
bang, bang, bang...

The roof of the side hall, narrow space, dense like fried beans in a stew pot The sound of the collision continued to explode, occasionally mixed with angry curses, "sneak attack - I don't even have a sneak attack for an Assassin - you and me play this!" Strikes, kicks, knees, flowing water, a series of critical strikes are completed in an instant, "Do you know that I am now..."

Back! Keep going backwards! Involuntarily's constant backsliding! The wand in Grand Magician's hand had already been knocked out in the first round attack, and now he can only stretch out his trembling hands, constantly instilling magic power into the surging magic shield, so as not to be defeated. .

But the magic shield is not a panacea, it can block any physical attack, but it can't cancel the additional force.

In just over ten steps, the elliptical magic shield was like a sandbag, and it was beaten into various shapes by the powerful force. The Grand Magician inside had already had his eye socket split, his lips trembling and bleeding, battered and exhausted.

"...very, no, cool, ah!" Every word, punch after punch, whistling like a thunderbolt.

In fact, it is unwise to collide body parts with a magic shield. But Tang En is now suffocating a stomach of evil fire, unable to vent. So, what better object to vent than a round, flattened magic shield?

Finally, after the last byte was spit out, Tang En's eyes flashed, he lunged forward, and slammed down with an unreasonable elbow, "Give me—lie down!"

Bang...huā lā la...

The sound of violent collisions, together with the collective landslide of layers of roof tiles, Grand Magician only felt his back feet suddenly empty, and he was shocked. It turned out that he was in Unconsciously, it was already at the eaves, the figure couldn't help but lean back, and a head fell off the roof of the side hall.

Looking up, at this moment, Grand Magician could really see who was attacking him... Holy armor on the upper body, black pants on the lower body, mixed with black and white, it looked very nondescript. But with that dusty, dark face, it gives people a sense of coldness and coldness, and the meaning of coldness penetrates through the heart.

Standing upright, he glanced at the plummeting Grand Magician, Tang En's mouth twitched slightly, and he stepped out, also chasing him down.

Good time... Grand Magician squinted his eyes instantly upon seeing this, flashing an angry look, then folded his hands as if he was holding something, and immediately, the magic rays of light bloomed brightly, shining on the spot.

The next moment, the horizontal push with both hands, whiz whiz whiz... The holy light arrows continue to appear out of thin air from the light group, and shoot in salvo towards Tang En above.

Let's not say when the Grand Magician secretly prepared magic, just judging from the current formidable power, we know that this magic is not an instant Low Rank thing. And more importantly, because Tang En wanted to kill to the last one, the figure also fell in Rapid Speed, so there was no way to dodge it.

"Go to hell!!!" He roared loudly, his face full of killing intent, and the wise expression of the Magician logo surname instantly became extremely ferocious and twisted.

The clay figurine still has three points of anger, so let alone the lofty Magician.

Tang En's previous insulting beatings undoubtedly angered Grand Magician's self-esteem. It has been forbearance until now, and it finally burst out at this moment. Grand Magician didn't even bother to adjust the figure to the ground, staring at the mid-air, thinking about how Tang En would die!

But then, a joking laughter suddenly sounded in my ears, "hehe, sneak attack, play ass... you really think you are an Assassin."

with a grim look After a stagnation, Grand Magician was stunned, staring blankly at the in midair that silhouette was pierced by countless light arrows, but no screams came out, blood dripped... Silently, like a phantom!

How could it be possible... When did he come under me?

"Surprised?" There was a darkness in front of the eyes, and in the sight of Grand Magician, the nightmare silhouette wearing the armor of light appeared again, subconsciously, I was about to fall...

The bewitching blood blade pulled out, "I saw your lips trembling, thought I didn't know you were meditating incantation... idiot!" Disdainfully pouted, Tang En took half a step after a little, and shot vigorously, swept away with a whip leg. out.

Bang...Pity that the Grand Magician hasn't landed yet. The magic shield was severely smashed again, and the tentacles were obviously shrunk, but then the Rapid Speed rebounded and flew out with the Grand Magician figure. ... bumped into the faint blood blade that seemed to be pulled at random just now.

