
The finale has not yet been settled, so it remains to be seen who will have the last laugh. .But now it can be confirmed that the Titus soldiers on the city wall are smiling happily!

Originally, I had watched the Grey Cloth Armed Force be blackened by at least 100,000 soldiers. The Titus soldiers on the city wall were ready to face a tough tug-of-war to defend the city, even with the city wall. Broken mental preparation. I didn't expect it, but I saw a farce of digging a hole...

Soon, amid the ridicule and laughter, the rows of Grey Cloth Armed Force who stepped into the open space in front of the city disappeared from the crowd. In the field of vision, when digging a pit and entering the ground, you can only see that the shovel is raised from time to time, pieces of soil are dug out, and a cloud of dust covers the spot.

Slowly, the laughter on the wall faded away. A doubtful tone came from somewhere, "Hey, they seem to be... um, getting closer?"

Indeed! Under the shroud of dust, one after another curved like a snake-shaped underground passage, and was approaching the corner of the wall. The soldiers of Titus could not help but look at each other in dismay again - what's the point of doing this?

No one knows. But at this time, even the pigs know that the situation is not normal. After all, the enemy is constantly approaching, this is an indisputable fact!

Looking at the winding tunnel, the Titus commander browsed tightly knit and looked tangled. Even if he thought about all the tactics in his mind, he couldn't find a siege tactic that required digging... do not care! Since you can't see it, try to type it out.

He waved his hand decisively, looking towards the soldier who controlled Thor's Hammer: "Attack!"

As everyone knows, Thor's Hammer has a very wide attack range. While out of reach for the Grey Cloth Armed Force, which was intentionally parked outside several li, it was perfectly fine to cover the approaching tunnel.

Tom tom tom, a round of three Thor's hammers roared in unison, and a flash of fire instantly shot out from the trembling metal muzzle. However, just as the huge explosion crystal leaped across the air, a shrill whistle rang through the open space, and immediately,


The earth trembled, and the air was surging. It rose into the sky with dust and dirt in it, and it was scattered all over the place. The power was really amazing.

There is no doubt that Thor's Hammer, as the Peak work of Titus Alchemy's craftsmanship, naturally does not think of formidable power. If the Grey Cloth Armed Force stated that the chariots and horses adopted regular siege tactics, this round of artillery fire would basically explain the strength of a battallion or even a battalion.

But now,

the cold wind blows and the dust dissipates. Except for the three huge scorched earth potholes, the winding tunnels are still extremely dazzling in everyone's sight. Paused, the shovel is raised again, and the pieces of soil continue to be dug out... Everything is as usual, just like everything just now. The same never happened.

Bang! A punch hit the wall brick, and the commander's face suddenly turned ashen.

By this time, not only him, but even some veterans figured it out. The most huge might of Thor's Hammer is of course the explosion. If they are facing each other, even Advanced Martial Artist will only end up with skeleton doesn't exist. But on the battlefield, the biggest damage of Thor's Hammer is the large-area annular air wave that rolls out after it explodes. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as you are swept, or even rubbed, you will immediately experience the supreme thrill of a trapeze and disintegrate in the air...

But now, those Grey Cloth Armed The Force soldiers collapsed in the tunnel just before the explosion. As a result, as long as they weren't hit by Thor's Hammer in the head with bad luck, the large area of air waves whistling from the ground would naturally impossible to hurt them hiding in the potholes!

Damn, how did these gangsters come up with this method... Seeing that Thor's Hammer, which was invincible on the battlefield, lost its formidable power, the Titus soldiers on the wall were a little panicked, and they couldn't hide their faces. Lived shocked look. Some retired veterans who have been on the front line even thought that if the northern barbarians knew this method, would the Titus border line, which relies on various Thor series defense equipment, still be defended?

With a shiver, Commander Titus came back to his senses, shaking his head subconsciously, no! There must be a weak spot for this method... I thought of something, the commander looked at the curved tunnel and his eyes suddenly lit up, yes, the number of people who dig the pit is not many, if you take the initiative to open the city gates, send troops to sneak If you attack...

This method can be regarded as the right medicine, but just thinking about it, the commander looked up at the battallion archer who bent bow and place arrow at the back of the tunnel, and his heart suddenly felt like a basin of cold water was pouring over his head. Next, it was directly half cold.

