
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste like. .

Maybe a tasty treat, like Tang En. He sticks his beard, wears a hat, etc., just to increase the probability of a successful assassination after a chance encounter, and it is considered superfluous, thankless or something. But in the end, it gave him more. As soon as he carriage, he bumped into the righteous master that he hadn't been able to find in the past few months...

Of course, it may also be full of bitterness, such as Rezel. He is full of ambition, fighting intent like fire. But under the unfathomable mystery, a simple face-to-face...

"Sir, sir..." Looking at the curtain of blood gushing out from the gap in the armor between Rezel's neck, beside him The Light God Knight was completely dumbfounded. This is the God of War-like Holy Knight Captain, how could he be injured so easily?

Yes, it's just an injury, that's what the Knights can accept to the best of their ability. However, at the next moment, a whirlwind swept across the flat ground, Rezel lowered his half-raised arm slumped, his head lowered, and his majestic body slammed down like a golden mountain, falling down like a jade pillar, with a bang, splashing a little dust.

"Sir!" He exclaimed in surprise, and the surrounding Knights rushed towards him.

Woodin, who was not far away, sighed. This Razer is not weak, and he shouldn't have been cut-throat by Tang En so easily, just because he was too careless, and he was instantly close combat when he was caught off guard...Once he was approached by Tang En , then the result is basically doomed!


"This Fuck . Tang En on horseback, replied: "The goal is to pursue this thing. In addition to setting it yourself, sometimes outsiders will help you push it."

Tang En raised his eyebrows and turned to look Looking at the battalion Knights swarming in the distant town, and then looking up to see several silhouettes lift off from the temple with Rapid Speed, among them Magician with shields, and Battle Qi powerhouse with hands behind... tsk tsk, it makes sense!"

This is indeed the case, now is not the time for Tang En to pay attention to the target, but the people in the temple who have been alerted have regarded him as the target.

"Your Excellency..." cried out sadly, those Knights looked at the shattered and exposed throat bones between Rezel's neck, and knew that they were completely helpless. En, "Kill him - kill him to avenge the adults!"

"Kill!!!" In the sound of killing the sky, several Knights around them trotted quickly, stabbing long spears. Tang En didn't realize it, he just saw Woodin holding the domineering golden wire ring knife without any intention to make a move, he couldn't help grinding, kicking his horse, stepping a few steps in the void, instantly over the top of the besieging Knight's head, and after landing to holy Light City Rapid Speed rushed.

Tang En knew in his heart that Woodin did not help Society Master kill him, at best he was a gold medal bodyguard. Until the critical moment, he will never make a move to help, so now everything depends on him.

bang bang bang, horseshoes like thunder. It's just a short hundred zhang or so distance. Before Tang En rushes in front of the Light God Knight who is rushing in like the tide, those silhouettes in the sky will also arrive. But whether it was Magician or Battle Qi powerhouse, no one chose to make a move to block it in the first time.

Obviously, all the experts in the temple know something about Tang En's Ghost Umbra movement method and speed of transformation. Knowing that making a move rashly will only be a waste of effort. Can't do any damage to Tang En at all. So they are waiting to make a move when Tang En is trapped...

But, can the ordinary Knight, who is covering the mountains and plains quickly arrived, trap Tang En?

No! In fact, they couldn't even block, but a flower suddenly flashed in front of their eyes, and a screeching scream rang into their ears, and then the Knight who was the first to kill has not stabbed out a long spear while traveling at high speed, and the person who was close at hand disappeared in front of them. Tang En silhouette. Amidst the rumbling of horses' hooves, the dust was flying, and the powerhouse, the temple of the sky, was also stunned. Looking around, only after a while did he realize that Tang En had already rushed to the center of the cavalry team.

Soaring, moving, turning, dodging... Among the clouds of war horses, Tang En felt like he was walking on the ground, and his speed did not decrease, as if he had not been affected at all.

