
"Why? Just for this? Please, you can't speak, you have to stab me? ”

After being stunned for a while, Tang En quickly realized that the black energy was emitted by the skull in his arms, and he didn’t feel surprised. After all, they are now in the scope of God’s judgment. It is not a skull of good things, and it will naturally react. .

On the other hand, Savian has been staring at the continuous black air, brows slightly wrinkle, looked thoughtful: "You have something evil on you..."

Stroking his forehead , Tang En's face was speechless: "Sister, you are my sister! It's time to get a sense of justice, don't say anything evil, even if the devil is standing in front of you now, you have to save your own life first, right?"

"No, this evil thing...it's not right!" After approaching a few steps, Savian seemed to have found something, and his eyes narrowed, "I felt something evil in you before, but this... "He stretched out his finger and pointed at the black qi emitting from all over the armor, "This black qi is weird! Now the pressure here is almost unbearable for us, but this black qi has not been affected at all?"

"Uh..." Tang En couldn't help but startled when he heard the words, lowered his head, and also noticed the strangeness.

As Savian said, the pressure in this area is now appalling, and none of the Knights around can move. However, the black air emitting from this wisp is still going its own way. It is so faintly and persistently rising, and the small air column does not tremble at all, as if the terrifying pressure around it does not exist at all!

There is no doubt that this scene must be abnormal... With a move in his heart, Tang En quickly reached into his arms and digged out, finding the skull that was constantly venting and spreading it out. He spread his hands, "It's this thing, look..."

Before he finished speaking, he exclaimed, "Devil Skull!" Rao was as calm as Savian, and after seeing this skull, he couldn't help but retreat subconsciously. After a few steps, he looked terrified.

"Eh? This thing is a demon skull... it's not like it, it's too small, and it doesn't have any horns. It looks like an ordinary person skull." Tang En grabbed the skull and turned it over. After looking at it, I didn't find any genes of the legendary demon, so I couldn't help but look at the head, very disapproving.

Saviian also calmed down at this time, but he seemed to have some scruples about the black energy and did not approach: "This is indeed a demon skull. The created monster..."

Time was running out, Savian just briefly introduced the origin of this skull. It is also simple to say, that is because the progress of cultivation Battle Qi and magic of Beihuang people is too slow, so in desperation, they can only find another way.

Like they figured out a way to borrow power from devil beast against Titus Battle Qi Martial Artist. For magic, some Northern Wilderness Magicians also not content with cultivation normal magic system, and then are the result of being suppressed by Titus Magician all year round. So I like to delve into some crooked ways, such as black magic and the like. And this skull, that is, the devil's skull, is something that a black Magician made.

As for the manufacturing process, Savian did not go into details, but from the look of extreme disgust and the slight mention, 'This skull is stained with the blood of tens of thousands of innocent people', it can be seen that this thing is really not. what a good thing. This is the truth, because the guy who came up with this thing became arrogant and became one of the blood sacrifices...

"...There are many people who covet the formidable power of the devil's skull. There were people involved in the magic world of Ara and Titus. The last time this skull appeared, about fifty years ago, fell into the hands of a fallen Water Element Grand Magician in Titus. It is said that there was a lot of noise at that time, until later The temple made a move, and the situation finally calmed down..."

Here, Tang En waved his hand and interrupted: "This will be discussed later, you just said that this demon skull has great formidable power. Well, How big is it? Can it overwhelm the judgment of the gods?"

"The age is too long, and I only know from the records that this evil skull has great formidable power, but can it compete with the gods? Judgment..." Paused, Savian shook his head, indicating that he was not clear, then frowned and looked towards Tang En, "Actually, I thought that this demon skull was destroyed by the temple long ago... I don't want it to be in your hands."

"Uh, what kind of eyes do you have..." Looking at Savian's eyes with 'I knew you were such a person', Tang En grinned like a toothache, "Okay, I admit I Not a good person, but this devil skull is not mine, uh, I just took it in your forbidden area."

Listening to Tang En's statement that it was taken and not stolen, Savian eyebrows I couldn't help but pick and choose, but I didn't get entangled in it, browses slightly wrinkle: "Still in the temple... That should not be destroyed immediately, it needs to be purified slowly." Pointing to skull's skull, "No wonder... if you look carefully, are there many tiny cracks on it?"

Who knows what your shrine's plan is, maybe it's reluctance...Tang En has always been afraid With the most vicious mind to speculate about Light God Temple, I can't help but guess a few words maliciously. However, he still raised his skull and squinted to take a closer look, his eyes suddenly froze.

As Savian guessed, this skull doesn't seem to have any problems at first glance, but through the black air, if you look carefully, you can see many densely packed skulls at the top of the white jade's smooth skull. Small cracks, like spiders...

Obviously, there is something wrong with this demon skull, and it is no longer a flawless monster prop.

But after finding this, Tang En was not surprised but delighted, and looked at Savian, his arms holding the skull trembling.