Obviously, Grey Cloth Armed Force has long considered the weak spot of this tactic and sent the archer to guarantee and protect the rear. If this side kills them regardless, I am afraid that they will be nailed to death on the spot by these countless arrows before they can rush to the tunnel!

Fuck! Bombing has no effect, and rushing can't rush out. Commander Titus squeezed the bricks tightly, completely tangled. After a while, taking a deep breath, Yin Vulture looked at the approaching tunnel, barely suppressed the suffocation in his heart, and secretly ruthless: Mother! Dig, dig. Let's see what do you want to do? Don't forget, we also have bows and arrows and crossbows on our side after getting close...

I have to say that this commander is not a straw bag. Although I can't guess the intention of the digging tactic, I can see the weakness of this tactic at a glance - the tunnels can indeed avoid the bombardment of Thor's Hammer, but when these tunnels approach a certain area, there are still covered blows. Bows and arrows, defense crossbows, etc., a projectile, even if hiding under the tunnel.

However, will that scene really happen?


sighed with emotion, "Ou Lao often said that war is a competition between large-scale forces and comprehensive battle strengths, and it can't be. But in this, sometimes There will also be some individual variables that affect the trend of the battle, and even determine the outcome of the battle. For example, a practical battlefield killer, like the Quake hammer many years ago, and the Purple Artillery that is currently in the hands of our Proficient..."

After a while, Frey continued, "Because such a killer weapon that came out of nowhere will change a lot of things, and some new tactical strategies specially designed to match it, etc., will often make opponents. caught unprepared. For example, now, hehe, even if the other commander wants to break his head, how can he know that we are digging a hole to move forward, in order to send Purple Artillery, which they don't understand, into the attack range..."

said Here, all of a sudden, bang bang bang... It seems that the thunder is constantly rolling in the sky, and the sound is Deterrent. Needless to say, this is of course Mjolnir roared in the distance again. Although the commander had secretly made up his mind to wait, but watching the winding tunnel approaching, inevitably caused a little panic.

This is the most frightening truth about the so-called unknown! It is also because of this that such a hysterical bombardment method was adopted. As for the result, whether to dig or dig, whether to approach or continue to approach, there is no change.

"hehe..." As if feeling the anxiety of the other commander, Frey smiled and waved to the city wall of Shanhaicheng with a firm and confident expression, "First battle, won!"

"hehe..." p>

Yes, this is the real first battle of Grey Cloth Armed Force. As for the previous breakthrough blockade, it is just an appetizer to warm up before the battle.

Although the war has not yet started, the victory is pre-ordered here, which seems a bit arrogant. But Joah and the others around him didn't look surprised, and even Ferry changed the subject and asked curiously, "Is it just a battlefield killer? What about that person? Uh, I mean the kind of singlehanded that can decide the outcome. Hero."

This is the difference between the so-called expert and the layman, Ferry is good at logistics management, but is a complete layman for war command. In his opinion, compared to slaughter all-sides battlefield killers, heroes born out of the sky are undoubtedly more attractive, more Legendary, and more in line with the aesthetic concept of laymen.

Frey didn't laugh at this kind of layman's concept. After thinking about it, a gentleman nodded and thought: "There is also, um, Ziyi, the war god. As long as he stands there, it is a perfect strategy that can be attacked!"

Although time is also fate, it is difficult for Frey, who has spent more than ten years, to climb the military Peak, but to make him so hard and even a bit nauseous, we know that Ziyi is in the hearts of all warriors. Supreme status!

This position cannot be doubted in the slightest, even if Fei Rui, who is not good at military, was silent when he heard the words, he sighed softly after a while, his face full of happiness: "It's okay, it's okay...then Ziyi is dead, and we also have one less enemy, otherwise it's really hard to say..."

The senior executives of Grey Cloth Armed Force couldn't help but be nodded again and again when they heard the words, and they were also happy. As a Titus, it is impossible not to worship Ziyi. But the opponent is the war god of Titus, not the war god of the Grey Cloth Armed Force. If Ziyi is still alive, that is the great enemy of the Grey Cloth Armed Force!

