
Everything has advantages and disadvantages!

Released the Battle Qi circulation channel. With the irresistible temptation of the Martial Artist, Tang En successfully created a great situation between the northern Martial Artist and the Light God Temple giving tit for tat, and dragged the temple into the abyss in one fell swoop. The quagmire, unstoppable!

But what I want to say is that temptation can generate strong motivation and greed. .

There are always many people in the world who claim to be smart and like to take shortcuts, even more how people who can receive Assassins' Guild Quest are mostly not honest and well-behaved characters, very ruthless sinister origins. Bounty Hunter is the mainstream. They have tasted the sweetness, and they will no longer think about continuing to get the Quest Reward on the right path, but will plot against how to get it in place at one time and directly buy the bottom!

And for such a situation, Tang En naturally expected it. So when the Quest was first released, he personally took charge and fiercely killed a group of such ill-intentioned characters with the thunderous method, quickly laying a stable foundation for the early Assassins' Guild. Immediately, Miksu led his subordinate Eisoan members to secretly mobilize and run around, just like before, they kept strangling the conspiracy in the bud...

But I have to say that greedy people can never be killed, even if They can easily smell dangerous information from various channels, but the prospect of attractive profit has already overwhelmed their sanity. Just like the smugglers on the border crossing the river carp. Their red eyes in the eyes only have huge profits after success, and they are completely blind to the deadly noose that is close at hand...


"It's okay...just seeking death There are a lot of people.""

Since it is killed, it is natural to kill ruthless! For such a situation, Tang En's thought is very simple, after listening to Miksu's general description of the current bad situation, he directly waved his hand : "Then continue to kill, just and honorable killing, the more brutal the better, I can't believe this malignant social trend! "

Miksu calmly nodded: "Well, professional." "

There is no need for performance, no slogan. Killing is a professional job for people born in Eisoan, just like a farmer weeding, a fisherman fishing, etc., it is normal. even more how this It's Miksu, this is Tang En's sharpest knife hidden in the dark!

Tang En heard the words laughed, and didn't say more, just pointed at the cup on the wooden table and waved: "Tea ? Or wine? "

Shaking his head, Miksu got up: "We're going out of town to kill someone later." "When the words were over, I simply saluted, and simply lifted the curtain and left.

This is Miksu's style, and now he is more silent and more dangerous than before. It seems that there is only murder, and constant murder. , so that he can find a sense of existence in this world. But as long as Tang En is still there, this dangerous murder is within the controllable range. And for the enemy - it is naturally a nightmare of disaster!

Miksu leaves, this ordinary carriage is naturally integrated into the road, driving in a normal manner. Tang En's real face is not easy to reveal, and it is a little troublesome to have Camouflage every time he goes out, so now he is enjoying the treatment of a special car , no matter where you go, there are people from Eisoan who will take you back and forth as coachmen, which is a great peace of mind...

"What? There have already been guard cavalry... but this is our jurisdiction, who else will come faster than us..." When passing the dilapidated tavern, the smoke has not completely dissipated , at this time the real guard cavalry has just arrived, but looking at their dazed expressions when they gestured and talked with the witnesses around, they knew what valuable clues they could possibly get...

hehe... Laughing silently, Tang En lowered the curtains, touched his chin, and began to think about the current situation.

Although the harsh words were released just now, Tang En knew very well that the Assassins' Guild affair would not end so easily. This is not something Miksu can stop by killing some people, unless one day Assassins' Guild can grow into a huge monster like Light God Temple, otherwise it is impossible to dispel the lust in the hearts of greedy people.

And Since we can't find a solution on our own, we naturally have to work on the source, but now the source... rubbing his eyebrows, Tang En's expression is a little tangled, "Cha! Is it interesting to hang here half-dead like a mangy dog? ”

This remark is undoubtedly scolding the Light God Temple. In fact, up to now, most of the churches in the north, countless Clerics, etc. have been damaged. It is no exaggeration to say that the Arrangement foundation of the temple in the north for thousands of years has collapsed , retreat is an inevitable choice, otherwise you can only watch the casualties continue to expand.

But the temple side doesn't know what to think, preferring to suffer huge losses all the time, but also to die. It's really speechless to live here, without the slightest intention to retreat. It's really speechless.

It's like two light and heavy boxers are fighting in the ring, and the light boxer is trying his best. It's easy to knock down a heavy boxer, and he is about to win, but the heavy boxer covered his face at this time, curled up, and then let the beating just not get off the ring. Although the light boxer kept punching and kicking, but due to lack of The ability to one strike a certain kill is also helpless against this dead dog-like opponent...

"Sure enough... once a person is shameless, he is instantly invincible in the whole world. "

With a long sigh, Tang En felt helpless. Little did he know that Light God Temple was even more helpless at this time, and was about to burst into tears. Today's north is a quagmire, no matter how many people they mobilize to come here. It's no use. If I had let them know that an arrest warrant would lead to such consequences, they would have rather knocked off their teeth and swallowed the blood directly in their stomachs...

Of course, at this time, the temple is also no matter what How would they not retreat? They knew very well in their hearts that if they retreated, it meant that the influence of the temple would completely disappear in the north. But if they did not retreat, it would be a little tougher and miserable in face, but as long as they survived this period During the period, with their thousands of years of heritage, they are still the kings in this vast land!

In short, bear with it...

Tang En can naturally think of such thoughts of the temple. Although he was not angry before, he was also ready for a long-term battle. But since he received Joah's letter, Tang En quickly changed his mind... Don't go? Let's go!

As for now - Tang En curl one's lip, I still feel bad. You must know that in his letter he had already boasted to Joah Haikou, saying that her man played the temple like a monkey, very He will be able to drive the other party out of the north soon. But now... After Joah comes out of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, he finds that the temple is still here. Where does this put his face? Do I still need the prestige of a man?


"Oh, beautiful lady, please excuse my presumptuous interruption... madam? Oh my gosh! Sorry, I really didn't see it...you know what? Just now you came from far away and walked into my eyes, and in an instant, I felt that I found the most beautiful scenery in this trip..."

Just in Tang En for the temple, this turtle strategy is very When I was unhappy, all of a sudden, there were such affectionate words from outside the car, which made women elated and men shivered with chills. Startled, Tang En subconsciously touched his nose, this voice, this dialogue... a bit familiar... ...

"If you don't mind, could you please give me a few minutes, I want to freeze this beautiful scenery in the heart forever...Wow, do you agree? Thank you, beautiful and generous lady, I am sure I am blessed by lucky Goddess today. hehe..."

With a squeak, Tang En grinned and opened the curtains when he heard this, and found that the carriage had arrived at his residence, which is the outer street of the secret agency. He glanced left and right, and he was quickly on the side of the street. He found the source of the familiar voice.

There were not many people on the street, and most of them were in a hurry. Only in front of a clothing store, an elegant young woman in fancy clothes stroked her hair and smiled. She stood still and beautiful, and there was an undisguised joy in her expression. Not far in front of her, there was a man holding a drawing board. From time to time, he looked up at the young woman and chuckled. A wandering painter who makes a living by sketching on the street.

Although his back is facing away, Tang En looked up and down at the wandering painter, and the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch.

After thinking about it, Tang En stopped the carriage, picked up a wide-brimmed hat in the carriage and put it on his head, then opened the curtain and walked down, caught in the crowd and walked towards the two...

…………(To be continued.)

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