
(ps: The civet cat is going to Zhejiang to see his little niece. It was supposed to go in a few days, But it's a pity. The plan will never catch up with the changes. The civet cat will get on the bus later and arrive in the early hours of the night. Alas, I couldn't save the manuscript... Today, it will be three thousand and one chapters, and the civet cat will see if it can be made up tomorrow. Sorry, I dare not Guaranteed, but the civet cat will do its best!!!)

At noon, the head is in the middle, hovering over the city.

The strands of black smoke rose up, and when they reached a certain height, they were blown away by the cold wind. Don't get me wrong, it's not cooking smoke, although it's definitely lunchtime right now. But the lively scene in the city of holy light has long since disappeared, replaced by a gloomy cloud and a dead silence.

As far as the eye can see, piles of ruins are scattered all over the city, devastated. It was originally the warm home of the believers and residents in the past, but the current owner stood by and looked at it stupidly, but he could no longer find a bit of familiarity in it. For a long time, I couldn't help covering my face and bowing my head, the slight sobbing drifted in the wind, echoing faintly over the city...

This is not the most messy place, the worst is the city center - Temple Federation in the north.

Here, most of the temple landscapes that were talked about before have been reduced to ruins, or simply disappeared. Vaguely, you can still see some stumps and bloody corpses mixed in, exposed to the sun, it seems that you can't help sending cold shivers down one's spine. However, no one has gone to clean it up now, and the people who are still alive are lying or sitting, like sculptures, without the slightest bit of anger...

The sky is so deadly that the scorching sun in the sky seems to be a little unbearable. Hide behind the clouds. Immediately, a large shadow suddenly descended. It looks as if this thousand-year-old place of god's favor has now been ruthlessly abandoned by the gods, no longer splendid and bleak!

By the small river, Savian sat quietly for a while, staring at the slow flow of water in front of him with a dazed gaze, and the unique smell of the new soil surrounding his nose, some sober, some stale...

He did it...singlehanded broke into the Light God Temple, left a mess and left...he actually did it...

As Cleric, seeing the temple Situation, not thinking of humiliation and revenge, but has been shocked by the miraculous actions of the perpetrator - this is a bit unreasonable.

But the actual situation is that now Savian is not the only one who thinks this way. Those people in the temple who are sitting slumped like sculptures are thinking about it in their hearts, which is roughly the same. It may be slightly different that they are even more incomprehensible and completely unacceptable...

We are the Light God Temple, a Light God Temple with thousands of years of history and power throughout every inch of Titus' territory what! What is that Tang En? A little Assassin with some strength and a few subordinates... But why did we lose? Failed so badly? Can't figure it out! ! ! Ah...

"What are you thinking about?" Owens walked slowly, looked down at the newly opened river channel that divided the temple into two, smiled bitterly, then shook his head in self-deprecation, and said in a low voice, "Actually... from a general point of view, adding such a river, the temple has become quite good."

This is the truth, although the T-shaped river channel has divided the temple into two. But on the whole, especially when looking down from above, the Arrangement of the shrine is not much damaged, on the contrary, it is a little more elegant and vivid. If you lay a few more arch bridges on this river, it will be a good view.

Of course, after knowing the details, it would be a bit embarrassing to hear this again. I believe that if this word spreads to the ears of other temple people now, then Owens will not think about it.

But of course Savian doesn't think so, and didn't express any opinion on it, just pursed his lips and said, "How about you, lords... how are you?"

The so-called lords , that is naturally the high-rise of the more than ten temples. Although the embarrassing scene of fleeing without a fight before, is really unbearable to look at. But after Veron became a mass of meat sauce, the overall situation of the temple had to be presided over by these noble great characters.

"What else can I do." Owens disapproved laughed, "I'm scolding the streets there, discussing how to get revenge on Tang En and the others...hehe, it's rare, but now he seems to be very strong!" Obviously, this is definitely not a compliment.

Shaking his head, Owens continued, "Don't think about it, after Tang En's trouble, the Federation will definitely send someone to intervene. Well, this place is ruined, and I won't be able to turn over in a short time. !"

Sadly nodded, Savian's status is not low, naturally know what strategy the temple high-level will adopt. It can be said that although the temple will not be withdrawn from the north, after this battle, strength is great injury, and the hope of turning over has also been destroyed. In a short period of time, there is no need to think about a comeback... Turn your head and listen to the faint sound from a distance. Weeping, sighed and muttered: "In the end, it is still thousands of believers in the north who are hurt... They were still holding on to hope..."

