
The billowing waves are still churning into the sky. However, the lively atmosphere in the field was stagnant for a moment because of the sudden explosion.

Immediately, Carl shrugged indifferently, stretched out his hand and pulled out the one-handed broad axe pinned behind his back, grinning hideously, and stepped towards the more than 100 big men.

After hesitating for a while, the leather armored youth on the side shook his head, raised his hand and hit a hand seal to cancel the action.

Before, because I was worried about the whereabouts being exposed, I thought about copying the Heavenly Eagle Gang's lair. But now that this huge explosion is coming out, it is bound to attract a lot of attention, and it is definitely not possible to stay here. As a result, naturally there is no need to go to the Heavenly Eagle Gang station.

As for the Light God Knights behind them who might be bombed...who cares? Anyway, Carl and the others don't care. It's best to kill them in one pot, and even if they don't kill them, they are lucky. There is no need to think about the rescue. If you don't take the opportunity to make a knife, your conscience will find out...

"Ah..." "Hey, where did the stupid big fellow come out? Several brothers come together and kill him. ..." "Quick, surround yourself... cut him, cut him..."

After a scream, the broken arm flew out, and the rushing team with imposing manner appeared a little messy.

I have to say, Karl's face full of fleshy appearance, Iron Pagoda's general body, and the giant axe with a single-handed short handle, but the blade surface is extremely exaggerated like a fan, he is a madman. living. At first glance, the visual impact is really terrifying!

But right now this is a group fight, and the gang members will naturally not speak morality to the sake of one-on-one. After the shock, dozens of big men who were suddenly excited after seeing blood gathered around them, brandishing sharp machetes. , on the spot will demonstrate the drama of a good tiger but a pack of wolves.

"Hey." Carl chuckled, licked his lips in satisfaction, took a few steps back to avoid the edge, and then slammed sideways, instantly knocking the three and five men into the air with knives. He took a step and came to the big man whose arm had been chopped off just now, savagely swung his axe, shua...

"Ah——" The one arm was swirling and thrown with Lili's blood, and the big man was in After screaming, his eyes turned white and he fainted.

"I'm grass!""The offal - bullying, people, too, even!" "Get out of the way, I will cut off his head with my own hands!"

There was an uproar! The big men around looked at Carl's excessive behavior, his eyes suddenly became furious and bloodshot, and many sharp machetes were chopped down, wishing he could chop Carl directly into meat sauce!

Around the battle circle, a silhouette with a bow approached the leather armor youth, smacking his lips, "tsk tsk, a bloody butcher is a bloody butcher! But...is this interesting?"

"Yes." Watching Karl make a big circle in the crowd, he relentlessly cut off the unconscious big man's right leg, forcing him to wake up and howl again, and the leather armored youth spread his hands, "At least that's the case. Do it, it won't scare people away all at once."

"Uh, it makes sense..."

In front of me are more than a hundred Heavenly Eagle Gang guys, leather armor youths and the others Naturally it is ignored. It is no exaggeration to say that if one person comes out, they can basically clear the field within a few minutes.

As for Carl taking so much trouble and not really killing one person, it is purely because of his own bad taste. He is worried that he will scare all the big guys away if he breaks out.>

At this time, the leather armored youth looked around the arena at will, frowned: "Huh, where's Ade?"

"Didn't you cut your way back... oh, it's another leg, this time Thoroughly sincere." Unable to bear to look directly, he retracted his gaze, holding a bow silhouette subconsciously looked towards the front gate of Golden Lion's help in the distance, stunned, "Well? I was still there just now... Ha, this kid Ade must have an itchy hand. Now, I also entered the arena..."

"No!" The leather armor youth's face changed, Rudian glanced across the arena in an instant, "Ade is not here... The jackal brother is gone too! "

"Eh?" The man with the bow squinted and looked a little bit surprised, "Strange, what's going on?"

"It's weird, let me know." Karl...Damn!" Shouted in a low voice, the silhouette of the leather armored youth instantly disappeared in place, and Rapid Speed ran towards the field. There, Karl was suddenly covered by the dense blade light like strong wind and swift rain. Before the warning roar could occur, the giant axe recovered and retreated again and again, instantly becoming extremely embarrassed.

"Who are you...who are...?"

It was on and off, but Carl, who was startled and angry, was under the weight of thunder, and he could hardly utter a complete sentence. .

There was no answer, only a breathless attack that grew stronger and stronger.

What's the matter, what's the situation... This change happened too suddenly, Carl was having a good time, and before he could react, he was instantly stunned by a strong and overbearing attack, and he had absolutely no idea what was going on. .

Waiting for came back to his senses, feeling the killing intent like a mountain cry out and sea howl, Karl's whole body is standing upright, and he can't help but shouted inwardly in his heart... What the hell... There are gangsters, and there are such experts?

As everyone knows, the more than 100 big men who were constantly molested by him were dumbfounded on the spot when they saw the dazzling dense blade light in front of them. I am grass! which brother is this? This small blade is swung so fiercely...

At this moment, "get lost!" screamed in anger, an azure chain threw away like a whip, and a fight erupted, and more than a dozen men outside were stunned. I felt a tightness in my chest, as if I was hit head-on by a galloping carriage, my chest swelled and slumped, and blood flew out.

