
How fast is light?

To be honest, Tang En remembers that in the present world, the physics teacher talked about this concept. .But unfortunately, these have all been returned to the teacher...

But fortunately, Martial Artist is more or less sensitive to the judgment of distance. Saviian has great talent, and he knows it all with ease.

At a certain moment, the body curve pinnacle relaxes, like a bow full of moon, stepping suddenly, bang, the ground trembles slightly, and the spider-like cracks spread out on the bluestone floor in an instant!


A hoarse roar resounded in the sky. Saviian's expression was a little distorted at this moment, and his arms were soaring wildly, as if he was trying his best to push the mountain range forward!

In an instant, the long spear threw away abruptly, like a long whip, but for a moment, it seemed to cross the space interval and reach the top of the head. Wow... the shoulder armor of both arms can no longer withstand such a rapid burst of fighting light, bursting inch by inch.

At the same time, the skull stuck to the tip of the gun, with a snort, went up against the sky like a meteor, and slammed straight into the cylindrical rays of light falling from Rapid Speed.

With a sharp whistle, "Get down!!!"

Tang En had already put his head in his hands and fell on the ground just before the skull was thrown.

Of course, Savian's warning was not meant to remind him, but the Cleric within the coverage area... However, this warning is actually not very useful, because most of the surrounding Cleric are at the moment when the beam comes out , already bowed down under the power.


There's always been a saying about sound. That is, if the intensity of the sound exceeds the limit of the human ear, then all you can hear is a muffled hum. This is the response of the eardrum to numbness, and it is also a kind of self-protection. Under this Condition, no other sound can enter his mind...

Tang En doesn't know if his current Condition is like this. Anyway, he feels that his whole head is completely dizzy, and he opens his mouth unconsciously. , his eyes were a little white, and he looked at everything around him...

Nearby, Savian, who was lying on the ground, also covered his ears and opened his mouth. He should be screaming, but he couldn't hear any sound. A little further away, many silhouettes are rolling with their heads in their arms, and in the blur, they can see the ferocious and twisted expressions and blood-stained facial features, but they can't hear the slightest groaning...

Scene by scene, Tang En feels I seem to be watching a black and white silent movie, weird and quiet!

Subconsciously raised his head, his dazed eyes couldn't help staring blankly. In midair, a huge disc fills all corners of the line of sight, boundless, holy and immaculate... If you guessed correctly, this should be the cross section of the beam!

apart from this , there was nothing else in sight, the devil's skull thrown in, like a stone thrown into a big lake, completely disappeared.

But this scene doesn't mean anything, the demon skull should still work, because the cross section of the beam seems to be supported by an invisible force, and it is so quietly suspended in the air that it cannot advance an inch.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a second, or maybe one hour, in Tang En's blurred vision, a black dot suddenly appeared on the disc, like a drop of ink falling into milk, Very eye-catching. In a short moment, the black spots continued to expand, like a Great Desolate Giant Beast with an excellent appetite, swallowing at a speed visible to naked eyes, digesting silently...

Blinking, Tang En dumped He shook his head and looked up again, the black spot in his sight had turned into a huge black screen, the copper bell had big eyes, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl... Gradually it became concrete, and the shape was like the skull before. But now this skull is extremely huge, floating in the air, it seems that people can't help but feel cold, have one's hair stand on end!

"It's a bit devilish..." Tang En opened his mouth silently and murmured subconsciously. At this moment, suddenly,

The skull, which had completely occupied the cross-section of the beam, flickered a few times, became dim and shattered, and then shattered directly... There was still no sound, but a circle of faint traces, Like a breeze showing its true face, slowly and firmly rippling all around.

As far as the breeze can reach, the surrounding emptiness and night seem to be even darker. It is black in a pure sense, and there is no trace of impurities. The line of sight fell on it, twisting and turning, vaguely ethereal, as if even the line of sight was swallowed up by this pure black...

