
(ps: If there is no accident, there are still two chapters.. Well, time is pressing, bless the disabled civet cats!)

At this time, holy light outside the city several hundred li.

"Elder Lu... Mr. Wu, why did we leave in such a hurry?"

"Hehe, why, reluctant?"

"Uh, not at all. La... **oss, um, Veron has been killed, and the venue is smashed, of course it makes sense to leave..." Touching his nose, he paused for a moment, and Tang En said with angrily spread his hands, "Okay. Well, it's a bit reluctant. After all, the opportunity to humiliate the temple is really rare..."

Tang En was really reluctant. wilfully, but Woodin pulled him away... It's like a brawny man who doesn't know the taste of meat in March, finally took off the clothes of a peerless and elegant woman, put up a **** - pick up Down is naturally an attractive spectacle without any suspense. However, next moment, the brawny man turned around and left...

This Fuck is totally unscientific!

"I'm also a little reluctant." nodded, Woodin said calmly.


"After living for a long time, Federation has some special means, such as me. And the temple has been standing for thousands of years, and the background is naturally even more. This is not only the ancient magic circle, Bright Saint Artifact and so on are so simple..."

Tang En frowned: "For example..."

"For example, Long Range Transmission Array." Woodin explained, then shook his head , "The cost of building and consuming such a fleeting magic circle is extremely staggering. There are not many in the entire empire. But what is certain is that there must be such a temple in the north, or around the temple."

Tang En couldn't help but astonished: "Then why didn't they use it before?"

Shaking his head, "It has already been used... As far as I know, half a month ago, there was no Sky Rank Martial Artist here in the Northern Temple. ." Looking away a little, Woodin naturally wouldn't elaborate on why he paid so much attention to the power of the Northern Temple half a month ago.

Tang En didn't care about this detail either. After thinking about it for a few seconds, he raised his long eyebrows and suddenly became angry: "Ha, dare to look down on me!"

The temple looks down on me Tang En? Of course not, at least in the eyes of the higher-ups of the Northern Temple, the huge battle they arranged this time, as well as the three Sky Rank Martial Artists transferred from Federation using the Long Range Transmission Array, etc., are already highly regarded by Tang En. It is a strong crush, and by the way, the idea of showing a hand to the believers. I just never thought that in the end, even the bright Saint Artifact of the trump card was put in, and the defeat was terrible...

Of course, if you only start from the results, the temple really underestimated Tang En this time. The expert sent is seriously not enough... But then again, where can I find another Titus number one expert?

Let's talk and laugh, as Tang En said, now that the **oss is killed, the field is smashed, and the next thing is separation. After all, the quaint-faced middle-aged man that Woodin is playing is really too eye-catching, even if people in the temple can't think of it for a while now, but Federation has some guesses in their hearts later. So here is the matter, Woodin needs to rush back to the capital city of Titus immediately...

"This trip to the north is not a plentiful harvest, but it really surprises me. Although there are still some regrets, but ..." He glanced at the blurred holy light city, Woodin withdrew his gaze, waved his hand to say with a smile, "hehe, still happy."

Listening to the words that clearly meant parting , Tang En also chuckled: "Ha, it's good to be happy. That is, you are busy with other people, otherwise I will definitely show you around, for example, the scenery of Shanxi City is very good, hehe..."

"Uh... let's forget it, the temple will go crazy." Woodin couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. Of course he knows Shanxi City, and he knows that this city is known as the Holy City in the north!

If the front foot splits the northern temple into two pieces, and the back foot goes to smash the site of the northern Holy City... Well, even if the temple is dormant, it will be instantly so angry that the temple will be rampaged, and it will come out. Even if you dig three feet in the ground, you have to find Tang En desperately!

After a few more chats, Tang En and Woodin chatted and laughed, and the atmosphere was very harmonious. However, it is a little strange that although both of them were saying parting words, neither of them turned around and left. Of course, this can be seen as reluctance. However, is the relationship between Tang En and Woodin so deep?

Gradually, the oddity became more pronounced. However, the expressions of Tang En and Woodin did not change in the slightest, just like the little children who were about to part, exhorting and exhorting, saying goodbye and saying goodbye. In this situation, I was about to use a towel wet with tears to finally sublimate it, and it was touching and strange...

Finally, after the two changed the topic from reluctance to parting to the capital again Now, let's turn to what the weather is like today, the awkwardness and weirdness overwhelmed the harmony, the atmosphere was getting colder, and the smooth conversations began to have short intervals from time to time...

At this time, Tang En's expression was still calm, but if There are people who are familiar with him here, and looking at the frequency of subconsciously touching his nose, you can know that the current Tang En is not as calm and calm as he seems, as if he is a little panicked and anxious?

Compared to Tang En, who is 'distinct', Woodin is much more straightforward. He directly puts hesitancy in his eyes, his eyes flicker, as if he is making a decision, considering the gains and losses.

. Immediately, he seemed to find Tang En's abnormality, with a little playfulness in his eyes, and he answered questions in a different way...

Although the light is still warm, the unobstructed mountain range has never been seen. There is no shortage of strong winds. Not to mention the cold, but the comfort is certain. However, even in such an environment, Tang En's clothes on the back gradually began to get wet...