On the other hand, Joah looked a little weird. Of course she knew that Purple Artillery came from Ziyi. Now listening to these words, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he waved his hand to stop Fei Rui's impolite attitude: "At the moment of the war, don't talk about this..." Squinting and looking towards the curved pothole, he changed the topic, "How is it, the distance? It's almost there."

Frey stretched out his hand to measure it, nodded: "It's barely enough, um, that's it, if you move forward, you will enter the range of the large defensive crossbow."


When the words fell, he waved back. The more than 100 silhouettes who had been waiting for a long time quickly jumped out of the archer camp, carrying something on their backs, and jumped into the tunnel with the waist of the cat, and then ran like a gopher in the tunnel with Rapid Speed before disappearing into the ground in an instant.

Here, Frey nods to Joah and the others, looking straight, urging the horse to walk forward. There was no problem with despising it before, but when it came to a real battle, it was absolutely impossible to take it lightly or carelessly.

The sword was already in hand, no need for any gestures. When Frey entered the front army formation, the iron-blooded solemn killing aura instantly filled the air, like a dark cloud covering the top of the sky, covering the city wall of the mountains and seas beyond the several li. head.

A person who kills a lot of people will naturally have the confidence to ignore all living beings. An army, who has seen the battlefield of Qikuo and won many battles, will naturally have the edge of not moving like a mountain but looking down on the world!

With a bang, the city wall garrison, which was gathered by many miscellaneous soldiers, had never seen such a tragic battle, and suddenly burst into turmoil. Immediately after being reprimanded by officers at all levels, he returned to silence and silence. He clung to the sword in his hand, swallowed hard, and fixed his eyes on the gray-clothed army that was slowly mobilizing in the distance.

Alas... Commander Titus sighed inwardly when he saw this, knowing that the battle was over. Although the defending side has a natural advantage, it is normal for the casualty rate to triple or quadruple the attacking side. But that also depends on the quality of the soldiers on both sides. This group of disorganized mobs, who were previously thought to be rioters, now seems to be the master of a hundred battles. On the other hand, looking at the miscellaneous soldiers who are of mixed quality and bad, the imposing manner has long been overwhelmed...

That's all, that's all, then lower the target. As long as it lasts for two days, no, one and a half days, the procrastination quest will be completed, and then he will lead his troops to retreat... With this plan, the Titus commander breathes deeply, staring at the moving army in the distance, and enters the battle condition. .

Triggered! All eyes on the wall, including the high-raised metal gun barrel, are watching the moving army in the distance. However, at this moment, suddenly,

tom tom tom... a series of muffled sounds like war drums suddenly sounded in the front of one's eyes, followed by countless Fireballs all over the wall, instantly filling every corner of the line of sight .

What? This is the first reaction!

Where did it come from? This is a second reaction!

Next moment, the cold sweat spreads all over Commander Titus' forehead, he suddenly realizes what he has forgotten, that twisty tunnel that doesn't work...suddenly bows his head, he sees the forefront of the twist tunnel, densely packed. The Baidao metal pipes are like hollow bamboos that have been cut from the roots. The holes are facing this side, and the flames are bursting out from time to time...

What? Going back to the first reaction again, it seems like the loop is dead. It's a pity that he will never have the chance to unravel this endless loop.

Boom... There was thunder around me, and a loud buzzing in my ears. The first target of the attack, the metal gun barrel of Thor's Hammer that was raised high not far away, was suddenly caught up in the waves of fire and light, and disappeared in an instant...

Boom...and then It is a densely placed large-scale defensive crossbow. Under the explosion of the fire, the faint sound of broken strings is like the momentary whine of moths rushing into the fire, whiz whiz whiz, several thick arrows are randomly released because of the broken strings, and some are shot directly. In the sky, some flat shots hit the wall, bringing several soldiers down the high city wall...

Boom...Suddenly, the commander, who turned around in a daze, felt his body flutter a little. Instantly flew away from the wall.

Looking back, the place where I stood just now has become a scorched earth pit, surrounded by a few guards who escaped the catastrophe, looking towards this side with an eye socket about to crack, stretched out his hand in vain, He opened his mouth and shouted something...but I couldn't hear it at all...

