
As said before, although the temple is very disdainful of Tang En's request to talk, but how to kill His interest is still very strong. For this reason, Veron and other temple executives have indeed made a lot of preparations. For example, deploying a large number of Knights around the city of holy light...

Actually, this was also frightened by the noise Tang En made when he came to the temple last time. So this time they decided to defend the enemy outside the city, lest the interior of the temple be damaged again. Of course, Tang En's strength record is there, if they just send out ordinary Light God Knight, it is undoubtedly looking for abuse. At least find someone who can deal with him for a time or two, preferably to hold him back, so that the expert hidden in the temple can rush in in time and make a final decision!

In this way, a holy Knight Captain like Rezel, who already has the responsibility of leading the Knight, is naturally the most suitable candidate. As for why Savian and Owens, who are both experts of the Holy Knight Captain, can only stand on the roof of the temple to watch the show, it is naturally because Veron and other high-level executives do not trust them...

Razelle is right This command is not exclusive, on the contrary, he is somewhat eager to have a try. The reason for this is precisely because of Savian.

There have long been rumors in the temple that the title of Rezel, the holy Knight Captain, is ahead of Savian only because the four-yearly Knight Hall Ranking Tournament has not yet started, otherwise this Title will be placed earlier. It's time to call in. The rumor that Rezel lost to Savian in a later private fight further corroborates this point of view...

Rezel does not deny this, there is a private fight, and he also loses Gave Savian not false. However, Rezel was not convinced by this, because he felt that it was not a Life and Death Battle, and some fighting methods were not available, which made his battle strength greatly reduced. In addition, in the past two years, his strength has improved a lot, and his confidence in himself has become stronger.

In fact, Rezel is also waiting for the start of the Knight Hall qualifying battle, which is his best chance to prove himself. But it still takes more than half a year, so he can only hold down his heart and wait slowly... But later, he suddenly found out that apart from this, in fact, he still has a chance to prove himself, that is to kill Tang En !

The news that Savian's pursuit of Tang En has failed for several months, as everyone knows. If he can kill Tang En, wouldn't that prove that he is stronger than Savian?

Very simple logic, Rezel was moved, so after hearing that Byron and other Bishop were looking for trouble with Tang En's, he volunteered without the slightest hesitation and led his team to destroy an original Bounty. Hunter branch organization, then find a hidden place, wait for Tang En to arrive.

It's just a pity, and then the temple temporarily called him back. Not long after he came back, he learned that Tang En had found the hidden spot and killed his teammates... At that time, Rezel felt regretful and lamented that he had missed this great opportunity.

Fortunately, he didn't regret it for too long, and now he got another chance - that Tang En was going to go to the temple in person!

Since knowing the news, Razer carefully analyzed the trajectory of Tang En's activities, and then took the initiative to ask again, guarding the outer periphery of the holy light Northern Part of City, where Tang En is most likely to appear.

However, after nearly half a day of waiting, Rezel was a little disappointed. The other party didn't come, but just like the ordinary worshippers in front of him...

"Lord Knight Captain , there are some problems with their carriage, and they need some manpower..."

Alas, it's not...secretly sighed, Rezel waved his hand in disinterest, and agreed to the suggestion of his subordinate Knight. But at this moment, "Knight Captain...you are also the Holy Knight Captain?"

Rezel raised his head subconsciously, and saw the beard-mouthed believer a few meters away looking at himself up and down, said with a smile, "It's a coincidence, I just happen to know a great Lord Knight Captain, his name is Razer, do you know him?"

En? who? Rezel couldn't help but be taken aback when he heard the words, me? But... do I know this person?

"If you know him, could you please let me know, we are his fellow villagers, we know each other very well..." Hearing the words, the surrounding Knights could not help but looked towards Rezel subconsciously, with a strange expression. It's very familiar, don't you know that the person standing in front of you is Lord Rezel?

Hearing this, Rezel frowned slightly. He was sure that he didn't have these two familiar fellows. Could it be that he had a relationship in the next life? Just as he was about to ask the question, the big man with beard face suddenly changed his words and sighed with emotion, "You are really Razer... I met you as soon as you came. It seems that lucky Goddess hasn't completely abandoned me."

