
PS: Bow down to thank the book friend "Shadow Sniper" for the N+1 reward~! ^-^

In the morning, it was still that small town with an extremely important strategic position.

The bleak light poured down, without any cover, without much warmth. Or it was, but it was directly driven away by the ubiquitous and constant cold wind.

The town is very quiet, eerily quiet. No loud noises were heard, and no silhouettes were walking on the street. Only the half-open doors and windows that have not been closed, as well as the signboards of various shops hanging outside, fluttered in the strong wind and smoke from time to time, banging, monotonous and harsh, adding a bit of darkness to the small town.

Of course, if you know that the owner of this town has become a northern barbarian, then all this is not surprising. After all, it was not long before the owner changed, and the war just passed, so it was normal to show a dilapidated and quiet atmosphere.

The city is not without Titus people, although the retreat was timely, most of the people have already retreated to the rear. But there are always some people who are unwilling or unable to leave, such as captured Titus soldiers, and old people who do not want to die in a foreign land. However, although they are still alive and staying here, they naturally won't make any noise, not to mention shopping in the alleys...

In this case, those who are wandering around the streets of the small town aimlessly, of course It wouldn't be a Titus man either.

Walk at will, turn around when you see a road, enter when you see an alley, and occasionally come across a few shops with open doors, and also go in to see... The supreme commander of the deserted army, Lansa's current situation seems very relaxed.

Oh, maybe not. So, are you patrolling the territory?

I have no intention of wandering around the corner of Nancheng District, where the prisoners are guarded. Looking at the officer in charge who hurried over. Feel the gaze of fear or resentment all around behind doors and windows. Lansa pushed the frame, waved his hand, and turned away from here again.

The next stop is the natural southern city wall. There are tribal soldiers simply repairing the city wall fortifications. Of course, there are also Titus captives who are forced to come and work as coolies. Likewise, shortly after Lansa's arrival, the barbarian officers in charge of the fortifications arrived in sweat. After the respectful salute, he was about to cautiously report the progress of the repair, but he was taken off topic by Lansa in a few words, and he quickly turned and left...

With such a perfunctory attitude, no one would believe it if it was said to be inspecting the territory. Finally, after wandering around for a few more stops, Andre, who had been following not far away, finally couldn't bear his doubts and approached: "Your Highness...you seem to be very busy?"

"Ah? Oh...it's a little boring." As if he had just come back to his senses, Lansa stopped, stretched, and spread his hands to Andre, who hurriedly bowed his head to avoid suspicion. "It's weird? The battle ahead is very fierce, but I'm just hanging around here. Does it feel very irresponsible?"

"Uh, of course not..."

"Uh, of course not..."


"Ha, don't hide it, your expression has already betrayed you." This is naturally a joke, but despite the disparity in status, in private, with the two people's close relationship, this kind of joke is fine. . Of course, it is usually initiated by Lansa.

laughed and explained casually, "It's because of the fierce fighting in front, so I have nothing to do. This kind of sudden large-scale direct encounter can be left to the warriors, but my role is instead. It's not big."

Andre heard the words nodded, this remark is not difficult to understand, with the current situation of the field ahead, there really is no need for any command and strategic strategy, not even those generals in the army, Just let the tribal warriors let go and fight, it is estimated that they can win.

However, this does not mean that Andrei easily believes Lansa's explanation, paused, or said: "But Old General Xiong, they asked you to go over to discuss it early in the morning..."

He waved his hand, "Okay, okay, you're the most suspicious."...

"This is an Occupational habit, and it's also a virtue, Your Highness."

"Yo, I've been eloquent lately, Then I'll tell you secretly." Looking around nervously, creating a little mystery, Lansa leaned in and whispered, "Because with them, no, safe, safe!"

"Huh?" Andre was stunned when he heard the words, and then his expression changed dramatically, "Old General Bear... is there a traitor among them?!"