Immediately afterwards, I raised my eyes and saw the city wall that was completely covered by fire and smoke, and also saw countless soldiers who seemed to be descending The dumplings kept falling to the top of the wall, dancing their limbs indiscriminately, as if drowning, ridiculous...

Immediately, the sight swayed, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed. Outside the several li, the army in gray clothes crossed the tunnel like a black torrent, flooded the open space, and charged in a frantic charge... At the end, all parts of the body were in pain, and endless darkness came in bursts...

 … …

No one knew that under this sudden fire, the top commander of the city defense of Shanhaicheng had quietly died. Of course, no one would care about that...because, this victory and defeat had already been completely decided just moments after the battle started.

The city wall was dealt a fatal blow, and it was impossible to organize an effective offensive, and the sparse arrows could not stop the strong charge of the tens of thousands of infantry soldiers in front of the Grey Cloth Armed Force. Waiting for Purple Artillery to easily turn the muzzle, and after a round of concentrated fire smashed the main gate of the city gate, everything is where water flows, a canal is formed.

The towering city wall, the heavy defense of the city, the advantage of defending the city... After the Purple Artillery was born, there were scattered ashes and dispersed smoke! !

Into the inner city, meet on a narrow road, the basic quality of fighting is the quality of individual soldiers. One side is like a wolf like a tiger, and the morale is bright. One side of the miscellaneous troops gathered, at a loss, the result can be imagined...

After a brief tug of war, the devastated western city wall was the first to break. The Grey Cloth Armed Force, which poured into the city in large numbers, was divided into several roads, following the main road in the city, and quickly rushed to the other three sides of the city defense. Obviously, in a short period of time, in a spurt of energy, completely occupy the city. Those left behind chased into the city while clearing the remnants of the western city wall, encircling and suppressing those gatekeepers who retreated in the first place, or fled without a fight.

After a few days of quiet, this city, known as the city of commerce and trade in the north, is finally bustling again. However, this time, it was not the caravan traffic that was running the streets and alleys, but the short encounters, the pursuit or the counter-chasing. Roars mixed with screams and whining... In just a short while, the city was plunged into chaos and noise.

As a city of commerce and trade in the north, Shanhai City naturally has a larger area than a large city in the ordinary sense. So after a while, nearly half of the hundreds of thousands of Grey Cloth Armed Force people who stayed outside the city poured in, occupying the roads everywhere, and it didn't seem too crowded.

Of course, by this time, the Titus soldiers, who were not even superior in numbers, naturally collapsed across the board. In fact, before the Grey Cloth Armed Force soldiers completely occupied the other three city walls, some terrified Titus soldiers opened the city gates privately and fled away.

The defeat is like a mountain! In such a situation, even if the war god Ziyi is reborn, all he can do is look up to the sky and heave a deep sigh.

On the main road near the square in the city, I can no longer enjoy the pleasure of charging into battle. Frey turned his head and looked around, licked his dry lips, and yelled, "Go, send someone to take me first. The warehouse in the lower city, the City Lord's mansion... By the way, there are maps! It's the first time I enter the city, don't find the wrong place for me..."

"Yes!" The so-called map, naturally Credit to Tang En's, or more precisely to the secret agency. In order to meet the revenge of the Grey Cloth Armed Force, all preparations have been pinnacled.

Continue to shout, "Also, mobilize two regiments to surround the Dongcheng noble district and the garrison, especially be careful of those noble private soldiers... Well, send another twenty Purple Artillery to the past, in case of resistance , execute without any mercy!"


With a slap on the forehead, "Where's the Overseer? Where is the commander of the Overseer... you are? Good! I'll give it to you In a quarter of an hour, order your subordinates to run for me, and they must cover every urban area and every street... If any harassers are encountered, they will be directly arrested. Burn and kill the looters and behead them on the spot! Go!"


"And..." He looked up at the sky, and nodded solemnly, "Well, it's almost there. Send the order, wait for the battle on the city wall on all sides, Close the door of Four Directions City, and everyone will eat on the spot."


"What are you doing? The battle is going to be fought, and of course you have to eat lunch. Hurry up and go. ..."


...... (To be continued.)

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