Seeing this, everyone in the temple expert look at each other in dismay couldn't help but be surprised. The significance of this ability is not big, because experts don't need to care about the siege and resistance of ordinary Martial Artists. But at the same time, the significance is not small, because if they exchanged identities, they would not be able to lift the heavy as if it were light. It's almost the same as cutting it with a sword and using Battle Qi directly to open the way...

At this point, the experts really understood why the top of the temple repeatedly reminded them not to make a move rashly. This kind of movement speed... is indeed quite perverted!

With emotion, the experts subconsciously ignored another person. Only when Tang En rushed out of the cavalry battallion, they were surprised to find a middle-aged man with a simple face and a large golden ring knife, also calmly walked out of the cavalry charge formation.

"Huh? Who is this?" asked a Martial Artist astonished in the air.

They looked at each other and finally shook their heads blankly. Not to mention the vision of the temple, Tang En can enter their field of vision, or because the noise is too great. So, let alone Camouflage's Woodin.

After a little observation, the expressions of all experts could not help but be slightly astonished. Because they found that they couldn't see through this person, regardless of their identity, realm, etc., they were all unusually unfamiliar, like a blank sheet of paper.

But it's just a slight surprise. They also can't see through Tang En's strength. Now that such a person appears, it doesn't seem to be too surprising.

The Battle Qi powerhouse, standing with its hands behind its back, waved an inviting gesture to the shield-supporting Magicians, and said calmly, "Let's start."

Slightly nodded, a few Magician elders Qi Qi raised his staff, lips slightly moving, and let out a low-pitched whimper like flying mosquitoes. After a few breaths, he swung his staff from all angles to the figure that was charging forward at Tang En Rapid Speed.

Above the ground, Tang En suddenly raised his head and squinted at a pale white ring that looked like an early morning fog circle, suddenly appeared out of thin air, and instantly enveloped the surrounding area of several dozen meters. Immediately, the magic streaks fell from the sky, end to end, not far above Tang En's head, forming a somewhat mysterious and simple rune, spinning and flickering, echoing the surrounding fog circles, like a large hanging formation about to start.

At the same time, Tang En suddenly stopped, and the galloping figure stopped. It wasn't that he did this on his own initiative, but that there was a strange force that could not be explained and unknown, forcibly fixed his figure.

"The Imprisonment Array... Heh, I haven't seen each other for many years." A few steps away, Woodin looked up at the mysterious spinning magic rune in the sky, and said with a chuckle.

"The Imprisonment Array? What is that?" Feeling the gradual stiffness and loss of control in all parts of his body, Tang En raised his eyebrows and looked at the few Martial Artists slowly descending from the sky in the distance. Heart can not help but suddenly. It seems that the other party is really resentful for the movement he made after he entered the temple last time. This time he planned to cast a spell on the periphery to destroy him.

"A kind of magic circle handed down from ancient times. At that time, it was called "Forbidden God and Magic Battle". It was said to be able to fix omnipotent gods. Just changed it." Woodin's expression was indifferent, and he still had time to tell the allusion of this law, and used this to make a little satire of Light God Temple.

However, Tang En was not so calm: "Forbidden God? I'm like! Such a bunker?"

"The legend is right, but you know, The older things are, the harder it is to pass on intact... Well, this is just a broken circle." Woodin waved his hand and continued, "Although it is broken, it claims to be able to fix all tangible things. Of course, Hehe, it also depends on the ability of these Magicians."

In just a few sentences, it also pointed out the weakness of this incomplete magic circle. That is the formidable power that this magic circle can exert. It also depends on the strength of these sorcerers. Well, at least for now, that's not going to hold Woodin.

Of course, that's Woodin, not Tang En. Although Tang En doesn't think this magic circle can completely fix him, he should be able to do it after a little delay. But Tang En didn't want to even enter the city gate, so he tried to find a way to break it first, or fought a battle, how embarrassing... Thinking of this, he decisively turned his head and looked towards his gold medal bodyguard: "That's still waiting. What, Mr. Lu, please make a move to get rid of this annoying thing."

