
Small square, the battle center shifted, leaving the ground full of wailing and moaning. . Those were the members of the Tianying gang who survived under the dense axe, but although they took a small life, they were not lucky.

Karl's ultimate move is for Assassin, and it's really going all out. Except for the sky, any angle and space are covered. Under such an attack, even if these Tianying gang members are not dead, they are basically disabled. The difference is the difference between missing an arm or a missing leg...

If they come out and hang out, they will have to pay it back sooner or later. !

Of course there are people who are conscious and mixed with gangs, but it is unacceptable to repay the law like this. So when the blood gradually spread to the surrounding of the square, I stood in the corner and watched the entire Golden Lion gang members honestly, swallowed hard, and then moved slowly involuntarily, moving towards the door... Of course, my eyes kept on at the source of the battle.


"Don't move!""Turn around, draw the bow, shoot the arrow!"

Because they were facing the rendezvous, Carl and the Some of the terrified bow-wielding companions were a little closer. When the two sides were about ten feet apart, the two of them spoke at the same time, and decisively ordered their bow-wielding companions to fight back.

Their first goal now is not to escape, but to find an opportunity to besiege the bitter master who came to the door, so it is very important to take the lead.

The man with the bow turned around when he heard the words, whiz whiz whiz...the bowstring vibrated, and three sharp arrows shot out in the shape of Rapid Speed. Without waiting for the arrow to fall, he grabbed the quiver with his backhand, whiz whiz whiz... Three arrows and meteors chased after him.

This man's archery skills are not bad. He shot six arrows in a hurry, but he accurately blocked all the advancing routes of the pursuers. But...

After a short pause, the pursuit silhouette swayed indiscernibly, without dodging, and the speed remained the same, but the figure successfully pierced through the blockade of arrow branches.

The whole process took only a moment before and after, giving the impression that this pursuit silhouette was just illusory, so six arrow branches passed through him, which had no effect at all.

But of course that's not the case. The man holding the bow trembled and couldn't help being sucked in a cold breath. Of course the pursuer will not be a phantom, he just grabs the narrow gap between the first three arrow branches and the last three arrow branches, fine-tunes the figure, and successfully forms a crossing...

Of course, speaking of which is simple , but to really be able to do this, that would be appalling!

Fortunately, taking advantage of this momentary entanglement, the two of Carl fought a distance difference, and finally arrived successfully. Qi Qi passed the man with the bow, stepped, stomped his feet, roared furiously, the fighting light shone, the chains and giant axe were so wonderful that they grasped the timing of make a move and swung them out one after another, attacking from a distance and slashing close, chasing straight towards that path. The silhouette presses head on.

This is also Carl's Assassin section, giant axe short-range, chain medium-range, and bow and arrow long-range. No need to say hello, the tacit understanding between each other is enough to form an effective team in an instant and play the most huge might.

And at this time, Carl had time to know what the person who attacked him looked like before - young, indifferent, ordinary face, the only thing that was recognizable was the pair of long and narrow eyes... Well, it's really a good material for Thief and Assassin!

Although he was shocked by the youth of the other party, Carl would naturally not be slow to start. Seeing the other party hit the chain axe, he couldn't help but feel happy, ha, what is the situation, is it because Too fast to stop?

The joy just climbed up the corner of the mouth, revealing a trace, and the next moment, it freezes and stiffens!

Boom... One red and one green, Battle Qi horizontally and horizontally, the chain giant axe smashed in one place, and immediately produced a dazzling effect, and even the ground under his feet shook three times. However, Carl and the leather armored youth both shouted in the heart inwardly, because the target that seemed to be a direct hit has been disappeared...

"Although you made me wait for a long time... ..." ding ding ding~ , the sound of the intensive fighting came after itself, rain beating against a banana tree, just listening to it was enough to make people speechless, "But after all, it saved me time and avoided killing one by one. Trouble..."