Lansa was also dumbfounded, didn't know whether To cry or laugh, he looked at Andre, whose body was suddenly tense: "Where do you want to go, your Occupational habits are too strong! Haha, it seems that after I go back this time, it is necessary to remind Sydney to let her Don't look for a man outside... haha, it's too funny, it's too funny, it's too funny..."

Andre, who also felt that he was a little overreacted, looked at Lansa who was laughing and leaning back and forth, Scratched his head, sorry echoed with a smile. Immediately, after waiting for Lansa's laughter to subside, he asked earnestly, "Your Highness, what you said about being unsafe just now means..."

"hehe, it's just a guess, don't be nervous." Lansa, who was smiling, simply sat in front of the steps of the shop and waved his hand indifferently, "This battle is full of weirdness. On the surface, it's true that our side took a lot of advantage. But don't forget to initiate This battle is Titus, they will be so kind? So stupid... Anyone can see that it is abnormal, but until Titus does not really make a move, we can only rely on guessing. Well, Uncle Bear, they have already guessed There are many possibilities. I wanted to pull me over this morning to discuss this matter. But in my opinion..."

paused, Lansa pursed his lips lightly, laughed, shook his head, "There is no need! Because, out of thin air. Guessing about this kind of thing is not only about giving full play to one's own imagination, but also a very important point is to consider the problem from the other side's point of view."

Turning his head, looking towards Hearing Yunshan Mist Cover , browsers tightly knit trying to keep up with Andre's thinking, "You said, what does Titus want to do most now?"

"Uh... beat us?"

"Well , then under the current situation, how can we defeat us?"

"This..." After racking his brains and thinking hard, Andre finally gave up and shook his head, "I really can't think of it. However, they are impossible. Beat us!"

"Okay, let's change the angle, change the question." Lansa continued to persuade, "Why do you think they can beat us?"

This question is simple, Without the slightest hesitation said, "Because our morale is high at the moment. The warriors are committed to the death. The battle situation also occupies an absolute advantage in the odds of winning... That's right. And the most important point, we have you, Your Highness!" There is no reason, let alone a long discussion. analysis evidence. But the last sentence, Andre said decisively. Moreover, he dared to swear by the wild god, this is definitely not shooting horses!

Lansa smiled: "hehe, it's the key point, because I... tsk. It's not taste, it sounds really narcissistic and boastful. Let's put it another way-- It's because there is the Supreme Commander of the Beihuang Army."

Andre was confused: "Uh...is there a difference? Are you not the Supreme Commander of the Beihuang Army?"

"generally speaking, of course there's a difference, people are different. But if it's Titus strategically, there's no difference... haven't figured it out yet? Think about it, if the Titus army is facing a team that doesn't What will happen to the supreme commander's Beihuang army...?"

"How could it be possible, Your Highness is joking..." Andrei shook his head subconsciously when he heard the words. If an army does not have a supreme commander, is it still called an army? Bandits, robbers, disorganized mobs, and a leader... all of a sudden. Combined with the first question Lansa asked just now, an extremely abrupt thought crossed his mind. Immediately after that, the heart shivered and numb the scalp...Bang, he took a step back involuntarily, and Andre's face was the color of Ghost God in the daytime, and trembled, "Bububu, Titus...I want to kill His Highness!" …

"Such a big reaction... I'm just guessing, don't be so nervous." Frightened by Andre's fierce reaction, Lansa lightly sighed helplessly, then raised hand and pushed the frame , "Besides this is the enemy, just like we wanted to kill Ziyi before, isn't it normal for Titus you think you can kill me."

Andre stepped back and waved excitedly: "This is Different!"

