
Tang En's sensitive identity is there after all, so it's not convenient to talk more. And Lena is now the rebel's number one arms dealer, so it's not convenient to expose too much. So this meaningful meeting, similar to 'meeting the parents', did not last long.

A quarter of an hour later, Ellen takes Annika to say goodbye. Tang En and Lina were sent to the door, and after a few words of greeting, they watched the two of them boarded the carriage...

"The little newsboys of the year have all found girlfriends, um, everyone has grown up. Ah..." Waving his hand, Tang En couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the carriage that was drifting away. Immediately turned her head and said with a smile to Lena beside her, "How is it, do you have any ideas?"

Lina was stunned: "Ideas? Oh... nice girl, Educated, beautiful, and suitable for Ellen..."

"Not this." Tang En waved his hand, the corners of his mouth raised, "I'm asking about your own life-long major event, hehe , you see that brother Allen has already made a move, so you never thought of finding a place to belong?"

Lina's body shuddered when she heard the words, her eyes drooped slightly, and a moment later she said in a low voice, "You You just want me to get married soon?"

"Well, that's not what I said... But women always want to get married. You are so beautiful and have boundless prospects. Alchemy Master. Then pick and choose, those who have this qualification... Now, from the standpoint of a friend, I hope you find someone you like. Of course, it's useless for me to say this, the decision is up to you. But if you run into any trouble, you're welcome, just come to me. You know, I'm very good at things like murder and arson, catching scumbags and exterminating mistresses. Hehe..."

"... Why do I feel like you're cursing me."

"Ha! Illusion, it must be an illusion..."

With a blank glance, Lina stroked the hair in front of her forehead: "It sounds nice, but I don't know who drove my suitor away, and the price was just a bowl of beef noodle with thirteen Copper Coins... You don't know, see him later, look at my expressions all wrong "..."

"Eh?" Tang En was stunned when he heard the words, then remembered the funny incident last time, and couldn't help touching his nose in embarrassment, "This... Actually, I can't blame me. It's not a good thing to look at that guy with oily head and face. Besides, I'm here to test him for you. Hey, a man who doesn't even have the courage to pry at the corner is completely unreliable..."

"Prying the corner... No, immoral..." Lina blinked, not knowing what to think, her eyes flashed slightly.

Tang En is righteous: "What's immoral? This is a reasonable redistribution of social resources...cough cough, I'm not helping my relatives..."

"Is that so..."

In a faint tone of unknown meaning, followed by a brief silence. On the steps in front of the door, there is no warm light, only a few yellowed leaves in the bleak autumn wind, spinning and falling around the two people standing side by side. Looking at it from a distance, it was picturesque for a while...

"Alas..." The traffic on the corner turned, and the curtains were drawn. Allen looked at it with some complicated eyes, lightly sighed. Immediately, the corners of his mouth rose again, looking at the arms of the two people in the distance waving to this side, and also waved their hands to say goodbye.

Turning around the street, disappeared, "I can't bear it." Parallel red delicate carriage, Annika opened the curtains, her lips pursed slightly, and her mood seemed low.

"Well..." Nodded lightly, Alan was a little absent-minded.


In the light hum, Alan came back to his senses, astonished and turned his head: “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” After pursing her lips, Annika shrank her hands and was about to lower the curtains.

"Oh, let's get engaged when we go back this time."

"Well... what?" The lovable body shook, his arms were in the air, and he looked up with a tender expression Ellen, Annika's eyes couldn't hide the surprise. Immediately, his chest heaved slightly, and he bit his lower lip reservedly, "This...you have to ask your parents first."

If you ask your parents, it means that you don't object. Alan's smile was even more gentle, nodded: "Of course. Well, let's go back to the south now."




When there is sunshine, there is darkness. This is the most normal reason, just like under the harsh sunlight, there are also cramped corners that are clammy, cold and moldy.

At this time, an unremarkable tavern in Cold Water City. Business was deserted, and there were only a few tables of guests in the hall.

And in the corner of the hall, under the cover of potted plants, four men with a cold temperament each took one side of the table, drinking wine and discussing something in a low voice.

"Thunder Leopard Boss, is this... Really true?"

"It should be true, I have vaguely heard about it in the south. I thought it was a joke at the time. Rumors, but looking at the current state of the North, I'm afraid it can't be faked..."

"But this is too absurd... Everyone, cultivation Battle Qi for several decades, have you ever heard of such a secret?"


"Stop arguing, just listen to what Leibao Boss has to say."

Having said this, the three of them looked towards the burly man sitting in the east position. The big man raised his head and took a sip of wine, then grinned fiercely: "I haven't seen you for a few years. I'm so far away to invite your brothers to come from the south. Naturally, it's impossible to joke with you. That's right, the secret is indeed true!"

paused, the three men looked at each other in dismay, "Really..." "Rapidly increasing Battle Qi cultivation speed... Grass, it's against the sky!" "It's true... but since it is Really, there must be someone who has cultivated before, right?"

"Hehe, Silver Fox, you are still so careful."

"Ha... Thunder Leopard Boss, don't take offense, just listen to this. It's really unbelievable."