At this moment, Tang En's eyebrows cleared, and he seemed to be relieved, relaxed and relaxed. said with a smile: "haha, Mr. Wu, you have a high position and authority, and you are in the safety of the empire. I won't leave you today. But when I leave, I have a heart for the boy. Please don't refuse."

Raising his eyebrows, Woodin heard the words a little astonished, and then he felt something, turned his head and squinted, and saw a silhouette arriving from the distant hills with Rapid Speed quickly, like a galloping horse... Is that the big guy whose arm was broken by Winslyn before, um, seems to be called David?

It was indeed David, and of course the broken arm had long since been restored. It's just that now he seems to have run a section of the road for a long time, and when he gets closer, he can hear the sturdy gasp of a cow.

"Boss...hū chī...things are here...hu..."

Tang En quickly walked up to him and took the newspaper wrapped in David's hand. Thing, patted his shoulder: "Thank you, take a rest, take a breath."

Turning around, meeting Woodin's suspicious gaze, Tang En's mouth slightly raised, took a few steps forward, and turned away Layers of newspapers, and handed them over: "Old Wu, be careful. Well, it's a little shabby, please don't take offense."

It was indeed a little careful. There are a little sesame on it, and it looks good. This is a unique noodle cake in a city in the north. It tastes crispy and sweet. It is a rare and cheap food among the commoner class.

Of course, no matter how delicious it is, it cannot hide the fact that this thing is really shabby, extremely shabby! Noble wealthy merchants would even bother to buy them, let alone give them to Sword God Woodin.

But now Woodin lowered his head and looked at these crispy yellow noodles, but couldn't help but look stunned. paused, raised his head slowly, his eyes ancient well without ripples, met Tang En's sincere smile and filled his eyes, and was silent for a while.

Across a distance of less than ten feet, the two stared at each other quietly. At this moment, the awe-inspiring cold wind in the mountains seemed to be aware of something unusual, obediently and honestly resigned, not daring to make trouble.

Quiet! silence! Dead quiet!

Tang En's eyes drooped slightly, he bowed slightly, and the arm holding the dough was completely motionless, showing the humble and sincere appearance of the junior. Woodin's eyes became more distant and deep, without a single ripple, like a pool of stagnant water, and like a calm sea before the rainstorm...

"Uh..." He stared wide-eyed and looked left and right, David beside him was completely Not sure what happened. He just saw Tang En hand over the crispy yellow noodles, Woodin looked down and didn't take it, and then the two of them became what they were before.

Anything that can be sensed by the mountain wind can naturally be detected by David. Feeling the deep and chilling killing intent, David swallowed hard, watching Woodin's head full of question marks. How is this going? Could it be that you think the noodles are too shabby and you are angry? Uh, not so much...

Although he was very puzzled, David didn't need to think about it at all, he just stepped forward and stood behind Tang En. There is no doubt, let alone Sword God Woodin standing here, even if it is a real god, David will stand on the Boss's side without the slightest hesitation!

It's not about right or wrong, right or wrong, or even loyalty, affection, etc. It's just about habits! A habit becomes a natural habit!

David's foot moved, and the atmosphere in the field immediately changed slightly. Tang En's cuffs trembled, Woodin's fingertips trembled... next moment, nothing happened, both of them seemed to be forcibly restraining something.

Immediately, Tang En waved his hand slowly without looking back, David paused in mid-air, but took it back. However, the eyes looking towards Woodin were gloomy, which was very unkind, because just now, he really felt a flash of strong killing intent!

Sword God wants to kill the Boss! why?

At this time, "Alas..." Woodin took the lead to withdraw his gaze, looked up to sky and heave a deep sigh, "I still really want to..."

The words were a bit abrupt and also Some unfathomable mystery. But Tang En seemed to understand, thought about it, and persuaded very seriously: "Forget it, it won't be worth it."

Nodding in agreement, "Yes, it won't pay off..." Wei Wei took a breath and decided What, Woodin stretched out his hand to take the crispy yellow dough wrapped in newspaper, laughed, "Thank you! Well, it's getting late, let's just stop here."

"You keep walking slowly. "Tang En bowed to send him off.

The real parting moment is so simple. It seems that the reason for the wrangling just now is just for these few crispy yellow noodles, which is really unimaginable.

Of course, only the two of them knew the real reason... Woodin walked very swiftly, took a few steps, rose into the air, and disappeared into the sky after a few breaths.

After a while, David saw that Tang En was still bowing and saying goodbye. Huh?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Tang En took a deep breath, looked up, and his face was full of sweat. He seemed to want to figure straight up, but then he stumbled and fell straight down. David was shocked when he saw this, and stepped forward to help him, "Boss! What's the matter... Where are you hurt? Damn, is that Woodin? Fuck! Shit Sword God, I only know there are people in the dark..."

Roaring and roaring, seeing Tang En like this, David didn't even think about it and thought it was Woodin's secret trick. After all, Sword God's strength is too shocking, and it is also conceivable to have some unknown sneak attack method.

However, Tang En, who was being supported, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and was greatly relaxed at first, then waved his hand, "It's okay, I'm a little nervous, my legs are numb..."

Paused for a while, then slowed down, grinning like a toothache, with a look of joy, "Cha! It's really easy to ask God to send God off! Thanks to Young Master, I was already prepared, otherwise I would have fallen into it... ”

…………(To be continued.)

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