
Savian's mistake was undoubtedly Low Rank and impulsive. When she turned around to leave, several temples The expert has stopped in front and re-formed the siege. .

Although the square is big, Savian is not Tang En after all, she doesn't have such a perverted speed, so it is impossible to avoid fighting.

Without a choice, Savian dashed forward decisively, Suo Xing took the lead in provoking the battle, and the long spear slammed down with a fiery thunder, intending to gain the upper hand.

But the temple expert, who had learned from the past, naturally refused to give in. The three of them stepped forward together, let out a low roar, and waved their long spear at the same time, tacitly blocking the domineering shot.

Boom...As the battle bursts, the other three experts dodge in an instant, blocking all Savian's escape routes. This is exactly the rhythm of the previous siege, the difference is that this time they make it impossible for Savian to stand out easily.

"Alas..." With a sigh, Owens, who was standing alone on the periphery, scratched his head and was a little confused. The fact that he deliberately released water before was naturally hidden from the few people present, so this siege simply did not bring him.

Now he doesn't make a move, sorry friend. Make a move, that means officially breaking with the Light God Temple and embarking on the same path as Savian...

To be honest, Owens is actually on the side of the Light God Temple faintly. That's not to say he approves of the Bounty Hunter guild, Cleric corruption, etc. He didn't like these shit things either, but he was a rational person, not as idealistic as Savian, and he couldn't do things he knew he couldn't do. He is more inclined to Rust's view, giving the Light God Temple time, and using gentle means to slowly figure it out, rather than the stubborn approach of directly overturning and rebuilding as Savian is now.

But then again, although Owens does not agree with Savian's actions, it does not mean that he is willing to see Savian's friend persecuted because of this. So not long ago, he chose to deliberately release water...

If Savian escaped successfully just now, then even if these temple experts knew that he had made a small move, they would not tell the truth, after all, they did not have a strong will to Savian. make a move. But if Owens makes a move again now, the meaning will be different, that is to treat them as fools...

Rubbing his brows, Owens has a bitter face: "I ran away just now. It's over, it's really... ah, you are like this, it's hard for me to do it..."

Compared with Owens' tangle, Tang En who came up behind was happy, watching Savian fall into a siege, Apparently unable to escape, he couldn't help taking pleasure in other people's misfortune's said with a big smile: "Haha, Savian, ah Savian, why are you today! I told you earlier that there are no good people in Light God Temple, but Don't believe it... How is it now? Are you at a loss? Hey, youngster..."

"roar!" Rao has decided to temporarily let go of his personal feud, ignore Tang En's Saviian, and when he heard this, he couldn't help shouting furiously, I believe that if someone hadn't stopped me, I would rush over and fight Tang En to the death!

The temples that were besieged by Expert also looked quite ugly when they heard that, how could they speak? What is Light God Temple? There are no good people, and this attack is too broad... Also, where is this second-hand product?

Just as the Pantheon expert was in doubt, wondering if I should give this unfathomable mystery guy a bit of a hard time trying, suddenly,

The Tang En look of constant tsukkomi After a change, Suddenly turned his head, his eyes suddenly brightened, and the familiar Bai Lian rushed in frantically, instantly blocking his surroundings.

"Fuck, this trick again!" With a strange cry, Tang En turned his hand and waved his dagger, the blood-colored blade light criss-crossed, instantly smashing the package into pieces.

The same casting location, the same thousand-light winding magic, but this time it was not the Grand Magician who had been separated from the corpse, but the Byron who came to make a move.

As I said before, the temple Bishop is almost all Grand Magician. Although the combat ability is very good, it is no problem to put sneak attack magic at a long distance.

Immediately afterwards, an angry shout came from afar, "This evil heresy has just sneaked into the forbidden area of worship and stole several sacred relics, take them quickly!"

"Fuck, thankless. wretch, I remembered you, and I gave you money before I lost..." In the mad tsukkomi, Tang En's expression gradually changed, these binding magics are naturally not enough to keep him, but they can delay him from rushing out of the square time. And he is too close to the battle circle now, those temple experts must have a chance to stop him... ah, extreme joy turns to sorrow!