"It's okay." The burly man shook his head indifferently, put down the wine bowl in his hand, and squinted, "Don't be afraid to tell a few brothers, I have cultivated a small part of this secret recipe."

"Ah—" exclaimed in a low voice, followed by a question that couldn't wait, "The end, what's the result?"

"Hehe, you should know that my strength stops at Advanced. It's been many years since I was an intermediate rank. I used to work too hard to get out of Quest, and I left too much internal injury, so I couldn't get to Advance Rank. But now... Ha, I'm an Advanced rank."

"Hey..." Qi Qi sucked in a cold breath, although the other three were the real surnames who believed the news, but now listening to the sky-defying effects that Lei Bao experienced personally, they couldn't help but be intimidated.

A moment later, the middle-aged man called Silver Fox was the first to return to his senses, clenched his fists, suppressed the greed in his heart, and asked, "The Thunder Leopard Boss is looking for us this time. Come here..."

The burly man didn't answer immediately, but said at a moderate pace: "Brothers have been to the South for a few years, so I don't know what's going on here... This Bounty The Hunter Guild has been renamed Assassins' Guild, and the Mantra cheats are the rewards for completing Quests in this organization."

"That's a good thing! Understood, the Thunder Leopard Boss called us here to complete this or something. Organise Quests and get cheats?"

The burly man laughed noncommittally: "hehe... do you know what Quests this organization publishes?" Self-answered, with emphasis, "It's all aimed at Light God. Temple's Quest! For example, the cheat book I got was exchanged for the heads of twenty Light God Knights!"

exclaimed, "Huh...Light God Temple? This organization is so big! Courage!" "Aren't you afraid of being directly killed?" "Sure enough, it's not a simple Quest! But if the cheat book really has such an effect, Light God Temple... It's not impossible to get in trouble!"

"...I'm a little moved..."

At present, how many Battle Qi Martial Artists can stand this temptation? The burly man looked around, satisfied nodded, and continued in a low voice: "Since several brothers have the guts to provoke Light God Temple, why don't you have a big vote with me?"

"Uh , how do you say it?"

"The Assassins' Guild doesn't have a fixed location, and there are only a few people present each time. If you brothers join hands with me, just copy this Assassins' Guild!" He slapped his hands on the ground, and the burly man had a ferocious look on his face, and then cruelly laughed, "hehe, the cheats I got before are only a small part, so let me directly upgrade successfully. If what we get is complete The secret book..."

He didn't go on, but the breaths on the table suddenly became thicker, they looked at each other a few times, their throats moved slightly, and they swallowed hard. At this moment, one person slammed his palm, "Damn it!"

"I have no problem!"

"Neither did I...but that Assassins' Guild Where is it now?"

"Okay!" The burly man was overjoyed when he heard this, but he didn't reveal everything. You must know that he is not the only one who made this idea. He once saw a powerhouse that was not much weaker than him. He wanted to snatch the secrets directly on the scene, but he was beaten to death by the members of the organization...

"Then the Assassins' Guild's hiding place is not a secret, but it is changed too frequently, basically it will be changed in a day or two. But this is not a problem, they will make the next location in advance. Report to the intelligence dealers in the city, so we just need to..."

After a sudden pause, several people turned their heads alertly, and saw a young man dressed as a waiter holding a plate covered with a silver hood, walking around Block the potted plants coming this way.

The burly man frowned: "We didn't order food, did you send it to the wrong place?"

The young waiter put on a professional smile: "No, today Early Boss is happy to have children and grandchildren, so as long as the guests who come to our place today can get a plate of turkey stew for free."

tone barely fell , "Wow..." screamed in surprise, far away A young couple on the table had already lifted the silver hood, steaming hot, revealing a plate of red oil turkey with an attractive color. The aroma was really tempting.

Withdrawing their eyes, several people looked at each other, the corners of their mouths raised unconsciously. The burly man shook his head and laughed: "hehe, it seems that we are lucky."

"Who said no..." The young waiter smiled and placed the silver-covered plate in the middle of the wooden table, shrugged and saluted, "Also Please enjoy it slowly."

"Thank you! Well, congratulate your boss for us."

"Okay, thank you." The young waiter politely nodded and turned around Leave. When he was far away, the burly man picked up the knife and fork on the side of the plate, laughed: "hehe, I have a hunch, this time our action will be smooth."

"haha...that must be Yes, lucky Goddess is on our side."

Several people are in a good mood, after all, such luck is not common. And for now, it is undoubtedly a good sign for them. Amidst the loud laughter, the burly man lifted the silver hood at will, paused for a while, and his heart suddenly trembled. For some reason, he felt as if a thread had been broken just now... The next moment, the knife and fork stopped in the air, his smile froze. on the face.

No hot mist, no fragrant aroma... In the middle of the white jade porcelain plate, only three fiery-red prismatic crystals stand upright in the shape of a zigzag. And around the crystal, is a strange matrix composed of tight elastic silk threads and four thin needles.

It sounds strange, but when a few people fall into the eyes of the table, they instantly recognize that this is a simple reflection device. The principle is like the inverted triangle trap set by the hunter through the trees in the jungle. As long as a prey steps in, the legs and feet are tied by the rope, and they will be pulled back into the air in an instant, and finally the head and feet will hang in the air...