"hehe..." After a few days of contact, Woodin also has a general understanding of the degree of Tang En's shameless, chuckling a few times. There is no intention to make a move, "Little Tang, since you have stepped into the Space Domain, even if you can't break this magic circle, there should be a way to avoid it."

Obviously , Woodin is to let Tang En figure out a way by himself, and he should also have some thoughts about exams. Well, old people who are good teachers love this set... curl one's lip, Tang En helplessly spread his hands: "Lu Lao, your bodyguard is incompetent."

"Oh? Why do you say that, you There is no mortal danger for the time being, isn't it?"

"You already know that this is temporary!" sighed, Tang En knew that Woodin was hopeless, and looked up at the three Battle Qi flying over. Martial Artist, from the point of view of power, well, it should be the strength that has just stepped into the threshold of Sky Rank.

Of course, this lineup is not low, that is, the temple has this background, throwing three Sky Rank powerhouses to take the lead. But... it's actually quite unfair to think about it. If these people go down to the ground and fight alone, Tang En can easily clean up. But in the air, even if it was a lackey who was taken to the sky by the Sky Rank Martial Artist, he could only watch for the time being... how melancholy!

Shaking his head, he calmed down. Tang En rolled his eyes, his long eyebrows moved suddenly, and looked towards Woodin, who was unperturbed by the side: "You just said that this magic circle... can fix all tangible things?" , "Ha!" With a loud laugh, Tang En seemed to have thought of something, and shrugged lightly, "I'm not good at making plug-ins, but I'm best at finding **ug or something."

Saying this After saying something that made Woodin feel more unfathomable mystery, Tang En closed his eyes and held his hands high, like a pretender who climbed to the top of a mountain and felt the turbulent wind.

But at this moment, Woodin's eyes suddenly fluctuated slightly, and he squinted, his expression solemn. For some reason, he suddenly felt that the Tang En in front of him was a bit fake, like a layer of blurred crystal glass... No, it was a little misty, as if it could drift away with the wind in the next moment.

Before Woodin could figure out what to do, the surrounding environment suddenly brightened, and he raised his head. A Sky Rank Martial Artist attacked first, and a sturdy pillar-like holy spear glow descended from the sky. Pass through the mysterious formation mark above, and press the thunder down.

There was a loud bang, and the scorched earth was replaced by a huge scorched earth pit with a width of several feet. What's even more bizarre is that the large and small clods that were blown up around did not fall, but were quietly suspended in the air, like watching a movie, and the pause button was pressed for this picture.

Needless to say, this is naturally the reason for the imprisoned array. The clod is also a tangible thing, and after flying, it will naturally be fixed. It may be precisely because of this influence that this domineering spear glow has not fully erupted with the formidable power it should have. But Rao is so, if someone stood in the position of the original scorched earth pit, they would definitely be smashed to pieces.

But this is not the case, because there is no dust splashing around, the Sky Rank Martial Artist who shot the spear glow quickly swept his eyes, his eyes immediately bulged, and he was stunned in the air.

That Tang En didn't die, and at this time, he was already not in the imprisoning circle, but was about to approach the distant holy light city... The circle couldn't imprison him! And the simple-faced middle-aged man also followed. Although he looked a little puzzled, looking at his calm attitude, he knew that he was completely unaffected before.

What's going on here?

Battle Qi powerhouse raised his head subconsciously, suspiciously looking towards the old Magicians with red faces above. The latter's expression was also filled with helplessness and doubts in shock. They didn't know what happened. It was obvious that the magic circle was still there, but they couldn't stop people... For a while, the scene was strangely quiet.

At this time, Woodin asked the doubts in the hearts of everyone present: "What kind of movement method is this?" He was the closest to him, so he could naturally see that Tang En's Condition was a little weird now. The face, the figure, and all the actions are clearly in front of you, but they are not so clear, blurred and vague, like an afterimage, illusory and distorted like a flower in a mirror, moon reflected in the water.

