
(ps: report! The civet cat has returned to the cathouse, and will be updated as usual in the future ^-^)

At noon, as the western city gate was completely controlled and the other three city gates were closed down one after another, after the violent noise of the pinnacle broke out, the northern city of commerce and trade slowly calmed down again. .

Not absolute silence, of course. There are still battallion battallion soldiers Rapid Speed running across the streets, and from time to time, there are faint shouts of anger, sword fighting, and even shrill screams...

Shanhai City Defense was so easily defeated by Grey Cloth Armed Force Destroying and crushing is beyond everyone's expectations. As a result, naturally some Titus soldiers were too late to withdraw from the city. And with the Grey Cloth Armed Force taking over the city, now they are like mice getting into the bellows, unable to advance or retreat, fleeing in a hurry, and being surrounded and killed is just a matter of time.

In addition, although the current Shanhai City is gradually quieting down, the atmosphere floating in the city is becoming more and more condensed and depressing. Waiting for the negative thoughts to come from the cramped place, panic, fear, trembling... like a mountain, it's hard to breathe!

The various natural phenomena in the city a few days ago have caused some speculation in the minds of citizens - there may be a war going on here. What they didn't expect was that the seemingly majestic and indestructible mountain and sea defenses were so impossible to withstand a single blow! I just heard the roar of Thor's Hammer coming from the city wall, and the west city gate has been broken...

Immediately, I heard the screams and screams from the door. , the cruel friction of the knife entering the body and the wanton splash of blood... In an instant, the citizens of the city fell into an ice cellar, their bodies were icy cold, their teeth clenched and shivered. In the past, all kinds of rumors of massacres that were only heard from alleys, restaurants and limited channels have become so clear and true, within reach!

There are also daring ones, grabbing iron sticks, kitchen knives and other myriad's self-protection weapons, slightly opening the gaps in the curtains, and watching the fierce battles that appear on the street from time to time. Needless to say, the one wearing the standard armor was naturally a Titus soldier. In addition, most of the soldiers who mix and match are not recognizable by them, but when they see the northern barbarians who are not tall and strong, they can't help but feel relieved. But then I thought that it might be a cruel Thief bandit or something, and I couldn't help but raise my heart again... After all, there is really not much difference between the two for ordinary citizens.

The Titus soldiers who had high hopes were still so disappointing, most of them were running, running aimlessly, like headless flies. After being surrounded and reluctantly turned around to fight, he was hacked to death on the spot after a short period of time, and some even threw away their weapons and raised their hands to surrender, but this cowardly act could not save his life, and soon fell into a pool of blood...

Relatively speaking, those soldiers who came out of nowhere were much more heroic and cruel. Under their knives, there is no need for any prisoners at all, and there are no survivors. At the end of the battle, often with the head of fresh blood dripping roared towards the sky, like crying and laughing, it seems that I can't help sending cold shivers down one's spine!

It's over...it's really a bandit...

Under the terrified onlookers of the citizens, Shanhaicheng finally gradually returned to its original quietness, and basically no one could hear anything. Infiltrating sound. Immediately, the 'bandits' of battallion battallion came under their noses, occupying every street, alley, and even every corner in the city!

This move has undoubtedly deepened the panic in the hearts of the people. You see, the other party is ready to spread out. Next, it should be Quan, Mian, Tu, Cheng...

Quiet! silence! Dead quiet!

It seems that even the air has become thick and thin, and the trivial breathing that the atmosphere does not dare to breathe is extremely rapid. Faintly, there seemed to be a distant sound of weeping and whimpering, ethereal and faint. A gigantic and void atmosphere of mourning enveloped the city, as if a dense dark cloud covered the top, and there was absolutely no light of hope in sight.

Behind the doors and windows, countless terrified and desperate eyes stared at the outside streets, their minds were blank, and the thoughts of fear and resistance were fiercely entangled all the time, but in the end, the body and mind were cold, and the limbs were stiff. The people can only wait for the arrival of the cruel butcher knife...