"Ha, finally realized it's different?". Seeing that the stubborn apprentice finally came to his senses, Lansa, the persuasive mentor, seemed very relieved, patted the steps beside him, "Sit down and talk, I always look up and get tired like you... The situation is indeed different. Beihuang and Titus The structure of the army is very different. In comparison, our warriors rely too much on authority, that is, superior orders. During the war, the generals who died in the Titus army will be chaotic, but soon there will be lieutenants who will command the battle. Stabilize the situation. And if our Beihuang army dies during the war... The warriors will continue to fight, but there will be many problems, and in the end it is likely to turn into a piece of loose sand, and the battle that could have been won will also fail. "

"This is our disadvantage, and Titus knows it very well. So after I became the supreme commander, Mrs. mother strictly blocked the news, just because I was worried that my whereabouts information would be exposed, and Titus would not chase after me. She's assassination... After all, killing one person can end a war that involves the death of more than a million people and the danger of subjugation of the country, which is a really good deal."

Looking across the street in the wind The tavern sign swinging around, Lansa's tone was light, chuckling from time to time, even laughing at himself, as if he was not talking about his own life and death, it was very casual, "From now on, we have done a good job of keeping secrets, Titus' side. I shouldn't have been identified yet. hehe, that's why they had to start casting their nets and baiting..."

"This encounter?" Andrei wasn't stupid, heard Here is a very bitter answer. The excitement brought about by the fruitful results of this battle was instantly swept away.

"Yes, great generosity, right? A lot of words to know that this will not do Titus any good, but will increase the casualties of the army and make the situation worse. Well, I don't know who came up with this idea, courageous Extraordinary..." He sighed and continued, "Once the battle starts, the situation will become chaotic. The deployment of the army, monitoring of the battle situation in various places, the judgment and choice of military orders, etc., all require me and Uncle Xiong and the others. The formed wartime high command is responsible for the gatekeepers. By collecting feedback on these actions and following the clues, it is very possible to calculate where we are now."

Lansa pointed to his feet, Ender Lie but subconsciously glanced all around, his eyes were sharp like an eagle, and he was very vigilant and cautious, as if Titus Assassin had already come over.

"Your Highness, why don't we, we..."

As if not feeling Andre's nervousness at all, Lansa asked with a smile, "Can't you go on? "

Andre really can't go on, if Lansa is an ordinary person, even if he is a general, Andre would dare to persuade her to escape and protect himself. But the actual situation is that Lansa is His Royal Highness the Imperial Family, the Pearl of the Northern Wilderness, and the next Queen of the North Desolate Tribe, if nothing else. He is also the supreme commander who commands hundreds of thousands of troops.

Yes. She can't escape. You can't retreat, you can only sit in this highest command, stay still, and welcome the wind and rain!

"Look, you can't even talk anymore, how dare I tell Uncle Xiong and the others. So, it's better to stay away from them. I'm just like this. Wandering on the street. Even if I collided with that Titus Assassin now, he wouldn't think I was a great character. But if I get together with Uncle Xiong and the other generals, then I'll be in danger, haha..."…

With a heartless smile, Andre was no longer in such a relaxed mood: "Your Highness, we have to make some preparations... By the way, what An Shuai did in the past, he didn't get killed by Titus. Was the assassination successful?".

Lansa waved his hands: "The teacher was a little different from mine, the Titus border was still passive, but they had Ziyi. Fearless and confident. Not so much about this type of assassination. So enthusiastic." And because An Shuai led the Beihuang army to invade several decades, he still couldn't do anything with Titus, so Titus didn't think much of An Shuai... Of course, on this point, An Shuai has master and disciple with An Shuai. The real Lansa, of course, will not say.

paused, comforted, "It's the same sentence, don't be nervous, it's just my guess. And even if this guess is true, don't you have your protection..." I want to say something After stopping, Lansa smiled and shook his head, "hehe, don't worry, I'm not that easy to be assassinated."

be that as it may, ho, got up, and Andre still said firmly: "No way, After I go back, I will strengthen the guards, surround the City Lord's mansion, and protect His Royal Highness comprehensively!"

"Ha, doesn't that mean to tell Assassin that I am there?"

" I... I'll do it a little bit so that no one can see it from the outside."