It is indeed swallowed! Because the first victim to see is the Mage Group, the temples suspended in the air to cast spells!

I don't know if I was scared or simply unable to escape. These dozens of temple mages were just suspended in the air, holding their hands high, watching the breeze passing by here...

There were no waves, and the light breeze was still moving forward. As for the group of prominent temples, the Mage Group, they had completely disappeared, as if they had never appeared...

Opening his mouth, Tang En's rigid thinking has become a little more general. He is exploring space recently, and he has a little understanding of the scene in front of him. The surrounding space, it seems... it seems to collapse directly!

This perception is undoubtedly sensational, but now the facts are in front of us, and we have to believe it.

At this moment, Tang En's subconsciously retracted vision began to sway, and he was stunned for a while, only to realize that it was not his eyes that had a problem, but the surrounding large and small buildings were constantly swaying, like A group of mad men and women who acted coquettishly and shouted loudly 'La la, swing, swing, let's swing together...' The light marks gradually expanded, and more and more buildings joined the swinging army on the ground, far and near, bizarre and motley, as if the end had come!

This formidable power, uh, seems to be a bit beyond expectations...


The roof of the temple in the distance.

"The devil's skull... Are you sure it's the devil's skull? How sure are you..."

Grabbing the pale-faced middle-aged Cleric's collar, he kept shaking, Byron He looked like crying and laughing, drooling like crazy, and asking meaningless questions indiscriminately.

At this moment, "It's over, it's over..." A trembling voice came from beside him, Byron raised his head stiffly, and the first thing that caught his eye was a huge skull face, which was strangely suspended.

Because of the angle, what Byron and the others see here is undoubtedly more complete than Tang En, which is surrounded by this. When the skull suddenly collapsed, the holy beam of God's Judgment also dimmed instantly, as if it had been hit directly at the vital point, and even the constantly rotating Tempest vortex above also stagnated instantly.

Immediately afterwards, a faint trace of the breeze appeared, rustling... huā lā la...

In the periphery, Byron and the others heard these sounds, and lowered their heads subconsciously, I saw that the tall buildings in the distance began to shake, and then it seemed to be contagious, spreading rapidly, and the surrounding buildings also joined the shaking.

In this case, these buildings are like shives on the bank, on the verge of collapse under the mad Tempest rain.

First, the tiles of the roof were like fallen leaves, hua hua rushing, and they fell in a queue and fell into pieces.

Then, starting from a certain central point, the constantly shaking buildings finally began to collapse, as if the agreed charge horn was blown, and the surrounding large and small buildings came one after another in an astonishing manner. The - collapsed! collapse! ! Keep collapsing! ! !


There seems to be a mischievous demon in the night sky. At this time, I fell in love with the game of demolishing houses, kicking my legs, waving my arms... …Any inadvertent little gesture can bring down several buildings.

It is not only limited to the coverage of the aperture, in fact, the collapsed houses seem to have ignited the fuse, and in just ten seconds, the collapse spread to the soles of the Bishop's feet.

It can be said that if the previous aperture covered about one-eighth of the temple, the collapse is now on its way to 1/4/2022...

Without any In response, Byron and the others stiffened, staring blankly at the might of a strong wind passing through a wheat field, unable to move even a little bit. Immediately, bang... Shaking the side hall followed the collapse, instantly drowning the silhouettes of Byron and the others.

The periphery of the temple has not been affected for the time being.

But the believers felt the ground trembling under their feet, and looked up at the large swaths of dust rising in the distance...especially the center of the temple, where there is the highest symbol of faith - the Light God statue , at this time, swaying in the dark night sky, like a beautiful girl dancing, when she got excited, she first threw away the torch symbolizing light in her hand, then took off her sackcloth and crown on her head...

Finally, abandon all The restraint Divine Idol slowly lay down in a shy manner under the demented gazes of the believers, and this is the end!

"Huh...this, uh...is also a discussion?"

......(To be continued.)

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