Sure enough, Byron tone barely fell over there, and the two temple experts who had seen Tang En disliked just now left the battle circle instantly, and Rapid Speed swung to kill.

It's a tragedy...Tang En licked his lips, his long and narrow eyes squinted for a moment, and after his mind changed, he decisively abandoned Bai Lian and directly greeted the two temples of expert.

With this white practice, you don't need to think about running smoothly, let's turn the battlefield to those two temples of expert. In this way, to avoid this annoying Human Demon method, just get away from these two experts.

Sure enough, Tang En just rushed out, and Bai Lian did not follow up in order to avoid accidental injuries. At this time, the experts from the two temples have already killed themselves...

A long roar, "Roar..." The shadow of the gun swayed, and a temple expert took the lead in making a move, and dozens of them almost became real spears. glow instantly covered the surrounding area and pressed strongly. The other expert followed closely from behind, and the gun body rose and shrank when it was holy, ready to attack.

Judging from the momentum of the attack, the two temples of expert were not careless. Of course, an enemy who can be remembered by Savian is enough to make everyone wary.

However, Owens, who came in a hurry not far away, still smiled bitterly when he saw this, and didn't have time to remind him - in front of this guy named Tang En's, it's best not to play multiple gun shadows, because don't let him go. Saying dozens of words, even if it is hundreds of words, is all in vain!

It's just a pity, the temple expert who made a move didn't know about it, so when I saw that Tang En didn't dodge or evade his gun shadow, I couldn't help but feel happy, and then I despised it again. I thought it was an amazing expert...

As soon as I thought about it, a flower suddenly flashed in front of my eyes, and Tang En rushed into the range of the spear glow. After glow, he flashed into this short gap in an instant, and it was already killing him!

How could it be possible...turned pale in fright, the temple expert didn't care about the shock in his heart, and subconsciously retreated in a panic. And the expert who was ready to wait was also shocked when he saw this, and hurried forward, about to wave the attack that he had prepared.

But the next moment, the footsteps paused slightly, and the Tang En figure who was chasing flickered, and suddenly came to his side again, the blood blade was fascinated.

What a great speed! His target is me?

Stunned, the temple expert couldn't care less about attacking, he forcibly pulled his gun and retreated, guarding the key points as if facing an enemy. But...

"Huh..." With a chuckle, the silhouette who had just arrived in front of him was disappeared again, and in the next moment, he still appeared in front of expert, who was the first to make a move. !

Oops...the expert, who was ready to wait before, couldn't help but screamed in his heart, and couldn't help but be astonished. This Tang En's attack target - has not changed!

But even though he was aware of it, he had no time to step forward and help after he had already blocked the gun and retreated. One wrong step, one wrong step, and now he can only watch countless blade lights drown his companions...

"Be careful!"

peng~ peng~ peng~  … The sound of intensive collision, in just a short moment, that was being attacked by the temple expert as if was struck by lightning, blood spurted out from all over the body, and scattered with the broken pieces of bright armor.

Boom...the last blow, the temple expert, who had been stunned by this strong wind and swift rain attack, only knew how to defend his own vital points. Then, his lower abdomen suddenly hurt, and he was kicked with a gun. fly out.

Only wounded but not dead!

As a result, it's not that Tang En didn't want to kill him. But this is an expert after all, although due to tactical mistakes and unfamiliarity with his own combat style, he was instantly blown up when he came up. But under the determination to defend, he wants to kill the opponent on the spot, and this time is undoubtedly not enough. At this time,

chi, chi, chi... screeching into my ears, chills all over my body, and the shadows of guns in the sky instantly fill my line of sight, as if it were endless. Needless to say, with such a detailed Spear Art, Owens naturally killed it.

Not to mention how long Owens can hold it, the roof of the hall in the distance, "Hey..." All the Bishops sucked in a cold breath, and the eyes looking towards the battle in the square were all terrified. "Who, who is this?"

…………(To be continued.)

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