Tang En's trip to the Northern Temple did not have any specific purpose. Basically, he adhered to the principle of how to strike as hard as he could. But in this one, as he said to Old Butler just now, he also has a must-killer, that is Rezel, this is to avenge the first Eisoan member Handy!

However, Tang En doesn't know Rezel. Although he has seen his portrait through the powerful intelligence gathering ability of the secret agency, there is still some gap between the portrait and the daoist. So Tang En just heard that there is a Knight Captain, and after looking at Fan Rezel, he was still a little unsure... Of course, after seeing the expressions in the eyes of these Knights, he was sure.

"Who are you?" Rezel also noticed something abnormal.

"Tsk, since everyone is so destined, let me introduce you." He reached out and took off his wide-brimmed hat, and the corners of Tang En's mouth were slightly raised, with a slight sneer, "I am..."


Before he finished speaking, suddenly, "Be careful... Be careful..." A scream came from the city, echoing in the air.

Is this... Savian's voice? Be careful? Be careful... Rezel couldn't help but start, Tang En squinted and looked up, looking at the familiar silhouette on the roof in the distance, curl one's lip, "This prodigal woman!"

Shaking his head lightly, he waved his hand, and with a swoosh, the Rapid Speed, the wide-brimmed hat, spun and flew, instantly spanning a distance of several meters and reaching Rezel in front of him.

Although it's just an ordinary hat, Rezel came back to his senses, but only felt the wind blowing like a knife in an instant, and he couldn't help being surprised and angry. Smash this spinning wide hat.

It's a pity that Rezel, whose vision was blocked, didn't notice it. At this moment, the quaint middle-aged man standing by the side shook his head slightly, with a sigh in his eyes, as if he was watching a dying man. man of.

"You know..." Before the long spear hit the wide hat, a faint voice came from behind Rezel, close at hand, "I've been looking for you for a long time..."

"Huh?" Razer was shocked when he heard this, subconsciously about to withdraw his gun to fight back, but at this time the shoulder armor was caught by two palms that appeared out of thin air, and then his body suddenly lightened , jumped involuntarily from his horse, soaring into the sky.

At this moment, "Lord, be careful!" The warning sound just arrived slowly, and the surrounding Light God Knight turned pale in fright, in fact, they didn't know when the other party rushed over, but suddenly saw the man Appearing behind Master Rezel, the two figure Rapid Speed lifted off without any chance of rescue.

Looking up, the two figures were spinning in the air with Rapid Speed, and it was impossible to tell who was who for a while. Immediately, "Roar..." The sky roared furiously, and the holy battle burst out, which naturally came from Rezel. But before these Knights could relax, the angry roar abruptly stopped, as if someone suddenly grabbed his throat, and turned into unintelligible gasps such as giggle and he he.

Next moment, the holy battle still exists, but the figure that the two of them jumped a few meters into the sky to reach the top fell down, and with a bang, the figures snapped together. One of the silhouettes seemed to have been kicked down, Rapid Speed landed, deng deng deng, took more than ten steps back in a row, waved the gun and leaned on it, and just now will stabilize the shaking figure - it's Razer.

At this moment, his both eyes were round, his face full of horror, as if he had seen something extremely incredible. The holy fighting light around the body is still there, but if you have a discerning eye, you can see that the fighting light is dissipating at Rapid Speed. Slowly stretched out his left hand, tremblingly pointed to the position of the warhorse he was sitting on, and wanted to say something, but his mouth was wide open, but he couldn't make any sound. In the sound of si si wind leaking, Li Li's blood suddenly splashed from the gap in the neck armor. Out...

At this time, another silhouette fell lightly back onto the horse's back, reached out at random, grabbed the wide-brimmed hat that just turned, put it on her head, and spread out her hands: "This Fuck ... accomplishes the goal of this trip all of a sudden, what should I do if I suddenly don't pursue it?"

......(To be continued.)

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