"This is something that can't be helped... Maybe it is It may be a good thing. After this incident, since it has been determined that it is difficult to kill Tang En, the next focus of the high-level people may be on the temple itself." This speculation seems to have several points of truth, but Owens, who is familiar with the behavior of the temple executives, said it at this time, just to dispel Savian's negative psychology.

paused, shook his head slightly, and changed the subject, "Speaking of believers, some believers and residents are gathering outside the temple now, hoping to get an explanation. Some people want to see you by name and say they only believe in you. Well, I'm quite emotional, you see..."

Not to mention the huge movement of the temple just now, even if their homeland was innocently demolished, the believers also came to ask for an explanation. As for only looking for Savian... I have to say that what Savian and the Puritans have done recently has indeed given believers a strong confidence and direct perception.

Compared with the Puritans who have not shown their faces all the year round, the famous Savian is undoubtedly easier to be accepted by believers. To a certain extent, the current Savian has become a symbol of the direct image of the temple. So in the event of an accident, the believers trust the most, only Savian!

"Let's go! Go now!" Savian's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he quickly turned around to answer.

"Hey, wait, you won't tell the truth, why don't you think about the wording..." Owens hurriedly grabbed Savian, in a hurry.

I don't blame him for such a big reaction. It's good to tell the truth, but it may not be appropriate to tell the truth completely, and not everyone likes to hear it. For example, in this case, if you tell the truth, 'Oh, this is it. This is the failure of our plot against, and the pit people are pitted instead. The big Bishop of Veron is down and the temple is cut off, but it's nothing at worst... What, your house was destroyed by us? Oh, that's just a momentary convulsion for our people. Well, don't care about these details...'

unimaginable! What kind of wonderful expressions would those believers have if they heard the truth...

brows slightly wrinkle, Savian naturally knew what Owens was thinking, and replied angrily: "I'm not an idiot!"

"Oh? Is that so...cough cough, so what, I still believe in you. It's just..." Owens, who accidentally told the truth, saw Savian's long spear tightening, and suddenly brows beaded with sweat, stammering.

"Just what?" Savian looked unusually calm, only the tip of the spear lifted a bit. Obviously, if Owens doesn't give a satisfactory answer, he will probably not be able to think about it...

"Uh..." Owens raised his eyebrows suddenly, which really made him think of an excuse. , said anxiously, "It's just that we have to think about it first, shouldn't it be the sentence left by Tang En?"

"Well?" Owens, who has always been open-mouthed, but Savian couldn't help but startled when he heard the words, and his expression softened a little.

Owens scratched his hair when he saw this, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead without a trace: "What? I forgot so soon? When Tang En was leaving, didn't he tell us to be careful of the Temple Federation executives... ...Of course, this does sound like it's trying to sow discord. But I have to say that this kind of possible surname is not small, and from the perspective of his relationship with you...and us, he explained it so solemnly, saying I don't know what news he received... In short, this matter can't be careless! Phew..."

Finished this remark intermittently and sweating, Owens seemed to be after three days and three nights of war, Long relaxed, relieved! Fuck, every word is full of pits, can we still have a good time together...

Of course Savian doesn't know about Owens' tsukkomi, and doesn't care. He pursed his lips and frowned, thinking that the temple was cut in two before, and when everyone was stunned, Tang En took the opportunity to escape and leave. However, it didn't go straight into the sky, but sent a sound from a distance of ten meters away, telling her to be careful of the top management of Temple Federation, and then it was disappeared...

This is not to sow discord!

There is no factual basis, but somehow Savian has accepted the message in his heart. Just, be careful with the top of the temple... Are they going to frame me again? why?

I have to say, maybe even Savian didn't realize that, unconsciously, she was no longer the simple big Knight Captain who only obeyed the orders of the high-level temple.

If someone had told Savian two years ago that the top of the temple wanted her to kill her, Savian would have made the choice to immediately shoot and kill this evil heresy.

But now, after being framed and wronged by Byron and the others, Savian is a little more sensitive to this kind of thing... Silent for a while, took a breath, and strode away, "Go see the believers first. "

"Then this matter?"

"Go and investigate, you are more suitable for this kind of thing than me." Paused, Savian didn't look back, said slightly hoarsely, "Sorry... ...please let me be a deserter."

Owens was stunned, then nodded chuckled: "My pleasure!"

......(To be continued.)

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