"Isn't that attracting Assassin to assassinate him one after another?"

"I... Your Highness !" Looking at Lansa who was constantly carrying it, it was still very reasonable, and Andre was helpless.

Lansa laughed: "Haha, take it easy. You should think like this, you can even use a trick like assassination, which means that Titus has been forced to do nothing, and we are close to victory. The dawn is not far away."

"I can't tell you, anyway, what Your Highness says makes sense." With such a master on the stall, Andre, who has always been extremely respectful, rolled his eyes in resentment. Said fully.

"Hehe, this is because what I said really makes sense." She responded with a smile, and then Lansa turned her head in confusion, looking towards the direction of the south city gate, there was a noise coming from there, it was very With a lively look, he was stunned, "Isn't that true... Could it be that Titus Assassin has already killed him?"

Lansa, who is not familiar with martial skills, can see that something is wrong, Andre is naturally faster and his face is brighter. He sank in an instant: "His Royal Highness, let's go back immediately!"

Although his attitude towards being assassinated was very casual, he didn't think that Assassin, who had high hopes for the Titus Empire, would be so inferior and was discovered as soon as he came . But when it came to safety, Lansa quickly got up from the steps. This is not a disagreement, nor is it fear, but respect for Andre and other guards. After all, her identity is enough to make her life involve several people and several serious situations. if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers!

However, this time, it was clear that there was nothing to worry about. Without waiting for the entire Lansa group to turn back to the City Lord's mansion, that is, the headquarters, they just met a scout who was rushing towards them.

"Sir, His Highness Tiu has gone outside the city, and the general has ordered me to inform you to come and greet you." With a normal tone and attitude, it is impossible for a scout of this level to know Lansa's true identity.

"Brother...His Royal Highness Theu?" Lansa and Andre looked at each other in dismay, both were startled. In their identities, Tiu came back impossible not to know. But now that he is so surprised, it can only mean that this Tiu did not notify anyone, it was a temporary move.

Immediately, different reactions. Lansa was very happy and ordered a turnaround, heading south to the city gate. Andre brows slightly wrinkle, and seems to feel that something is wrong...



At this time, it is more than 100 kilometers away from the small town on the mountain road.

This is appreciated, it just feels different...Tang En who caressed the giant wolf under him, looked around with carefree, and was in a good mood. Especially seeing those Dark Snake Guards who had angry eyes and could only run on their legs, they felt that the weather was fine and the cold wind had become much warmer.

Tang En is still sending information, but unlike the ordinary scouts before, he is now a person with status. According to the envy of several people in Temur, that is, he is going to develop.

The person who was called the general last night was the supreme commander of that army, the Great General Hugula of Zhennan. He appreciates Tang En's bravery very much, and he personally promised to promote Tang En as one of the Captains of the Guards after his return from the Quest, and follow him.

Of course, Tang En is not interested in this promotion, but he is very satisfied with the additional effects and benefits that this promotion produces. Let's not talk about anything else, take this Quest as an example, although it is the same information transmission, but unlike the previous drilling in the valleys, he now has a seat, and under his body is this strong and fierce man wearing blue armor. giant wolf!

This is the standard mount of the Northern Wilderness elite troops, the wilderness wolf rider, and also the mount of some officers and generals. Logically speaking, neither Tang En's previous status as a common scout, nor his status as a Captain in the Guards after being reported, is not qualified to own such a mount. But now he is sitting in a grand manner, which can also show that the barbarian Great General values him.

He also deserves this respect. Although his status in this intelligence square is not the highest, no one dares to offend him. Those accompanying Dark Snake Guards hated him so much that they gnash the teeth, but after he cast their eyes, they had to bow their heads to acknowledge allegiance.

Tang En doesn't care if these Dark Snake Guards acknowledge allegiance, what he cares about is that with this layer of tiger skin, he will have a lot less trouble, which is undoubtedly beneficial to the plan.

Well, that's a good sign...



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