It's very simple, a person who has been purified by the power of light for several decades, not only has not been destroyed, but is still unyielding and indomitable, what kind of formidable power should it have?

Well, it's terrifying to think about...

"hahaha!" With three laughter, Tang En held the skull in both hands, and his eyes were burning. extreme sorrow turns to joy, absolutely extreme sorrow turns to joy? After a series of unlucky nights, I never wanted to take something, but it turned out to be my only life-saving straw. What kind of a devious character is this?

After the ecstasy, Tang En licked his lips and quickly raised his head to ask, "By the way, how does this thing work?"

As soon as the words came out, Tang En knew he was asking The most stupid question, the devil skull, you can tell the good and the evil just by hearing the name, which makes Savian a genuine temple Knight Captain, how to know how to use it?

But this didn't dispel Tang En's positive surname, grabbed the skull tightly, and said, "Hehe, it doesn't matter, when there is an attack, it's better to just throw this thing over there, Haha, what a genius I am..."

I have to say that Tang En's approach seems rude and reckless, but it is also the most appropriate method. Since neither left or right knows how to use it, it is better to let this demon skull play by itself. After all, only under the illumination of the light magic element, it seems to be unconvinced to accelerate the release of black gas, no matter how you look at it, will not be a good stubble!

At this time, "Tang En..." Savian looked at the devil's skull, pursed his lips, looked a little hesitant, but still said, "This devil's skull... give it to me to use then. ."

"Huh?" Tang En was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, but then saw Savian's unbearable expression, and instantly reacted, with a few sneering smiles on the corners of his mouth, "hehe, you are Good intentions, it's a pity they don't appreciate it, and now they are slandering you and chasing you!"

How much formidable power is left in the demon skull, no one knows. But looking at the way it is now actively exuding black energy, Tang En and Savian have strong confidence in it. In this case, we can only wait for the judgment of God to come. And looking at the natural phenomenon in the sky now, this attack should be right from the sky...

It is precisely because of such attack methods, the doorway here is worth talking about. If the collision between the Demon Skull and the God's Judgment is in the air, even if it has an impact on the temple below, the impact should be small.

And if the collision site is not far above the temple, then what kind of result will these large and small buildings, especially those immobile Cleric, be imagined...

After a moment of silence, Savian's expression was slightly gloomy, but the perseverance between his eyebrows was still persistent: "They are just being deceived... This is my own business, do you give it or not?" Maybe it's because I don't often ask for help Because of this, or especially targeting Tang En alone, Savian's tone was a bit blunt.

"Yohe...Pay attention to your tone, Savian Knight Captain, this is not an attitude of asking for help!" Tang En turned his skull in his hand, looking weary. I finally caught such an opportunity, and if I don't take advantage of it, I feel ashamed of myself...

Tightening the long spear in my hands, Savian in the eyes flashed angrily, but then it was still slightly He took a breath and bowed halfway: "Tang En - Your Excellency! I beg you to give me the devil's skull! For this - I am grateful!"

"tsk tsk, what are you doing? With such a bitter expression, what do you want to bite me?" Tang En smacked his lips, and shook his head slightly in dissatisfaction, but felt the chills of the senses in an instant, touched his nose, and waved his hand. , "Okay, so-so, forget it... don't rush to thank you, I haven't finished."

After thinking about it, snapped, "Well, you use Light God swears, promise me three conditions, I will give you this devil skull for your use."

"No!" Of course Saviian would not agree.

Tang En shrugged indifferently: "Oh, then there's nothing to talk about. It's a pity that this exquisite building is full of eyes, and this innocent Knight who has been blinded, alas..."

Sighing in a pretentious manner, the veins on the back of Savian's hands jumped and jumped, and finally said dully: "If I violate my beliefs, then I don't need to say this condition. Also, I can only promise you one condition at most!"

"Faith? Hehe, I'm not that boring, and I'm not that stupid. It's better for you to disobey yourself..." The last sentence was Tang En whispering to himself, he waved his hand, raised his eyebrows, "Ha, I don't see it, you are a good bargaining hand... Well, I'll give you face, just one condition!"

This is actually the expected result of Tang En, with Savian surname, three conditions she impossible promised. Of course, negotiating, raising the price, and then paying the money back is the usual strategy...

Savian nods: "What conditions?"

Fortunately, the long spear hit by Savian is also the same. Not only is the speed slow, but the fiery fighting light is also suppressed to a very weak Condition. In the end, Tang En was embarrassed to dodge, and he waved his hands again and again, "Calm, calm! I'm joking, the devil's skull is still here, don't break it..."

"hmph!" Probably because of the devil The reason for the skull, Savian coldly snorted, the frosty retracted long spear.

Fuck, it's really stressful to have such a partner...Tang En grinned, and then he spread his hands earnestly: "I'll wait a while, I haven't figured out the specific conditions yet, I'll talk about it later. ."