Tang En didn't hide it and grinned: "Shadow Concealment, how is it?"

Shadow Concealment: Experienced. Invisible Form becomes virtual, **shadows.

Yes, Tang En is using the Shadow Concealment skill in the system Skills Trees. Before this skill, Tang En was stuck for a long time, but after he gradually stepped into the field of Sky Rank, his perception of this skill has gradually improved, and now he has pushed it to the Experienced realm in one fell swoop.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the effect of this skill is the gap between the real world and the parallel space. If it is a realistic world, then this skill cannot be used. If it is a parallel space, then Tang En will enter the endless space tunnel, floating and wandering. With his current understanding of Space Domain, it would be difficult to come out again...

If it is impartial, then to a certain extent, it means that Tang En has basically broken away. real world. Of course, it's just the basics. If you are attacked, you will still be beaten. But if it is not disturbed, the so-called Invisible Form in the skill introduction will turn it into a virtual form, which is to make him invisible.

And as a result, this confinement circle, which claims to be able to fix all tangible substances, naturally can't help him - no way, the Lord is taking an invisible route now, you can't control it!

"Shadow Concealment...it really looks like a shadow, a good movement method." Woodin nodded, with undisguised admiration in his words. He didn't make a move just now, he really did have some thoughts about taking the exam. But what he wanted to see was how Tang En would deal with the enemy from the air. He never thought that Tang En would be able to do it in one step, and simply ignored the confinement array... Well, this can be considered a gain, at least knowing that he has another Unexpected ability.

"Hehe, it's just a little trick, you can't be praised by Mr. Lu." Tang En continued to be polite in his unique modest way, and then the figure flickered, leaving the phantom Condition and returning to the real world. among.

At the same time, the speed of the foot is a few minutes faster, and it will run to the holy light city in an instant... Shadow Concealment skills are good, but it always makes Tang En a little nervous, afraid of taking a wrong step and going straight to the parallel Space never comes back. So he was extremely careful when running before, which naturally inevitably caused him to slow down a bit.

paused, looking at the faintly discernible silhouette in the holy light city dwelling, Tang En turned his head and said, "Mr. Lu, now you are going to have dim sum, my life is in your hands. It's over."

With the huge Influence of Light God Temple, naturally only a few experts who are chasing in the air are impossible. There may not be many people who can step into the threshold of Sky Rank, but of course there are not many Martial Artists who are high-level Earth Rank and even Earth Rank Peak. These powerhouses cannot fly, so they are hidden in the holy light city before weaving a fine siege, waiting for Tang En to collide with them.

It can be said that these people are even more difficult and troublesome than the Sky Rank Martial Artists who hold their own identities!

Woodin dragged the gold ring knife upside down with a calm expression: "I said, no one can hurt you. Let's go, it's time to go in!"

I said earlier , holy light city is undefended, not as tall and thick as ordinary cities. This is convenient for Tang En and their actions, the figure swayed lightly, and instantly broke into the holy light city.

But before taking a few steps, the thunderstorm shouted, "Death!" A silhouette suddenly rushed out of Rapid Speed in the alley next to the narrow street, Human and Spear Unity, and went straight to Tang En in the street.

This raid is not unexpected, but it's definitely not enough to see Tang En, a sneak attack expert. The footsteps were slightly wrong, and it was like a prophet who easily avoided the long spear edge, then reached out and kicked, grabbing the gun and kicking people in one go.

With a bang, this silhouette, which has not yet revealed its appearance, went back and forth, and flew out horizontally, but it widened the width of the narrow alley.

After doing all this, Tang En didn't even look at the result of the man, he lunged forward, threw his arms and roared, and with a swoosh, the long spear roared through the air, heading towards Temple in the distance. Federation Rapid Speed flew away.

Immediately, the arrogant laughter spread far and wide, "haha, I'm back...wait for me, wait for me to go over and demolish your ruined temple!"

………… (To be continued.)

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