However, in the next moment, those 'bandits and bandits' who were in the focus of their eyes suddenly sat on the ground beside the street, shouting hello Companion, laugh endlessly. While reaching into his arms, he took out food such as bread, rice balls, etc., and chewed it. From time to time, grinning, contented and happy...

The battle is going to be fought, and the lunch is going to be eaten!

After a short while, the whole city was filled with the sound of chewing one after another. The food is cold and very ordinary, so there is no fragrance in the city, but these 'bandits' are very happy and satisfied as if they are tasting some delicious food.

This strange and bizarre scene directly made countless prying eyes dumbfounded. They couldn't figure out why there was only one door apart, but these 'bandits and gangsters' would rather sit on the ground than force their way in. To put it badly, even if it's not for money and beauty, you can find better food than their hands after coming in...

Gudong! I just found out that, unconsciously, it's really time for lunch...


tsk tsk, worthy of being in the city! It's so beautiful to hang any tin sheet with flowers. Looking at the exquisite signboards of the shops not far in front of him, Er Niu is in a good mood, or more precisely, very happy. It's not just because he just won the battle and survived.

The name Erniu is not a so-called nickname, but a real name. Erniu came from a very poor background, and it means that even the poor are praised. In that ignorant and backward mountain farm, the father, who had never been out of the mountains in his life, took it for granted that the life of the old cow was the strongest and best to support, so the second cow in the family had such a name .

Er Niu has never felt dissatisfied with this name, especially after seeing the names of the second dog and the second cat of the peers of the same village, I sincerely feel that Sir Father is indeed literate, and he played such a role. A domineering name, I have always been proud of it.

Er Niu himself did not live up to the name. He is the King Child who is outstanding in his small strength. It is just a little distressed that his food intake is also amazing, and the harvest of two acres of thin fields at home can't supply him at all. stomach rumbling with hunger Therefore, when he grew up a little, Er Niu made the biggest decision in his life after thinking hard--get out of the mountain, without dragging his family down, and find food by himself.

It's a pity that the ideal is very ** and the reality is very skinny. The scope of the mountain is far beyond Er Niu's expectations. After eating the rice balls that he brought with him and not touching any wild animals, Er Niu, who can only feed his hunger with all the flowers and plants in the barren mountains, finally fainted from hunger in a certain place. next to an unknown hill.

I thought I was going to die, but who would have woken up and found a bowl of hot noodle soup in front of me.

Then Erniu knew that the place he was in was called Dawn City, a territory called Grey Cloth Armed Force, and the person who saved him was a Grey Cloth Armed Force scout. Oh, that's not important, what's important is that Er Niu, after eating the bowl of delicious noodle soup, was cunning, so he immediately made up his mind and must stay here. Well, continue to eat noodle soup...

This stay is two years, one year in Dawn City, and one year in the desolate place in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains.

Er Niu became a Grey Cloth Armed Force soldier, oh, now a little Captain. But this is also not important, the people in the mountains are cunning and cunning, but they are also kind. Since you give me food, then I will work for you, fair and correct logic! The important thing is that Er Niu gets his wish and often eats noodle soup. Although he has long known that there are many delicious things in this world, and noodle soup is only one of the most common, but Er Niu still likes noodle soup the most, he likes it for no reason...

It's just a pity , Er Niu, who was sitting on the ground, carefully stretched the dough in his hand, and smacked his lips with regret. There is no fire, no water, and no wild vegetables here, so he can only eat dry, and can't make noodle soup... A little regret is fleeting, Er Niu soon I was happy again, because thinking about the hunger in the barren mountains over the past year, it is very good to be able to guarantee food now.

"Chiliu..." He sucked in his lips, and the long and thin noodles entered his mouth, chewed a few times, and then fell into his stomach. Er Niu squinted his eyes, feeling the taste similar to noodle soup strips, and enjoying it all over his face, the exquisite shop not far in front of him lost its charm in an instant...

 …( To be continued.)

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