so the doctor was very talkative and gave a doctor's order to go back to hang anti-inflammatory water and recuperate on his own.

Now, just got home!

The above is the whereabouts of the civet cat the past few days. Judging from the character of the civet cat until now, you can be trusted to tell the truth. Well, I just came back and read the book review section, and no one scolded the civet cat Court Eunuch or anything, haha, I'm really touched~!

Okay, now let's talk about the next update.

First of all, rest assured, readers. This is written so far, unless the civet cat really hangs up, there is absolutely no possibility of Court Eunuch or unfinished tail - there is no doubt about it!

Secondly, it is not realistic to update as soon as you come back. Because even if the civet cat condition is acceptable, the family will not allow it, so I need to apologize to the book friends.

Of course, it won't be too long. As short as three days, as long as five days. When the civet cat is finished recuperating, the Great Demon King who fills the pit will come back again until the end of this book!

Well, let's write it here first. Mother has already shouted, the pigeon soup at the end of the knife has been cooked, and I will wait for the civet cat to taste one or two ^-^.

Sincerely, salute!

Pro beaver cat~! (To be continued..)

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