Chirp -- a slight sound, like water droplets falling into uncooled charcoal, and then, the tenacious magic shield, which was previously tenacious, was easily divided into two like eggshells. Immediately afterwards, more intensive chi chi sounds, large swaths of blood spurted wantonly, instantly dyeing one area red.

It swept across several dozen meters, and flew all the way to the sky above the small square. It fell, bang...spinning...Grand Magician's torso smashed to the ground, but a round ball rolled far away, and kept going all the way. At the foot of a silhouette holding a long spear in the distance.

"Uh..." With a perfect volley, Tang En didn't have time to praise his footwork, when he looked up and saw that silhouette in the distance, his expression was stunned and his face was blank.

Savian was equally stunned, looking down at the head beside his feet that still had a blank expression on his face, vaguely recognizing that it was a certain Grand Magician in the temple, as if it was the one who made a move to attack her just now... He pursed his lips, raised his head and narrowed his eyes, meeting Tang En's gaze.


After a few breaths, suddenly, boom...a wall around the square was torn apart, lime flew, and several silhouette Rapid Speed rushed out, it was Owens people.

Immediately, step one stopped, shocked Grand Magician who watched the corpse separate, then looked up at Savian, turned to look at Tang En, and was stunned on the spot for a while.

The plaza is wide and there are no busy people. The light radiating from the distance, here is dark and mottled, showing the slightest peace and tranquility...

For a moment, raised hand and touched his nose, "cough cough, what...I just came out to make a soy sauce. , you continue, continue..." He waved his hand, and Tang En looked like he was crying and laughing. When the words fall, simply turn around and leave decisively.

At this point, Tang En still didn't understand the reason for the constant rumbling sound before, apparently the top of the temple was going to attack Savian! Fuck , this turbulent water is definitely not allowed... Thinking of this, Tang En couldn't help but hurry his steps.

But at this moment, "Don! En!" he shouted angrily, unable to suppress the monstrous killing intent.

Tang En's original plan was to change back to Zackley after he succeeded. So in order to guard against the unexpected, this time, it is natural to sneak in. And Savian is naturally familiar with him, so even if Tang En is now covered in dirt and dressed nondescriptly, she is still recognized by her at a glance.

Blood surged up, Savian couldn't think about anything else, and with a long spear, Rapid Speed came.

"I swear! You've got the wrong person, I'm really not Tang En!" Fake, this is nothing... Seeing Savian's reaction, Tang En's face suddenly became bitter, and the pinnacle opened instantly. Speed, cover your face and run wild.

Waiting for Owens and the others to come back to his senses, seeing Savian not only did not take the opportunity to escape, but arrived quickly in the opposite direction, he couldn't help being dumbfounded again.

"This...what's the situation..."

Putting his forehead, Owens was speechless and smiled bitterly. Great aunt, even if you don't think hard about me, you have to think about yourself. When is this all, you still miss a ghost enemy... I really can't take it!

Just as the atmosphere became more bizarre, the situation suddenly regenerated,

"It's him!""There!""Quick, quick, surround yourself..."


One after another shouts came from far away, making a lot of noise. Not far away, Tang En, who was about to rush into the surrounding buildings first, looked up in amazement and looked at the Light God Knights who were chasing after a large number of them in the distance. The figure froze, "Fuck..."

Savian in the back also froze when he heard the sound, sobered up and realized that he seemed to have made a Low Rank mistake. Now is really not the time for surnamed Ren to take revenge. After all, Tang En is only a personal vendetta against exposing the vulgarity of Light God Temple, and important surnames are naturally incomparable...

Thinking of this, Savian fiercely glared at Tang En At first glance, he was a little unwilling, but he still chose to turn around and run away rationally.

I'm going, I know the righteousness... Tang En was instantly happy when he saw this, he must know that he was in the embarrassing dilemma of a hungry tiger in front and a pack of wolves in the back just now, but now With Savian's initiative to back down, this dilemma was undoubtedly resolved in an instant.

Without any hesitation, Tang En also turned around and ran, eagerly following Savian.

But at this time, Owens and the others took advantage of the perfect opportunity just now to rush to Savian, stop in the center of the square, and wait for it...

 ... Continued.)

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