Carl turned their heads suddenly, their pupils narrowed sharply, and saw a pitch-black dagger raised high, the tip of the blade reflected a little cool luster, and it seemed to fall slowly and quickly, simply piercing through the bow-wielding companion Eyebrows, pu...

Blood flowers bloom evenly, enchanting and deadly beauty.

"Thank you!" the dagger pulled out, without a trace of blood. The man with the bow slumped to the ground, motionless. The young man turned around calmly, his ordinary face was indifferent, "Now, it's your turn."

Subconsciously licking his dry lips, Carl's face was gloomy and extremely ugly. Obviously, the other party didn't take them seriously from the very beginning. He obviously has the ability to do it quickly, but he waits for his bow-wielding companions to come and join them, and then simply kill them in front of them... But the purpose he seeks is just to save time, and he is too lazy to go after them one by one!

This is so... uncle can endure it, aunt can't endure it!

"Are you...Tang En?" Tightening the chain in his hand, leather armor youth tempted a question and answer.

The young man looked calm, his indifferent eyes did not fluctuate, but it seemed that he could not stop the chills all over his body, as if there was a pinnacle madness and an uncontrollable cold murderous intention: "This is very important. ?"

"Of course." The leather armored youth shrugged, taking the opportunity to move his stiffer body, "At least this will let us know who's in the hands?"

"As you wish." The words ended, the figure Ghost Umbra flashed, and the blade light was handed to the neck of the leather armor youth.

There is no direct answer, but the actual action has undoubtedly admitted something.

"It really is you!" The figure jumped back and dodged at the same time, the leather armor youth and Carl looked at each other with bitter eyes. If they knew that Tang En was terrifying to such an extent, how could they object to Light God Knight's opinion? I'm afraid it's too late to hide...

It's a pity that there are all kinds of medicines in this world, but there is no Regret Medicine to buy!

After the previous explosion, the Light God Knight silhouette was not seen for a long time, and it should have been bode ill rather than well. And now the assassination squid, now there are only the two of them left, without any reinforcements, and naturally they are not opponents.

And perhaps at the final stage, Tang En make a move was merciless, and the killing strikes were repeated, which did not allow Carl and the two to have the slightest room to breathe.

Attack, attack, continue to attack...

The situation is completely overwhelming, and even an ordinary person who doesn't know how to fight can see the battle at a glance Results come.

Carl considered that their strength was not low, otherwise they would not have been favored by Light God Temple and proposed to be incorporated into the assassination team from prison. But now in front of Tang En, they only feel that their hands are tied, and they can't play their due strength at all.

Defense - can't defend! Attack - die faster!

At the end, only, back, back, back again and again...

At this time, at the back of the station, several silhouettes emerged from the wall. Glancing over here, one of them scratched his head, "Uh... Do you think that Boss has changed a bit recently?"

"Change?" The person beside him was fascinated, "You Do you mean strength? Well, the Boss' strength is indeed improving all the time. I really don't know how it is cultivation, and I don't usually see how hard it is."

shook the head, "No This, I mean the Condition of Boss. Well, don't you feel that Boss's mood is a little unstable recently? It seems to be easier to get angry, easier to... uh, murderous intention greatly rises!"

" Is there any?"

"Well, David, it seems true to hear you say that...but this is also normal, we are all angry about Handy's death, the boss may feel a little stronger Right."

"Is that really the case..." David scratched his head, hesitated, and finally frowned, "It always feels a little abnormal."

"Okay. Now, you are not a woman, so how can you feel so much. As long as you kill these people in front of you, after a while, the boss will naturally return to normal."

One person shouted the head, "If it is really what you think If you say it, then the Boss will have to wait for a while to recover... The wound on Handy's chest is obviously the work of the temple expert, but the Light God Knights who were killed by us just now are just some small characters who can't be on the stage. So although not I know why, but the expert obviously hasn't shown up yet!"

"There are still two people in front of me, the Boss will definitely be able to ask. , he must pay for Handy!”

…………(To be continued.)

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