Now the device has been activated, because the taut silk thread tied to the top of the silver cover was pulled by the burly man just now... And with this strong rebounding force, the four silver needles were several times beside the table. In the horrified eyes, Rapid Speed shoots at the fiery-red crystal in the middle - that is, the exploding crystal!

It's complicated to say, but in fact all the movement is only for a moment - the deserted tavern, the couple in the distance are excited by this unexpected surprise, the man picks up the knife and fork, smiles and delivers a piece of crispy chicken to the restaurant. At the woman's mouth, the burly man also smiled and lifted the silver hood,


The flames flashed, and the billowing waves were like raging waves hitting the shore. Devoured the silhouettes of a few people at the table. Immediately afterwards, the entire tavern hall seemed to be violently raided by the Level 10 Tempest, except that the center of the explosion, the inner wall in the corner of the hall, shattered. There are rows of tables and chairs, decorative potted plants, etc. Void Treading around, Rapid Speed slammed into the walls of the four sides, split collapsed and scattered. The man in the distance subconsciously threw away the knife and fork, hugged the woman he liked who suddenly rose up into the air, and tumbled to the ground...

To passers-by on the street outside, it was the tavern that followed. There was a violent explosion, and I shivered nervously, and then the roof tiles fell like rain, and bursts of thick smoke and black mist continued to emerge from the doors and windows, and the sound was terrifying.

next moment, "Get out of the way... Get out of the way..." "It's dangerous here... Please retreat to a safe distance..." In the shouts, more than a dozen people wearing bronze armor and iron helmets. The guard cavalry appeared out of nowhere, driving the surrounding crowd to maintain order.

That is to say, these passersby are still in a trance condition, without came back to his senses, otherwise they will definitely have doubts, when did the efficiency of guarding the cavalry become so high?

The clearing work was completed quickly. The first guard cavalry walked into the smoke-shrouded tavern hall, looked left and right, and took off the iron helmet at will, revealing the silver mask that flickered coldly below.

The guard cavalry who came in with him, under the guidance of the young waiter just now, quickly lifted or helped out a few coughing silhouettes from the thick smoke. guest. The center of the explosion is in the corner, so although these people are quite frightened, there is no mortal danger. If you are unlucky, you will just knock on the table and chair, break your face, etc.

It's a little strange that these guard cavalrymen did not save people out of the door, but left them in the ventilation area behind the tavern hall and let them wake up to their own senses...

The silver-faced man didn't care about this, and walked to the corner of the hall at a moderate pace, which is the explosion Central Zone, squinted his eyes, and soon found four incomplete bodies in the thick smoke and dust.

Although the previous explosion crystal was only a small thing, it couldn't stand the distance too close. These four powerful powerhouses were caught off guard and faced each other, and the result can be imagined.

But it's not that there are no survivors, "Hide...hide...hide..." Following this intermittent faint moan, the silver-faced man walked under the broken wall and looked down at the broken wall. The originally burly big man was the guy called Thunder Leopard Boss. The whole body was charred black, the entire upper body was like a torn torn toy, and the visceral skeleton was clearly visible. Only the gigantic head was barely kept intact, the lips parted, and he murmured mechanically...

Leaning over, "Do you like it? This is a gift I carefully prepared for you... Well, a little bit I don't understand what you guys are thinking, isn't it bad to accept Quests for rewards obediently and honestly? You have to make trouble like this..."

"Hide... hide..." Although this burly man didn't die, his head was blown blank long before he was dying. Naturally, it was impossible to successfully complete the conversation.

Also seemed to find it boring, the silver-faced man twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, looked the head, and then waved his hand at will, a blade of light disappeared in the throat of the burly man, and the repeated muttering stopped abruptly. .

When he got up, a guard cavalry came from the thick smoke, without looking at the tattered body on the ground, approached and whispered: "Boss is here, just passing by here."

Hearing the words, the silver-faced man was somewhat astonished and nodded, and immediately stepped away from the broken wall. The dozen or so guard cavalrymen left behind tidied up the scene a little, and then they were suddenly disappeared just like when they suddenly appeared.

At this time, on the side of the street, several hundred meters away from the tavern, the silver-faced man appeared again from the alley just now, but the bronze armor on his body had been replaced with ordinary black clothed, and he also wore A wide-brimmed hat.

He bowed his head and took a few quick steps, stepped on the ordinary carriage parked on the side of the road, and opened the curtain to walk in. During the whole process, the young coachman sitting in front didn't seem to see anything, but when the two passed by, the young coachman nodded slightly, as if saluting.

In the carriage, "Boss."

"Sit down, Miksu." Tang En, who had just left Lina's place, gestured for the silver-masked man, Miksu, to take his seat, and immediately He smiled and shook his head: "Just now I was thinking about who would be so bold to throw explosive crystals directly in the city... It really is you. Well, it's very bad now that I started it in broad daylight?"

"It's okay... ..." Miksu looked as usual, paused, and added another sentence, "It's just that there are a lot of people seeking death."


…………(To be continued .)

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