"This..." More than a hundred big men watched the rapid speed of the whirlwind green chain crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood kill, rubbed their eyes and petrified again! This Fuck...is it Battle Qi?

Before these Tianying gang members could react from their shock, the leather armor youths had already waved their chains and rushed into ten zhang or so like chopping melons and vegetables, and finally killed Carl in time when blood was rushing all over his body. arrive.

threw away the chains, "Go back, Ade, Jackal and the others are dead... This is a deliberate revenge!"

After receiving support, Karl stepped back and will Avoid the pursuit of blade light, get a precious respite, and avoid the suffocating ending of being crushed to death by force. But then his brows are wrinkled, seeking revenge?

Just by looking at the title of Bloody Butcher, you can see how Carl usually behaves. It can be said that the saying that the Lord of Sufferers walks all over the ground and the enemies are all over the world is on his head, and it really does not seem too exaggerated. So after hearing that it was revenge, Carl was immediately confused. Where did he form a grudge?

However, after thinking of the 'deliberate' sound, my heart suddenly came to an end. Assassinate yourself, bomb Light God Knight... This is the sneak attack incident a few days ago, what is it called Tang En's bitter master came to the door!

Taking a deep breath, Carl had to admit that the reason why those Light God Knights were so cautious did have a certain reason. However, he was about to run away just after a face-to-face encounter, so wouldn't he suffer from the blood-splattered scars in vain? Where does the bloody butcher's name go?

He decisively swung his axe, raised his head and roared violently, "Roar..." The dazzling, dazzling gleams that were as red as a sea of blood surged out, tumbling frantically, covering a large area in a short moment.

Immediately, "Die!!!" The axe was heavily shadowed, and a large area of blood blade was swung out, slashing, horizontally cutting, diagonally cutting... all kinds of angles, all kinds of domineering. The power is like wind and thunder, and it seems to completely cover this entire small square!

Such a range attack regardless of consumption is naturally the reason. Although the fight was short-lived and he has been passively beaten Condition, Karl is not without any gains. At least he knew that the opponent was extremely fast, movement method Ghost Umbra, and it should be the way of Assassin. To deal with such an enemy, it is undoubtedly difficult to make merit by clumsy hacking alone. Only such a large-scale attack can pose a threat to the opponent.

Let's not say whether this trick is effective for that Assassin, the closest leather armor youth is the first to curse, but he also knows that there is absolutely no reason to talk to the bloody butcher Carl now, curse Then, with a flick of the wrist, the chain Rapid Speed was recovered, focusing heavily on the ground in the square, the figure took advantage of its strength to fly up, and would avoid the snowflake axe blade that was rushing frantically.

The youth in leather armor can successfully escape by relying on their strength, but the more than 100 big men around who saw that the situation was far from good and were about to run away are undoubtedly bloody mildew.

The weak have no human rights, and being involved in an expert battle is the way to die!

In an instant, chi chi chi... One after another, the screams were mixed with a strange sound like the chirping of the wind. But in fact, these so-called wind chants are the sounds of blood-colored axe blades slicing through fragile human bodies!

Heads, broken arms, legs, half of the body... if you touch it, it will be broken, and if you touch it, you will die!

After just a few breaths, countless stumps danced in the air, and large swathes of blood splattered everywhere like worthless well water. A good square, the eyes are red, the ground is full of mess, it is like Asura purgatory - bloody horror, horrible to see!

"hū chī ... hū chī ..." Rao was Carl's Iron Pagoda body. After an instant burst of such a high-frequency and large-area attack, he couldn't help but gasp and his expression darkened.

Ignoring his breathing, he lifted his axe and turned his head, looking around with the sharp eyes of a falcon. Except for the youth in leather armor that just fell, there is not a silhouette standing in sight...


I can't wait for the joy to emerge from Carl's heart, and suddenly, whiz whiz whiz... Several screams that break through the air come from afar!

Suddenly turning his head, he saw two figures in the distance chasing Rapid Speed around the square. The silhouette in front ran wildly and turned back to shoot arrows, intending to delay the opponent's speed. However, as soon as the arrow branch here left the bow, the silhouette behind it seemed to be an unpredictable prophet. Not only was it completely unaffected, but it took the opportunity to get closer.

"Fuck!" Seeing this, Carl's face turned black. Needless to say, his hard-working big move just now was in vain. Not only did the other party easily avoid the coverage of his axe blade, but he even had time to hunt down another companion... He came and went so casually, and he didn't look at him at all.

After a moment of hesitation, his flesh trembled, and Carl chased after him with a gloomy stride, "Go, go and kill him!"

"En..." The leather armor youth stretched out his hand as if to He stopped, but after a pause, he shook his head helplessly, and followed Carl to meet his companion who was looking for rescue.

This choice is not because of their morality. When disaster is imminent, the husband and wife are fleeing for their own lives, not to mention the evil heretics who are mostly Bo Liang. It's not that they don't want to avoid the edge for a while, but according to each other's abnormal speed, even if they run away separately, they will definitely be caught up, and then they will be defended separately.

So their only option now is to concentrate on besieging each other... But, is this really possible?

…………(To be continued.)

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