Savian's brows could not help wrinkling when he heard the words, the uncertain conditions, like a big mountain pressing on him, certainly wouldn't feel good. But think about it on the other hand, if you kill the opponent first, then this condition will naturally be voided... In the end, nodding lightly, and swearing with a raised finger: "Okay, I, Savian, swear by the Father here, and I will not violate my beliefs. Under the premise, promise to promise Tang En a condition. If it is violated..."

The voice did not fall, and he was slightly stunned. It turned out that the skull had already been thrown over, Tang En shrugged, simply said: "Okay, I believe in you!"

Let Savian, a mad believer, swear by Light God, that is a sure thing! As for agreeing to go back and regretting something... Uh, to put it badly, Savian is not Tang En, she really can't do it.

As a result, Tang En naturally doesn't mind selling well. Of course, the most important reason is that Tang En doesn't want to throw this skull, because he thought of Old Butler's warning that his Blood Qi level can no longer be raised, otherwise it will be seriously unbalanced, and even affect the Wu Dao Heart realm. Become a killing machine...

Extend a long spear and catch a demon skull. Saviian took a deep look at Tang En, pursed his lips, and bowed in gratitude.

Everyone's pursuit is different, no matter what Tang En plots against, at least at this time, Savian really appreciates him.

Immediately, straight up figure, just about to say something, his body suddenly trembled, looked up and looked at Tang En with a sullen face, raised his head suddenly,

The weather is so bright, rays of light ten thousand zhang!

It took about eight minutes before and after, and the clouds in one area were like pure luminous bodies, shining brightly, and it seemed that people could not help squinting. It is only by squinting and looking carefully that you can see that the thousands of clouds above are rolling, resembling a Tempest vortex. Although there is no thunder and lightning to help, it is huge, but it is like an iron army pressing down on the city, hiding the sky and covering the earth, instantly shocking the world. All things!


The sound of slamming on the ground keeps ringing, it is the Knights around who are unable to move even a little bit, who can no longer support under this mighty Heavenly Might Without stopping, I bowed down one after another.

It's just a prelude to the attack, the power is so terrifying! However,

took a deep breath, suddenly raised his head and roared, "Roar..." His hair fluttered and his clothes were frantically curled. Tang En stood proudly, and the ground under his feet continued to spread like spider-like cracks.

Is this the judgment of God? The formidable power is good enough, but with this I want to convince Master Young, hehe, you, special, what, to, for, yourself, yourself, who, who?


On the roof of the side hall, Byron and the others are also looking up at the heavenly natural phenomenon. Because they were not within the scope of God's judgment, they didn't feel much pressure. Of course, the pressure in my heart doesn't count, it's self-inflicted...

At this time, on the side of the roof, one silhouette climbed up, with a staggering pace, and arrived quickly on the roof. It was the middle-aged Cleric under Byron's, the one who had stolen love in the forbidden area before.

"Your Excellency... Your Excellency..."

Byron turned his head in surprise, glanced at the man who was disheveled, and frowned, shouted in a deep voice: "What are you panicking about? , what's going on?"

"I, I, I...hū chī..." He took a deep breath, and the middle-aged Cleric blushed, and then he stammered out a sentence, "I just came from the forbidden place of worship. Come here."

"Oh, is it..." Byron looked at the sky absentmindedly and asked casually, "Then you came just in time, what's missing there?"

"Lost the devil..."

"Here it is!" The middle-aged Cleric's words were covered up by a bishop's voiceless exclamation beside him. Byron suddenly raised his head and squinted.

From the mouth of Tempest vortex, a pure and holy beam of light suddenly shot down, like a sharp sword, cutting straight through the dark night sky. In an instant, the space oscillated, the ripples burst, and the line of sight seemed to be disturbed, twisted and crooked, and it seemed very strange and unpredictable.

At the same time, the roof of the building illuminated by the rays of light in the distance kept shaking, and the rays of light trembled. From a closer look, it was the bright roof tiles that seemed to sense this terrifying power, trembling lightly, reflecting all kinds of rays of light indiscriminately...

Things are like this, how can people be so worthy?


Although it was not covered, what they saw in front of them made all the Bishops immersed in the scene, swallowing hard and looking terrified. extreme.

Fortunately, no matter how powerful the power of God's judgment is, it cannot fall on them. With such a psychological suggestion, coupled with the fact that the beam is falling at Rapid Speed, the power is not as terrifying as when it was first seen.

Slowly exhaling, Byron thought of the middle-aged Cleric behind him: "By the way, what did you just say, what was stolen?" The attitude was a bit casual. are now within the coverage of this God's Judgment. So no matter what he stole, it was absolutely impossible to take it out. Well, those sacred relics are a pity and troublesome, but they can always explain the past...

"Uh... it's the demon skull, the Calamity Eye, and our association with the Bounty Hunter guild. Records."

"Oh, so much has been stolen, so this guy really deserves to die, die, die, die... eh?" Byron took the sentence at first, and then, his body suddenly slumped. Shivering, an icy cold air was born from the caudal vertebrae, Rapid Speed spread all over the body, and instantly fell into an ice cellar.

"Evil evil... devil head, skull?"

......(To be continued.)

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